吉川 耕司
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
no.14, pp.117-140, 2015

古久保 乾門 コクボ ソロモン Solomon KOKUBO
no.4, pp.13-31, 2005-06-30

The music of Naomi Shemer (1930-2004), one of the Israel's most prolific songwriters, has a deep relationship with the history of modern Israel: her songs have been called 'the diary of Israel'. She started her career as a composer and a songwriter in the period when Israel was granted independence. Through her music she played the role of a "spokesman" for Israeli people in every moment of the history of modern Israel, expressing the joy of the founding of the new nation, the pain of wars with neighboring countries, and prayers for peace. She wrote of the beauty of her homeland, 'the land of Israel', and her songs themselves became a home for the hearts of many Israeli people. Besides traditional songs, children growing up in the new Jewish society did not have any of their own songs, but Shemer satisfied this lack. This work briefly shows the life of Naomi Shemer and the character of her literature and music. It offers a commentary on phrases from Jewish traditional literature quoted in her masterpiece, Jerusalem of Gold, and searches for the reason why the piece acquired the title "the second national hymn of Israel".
前迫 ゆり マエサコ ユリ Yuri MAESAKO
vol.9, pp.79-96, 2010-03

多久和 文則 成山 公一
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.9, pp.211-222, 2010-03

まだ病名が付いていなかったHIV/AIDSが,1981年,アメリカで最初にメディアに報じられた時は『Medical Mystery(メディカルミステリー)』として騒がれていた。丁度その頃,多久和は1981年〜1982年にかけて米国ネブラスカ大学にバスケットボール留学,成山は1980年からオレゴン大学に居て,当時まだ名前もない原因不明の奇病に取り組む医師団が,宇宙服のような防護服を着てビニールカーテンの中で治療にあたっている様子を現地のニュースで見ていた。この病気がAIDSと病名付けられたのは1982年である。その数年後,世界AIDSデー参加のために来日したHIV感染者やAIDSを発症した人達が,日本の入国審査場で入国を拒否された事件は,インターネットの無い時代であったが即座に世界中に流れた。本報告は,そのようなHIV/AIDS 流行開始時期の1980年代を振り返ってみた。
原田 一美
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.6, pp.1-21, 2007-06

Die Verwendung farbiger und schwarzer Truppen aus den franzosischen Kolonien im Rheinland wahrend der Besatzungszeit erregte nicht nur in der deutschen Offentlichkeit die Gemuter. Auf dem Hohepunkt der Kampagne in den fruhen zwanziger Jahren brachte das Thema auch hunderte von Artikeln in der internationalen Presse hervor. Unter dem Gesichtspunkt der "Entwicklung des Rassismus in Deutschland" behandelt die vorliegende Arbeit die Kampagne gegen die Verwendung der Kolonialtruppen in Deutschland, die man die "Schwarze Schmach" nannte. Dadurch mochte ich zeigen, dass die "Schwarze Schmach"-Kampagne sozusagen die "racialisation of the postwar situation"(T.M.Campt) veranlasste und den Weg zum Nationalsozialismus bahnte.
山本 晃輔 ヤマモト コウスケ Kohsuke YAMAMOTO
vol.13, pp.1-12, 2014-04

The present study examined how verbal information affects odor cued autobiographical remembering. In experiment 1, fifty-one participants completed the Memory Characteristics Questionnaire (MCQ; Johnson, Foley, Suengas, & Ray, 1988) after remembering memories cued by odors. Familiar odor cues were used that represented orthogonal combinations of high and low rates of naming, and with and without verbal labels. Results showed that autobiographical memories cued by odor without verbal labels were more vivid than memories cued by ones with verbal labels under conditions of low rate of the naming. In order to verify the results of experiment 1, forty participants were closely investigated in experiment 2. The results showed that memories cued by odors with a high rate of naming were faster and more vivid than memories with a low rate. Similarly, memories cued by odor with verbal labels were faster and more vivid than without. These findings suggest that verbal information plays a significant role in odor-cued autobiographical remembering.
シュリ 前迫 ゆり 村松 加奈子 / マエサコ ユリ ムラマツ カナコ XURI Yuri MAESAKO Kanako MURAMATSU
vol.7, pp.83-102, 2008-06

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between village lifestyle and desertification, and to attempt to reveal the availability of AVNIR-2 data onboard the ALOS satellite for vegetation mapping in the grasslands of Talture, Inner Mongolia. We conducted interviews and questionnaires about nomadic lifestyle, collecting data on livestock and population change. We also recorded 58 species including Aneurolepidium chinense, Stipa grandis, Artemisia frigida, Carex korshinskii., Potentilla acaulis in the grasslands, and GPS data for analyzing the data of ALOS satellite. Interview investigation suggested that the grassland around the village has a complex relation to not only climate change such as rainfall decrease or overgrazing caused by increase in livestock but also lifestyle by settlement policy, method of land use and conservation policy change. We examined species diversity of plain colonies both on grazing land and on pasture land where grazing has been nearly prohibited for approximately 20 years. In both study sites, 58 species were identified: 34 species on grazing land, 52 species on pasture land and 28 species common to both sites. Furthermore, we noticed land use types around Talturu, the spectral reflected each vegetation were analyzed using satellite sensor data. The features of vegetation were extracted into 5 types such as the grassland for nomadic hunter-gathers, the grassland for feeding, the grassland which livestock avoid eating, wetland and bare land. We concluded that ALOS/AVNIR-2 data is available for the classification into these categories and spatially understanding the land use.
三野 耕 大賀 康宏 仲田 秀臣
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.11, pp.53-63, 2012-03

本研究の目的は,高校駅伝に出場予定の長距離選手の走スピードを加味したパワーの評価についてである。対象とした選手は,男子第61回および女子第22回全国高校駅伝に出場予定の47都道府県の代表校で男子454名および女子345名である。各選手の身長,体重および男子では5,000m走の記録,女子では3,000m走の記録を資料とした。体表面積は,身長と体重から藤本の方法で求めた。比体表面積は,体重に対する体表面積の割合で求めた。その結果,男子で power/s=22.3s^-3.11 ,女子で power/s=28.4s^-2.76 が得られた。また,男子では, log (power)= -1.1428・logS+1.5372・logW, 女子では, log (power)= -0.8285・logS+1.2434・logW が得られた。高校長距離選手の理論式を用いて得られた走スピードを加味したパワーの理論値は,実測値のパワーを評価できることが示唆された。
田中 みさ子
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
no.12, pp.131-160, 2013

Community participation is required when creating a master city plan under local governance, because the City Planning Law was amended in 1992. This paper presents questionnaire survey results on citizen participation. Administrative urban planners in Osaka Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture were asked question regarding the actual conditions of community participation in development district planning and master city plans.
壇 須寿雄
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
no.9, pp.325-335, 2010

近年の「中国のエネルギーと環境問題」について,日本へのインパクトを中心に解題する。考察の背景には,中国はその目覚ましい経済発展とともに世界第二位のエネルギー消費国であり,間もなく世界最大のエネルギー消費国になることが確実であり,海をはさんで隣り合う日本への環境影響,経済影響には計り知れないものがあるということが挙げられる。日本の国産エネルギーはわずかに4%であり,エネルギーをほとんど外国へ依存している。日本は,中国の旺盛なエネルギー消費による国際的なエネルギー価格や量の影響をもろに受けることになろう。また,日本と中国は,海を挟んで国境を接していることから東シナ海の石油,天然ガスなどの資源の争奪戦も起こっている。黄砂やNOx, SOx等の飛来に見られる大気汚染は中国の環境が日本の環境と直結していることを示す。さらに,地球温暖化の問題である。国際的には中国は新興国扱いで,これまで削減義務を負っていない。しかし,CO_2の排出量は統計上世界で二番目となり,実質的にはアメリカを追い抜いている。エネルギー全体の使用量はアメリカより少ないが,世界最大の石炭大国である。石炭由来のCO_2は石油の2倍近くあり,近年の電力需要の急増にともない石炭の消費も急激に伸びている。さらに中国は,新エネルギーである風力,太陽光エネルギーとともに,2020年頃には世界有数の原子力発電国になるという。が,そうなると,万が一の事故の場合,影響を直接被るのは風下の日本である。中国の環境問題は,このように日本と抜き差しならない関係にあると考えねばならない。以上の内容を最新の資料に基づいて記述している。
藤川 陽子 菅原 正孝 濱崎 竜英 米田 大輔 南 淳志 杉本 裕亮 岩崎 元
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.9, pp.261-276, 2010-03

曽我 千亜紀
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.13, pp.13-24, 2014-04

How does the actual information-oriented society face the issues of resources limitation or ethics while protecting its advantages, such as freedom and diversity? We will try to resolve these issues through a positive thinking process in which we will analyze the concept of information. It is important to analyze nowadays communication as a gift rather than as a well-balanced exchange. Indeed, seeing communication as a gift, and knowing what is given in return, is a process that will show us its new value and its rethought meaning, both ideas that cannot be reduced to necessity or the money economy.
前迫 ゆり
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
no.14, pp.141-151, 2015

ニホンジカの影響を大きく受けている世界遺産春日山原始林および春日野一帯はかつてどのような植生景観であり,今に至っているのだろうか。千年以上にわたる自然史を紐解くヒントが,700年代に描かれた最古の地図,鎌倉時代から室町時代に描かれた春日曼荼羅および春日権現験記などに代表される絵図にあると考えられる。本報では,日本最古の地図「東大寺山堺四至図」および鎌倉時代の春日曼荼羅などの絵図から,春日山およびその周辺の植生景観を読み取り,考察した。I studied ancient Mount Kasuga and its surrounding landscape and vegetation using the oldest known map of the area, drawn in 756 (`Todaiji Sankai Shiishi Zu'), and cultural artifacts such as the Kasuga mandalas from the Kamakura period and the Illustrated Tales of the Miracles of the Kasuga Deity (`Kasuga Gongen Kenki'). One Kasuga Shrine mandala(the`Kasuga Miya Mandala') depicts Mount Mikasa, the abode of the Kasuga deity in front of Mount Kasuga, with a bird's-eye view of the landscape. Other images on Kasuga mandalas include a spring scene of Kasugano with cherry blossoms and willows, and an autumn scene with many deer. These are likely to be connected to the landscape of Kasugayama, a warm temperate evergreen forest, and Nara Park, which still contains deer. The winter scene of Mount Kasuga in `Kasuga Gongen Kenki' clearly indicates that the forest consisted mainly of evergreen broad-leaved trees, and contained some deciduous broad-leaved trees and conifers. The deer mandala depicts the image of the sacred tree(`sakaki': Cleyera japonica) behind a deer, symbolically reflecting the presence of the god (`kami'). The image titled Kasuga Deities Departing from Kashima Shrine(`Kashimadachi Shin'ei Zu') also shows vegetation and gods and the presence of sacred deer. I propose that the plant in this image may be Podocarpus nagi, which was respectfully presented to the Kasuga Shrine (`Kasuga Taisha') by other prefectures in the Middle Ages. This is supported by plant morphology and the presence of P. nagi on Mount Mikasa. This study suggests that today's Mount Kasuga and the surrounding Kasuga Field retain the cultural landscapes of the Middle Ages.
佐藤 慶明
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.10, pp.109-117, 2011-02

國本 明徳 正見 こずえ 松本 耕二 北村 尚浩
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.11, pp.37-52, 2012-03

This paper investigates the current understanding of the management of a university-based community sports club by examining the "Iki-iki Daito Sports Club." A survey was conducted to reveal the club members' characteristics, organizational commitment, and the facts behind club selection methods. The survey results revealed the following: 1) The club members had different characteristics based on gender. Young males, mainly university students, joined clubs for fun and enjoyment purposes, while middle-aged women, primarily housewives, joined clubs to focus on their health. 2) The satisfaction levels and activity results for this particular club as well as the members' level of organizational commitment were relatively high. However, organizational commitment levels and activity results differed depending on member characteristics. 3) The factor stipulating the level of organizational commitment was the level of satisfaction with the club. Furthermore, the level of future participation in club activities was stipulated by the level of organizational commitment. 4) When this particular club was selected, emphasis was placed either on its university location or on the programs and factors made available through university interaction. 5) The club was involved in managing three tasks. The first task was conducting publicity activities for the health program using university resources. The second was the effective use of university facilities and scheduling of programs according to the members' requests. The third was the creation of a mechanism to deepen exchanges between club members.
原田 一美
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.7, pp.1-20, 2008-06

Der "Hitler-Kult" hat, wie Ian Kershaw in seiner Untersuchung uber den "Hitler-Mythos" ausfuhrlich nachgewiesen hat, im "Dritten Reich" als Integrationskraft eine massgebende Rolle gespielt. In der Fruhphase der Nazi-Zeit musste sich Hitler jedoch eine andere Autoritat entleihen. Dabei hat er sich die Popularitat des Reichsprasidenten Hindenburgs nutzbar gemacht, der als "Sieger von Tannenberg" und "Vater des Volkes" in der Weimarer Republik weitgehend von vielen Deutschen verehrt wurde. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt diese zwei "Kult-Erscheinungen" ("Hindenburg-Kult" und "Hitler-Kult"). Dabei mochte ich zeigen, wie geschickt Hitler den "Hindenburg-Kult" benutzt hat, um den "Hitler-Mythos" bei den Deutschen zu verankern.