向居 暁 中垣 有紀子
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.16, pp.79-96, 2021-03-01

The purpose of this study was to understand what factors, in terms of obsessive-compulsive tendency and parent-child confidential relationships, affect the hesitation in eating rice balls made by others. In this study, conditions of making methods of rice balls (made with bare hands or with using plastic wrap) and of makers of rice balls (made by their own family members or by people other than family members) were examined. The results indicated that, even though rice balls were made by family member or not, and with bare hands or with plastic wrap," becoming contaminated" in obsessive-compulsive tendency could positively predict and "mentoring" of father in parent-child confidential relationship negatively predicted the hesitation in eating rice balls made by others. In addition, it is found that mother's and father's confidential relationship with child have differential effects to the hesitation in eating rice balls made by others. Lacks of" parent support" and" benevolent watch" of mother, and" emotional control" of father affected the hesitation in eating rice balls made by others, yet depending on the conditions. The results suggested that it is important to avoid excessive cleannessconscious attitudes at home and to develop a good parent-child confidential relationship, in order to reduce a feeling of hesitation in eating rice balls made by others.
杉山 寿美 岡松 久美 廣田 彩
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.2, pp.83-93, 2007

高橋 渡
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.7, pp.113-122, 2012

Who is the man in macintosh? This is a famous enigma in Ulysses. He comes out of the blue on the cemetery scene in Episode 6 (Hades), and, thereafter, appears twelve times in Ulysses. Leopold Bloom wonders over and over again who he is. And yet, in the text, we can find some hints as to his identity. It seems an enigma presented to the reader as well as to Bloom. Most plausible answers to this question seem to be Mr Duffy from 'A painful Case' in Dubliners and the author, Joyce, himself, because the text suggests it. These answers, however, cannot be proved definitely in spite of some suggestions we can find in the text. And we cannot decide which is the right answer, Mr Duffy or the author. What is important about this question, however, does not seem to be the exact answer to it, but what we notice in the course of our attempt to solve the question: we cannot but notice the fact that Ulysses has various narrative levels. This enigma seems to function as a meta-language suggesting one of the important features of narrative structure of Ulysses.
馬渕 良太 吉田 充史 三宝 雅子 杉山 寿美
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.10, pp.1-7, 2015

Cabbage is a main ingredient in okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), and while its sweetness determines the preference characteristics, the levels of vitamin C (VC) and other vitamins determine the nutritional qualities. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the cabbage used in making okonomiyaki on food (nutrient) composition. Variability in degrees Brix (°Bx) and the VC level of cabbage used in making Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki was examined. In Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki, the °Bx of cabbage is elevated and sweetness shows an increasing trend. In addition, the method of placing steamed cabbage on top of noodles and then applying pressure allows for a high rate of residual VC. These results indicate that the Hiroshima-stylemethod of making okonomiyaki utilizes the preference characteristics and nutritional qualities of cabbage.
船津 誠也 今泉 敏 藤本 雅子 橋詰 顕 栗栖 薫
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.3, pp.63-71, 2008

鄭 継華 森 朝美 樹山 敦子 加藤 秀夫
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.2, pp.33-38, 2007

五條 小枝子
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
vol.10, pp.81(1)-92(12), 0000

Kinnume Saionji was the husband of Hino Meishi, the author of Takemukigaki. He was killed by Godaigo-tenno on a charge of treason. Then Meishi devoted herself to moving to the Saionji principal residence and to bringing up Sanetoshi, her and late Kinmune's son, into the head of the Saionji Family. The coming of age ceremony for Sanetoshi was an auspicious event which formed a turning point in her life. So the ceremony had to be appropriately performed as that for the head of the family according to the ancient practices of the Saionji Family. The progress of the ceremony isdescribed in the second volume of Takemukigaki. The purpose of this paper is to consider the ancient practices of the Saionji Family in the coming of age ceremony for Sanetoshi from the four points of view: 1.the age at which the coming of age ceremony is performed, 2.Imperial gifts:" Kanmuri" (a crown) and" Noshi"(ordinary dresses of nobles), 3". Goi-chujyo", 4.congratulatory gifts from" Ashikaga-shogun".
岸田 典子 小田 光子
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.1, pp.31-45, 2006-03-03

佐伯 惠子
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
no.6, pp.143-156[含 英語文要旨], 2011

Resurrection Blues is Arthur Miller's penultimate play. It is an extreme satirical farce about modern politics, faith and contemporary media-obsessed society. The story is set in an unnamed Latin American country that is a so-called banana republic. A Christ-like man was arrested. He is said to be able to perform miracles and has achieved popularity among the impoverished citizens. The military dictator of the country, Felix, has sentenced him to be crucified and comes up with an idea of selling the rights to broadcast the crucifixion to an American television production team, which would offer big money to him and his country to help the national economy. There are many conflicts among people who urge the crucifixion or try to prevent it. At the end of the play, the Christ-like man disappears without giving any message. Critics have criticized this playas feeble, week. lumbering, rambling or unfinished. Certainly we needn't compare this play with Death of the Salesman or The Crucible. But is this "the great man's Swan song"? Even if it is, this swan is angry against the commercialism of opportunistic media, the venality of politicians, a media-obsessed society, blood-thirsty common people, obsessive religion, and art which takes people's eyes away from the actual reality. This is an imaginary story of an imaginary country, but by writing this play Miller is directing his attention to actual societies, especially the U.S.A. In fact, his characters say, for example, "after they kicked Nixon out of the White House he had one of the biggest funerals since Abraham Lincoln. … nobody clearly remembers anything" or "it's now a quite certain the attack [by a Vietnamese gunboat in the Gulf of Tonkin] never happened. This was a fiction, a poem," or "people are shot on television every ten minutes; bang-bang, and they go down like dolls, it's meaningless." Resurrection Blues makes us recognize our actual worlds - for example, the American media that accompanied by bids to carry the execution of the Oklahoma bomber, Timothy James McVeigh live on the internet, or countries rushing to war under false pretenses after 9/11, or common people concerned about money more than a life or moral. It seems obvious that Miller was conscious of The Crucible when writing Resurrection Blues. Both plays center on religious folks and crushing governors, an injudicious witch-hunt and the planned execution of a seemingly God-like prisoner, as one critic writes. Furthermore, Miller is writing Resurrection Blues in the context of his contemporary worlds, as he was writing The Crucible in the face of McCarthyism. This play gives us a question, "what would happen if Christ were to appear in the world today?" After the Christ-like man disappeared without showing himself and giving any message, a character, who has professed to be his disciple, says, "the actual improvements would just have to be up to us." This satirical farce is Miller's rebuke to the contemporary society and a serious warning to us all. He wants all of us bear responsibility for our future.
栗原 武士
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.11, pp.87-96, 2016

American Sniper (2014) is the first war film directed by Clint Eastwood since Flags of Our Fathers (2006) and Letters from Iwo Jima (2006), so-called" Iwo Jima Project." The project includes both of the Japanese and American sides of stories regarding the tragic battle in the Pacific Ocean in the World War II, and thus rejects to narrate the war in the simple plot based on justice / evil binary opposition. It focuses less on the battle scenes than on the individual and personal point of view of each soldiers mobilized in the war. Although each of the two films has main characters, they are not" heroes," who bravely fight against the enemy and support his comrades in propaganda war films. These two films mirror the director's pacifist aspect by avoiding portraying war violence, which might excite the audience, and by emphasizing the absurdity of the war through the absence of heroes.Unlike the two films above, American Sniper primarily portrays Chris Kyle, the legendary war hero, who killed more than 160 enemies in Iraq. This film inevitably contains more violence than the two films of "Iwo Jima Project." In this study, I will assert that American Sniper does not negate violent human nature, which differentiates this film from the preceding two war films. I will also point out that the ambiguous narrative of this film, which reciprocates between the sides of various binary oppositions including patriotism / pacifism and inclination toward / against violence, creates the moral situation, where one is forced to subjectively face the question: What is justice?
木本 尚美
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.10, pp.9-20, 2015

This study aims to clarify the distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese results from two international surveys, "The Changing Academic Profession 2008"and "The Changing Academic Profession in Asia 2012". We asked faculty members how they perceive their academic professions.The results were as follows:1 . Japan has a high rate of awarded doctoral degrees. This is considered a basic requisite for becoming an academic. Academics are receiving doctoral degrees at an increasingly younger age.2 . Faculty members show a strong inclination towards research. However, the amount of time spent on teaching duties is increasing for academics and this could lead to scheduling conflicts.3 . Facilities and support for academics at Japanese universities are not as favorable as they are overseas. Personnel support is lacking; many academics have to cope with a high workload with minimum or no support. This is believed to be linked to stress amongfaculty members.4 . Japan lags behind international institutions in implementing institutional initiatives to improve education and provide professional development for management andadministrative teams in academic institutions.5 . Japanese faculty members have a high degree of job satisfaction. Around 70% of surveyed faculty members were satisfied with their job. However, when asked the question "If you could live your life again, would you still choose to become a faculty member?", the responses included many neutral or negative responses. This indicates that change in the academic working environment is needed. As professionals, faculty members take on new tasks throughout their careers and they face a daily struggle to perform well in all duties. The tasks vary according to the individual's age and position. We conclude that faculty members need individualized support networks to help them advance at every stage of their career.
原 理
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.2, pp.175-184, 2007
小川 吉昭
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.9, pp.91-104, 2014

Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) sieht sich auf die Schwierigkeit der Gleichheit (Identität)gegenüber, denn in a=b drückt die Gleichheitszeichen( =) die Gleichheit der Zeichen a und b aus, und zugleich sind die Zeichen a und b voneinander verschieden.In der „Sinn und Bedeutung"(1892) unterscheidet er den Sinn und den Bedeugung eines Zeichens, der erste drückt die ‚Art des Gegebenseins des Bezeichneten' und die letzere den Gegenstand, den das Zeichen bedeutet. Diese Unterscheidung wendet er auf die Sätze: der Sinn eines Satzes ist der Gedanke und die Bedeutung der Wahrheitswert.Wenn die Bedeutung eines Zeichen oder Satzes betrifft, so muß, nach Freges Voraussetzung,die Ersetzbarkeit bestehen. Aber es gibt Ausnahme, wenn der Satzteil oder Teilsatz in der geraden oder ungeraden Rede aufttritt. So betrachetet Frege von allen Seiten, ‚ob von den Nebensätzen gleichfalls gilt, daß Bedeutug ein Wahrheitswert sei.'
森 朝美 岩本 珠美 鄭 継華 西田 由香 杉内 香予 加藤 秀夫
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.2, pp.27-32, 2007

石川 一
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
vol.9, pp.148(1)-184(37), 0000

The waka poems in this collection were selected by Monk Jaku-en< 寂延> in 1233. Allthe authors of these poems are related to Ise Country in some way and most of the works in this collection are associated with Ise Jingu Shrine. Although this collection originally consists of 20 volumes and more than 1,000 poems are included in total, more than a half of them have been lost. Now we have only 497 poems carried in seven volumes (three spring volumes, one summer volume, and three fall volumes). Jaku-en is a Shinto priest and his lay name is Naganobu ARAKIDA<荒木田長延>. He is a son of Sei-cho ARAKIDA<荒木田成長>, the first priest of Ise Jingu Shrine. The source of the poems annotated here is the oldest copy kept in Tenri Library.
小川 吉昭 Ogawa Yoshiaki オガワ ヨシアキ
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.8, pp.103-114, 2013-03

In "Dilemmas" Gilbert Ryle formulates the fatalist argument as 'whatever is was to be, so it can not be helped'. He trys to search out the fallacy of the argument from antecendent truth to the ineviatability of what happens. Ryle contrasts the fatalist conclusion with a posterior truth, that is, for everything that happens it is true for ever afterwards that it happened, and finds the reason why the latter does not worry us, but the former does. According to Ryle, when we think a predecessor makes its successor necessary, we unwittingly assimilate the necessitation to 'causal necessitation'. Moreover the truth of 'a might-have- been prophecy' is not 'an antecedent truth', but 'a posterior truth', as the adjectives as 'deceased', 'lamented' and 'extinct' can be applied to people or mastodons only after they have ceased to exist. In point of fact, we have not the Book of Destiny which has been written up in full from the beginning of time, but a chronicle which is waiting to be filled with facts that happened.
岩本 珠美 平原 文子 金山 功 板倉 弘重
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.2, pp.17-25, 2007
