植村 恒仁 Uemura Tsunehito 宮原 ひろ子 Miyahara Hiroko 村木 綏 Muraki Yasushi 増田 公明 Masuda Kimiaki
vol.13, pp.110-117, 2002-03

It is known that the periods when solar activity was extremely weak (so-called grand minima) existed several times in the last 1000 years. It is reported by Kocharov et al. that the solar activity periodicity during the Maunder minimum was not the 11 year variation but the 22 year variation. What does the cycle of 22 years mean? Does the periodicity of 22 years exist also in the minima other than the Maunder minimum? We have investigated the solar activity of the Sporer minimum, which preceded the Maunder minimum, in order to understand the periodicity of solar activity during the minima. Both the liquid scintillation method and the accelerator mass spectrometry method (AMS method) were used for measuring the ^<14>C concentration in annual tree rings.
宇田津 徹朗 Udatsu Tetsuro
vol.24, pp.113-122, 2013-03

In order to study about the formation and development of the rice paddy cultivation technology in East Asia, it is important to arrange correctly the result (data) taken in various fields, such as agriculture, botany, and archaeology, in the time and space. This report is discussing rice paddy cultivation of East Asia, introducing the result of the field survey in China or Japan. And, I also introduce about a part of result of the study (Study on age determination by carbon in plant opal collected from ancient agricultural field) which we are tackling now.
中村 俊夫 宇田津 徹朗 田崎 博之 外山 秀一 杉山 真二 松田 隆二 Nakamura Toshio Udatsu Tetsuro Tazaki Hiroyuki Toyama Shuichi Sugiyama Shinji Matsuda Ryuji
vol.24, pp.123-132, 2013-03

To measure 14C age directly on plant opal itself with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), we have extracted carbon contained in plant-opal samples separated from modern lining plants as well as ancient soil deposits at archeological sites, in particular, rice field remains. Carbon dioxide was separated and collected from plant-opal samples by using a radio-frequency furnace (HF-1O, Leco Corporation) which is used successfully to extract carbon in the metal iron. Carbon content of plant opal is not clearly known, and yields of CO2 from p1ant-opal samples were very low (<0.1%) in our experiment Nagoya University AMS 14C dating laboratory. We have conducted CO2 extraction for 15 samples, and we can get enough CO2 from only three samples to perform 14C dating even with AMS. The obtained 14C ages were a few thousand years older than expectations on the basis of archeological aspects. Even more, plant-opal samples extracted from modern living plants showed 14C ages as old as 3-6 ka BP. This implies that carbon in plant opal is not derived from carbon incorporated into the plants by photosynthesis. More studies are required to apply routinely 14C dating of plant-opal material.
南 雅代 Minami Masayo 中村 俊夫 Nakamura Toshio 平田 和明 Hirata Kazuaki 長岡 朋人 Nagaoka Tomohito 鵜澤 和宏 Hoshino Keigo
vol.18, pp.134-143, 2007-03

During the past several decades, many medieval skeletons were excavated from archaeological sites in the Yuigahama area, Kamakura, Japan. The excavations yielded more than 5,000 individuals in varying states of preservation from the Zaimokuza, Seiyokan, Yuigahama-minami and Chusei Shudan Bochi sites. Medieval Kamakura was an ancient capital of the Kamakura Shogunate, and a lot of people lived in Kamakura with high population density. The human skeletons excavated from the Zaimokuza site are reported to be humans dead by competition at the end of the Kamakura Shogunate, but a detailed study on dating of the human skeletons has not made yet. In this study, we measured ^<14>C ages, together with carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, of human skeletal remains excavated from the Yuigahama-minami site and Chusei Shudan Bochi site. The δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N were not different between human skeletal samples of both sites, while the ^<14>C ages were different between them: The human bones of the Yuigahama-minami site are 100 year younger than those of the medieval collective-cemetery site. All of ages of human skeletons from both of the sites are older than the latest Kamakura period. The δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N values of the medieval Kamakura people are higher than those of terrestrial mammals, indicating that they exploited some amount of marine fish and/or mammals with higher δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N as protein sources. Therefore, the ^<14>C ages obtained for human skeletons could be order than the true ages. ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr isotopic ratios of human skeletons of the Yuigahama-minami site tend to be higher than those of the Chusei Shudan Bochi site. Soils, plants and animals feeding on them in a given locality have ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr values that generally mirror underlying bedrock composition, and thus ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr ratios of human skeletons are useful tools for assessing migration in prehistory. The result obtained in this study suggests that Yuigahama-minami humans and Chusei Shudan Bochi humas lived in different areas. More skeleton samples should be analyzed for determining detailed ^<14>C ages of humans excavated from the Yuigahama sites, and for estimating migration of prehistory of the medieval Kamakura humans.
石田 泰弘 Isida Yasuhiro
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
vol.5, pp.98-120, 1994-03

名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム報告 [タンデトロン加速器質量分析計を用いた14C年代測定の利用による考古学・文化財科学研究の新展開] Proceedings of Symposium on Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer, Nagoya University\“New Developments in Studies on Archeology and Cultural Assets by Using 14C dates Measured with the Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer”
守屋 以智雄 奥野 充 中村 俊夫
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
no.6, pp.82-91, 1995-03

名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(1994年度)報告 [タンデトロン加速器質量分析計を用いた14C年代測定の利用による火山噴火史研究の新展開] Proceedings of Symposium on Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer, Nagoya University "New Developments in Studies on the History of Volcanic Eruptions by Using 14C dates Measured with the Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer"
宮原 ひろ子 Miyahara Hiroko 毛受 弘彰 Menjo Hiroaki 桑名 宏輔 Kuwana Kousuke 増田 公明 Masuda Kimiaki 村木 綏 Muraki Yasushi 中村 俊夫 Nakamura Toshio
vol.16, pp.57-64, 2005-03

This paper presents the variation of solar activity during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715 AD) deducted from radiocarbon content in tree-rings. Radiocarbon is produced by the galactic cosmic rays, which are modulated by the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field in the heliosphere. The production rate of radiocarbon, therefore, reflects the state of solar magnetic activity. Most distinct index of solar magnetic activity it the group sunspot number. The variations of sunspot number have shown clear cyclicity since the 18^<th> century with average length being about eleven years. The sunspots, however, have once almost disappeared during the period of 1645-1715 AD due to extraordinary weakening of solar activity. This period has been called as the Maunder Minimum. There is no remarkable cyclicity in the sunspot variations. We, therefore, investigated the cyclicity of radiocarbon content in tree rings from the Maunder Minimum in order to clarify the characteristics of solar activity during this period. We compared two radiocarbon records obtained newly by our group and by Stuiver et al. The results of frequency analyses have shown that solar magnetic reversals had maintained through the Maunder Minimum and that the length of the "eleven-year" cycle was stretched to 13-15 years.
中村 俊夫 太田 友子 山田 哲也 Nakamura Toshio Ohta Tomoko Yamada Tetsuya
vol.26, pp.150-155, 2015-03

It is well known that ages of ancient iron artifacts can be measured by using carbon contained in the iron artifacts. As a simple method of carbon extraction from iron artifacts, a normal quartz tube is used for metal iron combustion at the temperature of 1000℃ for about 15 hrs. We tested the quartz tube method of metal iron combustion successfully for metal iron in fine fragment forms and reported the results previously. In Japan, iron rust samples are commonly excavated from archeological sites of the Kofun period and after. We have tested to collect carbon from iron rust samples successfully by the quartz tube method of iron-rust combustion at 850℃ for 3 hr. We have experienced that quartz tubes were broken twice during combustion: at 900℃ for 8 hr and at 850℃ for 3 hr. 14C age, 524±25 BP, was obtained for an iron rust sample from a ruin of Fe manufacturing site worked at 1850s in Saga city, Saga Prefecture, Japan. The 14C age was too old compared with the estimated age of the site. 14C ages were also obtained for three rusty nail samples as 2949 -3244 BP. The results suggested a possibility of modern carbon contamination in considerable amount during rust process of metal iron that was produced by using coal as a heating fuel as well as material to reduce iron oxide ore.名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム報告
中川 毅
vol.9, pp.244-252, 1998-03

フランス南部および中部アルプス地方の9地点から堆積物試料を採取し、層準によって化石花粉に富んだ密度フラクションまたは陸上起源の大型植物遺骸を抽出し、それぞれに対してAMS年代測定をおこなった。花粉のフラクションの分離にあたっては、Regnell&Everitt(1996)によって提案された比重分離法を適用した。もっとも彼らの論文が示唆するところとは異なり、実際に抽出されたフラクションは、かならずしも花粉だけを純粋に含むものではなかった。年代測定の結果を比較・検討したところ、密度フラクションから得られる年代は、陸上起源の大型植物遺骸から得られる年代に対して、ほぼ一貫して古い値をしめすことが分かった。ただし分離されたフラクションがほぼ純粋に化石花粉を含む場合に限っては、両者の間に値の矛盾は見られなかった。このことは、年代のシフトには花粉遺骸の物質の混入が寄与していること、また、花粉が純粋な形で抽出できさえすれば、AMS年代測定用の適切な試料となりうることを示している。Regnell&Everittの方法は原状では完全なものではなく、このことは、その後の彼らとのpersonal communicationによっても裏付けられている。技術的な改善点としては、密度のさらなる細分化、シュルツ液の利用による炭素粒子の除去などが考えられ、これらの実施は当面の課題であろう。
福沢 仁之 FUKUSAWA Hitoshi 加藤 めぐみ KATO Megumi 山田 和芳 YAMADA Kazuyoshi 藤原 治 FUJIWARA Osamu 安田 喜憲 YASUDA Yoshinori
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
vol.9, pp.5-17, 1998-03 (Released:2010-05-18)

第10回名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成9 (1997)年度)報告 「最新型タンデトロン加速器質量分析計(加速器年代測定システム)による高精度・高分解能14C年代測定の利用分野・方法の開拓(II)」
辻 誠一郎 Tsuji Sei-ichiro
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
vol.10, pp.56-59, 1999-03 (Released:2010-05-25)

第11回名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成10 (1998)年度)報告 名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計第1号機の研究実績と1号機,2号磯の利用計画
山田 哲也 Yamada Tetsuya 塚本 敏夫 Tsukamoto Toshio 小野 直俊 Ono Naotoshi 小田 寛貴 Oda Hirotaka 中村 俊夫 Nakamura Toshio
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
vol.10, pp.87-96, 1999-03 (Released:2010-05-25)

第11回名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成10 (1998)年度)報告 名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計第1号機の研究実績と1号機,2号磯の利用計画
冨田 純治 鈴木 和博 Tomita Jun-ji Suzuki Kazuhiro
vol.25, pp.212-228, 2014-03

中川原 育子 谷口 陽子 佐藤 一郎 中村 俊夫 NAKAGAWARA Ikuko TANIGUCHI Yoko SATO Ichiro NAKAMURA Toshio
vol.23, pp.127-137, 2012-03 (Released:2013-06-06)

The Kizil Grottoes, the largest Buddhist monastery complex in the Xinjian region of China, is decorated with wall paintings - the chronological dates of which are still under debate. This study aims to give some clarification regarding the chronological dates using AMS-14C dating of chaff tempers taken from the earthen renders of the wall paintings. l4C studies previously carried out by Chinese and German researchers had resulted in divergent dates often extending back hundreds of years earlier than hypothesized within the chronology of art history, which has created confusion. Six samples from six wall painting fragments (Caves 8 [III8425], 38 [III8700], 171 [III8793, III8891], 207[III9148b(d)], and 224[III8865(a)]) held in collections at the Museum für Asiatische Kunst in Berlin were taken and analysed with 14C-AMS at the Center of Chronological Research at Nagoya University in Japan. As reference, nine dating results analysed between 1995 and 1998 at Nagoya University were also shown in the list. Dates were obtained for only three out of the six samples: cal AD 128-216 [Cave 8], cal AD 255-306 and cal AD 312-34 [Cave 171], and 90-70 cal BC [Cave 224]; most of these extended back earlier than reference 14C data from the Chinese and German studies and far earlier than dates suggested by the timeline of art history. Even the Chinese and German reference dates derived in the past from 14C analysis often show varied dates occurring earlier than those represented in art history. This may indicate that old chaff was used in renders for the Kizil wall paintings probably as a form of re-use of old mud bricks, or that the chronology of art history must be drastically reconsidered, both of which would require further AMS-14C dating studies with careful and comprehensive sampling from well-documented contexts.
植村 恒仁 Uemura Tsunehito 宮原 ひろ子 Miyahara Hiroko 村木 綏 Muraki Yasushi 増田 公明 Masuda Kimiaki
vol.13, pp.110-117, 2002-03 (Released:2010-06-01)

It is known that the periods when solar activity was extremely weak (so-called grand minima) existed several times in the last 1000 years. It is reported by Kocharov et al. that the solar activity periodicity during the Maunder minimum was not the 11 year variation but the 22 year variation. What does the cycle of 22 years mean? Does the periodicity of 22 years exist also in the minima other than the Maunder minimum? We have investigated the solar activity of the Sporer minimum, which preceded the Maunder minimum, in order to understand the periodicity of solar activity during the minima. Both the liquid scintillation method and the accelerator mass spectrometry method (AMS method) were used for measuring the ^<14>C concentration in annual tree rings.
西山 亨 村木 綏 コチャロフ グラント 増田 公明
vol.8, pp.24-27, 1997-03

名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成8年(1996年度)報告 「第2世代タンデトロン加速器質量分析計(加速器年代測定システム)による高精度・高分解能14C年代測定の利用分野・方法の開拓」 Proceedings of Symposium on Researches with a Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer at Nagoya University in 1996"Studies on New Fields and New Methods of Applications of High-Precision and High-Accuracy Radiocarbon Dating with a Second-Generation Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer at Nagoya University"日時:1997 (平成9)年3月10日 場所:名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター古川総合研究資料館講義室
工藤 雄一郎 小林 謙一 山本 直人 吉田 淳 中村 俊夫
vol.19, pp.79-84, 2008-03

第20回名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム平成19(2007)年度報告<第2部> Proceedings of the 20th symposiumon on Chronological Studies at the Nagoya University Center for Chronological Researchin 2007 日時:平成20 (2008)年1月10日(木)~11日(金) 会場:名古屋大学野依記念学術交流館 Date:January10th-11th, 2008 Venue:Nagoya Uhiversity Noyori Conference Hall
南 雅代 Minami Masayo 中村 俊夫 Nakamura Toshio 平田 和明 Hirata Kazuaki 長岡 朋人 Nagaoka Tomohito 鵜澤 和宏 Hoshino Keigo
vol.18, pp.134-143, 2007-03 (Released:2010-06-10)

During the past several decades, many medieval skeletons were excavated from archaeological sites in the Yuigahama area, Kamakura, Japan. The excavations yielded more than 5,000 individuals in varying states of preservation from the Zaimokuza, Seiyokan, Yuigahama-minami and Chusei Shudan Bochi sites. Medieval Kamakura was an ancient capital of the Kamakura Shogunate, and a lot of people lived in Kamakura with high population density. The human skeletons excavated from the Zaimokuza site are reported to be humans dead by competition at the end of the Kamakura Shogunate, but a detailed study on dating of the human skeletons has not made yet. In this study, we measured ^<14>C ages, together with carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, of human skeletal remains excavated from the Yuigahama-minami site and Chusei Shudan Bochi site. The δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N were not different between human skeletal samples of both sites, while the ^<14>C ages were different between them: The human bones of the Yuigahama-minami site are 100 year younger than those of the medieval collective-cemetery site. All of ages of human skeletons from both of the sites are older than the latest Kamakura period. The δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N values of the medieval Kamakura people are higher than those of terrestrial mammals, indicating that they exploited some amount of marine fish and/or mammals with higher δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N as protein sources. Therefore, the ^<14>C ages obtained for human skeletons could be order than the true ages. ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr isotopic ratios of human skeletons of the Yuigahama-minami site tend to be higher than those of the Chusei Shudan Bochi site. Soils, plants and animals feeding on them in a given locality have ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr values that generally mirror underlying bedrock composition, and thus ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr ratios of human skeletons are useful tools for assessing migration in prehistory. The result obtained in this study suggests that Yuigahama-minami humans and Chusei Shudan Bochi humas lived in different areas. More skeleton samples should be analyzed for determining detailed ^<14>C ages of humans excavated from the Yuigahama sites, and for estimating migration of prehistory of the medieval Kamakura humans.
柄沢 宏明 森 忍
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
vol.7, pp.276-277, 1996-03

タンデトロン加速器質量分析計業績報告 Summaries of Research Using AMS 1995(平成7)年度