吉本 弘満
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.72, no.1, pp.359-380, 1960

The author performed quantitative analyses of the amount of urine excreted, the urine density, pH's, microprotine content, urine protein content, the amount of Donaggio reaction-positive substance, urine creatinine, uric acid, urine lactic acid, urine phosphoric acid, and the urine calcium content in the urine before and after work, selected from various groups of persons such as a group of marathon runners, a group of soldiers marching, and a group of ammunition carriers; and obtained the following results.<br>1. In the group of marathon runners whose work is thought to be relatively intense and of a comparatively short duration there can be recognized a rapid decrease in the urine content, an increase in the amount of urine microprotein and in urine protein-positive cases, an increase in the hourly excretion of Donaggio reaction-positive substance, a rapid increase in the density and hourly excretion of lactic acid, a slight decrease in the density and the hourly excretion of creatinine, an increase in the density and hourly excretion of phosphoric acid, and a decrease in the density and hourly excretion of calcium.<br>Judging these estimated values stoistically, it has become possible to obtain significant values in the Donaggio reaction and in the lactive acid with an error of less than one per cent in the hourly excretion contents and similarly significant values in the mucoprotein and phosphoric acid contents under 5 per cent deviation.<br>2. In the marching which is relatively of an intermediate degree of fatigue and of a longer duration, there can be observed a decrease in the quantity of urine, an incrase in the urine density, acidification of the pH, increase in the protein-positive cases, a transient increase and decrease in the excreation of creatinine and the hourly excretion amount, stability of the density and houly excretion of uric acid, a transient increase in the early stage uric acid, and a transient increase in the density and excretion of phosphoric acid. Namely, the substance estimated in this group tend to iucrease at an early stage of the marching but in the terminal stage they tend to return to the normal values.<br>3. In the group of munition carriers whose work is successive from day to day and is of a high degree, there can be recognized a tendency of relatively little change in the urine pH's, an increase in the donaggio value, a transient increase in the density and hourly excretion of creatinine, and also an transient increase in the quantity and hourly excretion of uric acid, revealing a tendency to become orientated to the daily successive labor.
吉本 弘満
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.72, no.1, pp.359-380, 1959-12-30

The author performed quantitative analyses of the amount of urine excreted, the urine density, pH's, microprotine content, urine protein content, the amount of Donaggio reaction-positive substance, urine creatinine, uric acid, urine lactic acid, urine phosphoric acid, and the urine calcium content in the urine before and after work, selected from various groups of persons such as a group of marathon runners, a group of soldiers marching, and a group of ammunition carriers; and obtained the following results. 1. In the group of marathon runners whose work is thought to be relatively intense and of a comparatively short duration there can be recognized a rapid decrease in the urine content, an increase in the amount of urine microprotein and in urine protein-positive cases, an increase in the hourly excretion of Donaggio reaction-positive substance, a rapid increase in the density and hourly excretion of lactic acid, a slight decrease in the density and the hourly excretion of creatinine, an increase in the density and hourly excretion of phosphoric acid, and a decrease in the density and hourly excretion of calcium. Judging these estimated values stoistically, it has become possible to obtain significant values in the Donaggio reaction and in the lactive acid with an error of less than one per cent in the hourly excretion contents and similarly significant values in the mucoprotein and phosphoric acid contents under 5 per cent deviation. 2. In the marching which is relatively of an intermediate degree of fatigue and of a longer duration, there can be observed a decrease in the quantity of urine, an incrase in the urine density, acidification of the pH, increase in the protein-positive cases; a transient increase and decrease in the excreation of creatinine and the hourly excretion amount, stability of the density and houly excretion of uric acid, a transient increase in the early stage uric acid, and a transient increase in the density and excretion of phosphoric acid. Namely, the substance estimated in this group tend to iucrease at an early stage of the marching but in the terminal stage they tend to return to the normal values. 3. In the group of munition carriers whose work is successive from day to day and is of a high degree, there can be recognized a tendency of relatively little change in the urine pH's, an increase in the donaggio value, a transient increase in the density and hourly excretion of creatinine, and also an transient increase in the quantity and hourly excretion of uric acid, revealing a tendency to become orientated to the daily successive labor.
大塚 愛二
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.133, no.2, pp.104-108, 2021-08-02 (Released:2021-09-01)
松原 一志
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.99, no.3-4, pp.287-301, 1987-04-30 (Released:2009-03-30)

The infuluence of 2 stout build on the body surface electrocardiogram was studied by comparing the body surface isopotential maps of 93 normal men and 107 obese men without cardiovascular abnormalities. There were no clear differences in the mean map patterns between these groups, although the position of the peak maximum positive potential shifted slightly leftward in the obese group. The maximum positive potentials of the QRS wave (Rmax V) and T wave (Tmax V) at 87 lead points on the left anterior chest and back surface were significantly greater in the obese group. However, on the lower anterior chest surface, the values of Rmax V were smaller in the obese group. The correlations between the Rmax V of the lead points where significant differences between the groups were found and the relative body weight, skinfold thickness, chest configuration, mean frontal QRS axis of ECG, age and respiratory function (% VC, FEV 1.0%) were studied statistically. There were good correlations between Rmax V and the QRS axis and relative body weight. However, there were no apparent correlations between Rmax V and the chest configuration and skinfold thickness. These results suggest that obesity might lead to an increase in abdominal grith and elevation of the diaphragma that produces a mechanical effect on the heart, causing a left-axis shift.
青野 要 山本 道夫 飯田 荘介 内海 耕慥
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.90, no.9, pp.1297-1308, 1978

In relation to the mechanism by which hemolysis was induced in radiated human erythrocytes <i>in vitro</i>, several inducements of membrane lipid peroxidation and protective effects of V. E and SOD were investigated. Results obtained were as follows:<br>(1) K<sup>+</sup>-release from erythrocytes was accelerated by radiation prior to hemolysis. These accelerated hemolysis and K<sup>+</sup>-release were protected remarkably by V. E and evidently by SOD.<br>(2) Mitochondrial Fe<sup>2+</sup> induced and Fe<sup>3+</sup>-O<sub>2</sub> generating system - ADP induced lipid peroxidation, and microsomal O<sub>2</sub> generating system - induced lipid peroxidation were also protected by V. E and SOD.<br>(3) Radiation of X-ray or <sup>60</sup>Co &gamma;-ray accelerated lipid peroxidation of liver homogenate, microsome and liposome. Some of these accelerated lipid peroxidations were protected effectively by V. E and SOD.<br>These results suggest that O<sub>2</sub> and/or OH&middot;generation by radiation induces of membrane lipid peroxidation, which leads deterioration of membrane resulting in the change of ion permeability and then hemolysis.
古元 順子
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.77, no.5-6, pp.773-794, 1965-06-30 (Released:2009-03-30)

16才女子高校生にみられた約2ヵ月間にわたる全生活史健忘例の発端および経過として,1. 長期間に準備された不安・葛藤状態があり2. 健忘発端の一日前に偶発的な一酸化炭素中毒に罹患し3. ついで驚愕体験にひき続く意識障碍より覚醒した時に全生活史健忘が始まり,4. 自発性催眠様状態で過去の生活を継時的に追体験し遂に一酸化炭素に罹る直前の状態で覚醒し健忘の回復をみたが,5. 健忘回復後もなお情緒の動揺に関連し,癲癇自動症を疑わせる発作および頭痛が頻発し,これらは精神療法により情緒の安定が得られるまで持続した.検査所見としては1. 一酸化炭素中毒以前より存在したと思われる脳室拡大,頭蓋骨指圧痕,髄液圧亢進が認められ,2. 発端となつた意識障碍とも或程度の関係が推定され,その後の自動症と発作の相関は確実と思われる脳波異常として,後頭側頭部優位の同期性,間歇性のirregular slow wave burstおよび散発性のsharp waveないしはspiky waveが全径過を通じ安静時記録で認められたが睡眠誘発で賦活されず,情緒動揺の著明な時期に一致して上記所見が増強し,とくに右側々頭部で6 c/s positive spikeが繰り返し出現するのが確められ,3. ロールシャッハテストでも不安・神経症徴候および重篤な現実との接触喪失徴候とならんで,癲癇徴候がことに健忘回復後に増強するのが認められた.以上の経過,所見により,本例において健忘の発端となつた意識障碍に対する一酸化炭素および癲癇(とくに情動により誘発される癲癇)の関与如何につき,文献的に比較検討,綜合的に考察し,一酸化炭素の関与は完全には否定し難いが比較的に少く,ごく軽度の意識水準低下として発生準備状態の一要素を形成はていたと推定されるにとどまり,一方癲癇の関与は,発端の意識障宮が情動により誘発された癲癇それ自身であつたか,原始反応としての意識障害を惹起する準備状態の器質的主要因であつたかは別として,相当大きな比重をもつものと推定されることを述べ,併せて全生活史健忘というヒステリー反応が器質的意識障害の機構を利用しても起り得ることを推論した.
神田 三郎
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.68, no.11, pp.1999-2006, 1956-11-30

In the previous paper, the author reported that the cytoplasmic basophilia appears fibrous or granular by the dehydrating mechanism or by the action of RNA-precpitating agents. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relation of minerals to cytoplasmic basophilia by means of microincineration, and also to distinguish clearly each minerals from others by alizallin or ferrocyan kalium stain after the coating with egg-white. In the nerve cells and the egg cells of pinctada maltensii treated by agglutinating agents of basophilia, mineral ash appeared showing the similar picture like as Nissl-body or giving fibrous mesh work, while on the cytoplasm which basophilia was not agglutinated, careful fixation with formalin or freezing drying, mineral ash appeared homogenous on cytoplasm. The mass of mineral ash which appeared in cytoplasm seemed to be in proportion to the quantity of nucleic acid, i. e. a quantity of mineral ash was recognized in the cytoplasm that showed strong basophilicity, and in the cytoplasm that showed weak basophilicity a small quantity of meneral ash was detected. From these observations, it was concluded that mineral ash detected in cytoplasm must be a component of basophilic organella but not of enkylema. Alizallin staining of the ash proved that mineral ash was mainly composed of calcium or magnecium. Treating with acid ferrocian kalium, however, a small amount, of iron was detected in ash too, i. g. liver cells, nucleus of granular cells in cerebellum, red cells, capsuls of liver or kidney, basement membrane and Bowman's capsule stained blue slightly by ferrocyan kalium.
谷崎 勝朗 高橋 清 上田 暢男 斉藤 勝剛 細川 正雄 小野 波津子 石橋 健 合田 吉徳 中村 之信 佐々木 良英 守谷 欣明 木村 郁郎
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.89, no.9-10, pp.1261-1265, 1977-10-30 (Released:2009-08-24)
1 1

A skin test using buckwheat extract was performed on 182 cases of bronchial asthma. Thirty-three of them showed a positive skin test to buckwheat extract.Buckwheat allergy (bronchial asthma, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, allergic gastroenteropathy and allergic conjunctivities) was found in 19 (57.6%) of the 33 cases showing a positive skin test to buckwheat extract.Basophils from 8 cases of buckwheat asthma showed a strong response to buckwheat extract, although basophils from 10 cases with a postive skin test only, without buckwheat allergy, did not response to buckwheat extract.Bronchial asthma induced by buckwheat (16 of the 19 cases) had some special features. Their asthma attack was induced by the introduction into the body through either mouth or airway and started in childhood. Buckwheat pillows were used in 13 of the 19 cases. Ten of the 13 cases obtained alleviation of asthma upon discontinuation of buckwheat pillows. Most of the buckwheat asthma patients showed a high serum IgE level and had a hereditary factor. The results showed that cases of buckwheat asthma might be sensitized in their childhood.
康 逸雄
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.78, no.1, pp.159-170, 1966

In this experiment, the author investigated the changes of blood and urine of the rescue team workers engaging in heavy tasks in high thermal conditions, in addition to the reaffirmation of the previous results. Further, he encountered several cases of heat stroke occasionally.<br> The followings were the results obtained:<br> 1. Change of pulse pressure which the results were obtained previously was affirmed statistically by increasing the number of the cases.<br> 2. The cases of heat stroke suggested that the threshold limit of the increase of pulse pressure seemed to exist around the rate of 150%.<br> 3. The threshold limit of body temperature (under tongue) was around 39&deg;C.<br> 4. By remarkable sweating after the task, blood was concentrated, resulting the increase of specific gravity of the total blood, proteine in plasma, hematocrit value and hemoglobin content.<br> 5. The group of heat stroke showed higher pulse pressure, higher pulse rate, higher temperature under the tongue and has a tendency of a higher rate of blood concentration.<br> 6. Life-saving mask type 4 produced heat when soda lime absorbed CO<sub>2</sub> expired in the circulaing air. But the influence of the high temperature and high humidity of the environment was greater than the heated air-input of the mask.<br> 7. The limitation of the continuity of the task in such a high thermal condition seemed to be around 30 minutes. The resting time was needed at least 90 minutes for adequate recovery.
出井 清雄
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.70, no.8, pp.2829-2884, 1958-08-31 (Released:2009-03-30)

By the use of trypan blue, i.e. lipoid insoluble acid stain, in order to make observation of absorption activity of the oral mucosa, animals' mucosa with rapid absorption activity, its location, absorbing process, and absorbing conditions were investigated. Then clinical and biological observation on absorption of hormone of the salivary gland was tried.I. Mixture containing equal parts of 1 per cent solution of trypan blue and saturated sodium bicarbonate solution was dropped and painted over the normal oral mucosa of various kinds of animals, such as dog, cat, hamster, albino rat, chicken, elaphis virgatus, lizard, rana esculenta, eft, and crusian and absorption of the solution was observed.The results obtained were as follows:1) Absorption varied according to the kinds of animals.2) In general absorption of the lower verbetrata was more remarkable than that of mammals and birds.3) In mammals that of dogs was more marked than that of cat, hamster and albino rat.4) In dogs marked absorption was seen in buccal and sublingual mucosa, particularly at the sublingual and parotid salivary papillae and their surrounding areas.5) In albino rats absorption was made at the hard palate corresponding to the tip of the tongue.II. In premature dogs it was equal to that of mature dogs.III. No absorption was seen in the oral mucosa of the dog's and rabbit's fetus, while slight one was seen around the erupted teeth of the guinea-pig's fetus.IV. T. B. was not introduced into the ep. cells of rabbit's oral mucosa in case of vital staining.V. The effects of various factors on T. B. absorption of the oral mucosa in dogs' experiments were as follows:Absorption-stimulating factors are, local thermal stimulation, Grace helio lamp irradiation. roentgen irradiation of amount of 60 r to 100 r, radium irradiation of amount of 33 mg. h, to 66 mg. h., intracranial amputation of maxillary and mandibular divisions of trigeminal nerve just after the procedure. and local injection of Teabrom (T. E. A. B.), in the early stage of injection, while absorption-inhibiting factor was local cold stimulation and no absorption was stimulated in case of anemia of the head following ligation of the common carotid artery.VI. Parotin and Saliva-parotin, i.e. hormone of the salivary gland was painted over the oral mucosa of man, dog and rabbit. The results obtained were as follows:1) Leucocytosis was noticed in cases of dog (1.2-5.0 mg./kg. of Parotin administered) and man (0.2-0.4 mg./kg. of Parotin or 0.1-0.2 mg./kg. of Saliva-parotin administered), 2) decrease of serum Ca. and leucocytosis in case of rabbit (1.0-5.0 mg./kg. of Parotin and Saliva-parotin administered), and 3) stimulated calcification of dentine in case of rabbit (5 mg./kg. of Parotin administered).These results will suggest us the following factors as those effecting on absorbing mechanism of the oral mucosa, especially of the epithelium: 1) resistance, 2) intensity of surface tension, 3) intercellular density, 4) characteristics of chemical substances and solvent, and 5) special vital function of the cells.
万倉 三正 野田 泰子 森 昭胤
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.124, no.1, pp.15-26, 2012-04

Diabetes mellitus (DM) represents a global health and economical problem. Many patients with DM in Asia, South America, India and East Africa have traditionally used the water extract of unripe fruits of Momordica charantia (bitter melon) as some form of complementary and alternative medicine. Studies of laboratory animals have shown the beneficial blood-glucose lowering and anti-diabetic effects of this remedy. Some oral components that bring lower blood glucose level have been isolated : charantin (sterol glycosides), charantin (polypeptide) and cucurbine-type triterpenes. Part of their actions are related to AMP-activated kinase and repression of the oxidative stress that is increased in DM. Most clinical reports are not fully convincing due to the lack of randomized control studies. The present article reviews the pharmacological and clinical effects of bitter melon with special emphasis on the anti-diabetic effects, and some effects that would require caution in the context of human trials.
竹本 茂
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.78, no.7, pp.815-826, 1966-09-30

Using the human stomach tissues resected at the operation for gastric ulcer and gastritis, histochemical studies were carried on five kinds of hydrolysates such as AlP, AcP, beta-Est, AmP and beta-Gl and the following results were obtained.1. In gastritis the AlP activity in vascular endothelial cells has been observed even in those of the capillary blood vessels of the stomach mucosa.2. In the case of atrophic gastritis the activity of AcP, beta-Est and beta-Gl are somewhat decreased, while there can be seen no activity of AlP nor of AmP.3. In hypertrophic gastritis the activity of AcP, beta-Est and beta-Gl in the stomach mucosa is slightly elevated, but there can be observed no activity of AlP and AmP.4. While there can be observed a marked activity of AlP in the neoplasm at the fundus of gastric ulcer, the activity decreases as there occurs hyaline degeneration, and the regenerated blood capillary vessels in this regenerated area run perpendicularly to the ulcer base. In the stained specimens of these tissues from such a region there can be detected a slight activity of AcP and beta-Gl, but no activity of beta-Est, while that of AmP can be seen occasionally.5. In the regenerated mucosal gland ducts in the peripheral area of ulcer the activity of AcP, beta-Est and beta-Gl is found to have increased.6. In the case where the tissue has fallen into a degenerated necrotic state the activity of everyone of these hydrolysates is increased.7. In the area of intestinal metaplasia, all these enzymes show strong activity, resem-bling that in the villi of duodenum.8. In those smooth muscles adjacent to inflammatory region, the activity of beta-Est is specifically increased.9. The activity of AcP and beta-Gl of the epithelial cells in the area with marked cell infiltration is higher than in those epithelial cells located in other regions.
鵜川 豊世武
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.127, no.3, pp.203-207, 2015-12-01 (Released:2016-01-04)

Background: Hemodialysis-related heart failure has been considered to be associated with excessive blood flow through the arteriovenous (AV) shunt used for vascular access. However, some patients undergoing dialysis have heart failure in the absence of an increase in cardiac output (CO) related to shunt blood-flow loading because the loading cannot be compensated for by increasing CO. This condition may be challenging to manage ; thus, early diagnosis is important. Methods and Results: Twelve patients (mean age, 71 years ; 9 men) with end-stage renal disease, dialysis-related heart failure, a high brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) level, and a mean New York Heart Association (NYHA) class of II underwent AV shunt closure. Their cardiac index (CI), pre- and post-dialysis BNP levels, and several cardiac variables were assessed pre- and postoperatively. All patients achieved relief of heart failure symptoms and a reduction in NYHA class after AV closure, but six patients had a postoperative increase in CI (the “non-high-output” cardiac failure group), whereas the other six had a decrease in CI (the “high-output” cardiac failure group). The high-output patients had greater improvements in BNP levels and most cardiac variables compared to the non-high-output group ; therefore, the heart failure in the non-high-output patients was considered more serious than that in the high-output group. Conclusions: The selection of effective strategies for treating dialysis-related heart failure may depend partly on identifying which patients have non-high-output failure. Such identification requires serial measurements of BNP levels and evaluations of cardiac variables other than the ejection fraction.
玉井 守
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.104, no.11-12, pp.1007-1014, 1992 (Released:2009-03-30)

C3H mice were subcutaneously (s. c.) injected with a tumorigenic dose (1mg/mouse) of 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) and tumor development was observed for 18 weeks. OK-432 or Ge-132 was intraperitoneally administered either after MC injection (post-treatment) or both before and after MC injection (pre- and post-treatment).Pre- and post-treatment with OK-432 significantly inhibited the development of tumors from 10 to 12 weeks after MC injection as compared with a control group. In all of the groups, the incidence of tumors was 100 percent 18 weeks after MC injection. With respect to Ge-132, both post-treatment and pre- and post-treatment administration reduced tumor growth in a similar manner to pre- and post-treatment of OK-432.After pre-treatment with OK-432 or Ge-132 for two weeks, the percentage of large granular lymphocytes in peripheral blood and the natural killer activity of splenic cells in mice were increased.These results suggest that the immune status plays an important role in the defense mechanisms against chemically-induced tumors.
堀江 正司
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.104, no.1-2, pp.57-62, 1992 (Released:2009-03-30)
1 1

A well-developed nervous branch supplying the upper lateral cutanea of the arm, which arose from the suprascapular nerve, ran beneath the acromio-clavicular joint and penetrated the deltoid muscle, is described. In usual cases, this branch is thin and sometimes referred to as the accessory upper lateral cutaneous branch of the arm (Murakami) (or subacromial cutaneous nerve, Yamada). Some unusual supraclavicular nerves, which penetrated the clavicular bone or ran under this bone, are also described.
佐々木 剛 田澤 大 長谷井 嬢 国定 俊之 吉田 晶 橋本 悠里 矢野 修也 吉田 亮介 宇野 太 香川 俊輔 森本 裕樹 浦田 泰生 藤原 俊義 尾﨑 敏文
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.124, no.2, pp.105-110, 2012-08-01 (Released:2012-09-03)

骨・軟部肉腫は, 一部に治療抵抗性で予後の悪い症例が存在するため, 新たな治療法の確立が重要な課題である. 我々は, 5型アデノウイルスを基本骨格として, テロメラーゼ活性に依存して増殖する腫瘍融解ウイルス(OBP-301)や, coxsackie and adenovirus receptor(CAR)陰性の腫瘍細胞に感染するファイバー改変型ウイルス(OBP-405)を用い, 骨・軟部肉腫細胞に対する抗腫瘍効果を検討した. 14種類の骨・軟部肉腫細胞株に対してOBP-301の細胞障害活性を検討し, 12種類の細胞株でOBP-301に感受性を認めた. また, OBP-301の細胞障害活性はCARの発現と相関していた. さらに, テロメラーゼ活性の低い細胞に対しても, 5型アデノウイルスの複製に必須のE1Aによりテロメラーゼ活性の増強効果がおこり, 強い抗腫瘍活性を示すことを明らかにした. 次に, 骨肉腫脛骨同所性移植動物モデルを作成しOBP-301を投与したところ, OBP-301投与群では対象群と比べて有意に腫瘍増殖を抑制した. 最後に, OBP-301に感受性を認めなかったCAR陰性細胞株に対してOBP-405を用いて検討し, OBP-405が有効に作用することを確認した. OBP-301やOBP-405を用いたウイルス療法は, 骨・軟部肉腫に対する新たな治療法となる可能性がある.