朱 捷
総合文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:09100105)
vol.33, pp.63-81, 2016

Some pairs of the hexagrams in the I Ching (Book of Changes) may be viewed as having the structure of palindromes, and the elements that make them up may be viewed as palindromes as well. The hexagram 師, (shi, Leading), for example, is the reverse of the hexagram 比 (bi, Grouping), and each of that hexagramʼs six yao 爻 (the whole or broken lines that make up the hexagram) is the reverse of the corresponding yao. The first yao of the hexagram 比, for example, is the sixth yao of the hexagram 師, while the sixth yao of the hexagram 比 is the first yao of the hexagram 師. Whether it can be ascertained if there is in fact a reversible, palindrome-like relationship between these pairs of yao and their commentaries, and whether each of these paired yao shows a correspondence with and reversal of its counterpartʼs meaning is the question this paper takes as its subject. This essay looks at seven pairs of hexagrams in which each yao is the mirror image of that of its corresponding hexagram, and, on the basis of the commentaries on each of the forty-two yao, for a total of eighty-four, determines that almost all of the pairs show this palindromic conversion of meaning.論文
同志社女子大学大学院文学研究科紀要 = Papers in Language, Literature, and Culture : Graduate School of Literary Studies, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:18849296)
vol.12, pp.29-41, 2012-03-30

Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941) は Winesburg, Ohio (1919) において、25のエピソードを通して孤独に苦しむ人々を描いた。架空の町ワインズバーグに暮らす人々は、それぞれが孤独の苦しみにあがいている。その中でも、典型的な孤独の様相をみせるのが、"Adventure" の Alice Hindman である。彼女は恋人が去った後、ワインズバーグで10年以上彼を待ち続け、ある日、自らの状況に耐えきれなくなり、何も身につけずに雨の中を走り出すという冒険を経験する女性だ。Alice はこの冒険にいたるまでの間に、彼女なりに孤独から逃れようと工夫を凝らしている。その1つが "inanimate objects"「生命のないもの・無生物」に愛着を抱くようになることだ。彼女は他人に触られるのも許せないほど家具などの無生物に執着する。今回は、この Alice の "inanimate objects" に対する愛着に注目する。本論では、Alice がかつての恋人や自らを生命のないもの、すなわち、無生物のようにとらえている様子がないかをみることで、彼女にとっての無生物がどういった意味を持つのかを検証した。Alice は無生物を変化しないもの、いわば、恒久的なものとしてとらえることで、孤独の苦しみから逃れようとしている。"inanimate objects" に注目することで、孤独の中でもがき続けるしかなくなる Alice の無力さや弱さが明らかになるだろう。
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.33, pp.162-174, 2016-07-15

This study explores the relationships of experiences abused by respondentsʼ own parents on the developmental stage and the readiness-for-parenthood cultivated by adolescence in female undergraduates. The Abused Experiences Scale developed by the authors and the Readiness-for-Parenthood Scale (Nishida & Moroi, 2010) were administered to female undergraduates (N=469). By the cluster analysis (Wardʼs method, squared Euclidean distance) for the Abused Experiences Scale, seven clusters appeared; Verbal aggression, indifference, reproof, neglect, violence, corporal punishment, and intimidation. The factor analysis of the Readiness-for-Parenthood Scale indicated four factors: concern for the child and baby, positive expectancy of a parental role, father as a role model, and anxiety about parenting in the future. According to the covariance structure analysis, as predicted, abused experiences negatively affected the readiness for parenthood. Verbal aggression by parents was the dominant negative factor. The significance of research is discussed from the point of view of motherhood.
同志社女子大学生活科学 = DWCLA human life and science (ISSN:13451391)
vol.46, pp.46-57, 2013-02-20

This paper looks at the Kosode Moyo Hinagatabon published during the Edo Period, and discusses the characteristics and changes of butterfly patterns drawn on kosode. The appearance of butterfly patterns peaked in the late 1680s and early 1700s, and later increased slightly to its highest number in 1800. Depictions of butterfly patterns can be generally divided into ageha chou and fuse chou, with further changes visible in the detail of the shapes, showing variety. There were also allegorical patterns that combined with other patterns to symbolize a sense of season, drawing from literature of that time. In sum, it appears that there is much commonality among popular designs of kosode patterns.
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.33, pp.1-15, 2016-07-15

In August 1925, Yokomitsu Riichi (1898-1947), who had been hailed as the leader of the Neo-Sensualist movement, published the short story ‘Machi no Soko’, in the magazine ‘Bungei Jidai’. This work appeared at a time when, as the critic Hirano Ken has pointed out, the Japanese world of letters was dominated by the sanpa teiritsu, i.e., the three-cornered contest between the already established realistic literature, the proletarian literature, and the new novel of the 20th century. This paper aims to show that ‘Machi no Soko’ has features that challenge both realistic and proletarian literature, while bringing to the fore its modernist characteristics.
同志社女子大学大学院文学研究科紀要 = Papers in Language, Literature, and Culture : Graduate School of Literary Studies, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:18849296)
vol.12, pp.1-11, 2012-03-30

同志社女子大学生活科学 = DWCLA human life and science (ISSN:13451391)
vol.47, pp.1-10, 2014-02-20

The purpose of this article is to present detailed information about certified clinical social workers who are evaluated as qualified ones by the central competent authorities in Taiwan. The advantage of obtaining qualification is that they can apply for establishing an independent social worker office ; therefore they are more marketable when job hunting.This paper is composed of three parts. The first part discusses in detail characteristic patterns and approaches of Professional Social Work Act in 1997 by briefly reviewing how and why certified clinical social workers were developed. The second part is about the result of the research and its analysis. These credentials make them more inviting to those who apply for social workers by establishing a system for nursing-care insurance in the year 2017. Lastly, I make some propositions based on the result of research. The paper then describes the current dimensions of independent social work offices. It connects with certain arguments about reorganizing the mental health professions. This paper concludes by arguing that licensed clinical social workers cut across professional lines in an eclectic manner, creating a unique interprofessional approach in the areas of social work and psychology. The history of social work in Taiwan is a process of replacement of old theory and practice by new one.
同志社女子大学大学院文学研究科紀要 = Papers in Language, Literature, and Culture : Graduate School of Literary Studies, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:18849296)
vol.13, pp.1-22, 2013-03-29

ドラブルは、2006年までに17作の長編小説を出版しているが、それぞれに趣向をこらし、実験的な試みを行ってきた。第16 作目のThe Red Queen: A Transcultural Tragicomedy(2004)でも、副題に「文化を横断する、ジャンルを横断する」という趣旨の副題を付けることで、実験的な意図を明らかにしている。 ドラブルは、この副題が小説中で普遍性を提示するために必要だったと語っている。しかしながら、時代を超えて生きる女性とか、普遍的な人間性を有する女性という前提は、文化相対主義のポストモダンの時代には支持されない考え方であろう。そこで、この2つのもの(普遍性と相対性)の共存の可能性を探ったのがドラブルの意図であったと考えられる。本稿では、時代、国、文化を横断するという試みを通して、連続性と不確実性の混在という結論に至る経緯を分析した。以下に小説の構成とあらすじを記しておく。 小説のPart 1 Ancient Timesでは18世紀の朝鮮王朝のプリンセスの宮廷内の回想、Part 2の1つ目のModern Timesではイギリス人女性で生命倫理学の研究者Barbara Halliwell(以下、Babsと略す)の韓国ソウルでの学会の出来事、Part 2の2つ目のPostmodern Timesではイギリス帰国後のBabsの生活の変化、という具合に、小説は時間的・空間的な区分を設けた3 部構成となっている。本稿では小説の引用箇所で便宜的にPostmodern TimesをPart 3と明記した。 Babs は1 年間のオックスフォード大学での研究休暇を終えようとしている時に、送り主不明の書籍の贈り物を受け取る。それは200年前の朝鮮王朝の王の息子(思悼世子 (サドセジャ))の正室、恵慶宮 (ヘギョングン) によって書かれた『回想録』(英語訳)であった。Babsがこの本を夢中になって読むのは、韓国のソウルで開催される学会へと向かう機中である。朝鮮王朝時代のプリンセスは墓場から出現した幽霊となって、時代や国を往き来できる存在である。Babsもこの『回想録』を読むことで、知的、精神的に2つの時代と2 つの文化を横断する。要するに、この作品は、200 年の時代の隔たりの中で、古い物語と21 世紀の現代が交差するという設定の上で抽出できる「女の物語と歴史」の真価を披瀝する試みを行っていると言える。
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.31, pp.16-32, 2014-07-14

Recently, the use of internet sites and social networking services has spread especially among young people. If we use them, we can exchange ideas and informations with various people. However, some students create web pages, videos, profiles, etc., which ridicule other students in order to use as the method of bullying. Cyberbullying is different from off-line bullying at various points. Therefore, it cannot be said that the policies against bullying are sufficient and suitable as policies against cyberbullying.The purpose of this study is to analyze the judicial precedents and theories concerning restrictions on cyberbullying in the United States. The first chapter describes laws and policies against bullying and cyberbullying. The second chapter describes and analyzes the legal cases concerning the freedom of students' expressions. Finally, the third chapter analyzes constitutionality of restrictions against on-line expressions of students.
同志社女子大学生活科学 = DWCLA human life and science (ISSN:13451391)
vol.48, pp.13-24, 2015-02-20

The present study examined the factor structure of paranormal beliefs of female undergraduates. The Paranormal Beliefs Scale was developed by authors. We developed a new scale composed of seventy-six items by refining scale items used by previous studies. The Paranormal Beliefs Scale, the Big Five Scales (Wada, 1996), and the Trait Feelings of Unreality Scale (Sunaga, 1996) were administered to female undergraduates (N=392). By factor analysis (principal factor method with promax rotations), for the Paranormal Belief Scale, five factors were extracted : belief in augury, belief in unidentified objects, belief in good or bad luck, positive attitude toward science, and negative attitude toward science. According to a series of regression analyses (stepwise method), paranormal beliefs were significantly determined by big five and feelings of unreality. The significance of research in paranormal beliefs was discusssed from the point of view of youth and religion.原著論文