安藤 史高 Ando Fumitaka 中西 良太 Nakanishi Yoshifumi 小平 英志 Kodaira Hideshi 江崎 真理 Esaki Mari 原田 一郎 Harada Ichiro 川井 加奈 子 Kawai Kanako 小川 一美 Ogawa Kazumi 崎濱 秀行 Sakihama Hideyuki
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.47, pp.237-245, 2000-12 (Released:2006-01-05)

The purpose of this study is to construct the Multidimensional Optimism Assessment Inventory (MOAI) and to examine its reliability and validity. Prior to the investigation, three subconcepts of optimism (optimistic expectancy, optimistic evaluation, and easy switching) were hypothesized and 46 items (optimistic expectancy; 24 items, optimistic evaluation; 16 items and easy switching; 6 items) were selected. Four hundred and sixty undergraduates were administrated MOAI and other scales. Exploratory factor analysis yielded 6 factors, so 6 subscales were constructed (optimistic evaluation for ability, easy switching, optimistic expectancy for external resources, optimistic expectancy for luck, groundless optimism and optimistic expectancy for future). Except for groundless optimism subscale (α=.56), Cronbach's alpha coefficients of five subscales were moderately high (they were greater than .65). The correlations between the score of MOAI and other scales supported hypothesized relations. Taken together, the result confirmed the reliability and validity of MOAI, at least partially.
佐藤 有紀 五十嵐 祐 吉田 俊和 SATO Yuki IGARASHI Tasuku YOSHIDA Toshikazu
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.60, pp.39-47, 2013-12-27 (Released:2014-03-06)

Today, most Japanese corporations implement a merit pay or pay-for-performance system in order to enhance job performance. This study investigated the effect of pay-for-performance system on employees’ preference for organizational citizenship behavior using the hypothetical Prisoner’s Dilemma. Based on regulatory focus theory (Higgins, 1997), we focused on reward expectation for performance (e.g., promotion) and performance pressure (e.g., fears of failure), both of which presumably affect employees’ approach motivation in a different way. We hypothesized that employees’ reward expectation for performance increases their preference for organizational citizenship behavior while performance pressure decreases it. Three hundred and nineteen Japanese employees completed a take-home questionnaire; however, we only examined 175 of those (126 men and 49 women) who were working under management by objectives. Logistic regression analysis confirmed our hypotheses, suggesting that under pressure employees prioritize their individualized objectives rather than cooperate with others for a common goal. Expectation for reward increased employees’ preference for cooperative behavior when a situation calls for dealing with a coworker’s favor. Furthermore, these results were seen only for employees under pay-for-performance system such that those under the traditional system showed the reverse trend. Future studies should examine situational factors as well as each employee’s approach motivation.
北折 充隆 Kitaori Mitsutaka
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.47, pp.155-165, 2000-12

The purpose of this paper was to discuss the locus of behavioral norms and what one "ought to do", two elements thought to be central to the conceptualization of social norms. With reference to this, two research questions were probed : 1) Do social norms constitute our inner regulation of behavior, or are they external standards held by group members?; and 2) Where is the standard for what one "ought to do" attributed to? Arguments between the two explanation for the locus of norms, i. e., "inner regulation" and "external standard", were offered, and this review concluded that social norm presuppose sociability, but that the internalized function was indispensible in decision making. In discussing the notion of what one "ought to do", this paper examined two aspects of social norm based on Cialdini, et al. (1991). In this process, we defined two forms of "ought to do" from the perspectives of generally desirable behavior, and behaviors particular to a given situation. Finally, from these discussions, we offered some future directives for social norm research.
大谷 尚 Otani Takashi
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.54, no.2, pp.27-44, 2008-03 (Released:2008-04-10)

小論では,初学者が比較的容易に着手し得る質的データ分析のための手法SCAT(Steps for Coding and Theorization)を紹介する。この手法は,筆者自身の大学院ゼミでの指導を通して,その有効性を一定に検証しているとともに,質的研究手法に関するいくつかのワークショップで紹介し,その後,参加者によって実際に研究に使用されている。この手法では,観察記録や面接記録などの言語データをセグメント化し,そのそれぞれに,〈1〉データの中の着目すべき語句,〈2〉それを言いかえるためのデータ外の語句,〈3〉それを説明するための語句,〈4〉そこから浮き上がるテーマ・構成概念の順にコードを考案して付していく4ステップのコーディングと,そのテーマや構成概念を紡いでストーリー・ラインと理論を記述する手続きとからなる分析手法である。この手法は,一つだけのケースのデータやアンケートの自由記述欄などの比較的小さな質的データの分析にも有効である。小論ではその手続きを,具体的な分析例とともに示し,実施の際の注意点を述べている。この手法の意義は,分析手続きの明示化,分析の初段階への円滑な誘導,分析過程の省察可能性と反証可能性の増大,理論的コーディングと質的データ分析の統合である。 In this paper, the author introduces an easily accessible qualitative data analysis method, "SCAT" (Step Coding and Theorization). This method of qualitative analysis has been examined and proved effective through its practical usage in graduate seminars. The author has also intro-duced it in workshops in order that participants could utilize it in their own research. The analysis method consists of a four-step coding process in which the researcher edits segmented text, putting <1> focused words from within the text, <2> words outside of the text that are replaceable with the words from 1, <3> words which explain the words in 1 and 2, and <4> themes and constructs, including a process of writing a story-line and offering theories that weave together the themes and constructs. This method is applicable for analyses of small scale data as represented by one case or in the example of open-ended questionnaire responses. The detailed process of the method is shown in the examples of the analyses. The significance of the method is suggested in its explicit process of analysis, its smooth guidance towards the steps of analysis, the enhancement of the reflective quality of critique and falsifiability, and the integration of theoretical coding and qualitative data analysis.
松本 麻友子 MATSUMOTO Mayuko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.55, pp.145-158, 2009-03-31 (Released:2012-03-21)

Rumination is an important key in depression duration. However, multitudes of studies of rumination have been conducted, focusing on reducing rumination has rarely been discussed. The present article reviews factors of reduce rumination. For consideration of relevant factors, past studies were examined comprehensively from 3 perspectives: (1) why do some people ruminate?, (2) what are mechanisms of rumination?, (3) what stop rumination? (A factor to buffer connection with rumination and depression duration.). These reviews suggest that cognitive reappraisal are especially important for reducing rumination. Based on these discussions, This paper has proposed future directions for studies on reducing rumination.
木村 純 Kimura June
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.51, pp.187-191, 2004-12-27

The purposes of this study were to verify the sequence of global and local processes. The experiment used 2 hierarchical stimulus showed that latencies for bigger stimulus were shorter than those for smaller stimulus in both target conditions, while the experiment used 3 hierarchical stimulus didn't show it. Thus the results of for the experiments indicated that visual processes didn't progress from global to local stimulus orderly.
丹下 智香子 Tange Chikako
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.51, pp.35-49, 2004-12-27 (Released:2007-04-02)

尾関 美喜 OZEKI Miki
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.54, pp.119-125, 2007-12-28 (Released:2008-08-07)

This article aimed to stress the importance of analyzing nested data through an adequate way, by comparing ANOVA (Analysis of variance) and HLM (Hierarchical Linear Model). The data used revealed that HLM uncovered only a significant individual level factor, despite both individual and group level factors were actually significant. This result implies that the probability of committing a Type I error increases when data with significant intraclass correlation is not analyzed properly.