池田 佳代 沼田 秀穂
no.12, pp.3-14, 2015-03-15

"IPA Font" series(Ver.003 and upper), "IPAex Font" series (Ver.001 and upper) and "IPAmjMincho Font" (Ver.001 and upper) is able to use with the agreement to "IPA Font License", which is consistent with international business practice and endorsed by Open Source Initiative (OSI) as confirmed license with Open Source Definition (OSD). The recipient may create, use, reproduce and/or redistribute a derived font program under the terms for the licensed font program provided, that the recipient shall follow "IPA Font License" when redistributing the derived font program. In this paper, we investigate the situation that how the derived font program that modified Japanese open font is distributed with. As a result, we revealed that "IPA Font License" did some contribution for software industrial development. In addition, it was suggested that some derivation fonts might violate the license.
赤川 信一郎 森川 則文 池田 佳代 岡崎 照夫 高橋 俊輔
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.2, pp.175-179, 2015 (Released:2015-02-01)

A strategy named “Japan is back” adopted in June 2013 specifies that pharmacies shall be regarded as community-based places where health-related information is provided, and the public shall be encouraged to use the services of pharmacies and pharmacists who can advise on health and appropriate use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, and promote self medication. In Japan there are approximately 55000 pharmacies and 260000 pharmacists, and community residents are recommended to use these resources. As advisors on healthcare in the community, pharmacists are required to make judgments regarding drug use in individuals performing self medication and using OTC drugs in consideration of their symptoms and level of understanding of their health conditions, and recommend that they consult a medical center if necessary. To meet these requirements pharmacists need to have the skills to monitor each individual's lifestyle, behavior, and environment as well as trends in society, and assess their health status. However, education that allows pharmacists to practice such skills remains insufficiently developed. We consider that to be able to detect diseases early among community residents and appropriately support them using pharmacotherapy, it is very important to train pharmacists to do the following at pharmacies: 1) determine individuals who should be treated early using symptomatologic skills; 2) promote public awareness of disease; and 3) perform biochemical examination (blood is collected by fingerprick promptly to obtain biochemical data) in cooperation with the Department of Clinical Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University.
池田 佳代 沼田 秀穂
vol.16, pp.81-88, 2020-03-31

沼田 秀穂 池田 佳代 釜江 尚彦 曽根原 登
The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan
pp.101-102, 2006 (Released:2008-09-02)

本稿ではディジタル書籍、特許文書、学術文書、新聞社説などのディジタル文書を対 象に、自動的にキーワード付与を行うインデキシングの実用的な方法の提案を行う。 ディジタルコンテンツ流通の活性化において、多くのコンテンツの中から所望のコン テンツをいかに見つけることができるかが大きな課題である。現在、インターネット を利用したネット書店などでは、書籍のジャンル別分類での提示や、題名や著者名に よるキーワード検索の手法提供により書籍探索が可能となっているが、本提案により 容易なキーワード付与が可能となる。
池田 佳代
文明科学研究 (ISSN:1881770X)
vol.5, pp.35-52, 2010

The use of the term "One Guam" has assumed prominence in relation to military realignment in Guam within high profile speeches by political leaders in the U.S., both on local and federal levels. One Guam represents federal financial assistances to the civilian community of the island affected by the current federal build-up plan, linking civilian affairs and military affairs. Historically, the island has been divided under the control of two administrations: the civilian community under the Government of Guam and the military community under the U.S. Department of Defense. Though the U.S. Department of the Interior supervises federal government's administration over the island, there is no federal agency that is responsible for financing the island's civilian affairs. As a result, in spite of the fact that the civilian infrastructures were found to be insufficient to support the implementation of the build-up plan, there was little national budget allocated to improve the situation.Initially articulated by the U.S. Department of the Navy and the Government of Guam, the discourse of One Guam has been successful in making the issue a political agenda on a federal level. This article argues that the U.S. Navy Department and the Government of Guam allied centering on the discourse and appealed it to the President and the Congress in order to explore a new channel to engage the U.S. Department of Defense with civilian affairs on Guam. Despite different notions on the "civilian community," the U.S. Navy Department and the local government nonetheless cooperated in promoting One Guam because they shared a stake in getting financial assistances from federal agencies.Meanwhile, the discourse has been extended to elements of U.S. military strategies by the Obama administration. This extension of the discourse of One Guam within the public sphere was followed by political actions on a federal level. The U.S. Congress recognized that Guamanians' loyalty to the U.S. during the World War II is integral to the successful military build-up on the island. Meanwhile, the President of the U.S. made it clear that he would promote "One Guam, Green Guam," to realize a "sustainable Guam." This paper explores the discursive return to Guamanian loyalty as a component of successful military realignment on Guam and argues that the Obama administration aims at realizing "sustainable Guam" in order to show enduring commitment of the U.S. to the Asia Pacific.One Guam was originally a means to attain federal assistance for the island's civilian community, but has evolved into an integral part of the U.S. national security strategy.
池田 佳代 川野 徳幸
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
no.33, pp.93-117, 2011

As part of the Department of Defense's (DOD) military transformation initiative, the U.S. Pacific Command developed the Guam Integrated Military Development Plan (GIMDP) in 2006. The marine relocation from Okinawa to Guam, one of the main pillars of the plan, would bring about a massive influx of people within a short period of time to the small island in the Pacific.The GIMDP has an enormous impact in several areas of the lives of all the residents of Guam, including civilians. The public water system is one of those areas. However, the DOD and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) have different views on how the impact on the public water system would affect civilians on the island.The EPA has been concerned about the impact on veterans who reside in Guam, and tried to address the issue through the Environmental Impact Statement of the GIMDP. More importantly, the U.S. Congress has suddenly started paying attention to the GIMDP 's impact on the Guam public water system since the mid-term election in 2010. The historical defeat of the Democrats in 2010 triggered such a change, partly because the difficulties that white veterans in the mainland face have become a federal issue.
vol.59, no.3, 2008-05
小池 真由美 伊藤 学 池田 佳代 日高 宗一郎 青木 輝勝
情報処理学会研究報告オーディオビジュアル複合情報処理(AVM) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.21, pp.13-18, 2006-03-03

近年,インターネット等のネットワークを用いたコンテンツ流通が盛んに行われるようになり,画像検索に関するニーズが急速に高まってきているが,現在画像検索技術は必ずしも実用レベルに達しているとは言えず,今後さらなる改良に向けた研究開発が必要である.検索に際するインデキシングコストを抑えるとして、本稿で対象とする検索方式は、検索者が検索したい画像を手元に持たず、自らが描画した画像を元に画像データベースを検索する場合である.検索精度を高めるためには、この入力インターフェースに課題があると仮定し、3Dの機能を利用した3Dインターフェースを適用した場合の検索の有効性を示す.In recent years, content distribution through the Internet has been actively carried out, and image/video distribution as well as music distribution has become widespread in rapid pace. Under this situation, there are growing needs for image/video retrieval, however, technologies for image/video retrieval have not reached to practical level. This paper focuses on the retrieval method in which the retriever does not have any target picture at hand, and tries retrieving such picture from picture database comparing with his/her own drawing. The authors assume that the subject to be solved is in input interface in order to achieve retrieval efficiency, apply 3D function to make 3D interface and show improvement in retrieval achievement compared to conventional interface.