村越 一哲
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.69, no.5, pp.553-564, 2004-01-25 (Released:2017-06-16)

The urban graveyard theory has emphasized that mortality is higher in urban than in rural areas. Osamu SAITO has reviewed research on urban and rural mortality in Tokugawa Japan (1603〜1867), and concludes that the theory has not yet been confirmed but seems likely if Farr's law is applied. This conclusion seems to have been widely accepted. In this paper, I examine whether it is reasonable to conclude that the urban mortality rate was high by using the data for 1883 to test whether Farr's law holds in the Japanese case. The results of my analysis are as follows: First, the mortality rate depends on the distributional patterns of population density in urban areas. Second, Farr's law should only hold for areas with similar patterns. Third, since urban areas in Japan showed various patterns at the beginning of the Meiji period (1868〜1912), only large areas with similar patterns follow Farr's law. Fourth, the existence of the different patterns should lead us to expect a wider range of urban mortality.
中野 卓
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.31, no.6, pp.567-581,7-8, 1966

Here I describes how, in the Tokugawa Period, these merchant houses effectively utilized their social ties as the framework for entrepreneurial organization. The ie (house as an institutional group) is translated often to a patrilineal and patriarchal stem family, and the dozoku (institutionaiized group composed of a main house and its branches) to a patrilineal kin group, and these "kin" groups are always regarded as those which were basic for Tokugawa entrepreneurial organization. But, I must point that standerd kinship categories used by Western scholars simply do not fit the ie and dozoku of the Tokugawa Period. Kinship was an important basis for forming corporate enterprise groups among these merchant houses, yet they were not strictly kin groups. Each house could include non-kin members referring to the house head and his or her kin members. Among non-kin members of the house there were male and female persons, who were adopted as clerk apprentices and house maids. The master of the house establish for his ex-apprentices their branch houses as well as for his non-heir kin members. Such a master's house was called as main house to these kin and non-kin branches. Adoption of kin members or non-kin into the house made the merchant house be enough flexible to get serected able persons as the member. Merchant dozoku could also be enough flexible to be vital, especially through utilizing non-kin branches.
湯山 英子
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.77, no.3, pp.365-385, 2011-11-25 (Released:2017-05-19)

行武 和博
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.72, no.6, pp.673-693, 2007-03-25 (Released:2017-08-09)

It is well known that the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) conducted trade with Japan during the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1609, the company established a factory in Hirado, which in 1641 was ordered to move to Nagasaki. In both factories, the Dutch merchants kept their account books according to the Italian system of double-entry bookkeeping. These account books-for example, the journals (Negotie Journalen) and the ledgers (Negotie Grootboeken)-are preserved in the Netherlands National Archives in The Hague. In the past, Oskar NACHOD and Japanese scholars have made use of these archival materials for their analyses of the management of the Dutch factory in Japan. However, because they did not entirely understand the bookkeeping system used, the results of their calculations for the volume of trade are not precise, and their results differ from each other. This paper tries to clarify how to calculate the actual figures of import and export goods for Japanese-Dutch trade by analysing the account books in the first half of the 17th century. It also seeks to correct the results of the calculations by NACHOD and others. During this period, Japanese-Dutch trade experienced transitions in scale and formation due to the foreign and trade policies of both sides and the situation on the high seas and coastal waters of East and Southeast Asia. The account books are fundamental archival sources, and they provide a detailed picture of the annual trade between Japan and the Dutch East India Company. However, we cannot understand the exact volume recorded unless we have a clear idea of the way in which the books were organized.
川勝 平太
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.51, no.1, pp.91-125, 1985

The present paper is an attempt to investigate into what seems contradictory phenomena observed in nineteenth century Asia: the increasing influx of British cotton manufactured goods into Asia on the one hand, with the development of indigenous cotton textile production in the region on the other. In order to account for this seemingly paradox, some newly found evidence is introduced which shows qualitative differences between British and Asian cotton products, and the following table is presented to demonstrate the fact that the structure of markets for cotton goods differed between India and the Far East, and also particularly the fact that there was virtually little competition between British and Far Eastern cottons. [table] It appeared necessary to devote a whole section (III) to outline how the cotton textile production, which originated in India, spread both west- and eastward to set out the historical background against which the above different types of cottons were encountered in the Asian markets in the later period. This historical account is not ambitious at all, but included in this paper in order to disperse any impression to the reader that those different structures of markets were static. They were, of course, not so, but products of long historical evolution. Some brief mention will also be made of how they underwent changes in the inter-war years.
森 宜人
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.77, no.1, pp.71-91, 2011

見市 雅俊
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.53, no.4, pp.538-572, 1987
加藤 繁
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.4, no.6, pp.694-696, 1934-09-15 (Released:2017-12-28)
ポメランツ ケネス 杉原 薫 西村 雄志
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.68, no.6, pp.647-661, 2003

Much literature normalizes a North Atlantic pattern of development, and sees a regionally specific 'East Asian' path emerging in the twentieth century. However, development patterns and economic performances in core regions of Europe and East Asia were surprisingly similar until almost 1800; Europe's divergences thereafter was shaped bu exceptional resource bonanzas. East Asian growth has been less resource-intensive, more focused on light industry and a diversified rural economy, and based on different social ideas. However, one cannot always distinguish 'Eastern' and 'Western' paths cleanly: some European economies have followed what looks like an 'East Asian' path, and vice versa. Moreover, various East Asian states have had shorter periods in which their economic strategies focused on the capital-intensive, resource-intensice heavy industry that has otherwise been more prominent in the West: this has happened during periods when those states placed a high priority on increasing their military strength. Recentry, 'East Asian' growth has spread to coastal China, but China's interior poses greater challenges; current interest in more resouce-intensive, state-centered developement strategies for those regions (which are often related to fears about dependence on the outside world for resouces) is thus unsurprising, but environmentally and socially risky.
林 良育
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.80, no.4, pp.527-546, 2015

水野 絅子
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.40, no.2, pp.107-128,202-20, 1974

<p>Cet article fait suite a une etude precedente sur les rapports des communes francaises et dos couches gouvernantes dans la societe feodale; nous essayons maintenant de mettre davantage en lumiere la ville medievale dauas la societe feodale, selon les documents rouennais allant du XI^e au premier quart du Xlll^e siele. Nous savons que les Etablissements de Rouen (Stabilimentum communie Rothomagi), concedes entre 1174 et 1183 par Henri II, roi d'Angleterre, representent l'etape la plus monumentale dans l'evolution du droit urbain a Rouen. Si nous examinons les differents articles, nous constatons que cette loi est loin d'etre liberale en ce qui concerne la concession des privileges a la commune: d'une part, l'autonomie judiciaire communale se limite a la juridiction civile d'autre part, des differents organes de la magistrature communale, da'finis minutieusement dans les Etablissements de Rouen, sont consideres comme les dernieres instances de l'admimaistration royale. Cette loi est un octroi qui favorise principalement le patriciat, compose de riches marchands specialises dans le commerce a longue distanace et dont l'existence a Rouen est par ailleurs attestee par quelques sources narratives anterieures; ces marchands ont en effet besoin d'une juridiction civile autonome pour proteger leurs transactions comunerciales et immobilieres. Il faut noter aussi que les Etablissements de Rouen, en precisant les obligations dues par la commune et reparties d'ailleurs sur tous les bourgeois, garantissent au roi anglais certains profits. Les Etablissements de Rouen presentent donc le meme caractere que les chartes octroyees jusqu'a la premiere moitie du XII siele et qui ont gratifie le patriciat rouennais de larges privileges commerciaux, en particulier la charte de 1144 concedee par Geoffroi d'Anjou; ces Etablissements de Rouen et ces clnartes demeurent cependant reservees a la concession de l'autonomie communale. On pourrait dire qu'il s'agit la d'une expressiona des interets communs des classes gouvernantes feodales et du patriciat urbain qui reste nettement separe du Commun. La prise de Rouero par Philippe Auguste en 1204 semble changer profondement la situation. Dans une conventio de cette annee-la en effect, dans laquelle le roi capetien definit les conditions de la capitulation, ce ne sont pas la noblesse, ni le clerge qui sont acceptee en tant que vrais representants de la ville, mais la commune de bourgeois. Philippe Auguste, ayant reconnu les Etablissements de Rouen peu apres la capitulation de la ville, elargit en 1207 l'autonomie judiciaire communale, par la concession d'une juridiction criminelle etendue et affranchit les bourgeois de la mainmorte: ce sont la les privileges dont peuvent beneficier tous les habitants urbain. Il est facile de deceler sous cet acte de Philippe Auguste, applique aussi a plusieures villes arrachees alors a la domination anglaise, un but precis, celui de lever un service militaire important. L'originalite de la politique communale de ce roi consiste, comme nous l'avons souligne dans notre article precite, a creer une relation "synallagmatique" entre la royaute et les communes: la royaute accorde en effet une large liberte et une grande autonomie a ces dernieres, qui, de leur cote, consentent au service militaire au meme titre que les vassaux directs du roi. Rouen, par sa nature meme de centre tres important de commerce et de strategie, attire beaucoup l'attention des classes dominantes et, partant, doit montrer une disposition a s'associer aux interets royaux plus marquee que les autres villes ordinaires. Cependant, c'est bien cette particularite rouennaise, qui nous permet de voir combien la ville medievale, qualifiee d' "anti-feodale" ou de "a-feodale" par certains auteurs est integree</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>