片桐 重男
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.15, pp.74-93, 1975-10-15

The very important aims of mathematical education are to have the children understand the meanings of each computational operation, and to develop their ability of making operational decision. And the meanings of multiplication and division of decimal fractions are the typical examples of mathematical extension. However our teaching of those meanings has been very insufficient. This paper clarifies the mathematical and educational importance of teaching those meanings and it also proves through experimental lessons, that the teaching of the general meanings of both operations has much effect.
鈴木 博雄
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.3, pp.23-51, 1963-11-15

In the above thesis the author has investigated the methods by which samurai were educated in the feudal period, with especial reference to educational reform in the Kansei era (1787~1798), a time when the education carried out by 'Hanko', clan conducted schools, was playing an important role in making samurai into feudalistic bureaucrats. In the feudal period, the samurai, whose job was mainly that of a soldier, came to become gradually more involved in the duties of official administration due mainly to the fact the country was in a state of peace and his servies as a fighter were unnecessary. In the beginning of the feudal period the structure of the government was very simple but as it and it's accompanying feudal bureaucracy became more complicated so there acrose the need for samurai able to read and write rather than fight. In order to meet this need the 'Hanko' were developed. In the first chapter the author inquired into the political ideas of Matsudaira Sada-nobu, the man in charge of political reform. The purpose of his reform lay in the training of feudal bureaucrats. His image of them was essentially feudal in that he required them to be persons of great integrity especially obedient to their feudal lord. on the other hand, like modern bureaucrats, they had to be skilled in administration. In the second chapter the author comments on the rules and plans of studies which were part of the reform, such as 'Gakumon Ginmi', (Intellectual examinations in the upper classes) and 'Sodoku Ginmi', (Intellectual examinations in the lower classes), and the construction of government schools. In the last chapter the author discusses how the contradiction of feudal and modern ideas caused the failure of overall education as far as feudal bureaucrats were concerned and the educational reforms which were actually put into practice.
久木 幸男
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.28, pp.251-270, 1988-10-31
林部 英雄
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.26, pp.195-203, 1986-12-10
西沢 昭男
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.13, pp.52-63, 1973-10-31

This article treats mainly the characteristics of the construction of Prokoviev's harmony. Prokoviev was well known as a unique composer in the early part of the modern musical history. In the first chapter, the author presents the general view of his music, and in the second chapter, proceedes to comment on the features of his harmony, referring often to examples from his works. The charms of his music may be said to consist of, firstly, the feeling of the dinamic rhythm, secondary, the sense of modulation which is free and facile, and thirdly, the harmonic effects which is brought by his polytonality. These contrasting effects sometimes assume an ironical expression, sometimes, go further and put his particular sentiment in the form of dry, subtle lyricism. The body of this article is divided into five parts in explaining the features of this works. a. the character of the dissonance b. deformed cadance c. clever effect of modulation d. composite cords and polytonality e. heterophony On the whole, one feels, in the harmonic character of Prokoviev, classical harmonious sense combined with the revolutionary sound effect. The decline of the classical harmony started mainly from the so-called "Ttistan method" which presented the unstability of tonality by expanding dominant cords. However, Prokoviev did not depend upon chromaticism as this but rather adapted mostly the diatonic technique. Here in this phase, we find his advanced attitude as well as his extreme modernity.
久木 幸男
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.10, pp.1-19, 1970-12-25
国安 洋
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
no.27, pp.p127-139, 1987-10
松本 賢治
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.8, pp.1-23, 1968-12-20

By reading in the original we mean a lesson that uses texts written in any of European languages, the most current being the English. An essential reason of this practice is naturally in the universal character of learning, but we wish to add one more. That is the isolative one of our mother tongue. The latter means a formidable barrier to communication and a handicap for our culture and learning. This is why a reading in the original becomes an indispensable course to our colleges. Here is an example of such a lesson. The author gives it to sophomores majoring education, using a text (Moore's Modern Education in America), once a week through the year. At the outset of the new year, he explains his plan as follows-we will read 4 pages in substantial at a time; all participants will quite at random be asked to read and interprete several lines one by one; each and all should prepare the lesson, otherwise he will be wise (?) not to attend; a report of summary is requested for all to hand in two days after the lesson; and so on. So the lesson goes on. Immediately before the summer vacation, just at tenth lesson, the author asks all to write freely how they think and feel about this lesson. Answers are naturally miscellaneous but he discovers that students are all honest and have will to study. They say, this is severe, painful, burdensom and is their first experience, etc., but at the same time, they have a good luck to reflect on themselves about insufficiency of basic knowledge and of skill of foreign languages. They say, all depends upon how they do their best for the lesson, We firmly believe that the central job of college education is to cultivate thinking ability of students. All lectures should do so, and reading in the original can never be exceptional. According to Dewey, thinking develops step by step: thrown into difficulties or perplexities; collecting data; making assumptions; testing them; and conclusion. This is of course a pragmatic explanation and very instructing. Can this rule be applied to our lesson? We tried and found it valid. Anyhow, in the case of reading in the original, students' preparation is the secret of success, and reporting summary after lesson will make it secure. Why such a truism? An old saying tells us: easy to speak, not easy to do. Concerning texts, classics or standard works should be selected. The educational value of classics is beyond doubt. Standard works are of authoritative content and good style, written by reliable authors. We think also that a desirable text should be one which teacher have read and have a passion to read it again with students. Some professors change texts year by year, but we doubt whether it be wise or not.
高山 佳子
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.23, pp.189-194, 1983-10-30
吉田 太郎
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.6, pp.39-59, 1966-12-26

During the period of about 260 years of the Edo Dynasty 1610~1868, there had developed throughout the country a total of over 15,500 Terakoya schools or private educational institutions for the public. The purpose of Terakoya schools was to give the mass of the people fundamental knowledge necessary for their daily lives as well as to teach them writing and reading. This was just what had happened with Writing schools or Reading schools found in the seventeenth-century Europe. At Terakoya schools in Japan the students were free to enter and to leave when they liked. The graduation from the same involved no social privileges of any kind on the part of the students. Most of such institutions were of one-room and one-teacher, with completely meagre educational content. One should not, however, overlook the fact that the prevalence of Terakoya schools in Japan had contributed towards a very small number of the illiterates, as compared with those of the world at large in its contemporary period. Some of the textbooks or readers used at Terakoya schools consisted of articles, dealing with works of great men in history or with main historical events of Japan. The present writer intended to analyze the content of such textbooks or readers, and to look into the educational influences such textbooks or readers had left upon the people. He regrets to say, however, that on account of the extreme shortage of relevant materials he has not been able to make researches into the actual curriculum building, and methods of examination as well as of evaluation of the results. In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the role of Terakoya schools was so important and their educational achievement was of such great magnanimity that in 1872, when western educational system was first introduced to Japan and the elementary school was made compulsory, the ratio of enrolement was extremely high, proving that Terakoya schools had cultured the enthusiasm of the people for the necessity of education.
酒井 志郎 佐野 裕
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.17, pp.130-157, 1977-11-30

This Report aims to study about the Swimming Curriculum in the training Cource for primary School teacher in Japan. Collected Rate by mailed questinnaire are as 80.4% (37/46) of National universities and 56.25% (9/16) of private colleges. According to our studies approximately 70.2% of National universities Swimming curriculum is as a necessary Subject, 24.3% as an elective subject, and have no Swimming curriculum 5.5%. About contents of swimming curriculum many universities Lecture on 「swimming Medicine」 (92.3%), 「Method of swimmig coach」 (34.6%), 「Swimming Administration」 (42.3%) and 「Science of Swimming」 (34.6%), and to practice such as crawl stroke. Back stroke. Breast stroke, side stroke and so on. But Butterfly stroke is not one of a main program.
但馬 文昭
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.35, pp.219-225, 1995-10-31

BASIC programs used as teaching materials at technical high schools in Kanagawa and Chiba Prefecture was analyzed from the point of view of complexity on the basis of the number of their lines and keywords. The results obtained were as follows: (1) programs under 20 lines or keywords occupy about 80% of all the programs; (2) there are more keywords which belong to partial categories, screen, graphic and arithmetic commamnds in graphic programs than in another functional programs; and (3) half of keywords in all the programs belong to categories of print, comment and arithmetic commands.
矢田 茂樹 田本 真志
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.31, pp.249-254, 1991-10-31
高木 秀明 安藤 嘉奈子 山口 陽子 井上 果子
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
no.37, pp.115-124, 1997-11

This study investigates the relation between the religious belief and the tendency of dogmatism among the Japanese adolescents. 248 subjects responded to the questionnaire. According to their responses concerning attitude and interest towards religion, the subjects were divided into 6 groups. Results show that anti religion adolescent group tended to be more dogmatic.
小林 芳文 松瀬 三千代
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.24, pp.147-164, 1984-10-30

The purpose of this study was to investigate the balancing ability of the mentally retarded children (ages from six to eighteen) based upon the data on gravity change referring at the same time to their bilateral motor ability. The results were as follows; (1) On standing balance with both leges, the gravity change of mentally retarded differed from age to age in a great deal and instability was the gravity change tended to be smaller and became stable after the age sixteen (2) Many of the mentally retarded children showed difficulty in standing on one foot balance and therefore, gravity change was large and unstable. (3) It was observed that the mentally retarded children were inferior in gross and fine bilateral motor abilities. (4) Those mentally retarded children with less gross and fine bilateral motor abilities were observed to show more gravity imbalance on standing balance and to have greater difficulty to stand on one foot balance. From the above observation, the gravity change, which is one of the balancing abilities, was assumed to be closely correlated to bilateral motor ability.
森本 信也 桜井 理恵
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
no.37, pp.235-244, 1997-11
