日下部 眞一
環境科学研究 = Studies of environmental sciences (ISSN:18817696)
vol.7, pp.13-41, 2012

A previous report (Kusakabe, 2011, in Japanese) warned about an interpretation of a scatter diagram with coordinates expressed in the percentages or per capita data. Since most of the social indicators obey the Law of Power Function (Kusakabe, 2011), the scatter diagram of such indicaters in terms of ratio (percentage or per capita) inevitably shows positive or negative spurious correlations in cross section data analysis, irrespective of the causation. These spurious correlations are induced by the population size effect. Here, I will critically examine Putnam's Social Capital Index (SCI) in "Bowling Alone, Part 4." Putnam's SCI is highly correlated with the population size (Fig.12; R=-0.487**). Path analysis shows clear effect of population size on Putnam's SCI (Fig. 15(2)). Thus, Putnam's SCI inevitably induces both spurious correlations with most of the various social indicators and strong bias in his estimates for Social Capital Index. However, if we exclude the population size effect from Putnam's SCI using a regression method,the resulting regression residuals (adjusted SCI or the Regression-based score, R-score, defined by Kusakabe 2002a,b,c in Japanese) almost coincide with a Regression-based score of the number of nonprofit organizations in the United States (Fig.16(1),(2), R=0.663**).Both of the Regression-based scores of Putnam's SCI(adjusted SCI) and those of NPOs significantly correlate with the Regression-based scores of murders (Fig.20(1),21(1); R=-0.776**and -0.605**, respectively). Path analyses on both Putnam's adjusted SCI and R-score for NPOs clearly show the strong effect on the R-score for murders (Fig.20(2),21(2); pass coefficient, -0.776** and -0.605**, respectively). These results disclose firm evidences for "cultural embeddedness" of Social Capital in the United States. Thus, Social Capital, indeed, can be measurable with these Regression -based scores for the number of nonprofit organizations or Putnam's adjusted SCI (Regression-based SCI score).The revised version of Putnam's barometric map of America's Social Capital (Figure 25) is successfully presented in this study in terms of R-score for nonprofit organizations in the United States of America.2013年12月17日PDFファイル更新
入戸野 宏
人間科学研究 = Studies in human sciences (ISSN:18817688)
vol.4, pp.19-35, 2009

"Kawaii," which is often translated into English as cute, is regarded as a key concept characterizing modern Japanese culture. Many books and articles are published on this subject; however, these discussions are mostly based in humanities or social sciences. This paper provides the basic data and a framework for research on the concept of "kawaii" from a behavioral science perspective. First, I describe the dictionary meaning and history of "kawaii." Second, I investigate its frequency and familiarity in the Japanese language corpus: "kawaii" is used less often than "utsukushii" or "kirei" (both of which mean beautiful) in the written language, but is rated as being the most familiar among the three. Third, a total of 685 Japanese university students between 18 and 22 years of age answered three questionnaires, the results of which suggest the following: (1) the word "kawaii" has connotations of helpless, weak, small, loose, slow, lightweight, approachable, and familiar; (2) female students tend to apply "kawaii" to a wider range of objects (including adults and artifacts) more often than male students; (3) almost all female students find human babies "kawaii," whereas about 20% of male students do not; (4) about 90% of male and female students fi nd animals "kawaii;" (5) both male and female students are fond of and are interested in "kawaii" objects and believe that "kawaii" objects make them feel good and comforted; and, despite the above, (6) "kawaii" is rarely used as a standard of value for judging things. On the basis of these findings and in the light of past research, I propose a two-layer model of "kawaii" as a starting point for future empirical research. This model postulates that the base of "kawaii" is a positive emotion related to social motivation for protecting and nurturing others, which originally stems from affection toward babies and infants. In addition, it assumes that this cultureindependent, biological nature has been amplified and expanded by the characteristics of Japanese culture, suc
桑島 秀樹
人間科学研究 (ISSN:18817688)
vol.10, pp.59-69, 2015

本稿は, 18世紀イギリスの主要な美的カテゴリーたる「崇高(サブライム)」・「優美(グレイス)」・「絵様美(ピクチャレスク)」を, 「安芸ノ宮島」風景の美学的・芸術学的特性の分析に応用したものである。別言すれば, 宮島風景のもつ「聖性」と「美」の関係を比較美学ないしは応用芸術学の観点から論じた視覚感性文化論の試みといえる。なお, 分析に当たっては, 上記の美的カテゴリー論の採用にくわえ, 19世紀末から20世紀初頭にかけて活躍した, ユダヤ系ドイツ人哲学者G・ジンメルの「山岳美学(アルペン=エステティーク)」に見られた景観分析手法をも援用している。ジンメルによれば, 「山」の風景とは, 「山麓の草木」・「山腹の岩塊」・「山頂の氷雪」といった3つの異なるフェイズから成る。彼はこのような空間配置の差異に基づき, それぞれのトポス(場=景観)に働いている空間力学を考慮しながら、その美的特性のモードを分析・弁別していった。さて, 本稿でもジンメルに倣い, 宮島風景を, ①まずは「山頂部」の弥山を中心とする山林部(景観上層:垂直方向), ②次に, 「海と陸の境界部(インターフェイス)」にある厳島神社本殿と附属社殿群(景観中層:水平方向), ③最後に, 大鳥居を焦点に, 山・社・海が織りなす絵葉書的な全体景観(景観低層:垂直方向+水平方向/全方位的スペクタクル)に分け, これら3種のトポスに分割して考察を試みる。そして結論として, 各トポスの景観それぞれに働く視覚的・宗教的な感性力学の有様が描き出されることになろう。以下, 簡単に本稿各節のポイントを日本語で概括しておこう。第1節 「崇高(サブライム)」:弥山主霊峰・弥山は, 仏教上の「須弥山」に由来する。海面から屹立する峰々は「自然曼荼羅」である。宮島はまた, 人間を寄せつけない「神の島(斎島)」でもあった。アニミスティックな古神道的な世界観からすれば, 原生林上部に位置する弥山の巨岩山塊部は, 神々の降臨する「磐座(いわくら)」だ。ここに偉大な神々の顕現を想うとき, そこに《崇高》が現出する。第2節 「優美(グレイス)」:厳島神社山から神が降り海から人が来て, インタラクティヴな交流・交感が起こる場所。そこに厳島神社の社殿はある。「聖」と「俗」(「山」と「海」/「天」と「地」/「彼岸」と「此岸」)が融けあうインターフェイス(境界/界面)に, 水鳥が羽を広げたように, 平安・寝殿造の《優美》な姿が浮遊する(じっさい社殿のもつ建築学的「浮板」構造は, 暴風対策以上の感性的含意をもつものなのだ)。この構造は, しなやかに謡い舞う平安貴族の女性的美の象徴を具現しているといってもよかろう。第3節 「絵様美(ピクチャレスク)」:大鳥居と山・社・海の統一対岸から宮島に向かうと, 朱の大鳥居を焦点(ないしフレーム)として, 美しい弧の曲線を描く「白沙青松」の入江が奥まったところに《優美》な厳島神社が見える。社殿から右後方へと原生林が迫りあがる。その先には霊峰の《崇高》な雄姿。ここにダイナミックに展開する全方位的なスペクタクル, すなわち「海」・「社」・「山」の景観が綜合的に紡ぐ「多様性の統一」こそ, まさに《絵様美(ピクチャレスク)》となる。こんなわけで, 「日本三景」に数えられる宮島の「美」とは, 多様な絵画的パースペクティヴが混淆した精華だと考えることができよう。以上を踏まえたうえで, 対岸から「生も死もなき聖島」宮島を訪問する者の眼を借り, もういちど具体的な宮島風景に即して確認すれば, こうなろうか。屹立する弥山山頂の巨石群は, 天上世界の領域に属し, 神々の降臨する磐座だ。これは《崇高(サブライム)》出来を予期させるトポスとなっている。山からは神々, 海からは人々が来て交流・交歓・交易が起こる。まさに「彼岸」と「此岸」が触れあい, 融けあうのが, この寝殿造の浮遊する社殿。そこはまた, 能や舞を奉納する場であり, たおやかなダイナミックスがそこに生じ, この地上世界で《優美(グレイス)》が姿を現わす。対岸から宮島へ向かって, 「日本三景」と謳われる島全体を見渡してみよう。とりあえず船で近づくと想ってほしい(が, しかし, 場合によっては想像力を駆使して, もっとダイナミックに大鳥居をかすめる鳥の眼となって, 上空から社殿さらに弥山に迫ってもよかろう)。まずは海中に屹立する朱の大鳥居を焦点(アイ・キャッチャー)に, おおきく弧をなして展開する白沙青松の浜の海岸線が眼に入る。入江の奥まったところに, あたかも水鳥が羽を広げてやすらうがごとき神社社殿が鎮座する。否, 軽やかに浮かんでいるのが見える。社殿の背後から右後方へと――すくなくとも視覚的には――社殿裏の社叢林から山腹の原生林までがひと筋に連なり, そのまま急激に迫りあがる。視点を尾根づたいに急上昇させれば, そこに主霊峰群の峻厳な雄姿がぱっと現れ出づるだろう。畏怖すべき神々と出逢う領域へのまなざしがそこにはある。遠来の参拝客は, 船で大鳥居をかすめて上陸を果たし, 社殿の参道を一歩また一歩と社殿に近づきあゆむ。そのとき彼の眼に展開する「海」・「社」・「山」が織りなす多様な美的景観の動性は, 「絵葉書」(あるいは,江戸期なら名所図会)に象徴的に切り取られるがごとき《絵様美(ピクチャレスク)》として映じよう。数種の「美」「聖性」が宮島の各トポスに立ち現れている。しかしながら, それらはみごとな配置とバランスをもつがゆえ, 統合的に享受されうるものである。まさしく絶妙な感性力学が, つねにこの島の風景には働いているわけだ。安芸ノ宮島では, このような「美」の競演のダイナミクスが, その風景美の秘密を構成しているのである。The aesthetics of the "Aki-no-Miyajima (安芸ノ宮島)" landscape in Hiroshima constitute a form of scientific application of several western aesthetic categories to a specific Japanese site. Specially speaking, this study considers the adoption of 《the Sublime》, 《Grace》, and 《the Picturesque》, which were flourished and discussed in Europe (especially in Britain) around the 18th century, for one of the Best Three Views among Japan.Additionally the present paper also incorporates the analytic method of "die Alpen-ästhetik" from Georg Simmel's Philosophische Kultur (1911). The Jewish-German philosopher divided the landscape of the Alps into the three aspects: grass-fields at the mountain-foot, rocky massif at the mountain-side, and perpetual snow at the heavenly peak.Now we will make full use of the three aesthetic categories and Simmel's method, and examine to treat the rocky and rugged peak of Mt. "Misen (弥山)" in terms of 《the Sublime》, the floating "Itsukushimajinja (厳島神社)" shrine between land and sea (or heaven and earth, or gods and human beings) in terms of 《Grace》, and the entire landscape of the integrated parts: mountains, coastal lines, and shrines with the large red "Oh-torii (大鳥居)" gate in the sea in terms of《the Picturesque》.The paper may also illustrate the reason why the Miyajima landscape has ever been called one of the "Nippon-sankei (日本三景)", The Best Three Views of Japan, defined by Shunsai HAYASHI (林春斎), a Confucian scholar at the early Edo period. And finally we will find it here a contest of the various sorts of the beauty, or their secret co-existence.
井原 なみは 入戸野 宏
広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 (ISSN:18817688)
no.6, pp.13-17, 2011-12-31

"Kawaii" is a Japanese word that is translated as cute in English. This word becomes popular worldwide and is regarded as a key concept characterizing modern Japanese culture. However, the word is used so widely in daily life that it is difficult to define what is kawaii and what makes things kawaii. Ethologists have suggested that baby schema, a set of physical features of baby animals, is a key stimulus to elicit the feeling of cuteness. In this study, we examined the relationship between the feeling of cuteness and the infantility of various objects in a survey of 166 university students. First, we collected 93 animate and inanimate objects that are sometimes described as kawaii. Half of the raters (n = 84) made the cuteness ratings of the 93 items (either words or short phrases), while the other half (n = 82) made the infantility ratings of these items. Consistent with the baby schema hypothesis, the ratings of cuteness and infantility were moderately correlated (rs = .50 and .45 for men and women, respectively). However, there was a cluster of items that were rated as cute but not infant (e.g., smile, accessories, and pastel color), which are probably related to feminine culture. Moreover, women rated various items to be cuter than men did, while no gender difference was found for the infantility rating. The findings suggest that, although the feeling of kawaii is elicited by baby schema and infantility, its scope is not limited to them.
材木 和雄
環境科学研究 (ISSN:18817696)
vol.4, pp.51-75[含 英語文要旨], 2009

Yugoslav war in 1991-1995 created the largest number of refugees and displaced persons since the end of World War II in Europe. As for Croatia, approximately 950,000 people were forced to leave their home during the war. The ethnic breakdown was the Croats 550,000 and the Serbs 400,000.After Dayton-Paris Agreement in the end of 1995, refugees and displaced persons started returning to their former areas of residence. As far as the Croats concerned, it can be said that the process of return has almost completed. In contrast to this, the return of Croatian Serbs refugees has been delayed considerably. So far only 100,000 people have returned home from abroad and two third of refugees are remaining out of the country.Among the various kinds of obstacles to return of Croatian Serbs refugees, the author regards the housing problem as the biggest one. Indeed, there are two kinds of housing problem, according to the type of ownership. One is the right of occupancy in the socially owned apartment and another is reconstruction and restitution of private houses of Serb refugees. In this paper the author focuses on the former problem.Before the war, most of urban inhabitants in Croatia lived in apartments owned by the state or state enterprises, often referred to as "socially owned apartments". The right to use a socially owned apartment apartment–frequently referred to as the right of tenancy–was protected by the law and more like the concept of property right. However, during the war and immediately afterwards, the government terminated these rights retained by the Croatian Serbs who had been long absent from home because of the war. New tenants–frequently the Bosnian Croats moved into their apartments and occupied them legally or illegally.Then the government started privatizing the socially owned apartments and sold them to the tenants for reduced-prices. The apartments in which the Croatian Serbs lived were privatized too and transformed into private possession. It became impossible for them to repossess their apartments. Therefore, so far very few Serbs refugees have returned home in urban areas in Croatia.The author saws a retributive thinking in the measures the government took. Such a kind of policy was unfortunately repeated in the history of Yugoslavia. It can be considered an expression of Balkan politics. However, nowadays Croatia ratifi ed various kind of international convention on human rights, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.Therefore, Croatia must take effective measures to review its policies, and to change any laws that have the effect of creating discrimination. The author thinks that then Croatia can enter into a new stage of its history.
彦坂(片山) 智恵 彦坂 暁
広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 (ISSN:18817688)
no.5, pp.39-46, 2010-12-31

Waminoa sp. is an acoelomorph worm that infests corals and harbors two species of dinofl agellates, Amphidinium sp. and Symbiodinium sp.. These symbiotic algae are inherited vertically from parent to offspring during oogenesis. In this study, we established a method for artificial breeding of Waminoa sp., as the first step toward using Waminoa sp. in the study of the mechanism underlying animal–algal symbiosis and the evolution of this symbiosis. We developed a system in which an aquarium circulated approximately 80 L of artifi cial seawater between an upper aquarium and a lower sump, each of which was 45 cm × 30 cm × 35 cm in size and contained 40 L of seawater. Water flowed into the upper aquarium from the sump alternately through a pipe outlet. The upper aquarium contained the hard coral Symphyllia valenciennesii, live rocks, and a layer of fine sand. A 150-W metal halide lamp was suspended over the aquarium to aid photosynthesis. The system was maintained at a salinity of 32–33 ppt and a temperature of 23°C, on a 14-h light (17–50 μmol quanta m-2s-1) : 10-h dark photoperiod. We succeeded in producing almost every stage of the life cycle of Waminoa sp., including the zygote, embryo, larva, juvenile, and adult stages, independent of seasons. In addition, we developed an artificial oviposition procedure that involved isolation from coral in the mature stage. The system developed in this study will serve as a foundation for future studies on acoel–algal symbiosis.
佐竹 昭
文明科学研究 (ISSN:1881770X)
vol.11, pp.1-23, 2016

Before World War II, a number of families who had been iron makers for generations, going back to the Edo period, owned vast natural forests in the Okuizumo district in Shimane Prefecture called Tetsuzan (literally, "iron forest"), from which they obtained charcoal for the production of iron. It has not been clear until now how they accumulated these forests. By close examination of documents from the Edo period, which have been preserved by the iron makers' families, I gathered concrete evidence that they accumulated the vast forest areas by purchase.In this paper, I show chronologically how the Tetsuzan were purchased by iron makers in Nita County, a territory of Matsue Feudal Domain, in the early Edo period. After determining the precise location of these Tetsuzan and locating them on a map, I was able to observe the process of expansion of the iron manufacturing enterprises. As a result, I was able to determine that the five iron makers had already been establishing large-scale enterprises in Nita County early in the eighteenth century and that Matsue Domain protected them by carrying out an iron manufacturing policy called Tetsukata-Housiki in 1726.本稿の一部は、中国四国地理学歴史学協会2016年度大会日本史学部会で報告したものである。
鎌田 彩夏 佐々木 丈予 関矢 寛史
広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 (ISSN:18817688)
vol.9, pp.9-15, 2014-12-31

The first purpose of this study was to investigate what motivated spectators to attend games of the Hiroshima Toyo Carp (Carp). The second purpose was to investigate the influence of previous attendance at Carp games in 2012 and seat types on the motivation for attending games. Among the spectators of baseball games that took place on September 18 and 19, 2012 at the Mazda Zoom-Zoom Stadium Hiroshima (Mazda Stadium), 467 completed a questionnaire. The questionnaire included items related to demographic information, the number of times the spectators had watched games at Mazda Stadium that year, the type of seat they occupied on the day, the team they supported that day, their favorite team, and 17 motivation items from a modified version of the Sport Spectator Motivation Scale. The results showed that the spectators were strongly motivated by "pleasure of spectating games," "devotion to the Carp," and "exciting play." Motivation scores for "devotion to the Carp," "attachment to Hiroshima," and "cheering" increased as the number of previous attendance increased. The scores for "being invited by friends or family members" and "spending time with friends or their boyfriend or girlfriend" were higher for spectators occupying group seats than those in individual seats. These results suggest that increasing the number of spectators at Mazda Stadium games demands multiple strategies to match spectators' needs.
材木 和雄
環境科学研究 = Studies of environmental sciences (ISSN:18817696)
vol.10, pp.41-78, 2015

One of the most serious problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is unemployment. According to government statistics, almost half of the working population in the country is registered as unemployed with the public employment service. Employment is one of the preconditions for survival of minority returnees in BiH. However, resolving the unemployment problem is essential not only for minorities but also for the entire nation. This paper examines the problems around unemployment and job creation in BiH. The main findings of the research are as follows.Massive employment losses have occurred in the last 25 years in BiH. The main reason is the destructive influence of the civil war in the early 1990s. However, the number of unemployed has increased in the postwar period. This has been partially caused by the failure of privatization programs.According to "Labor force survey BiH," the labor force participation rate for 2006–2014 was 52%–54%. This is nearly 20% lower than the average of advanced countries. This fact reflects the scarcity of job opportunities in BiH.The unemployment rate is particularly high among the young. For example, the unemployment rate for those aged 15–24 years was 62% in 2014. A big problem is that thousands of young people who went into higher education and obtained qualifications have left the country for work elsewhere.The extremely severe employment situation has encouraged the escalation of two negative phenomena in BiH. One is unregistered work. In this type of employment, employers neglect their duty to give workers social insurance. Thus, they escape from their obligation to pay contributions for social insurance. The controls on illegal employers need to be enhanced.Another problem is nepotism, the unfair practice of those in positions of power giving jobs to their family and friends. In the public sector in BiH, a very small number of people obtain work easily through nepotism, while the rest, who have no influential connections, face great difficulty obtaining work. The solution to this problem requires corrective and preventive action against nepotism. This includes the introduction of a transparent system of recruitment.Employment creation is indispensable to solving the unemployment problem. This requires a strategic economic development plan in which the country's potential resources are fully utilized. It also demands the elimination of obstacles to start-ups and investment from home and abroad.
材木 和雄
環境科学研究 = Studies of environmental sciences (ISSN:18817696)
vol.10, pp.41-78, 2015

One of the most serious problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is unemployment. According to government statistics, almost half of the working population in the country is registered as unemployed with the public employment service. Employment is one of the preconditions for survival of minority returnees in BiH. However, resolving the unemployment problem is essential not only for minorities but also for the entire nation. This paper examines the problems around unemployment and job creation in BiH. The main findings of the research are as follows.Massive employment losses have occurred in the last 25 years in BiH. The main reason is the destructive influence of the civil war in the early 1990s. However, the number of unemployed has increased in the postwar period. This has been partially caused by the failure of privatization programs.According to "Labor force survey BiH," the labor force participation rate for 2006–2014 was 52%–54%. This is nearly 20% lower than the average of advanced countries. This fact reflects the scarcity of job opportunities in BiH.The unemployment rate is particularly high among the young. For example, the unemployment rate for those aged 15–24 years was 62% in 2014. A big problem is that thousands of young people who went into higher education and obtained qualifications have left the country for work elsewhere.The extremely severe employment situation has encouraged the escalation of two negative phenomena in BiH. One is unregistered work. In this type of employment, employers neglect their duty to give workers social insurance. Thus, they escape from their obligation to pay contributions for social insurance. The controls on illegal employers need to be enhanced.Another problem is nepotism, the unfair practice of those in positions of power giving jobs to their family and friends. In the public sector in BiH, a very small number of people obtain work easily through nepotism, while the rest, who have no influential connections, face great difficulty obtaining work. The solution to this problem requires corrective and preventive action against nepotism. This includes the introduction of a transparent system of recruitment.Employment creation is indispensable to solving the unemployment problem. This requires a strategic economic development plan in which the country's potential resources are fully utilized. It also demands the elimination of obstacles to start-ups and investment from home and abroad.
池田 佳代
文明科学研究 (ISSN:1881770X)
vol.5, pp.35-52, 2010

The use of the term "One Guam" has assumed prominence in relation to military realignment in Guam within high profile speeches by political leaders in the U.S., both on local and federal levels. One Guam represents federal financial assistances to the civilian community of the island affected by the current federal build-up plan, linking civilian affairs and military affairs. Historically, the island has been divided under the control of two administrations: the civilian community under the Government of Guam and the military community under the U.S. Department of Defense. Though the U.S. Department of the Interior supervises federal government's administration over the island, there is no federal agency that is responsible for financing the island's civilian affairs. As a result, in spite of the fact that the civilian infrastructures were found to be insufficient to support the implementation of the build-up plan, there was little national budget allocated to improve the situation.Initially articulated by the U.S. Department of the Navy and the Government of Guam, the discourse of One Guam has been successful in making the issue a political agenda on a federal level. This article argues that the U.S. Navy Department and the Government of Guam allied centering on the discourse and appealed it to the President and the Congress in order to explore a new channel to engage the U.S. Department of Defense with civilian affairs on Guam. Despite different notions on the "civilian community," the U.S. Navy Department and the local government nonetheless cooperated in promoting One Guam because they shared a stake in getting financial assistances from federal agencies.Meanwhile, the discourse has been extended to elements of U.S. military strategies by the Obama administration. This extension of the discourse of One Guam within the public sphere was followed by political actions on a federal level. The U.S. Congress recognized that Guamanians' loyalty to the U.S. during the World War II is integral to the successful military build-up on the island. Meanwhile, the President of the U.S. made it clear that he would promote "One Guam, Green Guam," to realize a "sustainable Guam." This paper explores the discursive return to Guamanian loyalty as a component of successful military realignment on Guam and argues that the Obama administration aims at realizing "sustainable Guam" in order to show enduring commitment of the U.S. to the Asia Pacific.One Guam was originally a means to attain federal assistance for the island's civilian community, but has evolved into an integral part of the U.S. national security strategy.
井原 なみは 入戸野 宏
人間科学研究 (ISSN:18817688)
vol.7, pp.37-42, 2012

In Japan, the word kawaii ("cute" or "adorable" in English) has become difficult to define because it is widely used for describing various objects. This study attempted to find common psychological factors in the feelings of kawaii toward different types of objects. Both male and female university students (N = 180) rated their feelings on six 5-point scales after imagining a scene in which they encountered each of four types of kawaii objects: objects with baby schema (e.g., infants, baby animals), humans (e.g., women, smiles), inanimate objects (e.g., accessories, sweets), and idiosyncratic objects (e.g., lizards, mushrooms). The scales consisted of two adjectives ("kawaii," "infantile"), two scales of approach motivation ("want to be closer to it," "want to keep it nearby"), and two scales of nurturance motivation ("want to help it when it is in trouble," "want to protect it"). Results show that kawaii and infantility ratings were correlated with each other only moderately. Partial correlation analyses revealed that higher kawaii ratings were associated with higher approach motivation, but not with higher nurturance motivation, across four categories. The findings were inconsistent with the baby schema hypothesis, which holds that the feeling of kawaii is linked with caregiving and protection for the young and the weak. Rather, the results suggest that the scope of kawaii is not limited to baby schema and that the feeling of kawaii can be better conceptualized as a positive emotion with strong approach motivation.
友原 嘉彦
広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. II, 環境科学研究 (ISSN:18817696)
vol.6, pp.91-93, 2011-12-31

The purpose of this study is to examine how the historic cities of the new federal German states (former German Democratic Republic=GDR) play a role in peripheral tourism regions. Mountainous, lakeside and seaside regions were chosen as examples.
材木 和雄
環境科学研究 (ISSN:18817696)
vol.2, pp.19-42, 2007

Yugoslavia was attacked by Nazi-Germany on April 6, 1941. The king and the government left the country by air on April 15 for exile. The Royal Yugoslav Army capitulated to the Axis Forces on April 17, just eleven days later from the outbreak of war. The Germans immediately dismembered the conquered country. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was not only militarily defeated in war but also deprived of the right to exist as a state.Before the Second World War the Yugoslav Army had a great prestige in Europe based on its contribution to the victory of the Allied Forces in the First Word War. Though encircled Yugoslavia's ultimate defeat was admittedly inevitable, it was nevertheless a great surprise that its Army presented only feeble performance and defeated within so short a time. Therefore immediately after the occupation of Yugoslavia the concerned parties began inquiring the reason and responsibility for such a disgraceful collapse of the Army and the Kingdom.During the World War Serbian nationalist claimed that the treacherous behavior of Croats and other non-Serbian people of Yugoslavia was the main reason for a quick breakup of the Kingdom in April war of 1941. Though Communist party of Yugoslavia sharply objected to such claims, the decline and end of Communist control made it possible for these ideas to gain foothold in modern Serbian history. Naturally these theories were met by backlash of Croatian historians.Considering such controversy, this article pointed out three reasons. The first factor was Yugoslav military unpreparedness. Surely the Yugoslav high command must have expected German armed intervention as an aftermath of the anti-Tripartite Pact coup on March 27 1941. However, when the German forces struck, the mobilization and concentration of Yugoslav defense forces had hardly begun. In the end, Yugoslavia was less than half mobilized.The second factor was deficiency of defense plans. Before the war the Yugoslav General Staff worked out three defense plans one. However, all of these plans committed to a cordon type defense. Instead of massing their forces around strategic points, the Yugoslav command chose to scatter its forces and spread them along the entire perimeter of the country's frontier. It was easy for the German highly mechanized attack forces to break through the poor Yugoslav defense lines.The third factor was the lack of fighting sprits among major elements of the Yugoslav Army. Shortly after the Germans attacked, entire Croat units simply threw away and quit fighting. There can be little doubt years of antagonism between the Serbs and Croats had a great influence over their morale. However, the persistence was missing among Serb elements of the Army. Good evidence is as follows. The German troops which started from Bulgaria and charged forward through mid-Serbia reached to Beograd almost the same time that other troops which advanced through the plain of Slavonia, although mountainous terrain in southeast Yugoslavia gave the defender a certain advantage over highly mechanized attack force.The author thinks that the Kingdom still had a prospect to continue to resist even after its formal capitulation. However, the royal government deserted the country so hasty that it lost the public confidence and ultimately precluded the possibility to rebuild the nation after the War.