高木 昭浩 吉岡 克則 寺岡 悟見 相馬 努 矢野 今朝人 宮坂 正 横井 孝司 村瀬 研也
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.62, no.5, pp.729-733, 2006-05-20
6 6

The following process conventionally has been followed to develop quantitative images of cerebral blood flow: (1) mean cerebral blood flow (mCBF) is calculated by the Patlak plot method; (2) a SPECT slice that includes the basal ganglia is selected; and (3) based on the value of mCBF calculated by the Patlak plot method, the SPECT slice is corrected by the Lassen method and developed into a SPECT image of quantitative regional cerebral blood flow. However, this process is complicated, and the values of rCBF have been reported to fluctuate because selection of the SPECT slice and the ROI setting are in the hands of the operator. We have developed new software that automates this analysis. This software enables automatic processing simply by inputting the value of mCBF in the normal hemisphere. Since there is no need for manual operations such as setting the ROI, reproducibility is improved as well. Regional cerebral blood flow as determined by this software is quite similar to that calculated by the conventional method, so the existing clinical evaluation does not need to be changed. This software is considered to be useful.
松竹 裕紀 大西 英雄
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.64, no.4, pp.426-433, 2008-04-20
2 1

Spatial smoothing performed after spatial normalization on the easy Z-score Imaging System (eZIS) is considered to affect signal size. The purpose of this study was to analyze quantitatively the influence of the smoothing process on eZIS using the voxel of interest (VOI) method. A normal database (NDB) was established using <sup>99m</sup>Tc-Hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) brain perfusion SPECT images of thirty healthy volunteers. Then the NDB was smoothed with various Gaussian kernels (2, 4, 8, 12, 16 mm). Artificial lesions with known volumes and reduction of tracer uptake were made on one of the healthy volunteer images, and eZIS analysis was performed on the NDB of the same Gaussian kernel, respectively. The signal size of small-sized lesions was expanded 5.1 times to the true signal size of a 12 mm Gaussian kernel. On the other hand, the medium lesion size, which was approximately the same size as the posterior cingulate gyrus, was expanded 2.9 times to true signal size. Estimation of the false positive area using the extraction estimation method at lesion size medium indicated the lowest value at 8, 12 mm Gaussian kernel smoothing. The smoothing procedure at 8-12 mm Gaussian kernel is effective to detect a focal abnormality in the brain SPECT of Alzheimer's disease.
津坂 昌利 小山 修司 前越 久 加藤 秀起
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.50, no.8, 1994-08-01

診断用X線のような低エネルギー領域の一次X線スペクトル測定では, 細いX線ビームを検出面中央に垂直に入射して測定する.このためGe結晶は直径10mm, 厚さ7mm程度あれば問題はない.今回検討したクローズドエンド型は, 大結晶を有し, 分解能はやや劣るものの, 診断用X線, 漏洩X線, 室内散乱線等のスペクトル測定用としても使用できる可能性がある.しかし, 測定した波高スペクトルは必ず補正してX線エネルギースペクトルを求める必要がある.
佐藤 一弘
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.47, no.12, pp.2084-2089, 1991-12-01

1 核医学検査情報のデータ量は, 非圧縮で年間数GBと想定される.これは, 現状の光ディスクの技術により保管可能である.2 ネットワークによる核医学画像伝送は, 実効速度でみても実用可能である.3 核医学検査情報の表示では, カラー表示機能を用いるため, カラー変換情報の伝送が必要である.4 病院情報システムとの関連において必要とする情報は, 診療の現場での検討が必要と考えられる.また, 規格化が必要である.5 核医学画像と他のモダリティ画像との総合画像診断に対しては, 本論文では触れないが, 他の画像診断装置も含むシステム全体の検討が必要である.
河村 誠治 白石 嘉孝 簑原 亨 近藤 富士雄 梅崎 典良 石橋 正敏 森田 誠一郎
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.47, no.8, 1991-08-01

(1) 平均排尿間隔は約2時間であった。(2) 初回尿中放射能は総排泄放射能の約80%と推定される。(3) 初回排尿時間を^<99m>Tc-MDP投与後50分前後にすることにより現状の膀胱壁被曝を約40%低減できると推定された。
藤阪 登志男 畠山 昇 大谷 新一 山道 洋次 軸丸 幸彦
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.47, no.8, 1991-08-01

黒澤 昭典 佐藤 寿人 小林 満
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.50, no.8, 1994-08-01

中田 好抒 杣沢 繁
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.27, no.3, pp.217-225, 1971-10-31

Tte distribution of the radiation dose within a uniform, circular, 'Phantom' column (30cm. in diameter) was measured in terms of the eccentric angle, θ, between the zero axis of the column and the central axis of the eccentric beam, for the point P' which lies at the same distance, n, from the source as does the center of rotation of the 'Phantom', at a distance γ from the center of rotation (taken as the eccentric radius from the center of rotation of the section of the beam passing through P'). In the calculations, the 100% reference level was taken to be that at the point P, a distance equal to the eccentric radius along the zero axis of the 'Phantom' in the direction of the source. Gregory's method was applied to calculation at intervals ^o_ff 10 degrees. The absolute radiation dose, Dp, at the datum point P can be expressed theoretically by the ollowing formulas. [numerical formula] R : the angle of beam rotation T_R : the time required to rotate the beam R degrees [numerical formula] (W : width of the rotation field) In these formulas, TAR means the values of the distance P'Q from a point P' to the surface of the 'Phantom' along the eccentric beam, and it can be obtained from the following expression : [numerical formula] PR : radius of the 'Phantom' The difference between the values obtained from this formula and practical measuremets in a 28cm. diameter Mix Dp- 'Phantom' was within ± 4%.
山口 紘子 松本 光弘 太田 誠一 植田 崇彦 筒井 保裕
Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.68, no.5, pp.602-607, 2012-05-20

<i>Introduction</i>: We verified the setup error (SE) in two persons' radiation therapist's team, which consist of staff and new face. We performed the significance test for SE by the staff group and the new face group. <i>Methods</i>: One group consists of four staff therapists with at least 5 to 30 years of experience. The other group consists of new face radiation therapists that have 1 to 1.5 years of experience. Analyzed were 53 patients diagnosed with pelvic cancer (seven patients who underwent 3 dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT) and 46 patients who underwent intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Image verification was 1460 times. It was performed through setup verification by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and we measured SE of four directions (lateral, long, vertical, 3D). We performed the student's t-test to get the difference of the average error between the staff group and the new face group. <i>Results</i>: The results of significance tests show that there is no difference between SE in the staff group and the new face group in radiotherapy.
金場 敏憲
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.38, no.1, pp.16-26, 1982-01-01

Standard base lines in skull radiography are important technical factors for high quality reproduction of a radiogram. However, in current texbooks of radiology and radiography, at least 11 base lines have been described for skull radiography. The definition of these base lines has been by no means uniform or precise among the various authors. In our attempt for some standardization, two fundametal base lines, the ABL and the OMBL were chosen and upon a study of their histological development, the present status of their clinical use in various countries were analyzed. We also investigated about the reference point considered in those base lines. The difference in the angle taken for the ABL and the OMBL estimation has been described in the literature, as being 10 degree, but we found that this angle measured over the skin surface varied widely among individuals ranging from 9 to 16 degree. Thus, we concluded that accurate standardization of radiographic base lines are essential for an improvement of skull radiography. Our results indicated the need to recognize existing differences on reference points or lines taken on the skin surface or over the bone position.