和達 清夫
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.3, no.8, pp.201-211, 1925

Some seismograms of the destructive earthquake occurred on May 23rd, 1925 in North Tazima district, show distinctly so-called the Mohorovi_??_i_??_ wave _??_. One of them is shown in Fig. (4) magnified from the seismograms of Wiechert's 200kg. seismograph installed at the Central Meteorological Observatory in Tokyo. (Epicenter distance about 450km.)<br>The author of the present paper has drawn the hodograph for the longitudinal wave P from the results of seismic observations of the meteorological stations in this country as well as the time difference between P and _??_ from seismograms of these stations in case when it revealed on it. Moreover the curve of _??_ is also drawn on the same diagram and is shown in Fig. (6).<br>Nextly, the author has assumed that, to interprete the time curve the discontinuity layer exists not so far from the surface in the earth crust. Following numerical values are obtained:-<br>Velocity of the longitudinal wave<br>above the discontinuity layer, <i>v</i><sub>1</sub>=5.56km. per see.<br>Ditto under the discontinuity layer, <i>v</i><sub>2</sub>=7.50km. per see.<br>Epicenter distance of stations where P<br>and _??_ waves arrive simultaneously &Delta;<sub>0</sub>-120km.<br>Difference of T(P)-T(_??_), shown in Fig. (6) is 6.2 sec.<br>From these values, the depth of the discontinuity layer and that of the seismic foeus of this earthquake is determined. He has also compared the time of occurrence with those of the other two great earthquakes which have occurred on Jan. 15th, 1924 and Sept. 1st, 1923 respectively in Fig. (1); and ascertained that the geographical effect is not so great in these time-curves that the following conclusion may hold good in its main figure, even in any earthquake which occurred everywhere in this country.<br>Followings are main results obtained in this paper:-<br>(1) So called &ldquo;initial movement&rdquo; takes place with sudden change in its magnitude, and sometimes in direction, at the place about 100-200km. distant from the epicenter. Fig. (5).<br>(2) The epicenter distance above mentioned depends chiefly upon the depth of seismic focus, therefore the depth may be estimated by this means. <br>(3) I_??_itial movement must be very weak at the stations which lie within the epicenter distance, from 200km. to 1000km. approximately.<br>(4) For the determination of the direction of epicenter from that of the initial movement of longitudinal wave, it is better to use _??_ phase than P and this will be done with much accuracy and easiness. <br>(5) Depth of the discontinuity layer and that of the focus of Tazima-earthquakes are calculated and their values have been found to be about 42km. and 32km. respectively.<br>(6) S-phase of the transverse wave begin to appear gradually o_??_ seismogram and with increasing epicenter distance it becomes more distinct.<br>(7) Irregular form of isochronal curves may be considered as the effect of the discontinuity layer whose depth may not be definite in a part of the earth-crust of this part of the globe.<br>(8) Well known &ldquo;Omori's formula&rdquo; which expresses the relation between the duration of preliminary tremor and epicenter distance, may hold good with _??_ and _??_ phases for the region of small epicenter distance and with P and L phases at distant places.<br>The present paper is a preliminary report and the more complete studies will follow in a near future.
和達 清夫
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.10, no.7, pp.397-401, 1932

In this paper, is treated a simple geometrical method for locating the position of earthquake focus by the arrival times of initial phase observed in the seismograms of several stations near the epicenter. The propagating velocity of seismic waves is assumed to be constant everywhere in the crust, but some considerations are also made in the case that the velocity increases with the depth.
和達 清夫
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.15, no.8, pp.295-316, 1937

In the present paper are treated the problems concerning the mechanism of earthquakes from the stand point of the seismological observation of earthquake waves. First of all the importance of generation of a fault is discussed for the occurrence of earthquakes. Then the fact so-called &ldquo;quadrant distribution of first motion&rdquo; which is observed in almost all cases of earthquakes of both shallow and deep origins can be considered as a naturally expected phenomenon if earthquakes occur first in the crust by breaking, in other words by fault, and the conservation of angular momentum be hold. Hitherto, oscillators are sometimes considered at the source of earthquakes to interpret the distribution of the first motion, such as &ldquo;center of compression or dilatation&rdquo; &ldquo;doublet with moment&rdquo; or &ldquo;a pair of doublet with (without) moment&rdquo; etc. Yet we have perhaps never heard of the simple explanation mentioned above that the distribution of the first motion can be interpreted by the motion caused by a doublet (with moment) and adding to it by that of the opposite sign caused by the reaction of the former.<br>Although the first motion of earthquakes can be considered to be caused by a pair of doublet oscillator, it is quite another phenomenon as to the crustal deformation observed in the epicentral region where sometimes a remarkable fault may be found in the case of large earthquakes. The latter phenomenon cannot be satisfactorily interpreted by the assumption that a pair of doublet nuclei of force act in the crust, but rather explained by the assumption that there exists only one doublet nuclei of force in the crust, each of them lies on each side of the fault surface in a certain depth.<br>A trial is made to obtain mathematically the crustal deformation at the surface occurred near the fault by a great earthquake. For the simplest case, the following assumptions are made. In a semi-infinite elastic body, surface. being <i>z</i>=0, the fault surface <i>y</i>=0 and <i>z</i> axis taken positive downwards, a nucleus of force exists at (0, -<i>b, b</i>.) and a force <i>X</i><sub>0</sub> acts horizontally to <i>x</i>-direction, another nucleus at (0, -<i>b, b</i>), force acts there -<i>X</i><sub>0</sub>. As boundary conditions, stress must be vanish at <i>z</i>=0 and also at the fault surface <i>y</i>=0. The method used for this calculation is similar to that made by F. I. W. Whipple (M. N. of R. A. S. Geo. Sup. Vol. 3, No.6) and the approximate solutions obtained. The crustal deformation thus obtained resembles much to that actually observed.<br>In the last part, the problem of the wave propagation of shallow earthquakes is treated. Dr. H. Nakano treated theoretically this problem assuming oscillators in a general form at the origin. Dr. H. Honda proved that the actually observed result of seismic waves agrees just well with a special case of this theoretical result. Of couse this proof is good in general tendency but if we examine precisely the observed result, it may be found that the problem of propagation of seismic waves issued from a very shallow origin can not be treated under such a simple conditions as assumed by Dr. Nakano that the medium is uniform and perfect elastic and the origin lies just on the surface. He obtained that the amplitude of solid seismic waves decreases with epicentral distance as <i>A<sub>P</sub></i>&prop;&Delta;<sup>-2</sup>, <i>A<sub>T</sub></i>&prop;<sup>-1</sup> in their principal directions respectively, and this theoretial result ascertained by Dr. Honda using many observational data. But in the practical case, the earth's crust is not homogeneous, the seismic-focus does not lie strictly on the surface and therefore the conditions of wave propagation must be somewhat different from this theoretical result.
和達 清夫 川瀬 二郎
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.14, no.8, pp.381-404, 1936

This paper is composed of two parts. The first part deals with the general theory of long-period seismographs having a device of the mechanical registration and the properties of horizontal pendulum of Z&ouml;llner's befilar type. As to be convenient for designing these instruments we investigated about the style of the suspended bodies as well as the tension of the fibre in the equilibruim state. The results thus obtained are graphically represented in Fig. 3, 4 and 5.<br>In the second part is described an electrical methol which makes to record mechanically the motion of long-period pendulum with a sufficient magnification and without any frictional resistance. For this purpose we adopted a system of series, i.e. horizontal pendulum (seismograph)&rarr;coil (generator)&rarr;amplifier&rarr;recording galvanometer. The seismograph is similarly constructed in size and figure as Galitzin's one. The horizontal pendulum, having a mass of 10kg hanged with piano wires of 0.7mm in diameter, bears a coil (20, 000&Omega;) and alminium plate. Both lie in the magnetic field and serve as the generator and damper respectively. In this seismograph it is not so difficult to get a period more than 40 sec. the pendulum continues to freely oscillate for a long while without any considerable decrease in amplitude if the effect of the damper be properly taken away.<br>The recording galvanometer was specially designed for this purpose. It is of a moving coil type and bears a recording pen with a straw (strengthened by bakelite suffusion) style in order to get registration on a smoked paper (See photopraphs of Fig. 16). The resistance of this galvanometer is 5, 600&Omega;, the proper period of it 0.4 sec., the damping ratio <i>v</i>=4 in the case of open circuit. It causes a deflection of about 1cm. on the paper for a current of 0.1mA when the arm length is 16cm.<br>The current generated in the coil by earthquakes is in Galitzin's method lead to a long-period sensitive galvanometer and observed photographically, but here we magnified it by a voltage and current amplifier to get a current large enough to act the mechanically recording galvanometer of short-period mentioned above. The wiring of the amplifier is shown in Fig. 6. This amplifier consists of three stages of push-pull type directly coupled. Vacuum tubes B 228 and A 409 are used. The formers of earlier two stages are operated by 2 and 200 Volt storage battery and the latters of the last stage by rectified current obtained from 100 Volt A. C. line. We can obtain a sufficient stableness of this amplifier for the continuous routine observation and its adjustment and treatment are not so difficult. If the condensers used in this amplifier be omitted or changed properly for others of different capacity, we can get to some extent a desirable condition of amplification for the current generated by earthquakes according as its period varies. In a word, the magnification curve for stationary oscillations obtained by the present arrangement is very alike to that of Galitzin's instruments. But there are some inevitable defects because the recorded seismogram is magnified in very complex manner except when the earthquake motion takes place in regular oscillations, and even in this case a remarkable phase lag is observed for rapid oscillations.<br>In brief, our intension is to get the mechanically registered seismogram applied to the Galitzin's seismograph, because the photographic recording has various inconveniences for a routine work. Some examples of seismograms obtained by the present method are shown in Fig. 16. Of course there may be many things to be improved in our apparatus, it seems, however, to suggest that the registcring method of this kind may be useful for the routine observation of distant earthquakes by long-period seismographs, and also applicable to observations of other geophysical phenomena, such as terrestrial magnetism, earth current, wind, temperature and pressure of the air etc.
和達 清夫
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.11, no.11, pp.505-512, 1933

This earthquake was precisely investigated by Mr. Isikawa in the last year. (this journal Vol. 10, No.4.) This report is a supplementary one to it, especially on the point of the focal depth and reflected waves, taking advantage of the travel time table calculated by the author and others.
和達 清夫
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.10, no.9, pp.540-551, 1932

The velocity ratio of P and S waves is obtained by many authors to be nearly constant everywhere in the earth's crust. In the present investigatio_??_, is treated this problem by a method of <i>t<sub>p</sub>-T<sub>p-s</sub></i> diagram which gives the relation between the arrival time of P and duration of (P-S). Examining in many cases of large earthquakes of both shallow and deep origins occurred in our country, the relation is obtained to be approximately linear as is expected, especially in the cases of deep-seated earthquakes. From these investigations, the velocity ratio of P and S waves is obtained as about 1.73 in the upper part, it may be probably the so-called Mohorovicic layer, but its value seems to differ in different localities; while, in the deeper part nearly a constant value of 1.79 is obtained. Thus, using the result we are able to obtain the depth of seismic focus by a simple method, especially in case of deep-seated earthquakes.
和達 清夫 益田 クニモ
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.11, no.9, pp.389-394, 1933

This report is presented for the purpose of showing the general activity of recent large earthquakes (1919-1928, Sep.) in the world. The materials were all taken from I. S. S. issued from the University Observatory, Oxford.
大沢 綱一郎
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.36, no.6, pp.227-238, 1958

榊原 均 石原 正仁 柳沢 善次
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯
vol.63, no.5, pp.901-922, 1985

眞島 善雄 喜多村 一男
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.18, no.12, pp.400-404, 1940

Assuming that an upper air current obeys the law of gradient wind and the horizontal temperature gradient of each layer is uniform, the hodograph formed by the upper wind vectors must be nearly a straight line, because the lenght of the hodograph mainly relates to the temperature and the values of the horizontal temperature gradients, and closely to the acceleration of vertical circulation in the baroclinic field.<br>The area enclosed by the wind vectors and the hodograph relates also closely to the movement of the energy and acceleration of horizontal circulations of the air.<br>Under the idea above mentioned we investigated the hodograph of the upper air current and explatined its application.
NGUYEN T. Hanh 石島 健太郎 菅原 敏 長谷部 文雄
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.99, no.5, pp.1149-1167, 2021

<p> インドネシアのビアクで行われたCoordinated Upper-Troposphere-to-Stratosphere Balloon Experiment in Biak (CUBE/Biak)観測キャンペーンの一環として行われたクライオジェニックサンプリング実験による大気サンプルから推定された平均大気年齢(mean age)の成層圏高度分布について、大気大循環モデルに基づく化学輸送モデル(Atmospheric general circulation model-based Chemistry Transport Model: ACTM)を用いたBoundary Impulse Evolving Response (BIER)法とラグランジュ後方流跡線解析の二つの方法を適用して検証した。ACTMは、大気大循環モデルをEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis-Interim (ERA-Interim)にナッジングすることにより、1時間間隔の現実的な気象場を提供した。BIER法では陽に解像されない拡散混合過程を考慮することが可能であり、後方流跡線解析では空気塊が観測地点に到達するまでの経路を区別できる。ACTMによって再現された共通の輸送場に対して二つの方法を適用することは、CO<sub>2</sub>とSF<sub>6</sub>から推定された平均年齢を評価する上で有用である。計算に用いた輸送場の信頼性は、ラグランジュ法によって再現されたCO<sub>2</sub>、SF<sub>6</sub>、および水蒸気の鉛直分布を観測結果と比較することで評価した。二つの方法による平均年齢をCO<sub>2</sub> ageと比較すると、ラグランジュ法の結果が比較的良い再現性を示した。ラグランジュ法の平均年齢はやや小さくなるバイアスが見られたが、このことは流跡線計算を一定の有限時間で停止させているためであると考えられる。一方、BIER法の平均年齢は、高度25km以上においてCO<sub>2</sub> ageよりも大きくなっており、モデルの拡散の効果が大きい可能性が示唆された。これとは対照的に、SF<sub>6</sub> ageとの比較では成層圏下部のみで再現性が良いものの、SF<sub>6</sub> ageはラグランジュ法の平均年齢よりもかなり大きくなった。ラグランジュ法では中間圏起源の空気塊が含まれていないことや、観測された上層のSF<sub>6</sub>濃度が流跡線から再現された濃度よりもかなり低くなっていることから、観測された大気サンプルがSF<sub>6</sub>消失の影響を受けた中間圏大気との混合の影響を受けているために平均年齢が過大評価になっているという仮説を裏付けている。</p>
山田 広幸 伊藤 耕介 坪木 和久 篠田 太郎 大東 忠保 山口 宗彦 中澤 哲夫 長浜 則夫 清水 健作
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.99, no.5, pp.1297-1327, 2021

<p> 2017年台風第21号(ラン)対する上部対流圏の航空機観測を、新たに開発したドロップゾンデシステムを備えた民間ジェット機を用いて行った。これは、日本の研究グループがドロップゾンデを用いて非常に強い台風の内部コアを観測した初めての事例である。本論文では、目の暖気核構造と、それに関連するアイウォールの熱力学的および運動学的特徴について記述する。この台風は観測の2日間において、鉛直シアーが強まる環境で最大の強度を維持した。ドロップゾンデにより、この期間に対流圏中層と上層に温位偏差の極大をもつ二重暖気核構造が維持されたことが捉えられた。この2つの暖気核は相当温位が10 K以上異なり、起源が異なることが示唆された。飽和点分析により、上部暖気核の空気はアイウォールから流入したことが示唆された。鉛直シアーベクトルの左半円側におけるアイウォール上昇気流は、台風の中心側で相当温位が高く絶対角運動量が低い2層の構造を持っていた。飽和点とパーセル法の分析から、この中心側の上昇気流で相当温位が370Kを超える暖かい空気が目の境界層から流入し、最終的に上部暖気核に輸送されることが示唆された。これらの結果から、目の境界層を起源とする高い相当温位の空気の鉛直輸送が、鉛直シアーによる台風強度への負の影響に対抗して、上部対流圏の目の継続的な昇温に寄与するという仮説が導かれた。この研究は、相当温位の計算に必要な温度と湿度の測定が、ドロップゾンデのような消耗型の機器でしか行えない現状において、アイウォール貫通型の上部対流圏航空機観測が暖気核構造の監視に重要であることを示している。</p>
村松 照男
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯
vol.61, no.1, pp.77-90, 1983

成熟した台風における眼の直径及び絹雲の天蓋(cirrus canopy)の日変化が, GMSの画像上で観測された。台風とともに動く矩形の中に占めるTBB(等価黒体温度)の量の変化をTBB≦-70&deg;C,-7&deg;<TBB≦-50&deg;C,-50&deg;<TBB≦-30&deg;C,-30&deg;<TBB-0&deg;Cの各しきい値で定量的に求めた。TBBが-70&deg;C以下の領域では地方時の6~7時半に極大があらわれ,18~21時に極少となった。極大の起る時刻は-50&deg;TBB≦-30&deg;Cの領域で16~18時,-30&deg;TBB≦0&deg;Cの領域では21時以後となり,TBBのしきい値の上昇とともに遅れている。衛星で観測された眼径は朝の鋭い極少,午後のなだらかな極大を示し,TBB≦-70&deg;C領域の変化と逆位相であった。対流の日変化における早朝の極大に帰因する絹雲の吹き出しによる,拡大と見かけ上の昇温のためTBBの分布にも日変化が現れ,眼径の変化となったことが解析された。<br>また,台風が島を通過する際,cirrus canopyは減少し,また,海洋性の極大に加え,午後の極大があらわれ,二重極大の現象が解析された。
和達 清夫
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.5, no.6, pp.119-145, 1927-06-20 (Released:2009-02-05)
6 10

菅田 誠治
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.78, no.3, pp.259-277, 2000
