吉谷 昭彦 山内 靖喜 小坂 哲朗 大西 郁夫
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.30, no.2, pp.95-101, 1976-03-20

The Neogene and Quaternary volcanic activities in Shimane prefecture, western San'in district, are studied, and the results are summarized as follows. The Neogene volcanic activities are able to divide into two parts; are Green Tuff activities and Pliocene volcanic activities. The Green Tuff activities can be observed in the middle and lower Miocene strata, from Daishima to Onnagawa in stage. They are characterized by andesites and dacites activities, of being belong to hypersthenic rock series. However, pigeonitic basic andesites took place in earliest Daishima stage, and also alkaline olivine basalts in latest Onnagawa stage. The volcanic activities in Pliocene period are simply characterized by alkaline basalts activities. The Quaternary volcanic activities are composed of hypersthenic dacite and alkaline olivine basalts; the former is so-called "Daisen volcano system".
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.35, no.3, pp.145-158, 1981

In the present paper, authors describe stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and geologic structure of the Neogene Formations in the Hamaishidake area, in the southwestern margin of socalled "Fossa Magna". The formations consist of flysch-like alternations, coarse-grained sediments and pyroclastics ranging from Late Miocene to Pliocene in age. They are complicated with faulting and folding. Results of the studies are surmmarized as follows: 1) The investigated area is formed of two formations, the Kogouchi Formation and the Hamaishidake Formation in ascending order. 2) The Kogouchi Formation consists of alternation of mudstone and sandstone, and the Hamaishidake Formation consists mainly of conglomerate, sandstone and tuff breccia. 3) The Hamaishidake Formation unconformably overlaps the Kogouchi Formation. 4) The geological age of the Formations is inferred from planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and molluscan index species. The Kogouchi Formation is Late Miocene and the Hamaishidake Formation is Pliocene in age. 5) The Hamaishidake Formation is subdivided into four sub-formations which are named the Murono, the Sattatoge, the Utugino and the Shishihara in ascending order. 6) Each stratigraphical relationships in the four sub-formations are discontinuity. 7) The Formations consist of a series of N-S trending structure, and all axes of anticlines and synclines plunge north. 8) Many trace fossils are observed in the Kogouchi Formation. This trace fossil facies are suspected to be corresponded with Cruziana facies (SEILACHER, 1967).
田中 淳 前島 渉
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.52, no.5, pp.345-355, 1998-09-25

島津 光夫
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
no.66, pp.43-44, 1963-05-25
阿久津 純
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
no.33, pp.1-11, 1957-06-30

The stratigraphy of the Kanto Loam formation, its relation with the river terraces, volcanics which produced the many pumice beds, and the correlation of the formation with adjacent regions have been studied. The results are summarized as follow. From the lithofacies of the formation, features of sedimentation, and heavy mineral components, four membe s were recognized, these are named in descending order, A_1, A_2, A_3 and A_4; each one is separated by diastems. Each member is characterized by intercalating several pumice beds which are good guides in the stratigraphy of the formation and the correlation of the river terraces. Al member is characterized by the Shichihonzakura and Imaichi pumice beds, A_2 by the Kanuma and A_3 by the Mamiana and the. Moka, respectively. The intermittent deposition of the Kanto Loam formation and formation of the river terraces are intimately related with each other. There are no deposits of the Kanto Loam formation on the Kinushima terrace. The Tawara terrace is covered by the A_1 member and the Takaragi by the A_1 and A_2 members. The Hoshakuji, the highest river terrace, is covered by the A_1, A_2 and A_3 members. The Higher Terrace which was the depositional plane of the Kawasaki formation, is covered by all four members of the formation, but the greater part of the Higher Terrace, lacks the lower members (A_3, A_4). From the distributions and thicknesses of the pumice beds as well as from the mineralogical and lithological characters, it is inferred that the Shichihonzakura and Imaichi pumice beds are aeolian deposits, and are products of the Nantai volcanic eruptions, similarly the Kanuma is considered a product of the Akagi, the Mamiana of the Nikko and the Moka of the Takahara volcanic eruptions, respectively. From the stratigraphical and mineralogical as well as topographical characters, the Kanto Loam formation in the said area is correlated with the formations in the environs of Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture and Southern Kanto region. A_1 member is correlated with the Upper Loam member of Maebashi and the Tachikawa Loam of Southern Kanto. A_2 member corresponds to the Middle Loam member and is a little younger than the Musashino Loam. A_3 member may be correlated with the Shimosueyoshi Loam. The Quaternary history, related to the deposition of the Kanto Loam formation, is briefly discussed.
平社 定夫 石田 吉明 小泉 潔 倉川 博 武藤 博士 小幡 喜一 三谷 豊
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.56, no.6, pp.347-358, 2002-11-25
