田村 均
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.69, no.6, pp.645-670, 2004-03-25 (Released:2017-06-16)

The introduction of chemical dyeing materials in order to develop new textile products had a great influence on the domestic fashion textiles market in early Meiji Japan. This paper investigates how the possibility of new dyes encouraged technological growth in regional silk production districts as well as in dominant Japanese textile production centers such as Nishijin, Kiryu, and Ashikaga. In the years after the competitive exhibition in 1885, several regional silk production districts developed new textile products by introducing new technology in the form of chemical dyeing materials from Western Europe. In particular, the most active local districts such as Hachioji, Isesaki, and Tokamachi, succeeded in developing new fashions through the production of new textiles that were of high quality in terms of weaving, yarn quality, dyeing, weight, design, and price. On the other hand, regional silk production districts which had neglected to introduce newtechnology simply stagnated or declined. High quality newtextiles with fashionable designs were essential to the development of the textile industry in Japan.
梁 敏玲
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.79, no.3, pp.333-352, 2013-11-25 (Released:2017-05-17)

鈴木 公雄
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.53, no.6, pp.749-775, 1988

Although the significance of the archaeological approaches has been neglected in the historical study of the Edo period, the present paper, by combining archaeological materials with historical documents, aims at illuminating the Tokugawa government's monetary policy in the seventeenth century. Numerous copper currencies discovered from 153 graves of that period are undoubtedly important archaeological materials to specify the currencies in circulation. These currencies called Rokudosen (六道銭), buried as grave goods, can be classified into the four major types: the imported Chinese currencies (Toraisen 渡来銭), Kokan'eitsuho (古寛永通宝 first issued in 1636), Bunsen (文銭 in 1668) and Shinkan'eitstuho (新寛永通宝 in 1697). The patterns of their frequency distributions, analyzed by "frequency seriation" which is commonly used in the chronological study of prehistoric archaeology, indicate that the replacement of Toraisen by Kokan'eitstuho was achieved promptly. On the other hand, the transition from Kokan'eitsuho to Bunsen and from Bunsen to Shinkan'eitsuho required rather long duration. It is worth noting that the above observation corresponds to the descriptions of some historical documents on the government's monetary policy. The documents such as Shukubashiryo (宿場史料) indicate that the government intended to exclude the older, imported currencies, and that the government prohibited their use in 1670. The validity of these descriptions was hardly demonstrated in the previous studies; however, the result of "frequency seriation" obtained from the excavated currencies represents that the government's policy was effectively carried out. The consistency of the government's monetary policy, which is partly reflected in some documents, can be more clearly characterized by synthesizing both archaeological and historical evidence.
伊藤 正二
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.45, no.5, pp.511-536,599-59, 1980-02-29 (Released:2017-07-15)

Most of the Indian zaibatstu, the owners of the larger industrial houses of present day India belong, community-wise, to the Marwaris, the Gujerati-Banyas, or the Parsis. This article examines the nature of business activity and institution of each of these three major business communities just before and after the time of their entry into modern industrial enterprises, i.e., around the middle of the 19th century in the case of the Parsis and the Gujerati-Banyas and at the turn of the present century in the case of the Marwaris. The main purpose of this article is to find out that these communities shared some common features when they entered the modern industrial fields in spite that they did so, as is well known, at different times and through different paths. The conclusions are as follow; Firstly, the fact that most of the owners of the present day Indian zaibatsu belong to a very few particular business cnmmunities originates from the historical facts that only the large scale merchant capitalists were in a position to start modern industry in the backward and colonial economy and that a few business communities dominated the industrial fields right from the beginning of the Indian modern industrial capitalism. Secondly, the success as prominent merchant class by the particular communities, especially the Marwaris and the Chettiars, and perhaps all the other successful business communities, was not a little due to existence of some kind or other of the institutions that accomodated unsparingly the needs and wants of their own communities' members. Thirdly, those merchants wgre no doubt basically compradors. But the few Parsis and Marwaris that first ventured in modern industry had been of less comprador nature: They had been engaged in such relatively independent business as foreign trade on their own account, or speculation on large scale. This article, en Passant, notes that absorption and amalgamation movement was not so unimportant a factor, as is usually argued, for bringing forth the larger managing agency houses so far as the cotton textile industry of Bombay, the strong-hold of Indian capitalists, during the nineteenth century is concerned. There occurred very many failures of the cotton mills then, which certainly helped some of the mnaging agency houses to emerge as dominant ones.

1 0 0 0 OA 書評

社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.81, no.2, pp.261-291, 2015 (Released:2017-08-25)
中岡 哲郎
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.76, no.3, pp.329-351, 2010-11-25 (Released:2017-07-18)

下斗米 秀之
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.80, no.1, pp.15-35, 2014

兒玉 州平
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.80, no.3, pp.349-371, 2014-11-25 (Released:2017-06-03)

佐藤 政則
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.50, no.5, pp.562-584,653-65, 1985

In the 1890s, the Bank of Japan played an important role in providing funds to the silk industry, the cotton mill industry, the foreign trade sector, etc., and accelerated the growth of these important industries. With the establishment of the gold standard, however, such a positive lending policy became difficult. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate how the lending policy changed in 1900-1901 under the Japanese gold standard. Particularly, it focuses on the policy directed by Korekiyo Takahashi, who was the Vice-Governor of the Bank at that time, and clarifies the difference between his policy and monetary policy carried out under the classical gold standard by Governor Tatsuo Yamamoto. The main points of Takahashi's were as follows: (1) He tried to balance trade deficit not by an increase in the official discount rate, but by an export promotion. Therefore, he tried to strengthen the export industries through aiding customers of the Bank to provide them with funds. (2) In order to do this, he adopted a managerial technique of deposit bank, and attempted to change long-term and rigid loans of the Bank into short-term and liquid ones. He succeeded in it to a considerable extent, so that he made the turnover of funds of the Bank quicker. (3) Moreover, not only did he systematize that policy in the Bank, but he demanded that customers of the Bank, that is, major commercial banks, should follow it. Thus, the change in lending policy had an important influence on managerial technique of her customers, and promoted the reorganization of financial institutions.