住岡 恭子 井上 果子 福榮 太郎 小野 康男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17318, (Released:2018-11-15)

This study investigated university teachers’ engagement in students’ problems by conducting a free description survey. The relationship between the teachers’ personal attributes and their style of involvement with the students were analyzed. Of the 607 teachers surveyed, 207 responded (response rate: 34.1%). Of those, the responses given in the free description column by 78 teachers (12.9%) were coded into eight categories and analyzed, using quantification theory type 3. A scatter plot was formed, based on two axes, “Approach Management” and “Strict Protective.” Cluster analysis identified the following clusters: strict relationship, proactive commitment, and situational plasticity. The mean sample scores of each attribute showed gender differences in teachers’ engagement only in the “Strict Protective” axes, while other attributes, such as position and length of service, had no significant effect on the style of teachers’ engagement with the students.
宮武 朗子 鈴木 信子 松井 豊 井上 果子
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.36, pp.173-196, 1996-11

Empirical studies regarding the romantic love among the junior high school students are rare, limited to sex attitude and sexual behaviour and not to the affection nor to the awareness of romantic love. Moreover there is no study of the junior high school teachers' view of romantic love of their students. This report is part of a larger research regarding romantic love of the junior high school students. It presents the initial finding of affection, attitudes, bonding style, desires, reality and wishes of romantic love among the students. The first survey is interview conducted to 6 teachers, focused on their view of the romantic love of their students. Based on the results, the questionnaire for the second survey were prepared. In the second survey, the questionnaire were administered to 699 junior high school students. Results show that the junior high school students are aware enough that generally the romantic love of couples of their age aren't associated with the sex behaviour nor marriage, but in contrast to this awareness, personally, they wish to get married and realize the sexual desire as their longing for the romantic love is intense. Results demonstrate the gap between the general common sense and the personal wishes of the students. Next junior high school teachers view their students romantic love as non lasting, while students wish to live with, get married to and perpetuate the steady relation with the loving partner. This fact is unrecognized by their teachers. Third, the junior high school students romantic love is mostly one-sided. Fourth, as far as romantic love is concerned, boys of this age are less active than girls.
井上 果子
農村計画学会誌 (ISSN:09129731)
vol.36, no.Special_Issue, pp.375-382, 2017-11-20 (Released:2018-11-20)

This paper is to explore how rural communities can transfer its traditional culture in a sustainable and endogenous manner while understanding the “succession” of a particular traditional culture, the ritual Kagura dancing tradition on a case of the Takachihogo-Shiibayama area (recognized as the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems). The study examines three aspects, 1) cooperation among neighboring communities, 2) home-coming of younger generations and return migration, and 3) inclusion of children as performers, in relation with age distributions, showing both quantitative and qualitative survey results. The results indicate that the succession is currently supported by new types of participants, and that the traditional cultural events provide opportunities for ex-villagers to be back to their hometown, suggesting a new form of succession of traditional cultures of depopulating rural areas.
高木 秀明 安藤 嘉奈子 山口 陽子 井上 果子
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
no.37, pp.115-124, 1997-11

This study investigates the relation between the religious belief and the tendency of dogmatism among the Japanese adolescents. 248 subjects responded to the questionnaire. According to their responses concerning attitude and interest towards religion, the subjects were divided into 6 groups. Results show that anti religion adolescent group tended to be more dogmatic.
住岡 恭子 井上 果子 福榮 太郎 小野 康男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.6, pp.625-631, 2018

<p>This study investigated university teachers' engagement in students' problems by conducting a free description survey. The relationship between the teachers' personal attributes and their style of involvement with the students were analyzed. Of the 607 teachers surveyed, 207 responded (response rate: 34.1%). Of those, the responses given in the free description column by 78 teachers (12.9%) were coded into eight categories and analyzed, using quantification theory type 3. A scatter plot was formed, based on two axes, "Approach Management" and "Strict Protective." Cluster analysis identified the following clusters: strict relationship, proactive commitment, and situational plasticity. The mean sample scores of each attribute showed gender differences in teachers' engagement only in the "Strict Protective" axes, while other attributes, such as position and length of service, had no significant effect on the style of teachers' engagement with the students.</p>
住岡 恭子 井上 果子 福榮 太郎 小野 康男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.6, pp.625-631, 2018 (Released:2019-02-25)

This study investigated university teachers’ engagement in students’ problems by conducting a free description survey. The relationship between the teachers’ personal attributes and their style of involvement with the students were analyzed. Of the 607 teachers surveyed, 207 responded (response rate: 34.1%). Of those, the responses given in the free description column by 78 teachers (12.9%) were coded into eight categories and analyzed, using quantification theory type 3. A scatter plot was formed, based on two axes, “Approach Management” and “Strict Protective.” Cluster analysis identified the following clusters: strict relationship, proactive commitment, and situational plasticity. The mean sample scores of each attribute showed gender differences in teachers’ engagement only in the “Strict Protective” axes, while other attributes, such as position and length of service, had no significant effect on the style of teachers’ engagement with the students.
田村 和子 井上 果子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.79, no.6, pp.506-513, 2009 (Released:2011-11-03)
11 10

This study investigated some discriminative features of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) with both clinical and normal samples using a self-report questionnaire. This questionnaire was administered to 116 clinical outpatients (diagnoses: thirty two BPD; twenty four schizophrenia; twenty six depression; twenty nine neurosis; and five other mental disorders) and to 216 college students as a normal sample. Factor analysis produced six factors: emptiness; hallucination and egorrhea; distortional body image and acts of self-inflicted injury; impulsive acting-out; loss of emotional control; and grandiose omnipotence. Distortional body image and acts of self-inflicted injury discriminated BPD the most from the other samples. No significant differences were seen between the BPD and Schizophrenia samples in terms of the hallucination or egorrhea subscales. An intense loss of emotional control, particularly control of negative emotions such as rage, was apparent in the clinical samples, which was not evident in the normal sample.
田村 和子 井上 果子
こころの健康 : 日本精神衛生学会誌 (ISSN:09126945)
vol.20, no.2, pp.73-87, 2005-12-10

本研究では, 従来青年期心性の特徴として指摘されてきた複数の視点に加えて, 対人関係における葛藤的側面といった視点を導入し, 「境界例心性」として位置づけた。質問紙調査を通じて, 青年期における境界例心性の構成要素を見いだし, 各成分間の関係を図示した。さらに境界例心性に与える両親の養育態度の影響を検討した。<BR>予備調査では, 青年期における境界例心性の全体像を把握するために, 境界例の診断基準に基づいて独自に作成した質問項目を用いて大学生を対象に調査を行った。その結果, 青年期における境界例心性は, 感情・衝動コントロールのできなさや非現実感よりも, 対人関係における敏感さや孤独感, 不安定な自己像や抑うつ感, 自我同一性の欠如によって構成されていることが示された。本調査では, 大学生・専門学校生を対象に調査を行い, 予備調査で明らかとなった境界例心性の側面をより詳細に検討することを試みた。対人関係における敏感さや葛藤的な感情については, 予備調査で使用した質問項目を再構成し, 独自に尺度を作成し, 「対人関係における境界例心性尺度」と命名した。抑うつ感と自我同一性に関しては既存の尺度を用いた。これら3尺度間の関連を検討した結果, 青年に内在化された境界例心性の構成要素が同定されるとともに, 発達の一側面としての特徴が明らかになった。また, その構成成分から, 青年期における境界例心性と, 精神障害としての境界例との共通点と異なる点が示唆された。さらに青年期の発達過程における内的葛藤状況が, 他者との関係の中の揺れとして示される点が, 青年期独自の境界例心性の特徴として捉えられた。<BR>両親の養育態度との関連を通して, 性別を問わず, 特に心理社会的同一性の確立に与える両親の養育態度の重要性, ならびに自己・他者・社会に対する一貫した自己像の確立に与える母親養育態度の重要性が示唆された。また青年期の女性における父親の養育態度の影響力の強さが明らかとなった。
石垣 琢麿 丹野 義彦 井上 果子 岡田 守弘

本研究は、わが国ではこれまでほとんど調査されていなかった中高大学生の妄想的観念を比較検討し、青年期のメンタルヘルス向上の一助とすることを目的にしている。まず、Petersらが開発したPeters, et. al. Delusion Inventory(PDI)の日本語版(山崎ら,2004)を、中学校教師の協力を得て日本の中学生に適用できるよう改変し、中学生用PDIを作成した。この尺度を用いた調査結果から、中学生にも妄想的観念と考えられる思考は存在し、とくに中学2年生からそれが増加する傾向がみられた。高校生と大学生には成人版PDIを用いた調査を実施したが、PDI得点分布には大きな違いはみられなかった。なお、中学生と高校生では、女子生徒のほうがPDI得点は高かった。原質問紙では、妄想的観念の有無だけでなく、その思考の苦痛度・心的占有度・確信度の各側面を調査することが可能である。妄想的観念に関する苦痛度・心的占有度は大学生のほうが高いが、体験頻度は中学生のほうが高いことが示唆された。加えて、中学生・大学生ともに、妄想的観念と対人不信感および敵意が強く関連することがわかった。これは、成人で確認された結果とほぼ同じであり、青年期前期から成人と同質の妄想的観念が出現しうることが示唆された。また、妄想的観念をもつ成人には、「性急な結論バイアス(Jump to Conclusion:JTC)」とよばれる認知的特徴があることが知られている。本研究では、ベイズ理論に基づいた心理学実験を、大学生を対象にして実施した。その結果、妄想的観念を多く体験する大学生が確率的判断を行う場合には、JTCに関連する「情報収集量が少ない」というバイアスが存在することが示唆された。