宮田 義昭
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.100, no.9-10, pp.843-855, 1988 (Released:2009-03-30)

The thalamic afferents to the cortical taste area in the cat were studied by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. The taste area extends from the lateral lip of the presylvian sulcus to the posterior part of the orbital gyrus. It is bounded anteriorly and anteromedially by area 6, medially by the fundus and medial bank of the presylvian sulcus, laterally by the first somatosensory area, and posteriorly by the insular area. The taste area receives fibers mainly from the medial smaller-celled part of the posteromedial ventral nucleus (VPMM). Cortical projections of the VPMM form a complicated pattern, but are organized roughly in a topical manner anteroposteriorly. The anterior part of the taste cortex receives fibers from the anterodorsal and posteroventral portions of the anterior two-thirds of the VPMM, whereas the posterior taste cortex receives fibers from the anteroventral, posterodorsal and posterior portions of the posterior two-thirds of the VPMM. In addition, there appears to be a mediolateral organization of cortical projections of the VPMM to the taste area. The taste cortex receives a few projections from the ventral lateral, ventral medial, submedial, paracentral, lateral central, parafascicular and medial central nuclei.
高嶋 成光
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.89, no.3-4, pp.333-360, 1977-04-30 (Released:2009-03-30)

Clinicopathological studies of the histogenesis of the thyroid cancer on the emphasis of morphological features and growth pattern of the occult thyroid carcinoma measuring under 1.0 cm in diameter obtained at autopsy and surgery were performed.The occult thyroid carcinoma observed from the routine section of the thyroid gland obtained from 500 cases at autopsy and 259 cases at surgery were 21 cases (4.2%) and 10 cases (3.9%), respectively. Histological typing were 25 cases of papillary adenocarcinoma and 6 cases of follicular adenocarcinoma.Papillary adenocarcinoma cases were subdivided histologically into sclerosing, cystic and non-sclerosing types. The sclerosing type showed the proliferation of the fibrous connective tissue in the tumor and lymphogenous metastasis with intraglandular metastasis.One case of surgically obtained sclerosing type showed the recurrence and death. The cystic type were enclosed by the capsule and morphologically papillary cystadenocarcinoma. The non-sclerosing type did not show the fibrous connective tissue or capsular formation and smaller compared to the above 2 types. This type suggests the early stage of papillary adenocarcinoma histogenetically.Follicular adenocarcinoma cases were diagnosed according to the atypism of the tumor tissue and in 3 cases capsular formation was observed and in the other cases tumor tissue was directly attached to the thyroid tissue.Metastatic thyroid cancer was found in 12 cases (3.4%) among 349 autopsy cases of the malignant neoplasia. The mode of growth was either diffuse infiltration or solitary nodular formation in the thyroid tissue.Tumor like lesion (51cases, 10.2%) was correspond to the so-called solid cell nest and suggested the squamas metaplasia according to the histological finding of the early histogenesis.
緒方 正名 長谷川 敬彦 高越 良明 竹久 亨 長尾 逸子 寺谷 巌 大隈 義文 人見 硬 長尾 寛 粟屋 研吾 高橋 武夫
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.78, no.1supplement, pp.1-29, 1966-01-30 (Released:2009-08-24)

1) Data has been presented on the trend of Japanese B. Encephalitis from 1959 to 1965 in Okayama, Miyazaki, Kagawa, Tokushima, Kochi, Ehime, Hyogo and Aichi Prefectures, middle and western parts in Japan.2) The prevalence started from Miyazaki, most southern part in Japan, and progressed succesively to Kochi, Okayama, Tottori and Miyagi. The difference in date between Okayama and Miyazaki was 20 days, Okayama and Kochi was 10 days, Okayama and Tottori, adjacent to northern part in Okayama, was 2 days and also the difference in date between northern and southern part in Okayama was 7 days. We woulld like to call this phenomenon “Tendency towards northeast”.This tendency can be arranged in the order of its average atmospheric temperatures. However, there is no correlation between the date of incidence in each year and the temperature gradient.3) From 1950 to 1959, the incidence rate was higher in the southern district than in the northern district, and from 1960 to 1965 it became higher in the northern district than in the southern district of Okayama Prefecture.4) The incidence rate by age from 1960 to 1965 was higher in the old over 60 ages in northern district and in the child below 10 ages in the southern district of Okayama Prefectuve. A marked tendency to decrease the incidence rate in the child has been seen since 1959. This downward tendency would be caused by the J. B. E vaccination.5) There is some indication from the geographycal distribution that the prevalence spreaded from focus to other villages contiguously, except for the town.6) In past five years the district where the incidence rate exceeded over 10/100, 000 peoples three times or exceeded over 20 was shown by the following districts, Northern district in Okayama. PrefectureEastern and western district in Tottori. PrefectureNorthwest district in Hyogo. PrefectureEast and west parts in Kochi. PrefectureSouthern district in Miyagi. PrefectureIn general, the high incidence was observed in the plain near mountain or the basin but not in the town.7) There is a phenomenon that when the incidence rate was over 20 in the year, the incidence rate next year became low.
Hosokawa T.
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.39, no.448, pp.593-604, 1927-05-31

1. Die Cholsäure, welche in Ringerlösung 0.03-0.1% enthalten ist, erhöht das Schlagvolumen des Herzens der Fröche und vermehrt bald die Schlagrequenz, bald setzt sie dieselbe herab. 2. Desoxycholsäure, die in Ringerlösung 0.002-0005% enthalten ist, wirkt auf das Schlagvolumen des Froschherzens vergrössernd, aber auf die Schlagfrequenz herabsetzend. 3. Diese Wirkung ist von der Wasserstoffionenkonzentration der Lösungen ganz unäbhangig. 4. Um die Beeinflussung von N. vagus auszuschliesen, wurde das Herz atropinisiert; auch dieses Herz reagiert auf die Gallensäuren, genau wie ein nicht atropinisiertes Herz. 5. Eine Ringerlösung, welche durch die Leber geflossen ist, erhöht im Vergleich zur Kontrollösung das Schlagvolumen des Froschherzens. Dadurch wurde die Richtigkeit des Versuches von Richardet erwiesen. 6. Die 0.03-0.04% cholsäurehaltige Ringerlösung, die durch die Leber gegangen ist, erhöht im Vergleich mit der Ringerlösung, die auch durch Leber geflossen ist, das Schlagvolumen des Froschherzens mehr. 7. Aus dem Vergleich der das Schlagvolumen verstärkenden Wirkungen der 0.04% cholathaltigen Ringerlösung und dieser Lösung, die durch die Leber gegangen ist, geht hervor, dass die letztere als vordere auf die Herztätigkeit viel stärker wirkt. 8. Margarincholeinsäure, die im Organismus von Natur zu finden müsste, bewirkt dieselbe Erscheinungen, genau wie die Cholsäure und Desoxycholsäure. Aber these Wirkung ist in derselben Konzentration viel schwächer als die der Desoxycholsäure. Dadurch ist es erwiesen, dass der Additionsmechanismus der Desoxycholsäure mit Fettsäuren eine Entgiftungserscheinung ist, und dass diese Erscheinung auch bei der Herztätigkeit auftritt. 9. Kampfercholeinsäure wirkt viel stärker als die Margarincholeinsäure im Sinne der das Schlagvolumen des Herzens verstärkenden Wirkung. 10. Aus diesen Tatsachen folgt, dass das sog. Hormon der Leber von Richardet, welches das Schlagvolumen des Herzens im Sinne sympatischer Erregung fördert, mit den Gallensäuren in innigem Zusammenhang steht. Dadurch scheint mir bewiesen, dass der Gallensäure, die aus der Gallenblase resorbiert in den allgemeinen Kreislauf gelangt, im Sinne der chemischen Regulation der Herztätigkeit eine physiologische Digitaliswirkung zukommt.著者ハ嘗テ抱合膽汁酸ハ犬ノ膽嚢ヨリ吸収セラルル事ヲ實驗的ニ證明シテ其ノ吸収セラレタル膽汁酸ハ何等カ生理的作用アラザルベカラザル事ヲ述ベタリ. 最近高橋及ビRichardet兩氏ハ蛙ノ生肝ヲ長時間灌流シタルリンゲル氏液中ニ蛙心臟ノ交感神經的亢奮ヲ促進セシムル一種ノ「ホルモン」ノ存在スルコトヲ認メテ肝臟ハ心臟ノ生理的作用ヲ調節スル働キヲ有スル「ホルモン」ヲ常ニ分泌スルト稱セリ. 膽汁中ノ抱合膽汁酸ガ腸ヨリ吸収セラレテ肝臟ニ至ル時ハ恰モ膽嚢ヨリ吸収セラレテ大循環系統ニ入ル如ク一部分ハ肝臟ヨリ大循環系統ニ入リテ生理的作用ヲ營ミ得ベキハ考ヘラルルコトナリ, 而モSzilárd氏ノ研究ニヨレバ膽汁酸ガ正常血中ニ存在ストノ報告アルニ於テハ膽汁酸ノ正常血中ニ於ケル生理的作用ノートシテ心臟ニ封スル作用ヲ見テ彼ノ高橋, Richardetノ所謂肝臓「ホルモン」トノ關係ヲ知ルコトハ意義ナキニ非ズ. カカル見地ノ下ニアーシヤー氏變法ヲ用ヒ蛙心ノ驅出量及ビ搏動數ニ對スル膽汁酸ノ作用ヲバ高橋及ビRichardet氏ノ成績ト比較研究シ次ノ結論ヲ得タリ. 抱合膽汁酸ハ唐澤氏ノ實驗ニ明カナル如ク組織内ニ於テハ其ノ成分ニ分カタルルニヨリテ特ニ「ヒヨール」酸及ビ「デゾオキシヒヨール」酸「ナトリウム」ヲ使用シ又「デゾォキシヒヨール」酸ハ動物體内ニ於テハ高級脂肪酸ト「ヒヨレイン」酸ヲ形成スルニヨリ「マルガリンヒヨレイン」酸「ナトリウム」ヲ使用セリ. 1) 0.03-0.1%ニ「ヒヨール」酸鹽ヲ含有セルリンゲル氏液ハ蛙心ノ驅出量ヲ増加ス, 而シテ搏動數ハ或ハ増加シ或ハ減少ス. 2) 0.002-0.005%「デゾオキシヒヨール」酸鹽ヲ含有セルリンゲル氏液ハ蛙心ノ驅出量ヲ増加スレドモ搏動數ヲ減少ス. 3) 此ノ作用ハ溶液ノ水素「イオン」濃度ニ全然無關係ナリ. 4) 「アトロビン」麻痺心ニテモ膽汁酸ハ其作用テ顯ハス. 5) Richardetノ言ヘルト同ジク肝臟ヲ灌流セシメシリンゲル氏液ハ對照液ト比較シテ蛙心ノ驅出量ヲ高ム. 6) 肝臟ヲ灌流セル0.03-0.04%ニ「ヒヨール」酸鹽含有ノリンゲル氏液ハ單ニ肝臟ヲ灌流セルリンゲル氏液ニ比シ蛙心ノ驅出量ヲ増ス. 7) 0.04% 「ヒヨール」酸鹽ヲ含有セルリンゲル氏液ト肝臟ヲ灌流セルコノ液トヲ比較セバ前者ヨリモ後者ハ心臟驅出量ヲ高ムル作用ハ一層強盛ナリ. 8) 多分生體ニ存スベキ「マルガリンヒヨレイン」酸ハ「ヒヨール」酸及ビ「デゾオキシヒヨール」酸ト同様ノ現象ヲ表ハスト雖モコノ作用ハ同一濃度ニテハ遙ニ弱シコレ「デゾオキシヒヨール」酸ト脂肪酸トノ複合物生成機轉ニヨリテ解毒現象ヲ現ハスモノニシテコノ現象ハ心臟ニ對スル作用ニ於テモ顯ハル. 9) 「カンフルヒヨレイン」酸ハ 「マルガリンヒヨレイン」酸ヨリモ一層強キ作用ヲ現ハス. 10) 以上ノ事實ヨリRichardetノ言ヘル心臟驅出量ヲ高ムル作用則チ交感神經的亢奮ヲ促進スル肝臟ノ所謂「ホルモン」ハ膽汁酸卜甚ダ密接ナル關係ヲ有シ肝及ビ膽嚢ヨリ吸収セラレ大循環系統ニ達セル膽汁酸ハ「ヂキタリス」ノ生理的作用ノ如ク心營爲力ヲ化學的ニ調節スルモノノ如シ.
守屋 文夫 何川 凉 橋本 良明
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.103, no.4, pp.455-462, 1991 (Released:2009-03-30)

Poisons and drugs other than alcohol and CO were detected in 17 of all judicial autopsy cases in the Department of Legal Medicine, Okayama University Medical School during the last 12 years. We report 7 cases from the forensic toxicological viewpoint. 1) lethal overdose of Sedes® A, 2) fatal poisoning due to biperiden, thioridazine and nitrazepam taken simultaneously, 3) fatal DDVP poisoning, 4) fatal paraquat poisoning, 5) hypoxic death by inhalation of liquefied petroleum gas, 6) fatal shock induced by sulpyrine, and 7) fatal shock induced by ketoprofen.
Schoda Masato
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.39, no.447, pp.443-445, 1927-04-30

膽汁酸ハ動物ノ種類ニヨリテ異ル. 又膽汁酸ノ種類ハ動物ノ食物ヲ異ニスルニヨリテ差異アルモノノ如ク食物ノ成分ト膽汁酸ノ關係ヲシルニツキテ各種動物ノ膽汁酸ヲ研究スルコトハ意義ナキニ非ズ. 魚類ノ膽汁酸ニツキテハソノ研究吾教室ニ於テ2, 3アルノミ, 余ハ鰆ノ膽汁ニ就キテ研究セルニ膽汁酸ノ主成分ハCholsäuseナルコトヲ確定セリ.
難波 寿夫 大西 弘之 有地 茲 三木 福治郎
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.72, no.4, pp.1005-1009, 1960-03-30

In order to determine the fluctuation of vitamin B(1) in the urine after drinking "Yakult", cow's milk fermented by some sort of "Family Lactbacillaceae", the authors made normal adults and patients with lung tuberculosis drink one bottle (60 cc) a day of Yakult successively, and estimated their content of vitamin B(1) in their urine polarographically and with paper chromatography. Results are as follows. 1. In the case of one bottle (60 cc) of Yakult successively, there occurs a little increment of vitamin B(1) content in their urine of normal adults comparing with tuberculous patients receiving chemotherapy. 2. In the case of taking one bottle of Yakult, no marked effect can be recognized in their urine of tuberculous patients receiving chemotherapy. However, when three bottles (180 cc) of Yakult are given every day, marked increase of vitamin B(1) can be observed even in their urine of the patients, and also impeding factor in polarographical estimation disappears, proving that Yakult is considerably effective in improving vitamin B(1) metabolism.
Misaki Keizo
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.39, no.446, pp.306-310, 1927-03-31

1. Der Extrakt der Magen-und Dündarmschleimhaut bei experimenteller Hyperglykämie des Kaninchens enthält keine insulinartige Substanz, aber der Extrakt der Blinddarmschleimhaut des normalen Kaninchens zeigt eine vorübergehende Wirkung auf den Blutzucker des normalen Kaninchens. 2. Der Extrakt der Blinddarmschleimhaut bei experimenteller Hyperglykämie bewirkt ziemlich deutlich die Erniedrigung des Blutzuckers des normalen Kaninchens. 3. Nach diesem Befund kann man wohl sagen, dass das Insulin bei experimenteller Hyperglykämie aus der Bauchspeicheldrüse je nach dem Bedarf in die Blinddarmschleimhaut wandert, zur Bildung des Glykogens beitragt und dadurch zur Regulierung des Zuckerverbrauches dient.正常家兎竝ニ萄葡糖注入ニヨリ過血糖ヲ惹起セシメタル家兎ノ胃, 小腸竝ニ盲腸ヨリBanting u. Bestノ變法ニヨリ抽出セル物質ヲ健康ナル正常家兎ニ注射シソノ血糖量ニ及ボス影響ヲ檢シ次ノ結果ヲ得タリ. 1) 過血糖家兎ノ胃及ビ小腸粘膜抽出物ニハ「インシュリン」樣物質ヲ認メザルモ, 正常家兎盲腸抽出物ハ僅微ナル血糖降下作用ヲ有ス. 2) 過血糖家兎ノ盲腸ヨリ抽出セル物質ハ稍著明ナル血糖降下作用ヲ有ス. 3) 過血糖時家兎盲腸粘膜ニ糖原質ノ生成ヲ見タル藤原氏ノ實驗ヨリ此處ニ「インシュリン」樣物質存在シテ糖原質ノ合成ニ關與スルモノト考へ得べシ.
北山 加一郎 山本 太郎
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.39, no.446, pp.430-436, 1927-03-31
池尻 孝治
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.77, no.1, pp.59-69, 1965-01-30 (Released:2009-08-24)

As one of the series of studies on radiation leukemogenesis, changes in the peripheral blood picture occurring with lapse of time were pursued with the Cb, D103, StA, and Zb strains of mice (30-50 days old) after a single whole body X-irradiation of 350 r. The results are summarized as follows.1. Both erythrocyte counts and hemoglobin contents showed the minimum values 2 weeks after the irradiation, and after recovering once they tended to decrease again. Reticulocytes decreased to about 2-4‰ immediately after the irradiation but by the second week they increased to about twice the number in normal condition, and thereafter they returned to the normal count. This change was most marked in the D103 strain, but ultimately the changes in the erythrocyte series presented similar curves in all the four strains mentioned above, and these changes did not differ from those observed in RF strain.2. The number of leukocytes decressed rapidly to as low as 2, 000 immediately after the X-irradiation. The susceptibility to X-ray irradiation was higher in the leukocyte series than in the erythrocyte series.3. Lymphopoiesis was more sensitive to X-irradiation than myelogenous hematopoiesis, and the decrease of lymphocytes was greater than that of neutrophils, showing a relative neutrophilia for several weeks after the irradiation.4. After once recovering, the leukocyte counts in the Cb, D103, StA, and Zb strains of mice all did not show such a transient decrease as observed in the preleukemic stage of RF strain about 13 weeks after the irradiation. In addition, lymphocytic leukemia did not develop.5, In the Cb, D103, StA, and Zb strains irradiated with X-ray there could be recognized no severe eosinophilia such as observed in the RF strain that received X-irradiation.From these findings it has been confirmed that there can be recognized no marked differences in the peripheral blood picture immediately after a single whole body X-irradiation of 350 r between the RF strain of mice that develop leukemia by X-ray, and the Cb, D103, StA. and Zb strains that do not develop leukemia by X-irradiation, but in the observations conducted thereafter along with lapse of time there can be seen several distinct differences in the changes of the leukocyte series between them.
岸本 済美
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.71, no.12, pp.8375-8388, 1959-11-30

Bronchospirometric study was performed with ambient air and oxygen on 46 patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. Entire series were divided into three groups. The first group was consisted of 28 patients where bronchospirometry was made under air and oxygen breathing, alternatively. The test was made on ten patients of the second group where one lung breath air and the other oxygen. The third group was consisted of 8 patients where one lung breath air and the other oxygen following oxygen breathing of both lungs. 1) Decrease of oxygen uptake was marked under air breathing compared to in oxygen breathing in advanced cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, no constant changes in oxygen uptake were noted in moderately advanced and minimum cases. 2) Increase of ventiratory volume, respiratory frequency and minute volume were usually noted in the lung which breathes ambient air. Increase of minute volume is marked in the side of better functioning lung. 3) Respriatory equivalent increased in the lung which breathes air, especially marked in advanced and moderately advanced cases. 4) Vital capacity increased slightly in the side breathing air. 5) Bronchospirometry with air breathing can be performed without any undue burden on patients, if the test is limited in ten minutes, and give more precise information of pulmonary function of the affected lung than in ordinary bronchospirometry with oxygen.
岸本 済美
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.71, no.12, pp.8389-8400, 1959-11-30

1) Effects of surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, especially, lobectomy, thoracoplasty, extrapleural pneumothorax, segmental and partial resection on respiratory function were studied by bronchospirometry preoperatively andsix months postoperatively. Following results were obtained. 2) Effects on operated lung were most marked in thoracoplasty, and diminished in lobectomy, extrapleural pneumothorax and segmental resection in that order. It was minimum inpartial resection. 3) Decrease of respiratory function was exaggerated in cases where thoracoplasty was supplemented or pleural thickening developed following lobectomy compared to in cases without complications. 4) Decrease of vital capacity was most prominent in all the groups and decrease in oxygen consumption is in the second place. Decrease was minimum in minute volume. 5) In the contralateral lung, compensatory increaseof oxygen uptake and minute volume were noted though vital capacity decreased in all the groups. 6) Effects of extrapleural pneumothorax on respiratory function were variable. Some showed marked increase in ventiratory function, though marked decrease ensued in others.
船隠 恵子 堀田 修次 濱岡 照隆 田阪 武志 立花 広志 村上 敬子 豊川 達也 佐藤 英治 友田 純
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.125, no.1, pp.29-33, 2013-04-01 (Released:2013-05-01)

Ulcerative proctitis (UP) is a prevalent condition associated with increased morbidity, and topical mesalazine (5-aminosalicylic acid [5-ASA]) is known to inhibit the inflammatory processes in UP. We successfully devised mesalazine suppositories, in which 250mg mesalazine was equally distributed and remained stable for at least 2 weeks. We evaluated the effect of using mesalazine suppositories twice a day (BID) on two UP patients. The results demonstrated that mesalazine suppositories were efficacious, well tolerated and safe for the long-term maintenance of UP remission.
萩谷 英大 塩田 澄子 三好 伸一 黒江 泰利 野島 宏悦 大谷 晋吉 杉山 淳一 内藤 宏道 川西 進 萩岡 信吾 森本 直樹
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.125, no.1, pp.35-39, 2013-04-01 (Released:2013-05-01)

A 68-year-old man with alcohol addiction, who lived in the suburbs of Tsuyama, an inland city located in northeast Okayama prefecture, was transported to the emergency unit of the Tsuyama Central Hospital in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA). Despite rigorous systemic investigation and treatment, the patient died 2 hours after arrival. After his death, Vibrio vulnificus was isolated from his blood culture. Vibrio vulnificus causes fatal infection in humans, usually only in areas located close to the sea where appropriate temperature and suitable salt concentration for its growth are available. Therefore, its occurrence is epidemiologically restricted ; in Japan, the western coastal areas, especially in summers, are reported to be the high-risk regions. This is a rare case because it occurred in a city approximately 50 kilometers from both the Sea of Japan and the Pacific coast of Okayama, and at the end of October in 2011. Economic development and distribution systems have made it possible to transport various food products from coastal areas or abroad to any place in a short time, such that these infections can potentially develop in areas other than expected. We should be aware of the increasing risk of Vibrio vulnificus infection during any season and at any place, especially in patients with abnormal liver function.
蓮池 堯民 吉田 豐太
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.40, no.3, pp.473-486, 1928-03-31

Die Wirkungsweise des Termins (Tetrahydro-β-Naphthylamine) auf die vegetativen Funktionen, insbesondere auf den Blutdruck, ist noch nicht völlig aufgeklärt worden. Daher haben wir an Kaninchen zuerst die Beeinflussung der Blutdruckkurve durch die einmalige wie auch durch die mehrmalige intravenöse Injektion des Termins untersucht und dann dieselben Versuche nach der Atropin- oder Ergotamininjektion, nach der Durchschneidung des Vagus am Halse und auch nach der Durchschneidung des Halsmarks angestellt. 1) Durch die subkutane Injektion des Termins wurde keine bestimmte Veränderung der Blutdruckkurve hervorgerufen. Durch die intravenöse Injektion einer kleinen Dose desselben wurde nur eine geringe kurzdauernde Erhöhung des Blutdrucks, bei mittlerer oder noch grösserer Dose dagegen eine mehr oder weniger erhebliche Herabsetzung desselben konstatiert und etwa in der Hälfte der Fälle war die anfängliche Herabsetzung von einer leichten Erhöhung begleitet. Bei mehrmaligen Injektionen der mittleren und noch grösseren Dose wurde kein Einfluss auf die anfängliche Druckherabsetzung bemerkt. 2) Die vorangegangene Atropinisierung und die Vagusdurchschneidung am Halse übten keinen Einfluss auf den durch das Termin bedingten Blutdruckkurvenverlauf aus. 3) Die Ergotamininjektion konnte die leichte Erhöhung des Blutdrucks durch die kleine Dose Termin hemmen, aber die Herabsetzung durch die grössere Dose nicht. Nach der Durchschneidung des Halsmarks wurde niemals die Herabsetzung, sondern immer die deutliche und länger als sonst dauernde Erhöhung des Blutdrucks durch das Termin hervorgerufen, welche aber durch die vorangegangene Ergotamininjektion entweder an Grad verringert oder ganz beseitigt wurde oder sogar in das Gegenteil umschlug. Aus all dem wollen wir annehmen, dass die Herabsetzung des Blutdrucks durch das Termin weder von der zentralen noch von der peripheren Vaguserregung, sondern vorwiegend von der Erregung des sympathischen Zentrums, und die Erhöhung des Blutdrucks vorwiegend von der peripheren sympathischen Erregung herbeigeführt wird, und, ferner, dass bei normalen Kaninchen im allgemeinen die zentrale Wirkung der peripheren übergeordnet ist, da ja dort gewöhnlich die Herabsetzung des Blutdrucks durch das Termin im Vordergrunde steht.
吉崎 文彦
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.73, no.1, 1961-03

The anterior belly of the left digastric muscle of a 75 year old woman was found to be innervated both by the mylohyoid nerve, which entered the deep surface, and by a branch of the stylohyoid branch of the facial nerve, which was distributed in the lateral two-thirds of the more superficial half of the muscle belly. The stylohyoid muscle attached to the hyoid bone by two insertions, neither of which, however, passed superficial to the intermediate tendon of the digastric. It may not be quite impossible to regard this anomaly as showing a transitional stage of the innervation change (Futamura 1906), but origin and course of the anomalous nerve does not agree with that of the embryonal stage. It is suggested, that the part of the normal stylohyoid muscle, which lies superficial to the intermediate tendon, would have been fused to the anterior belly.
村上 昌穂
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.96, no.11, pp.1119-1134, 1984-12-30

Seven dystonic and eight athetotic patients with cerebral palsy were clinically diagnosed following the classification of motor symptoms of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy, and examined with surface electromyography while at rest in the supine position, under mental stress, making voluntary contractions and responding to passive stretch. Involuntary movements of both dystonic and tension athetotic cerebral palsy were characterized by nonreciprocal involuntary muscle activity in agonists and antagonists. There was more tonic involuntary muscle activity in dystonic than in tension athetotic cerebral palsy patients. During involuntary movements in three dystonic patients, muscle action potentials recorded simultaneously in different muscles had a uniform pattern of duration and amplitude. Electromyographical findings under mental stress were almost the same as those at rest in both dystonic and tension athetotic forms, except that the amplitude and duration of muscle activity was larger under mental stress than at rest. When both dystonic and tension athetotic patients were asked to make voluntary contractions, they were unable to do so smoothly, because involuntary movements were induced in agonists and antagonists. Especially in dystonic patients, voluntary efforts induced involuntary movements not only in agonists and antagonists but also in other muscles not concerned with voluntary contraction. In all dystonic patients, the responses to passive stretch were characterized by rigidity or rigidospasticity. In five tension athetotic patients, the stretch reflex was characterized by spasticity, but in three patients the stretch reflex was not seen at all. Therefore, it is assumed that dystonic movements arise from rigidity or rigidospastic hypertonus. In three dystonic patients, the stretch reflex brought about action potentials not only in antagonists of the stretched muscle, but also in other muscles not concerned with passive stretch. These synchronized action potentials were neither of involuntary muscle activity induced by passive stretch nor of paradoxical contraction of Westphal. It is presumed that such action potentials are induced by suprasegmental central mechanisms closely related to the stretch reflex.
川北 祝史 宮武 伸行 瀧川 智子 汪 達紘 荻野 景規 沼田 健之
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.119, no.2, pp.165-171, 2007-09-03 (Released:2008-07-04)

We compared the status of stress with and without metabolic syndrome in Japanese. We used data for 774 men and 1,136 women who had received annual health checkups at Okayama Southern Institute of Health. Status of stress was evaluated using a stress check provided by the Department of Public Health, Nihon University. Metabolic syndrome is defined by new criteria in Japan. Physical stress was significantly higher in men with metabolic syndrome than in men without it. However, the ability of coping with stress in men with metabolic syndrome was significantly higher than that in men without it. Thus a linkage between metabolic syndrome and the status of stress was characteristic in Japanese men.