池田 龍二
日本医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00480444)
vol.58, no.5, pp.587-596, 1991-10-15 (Released:2010-10-14)
76 119

学生解剖学実習用本邦成人死体18体 (平均年齢65.4歳) の骨盤を用いて肉眼的に仙腸関節に分布する神経につき観察を行った. また, 病理解剖用本邦成人死体6体 (平均年齢60.8歳) の仙腸関節を採取し, 組織学的に関節周囲に分布する神経を観察し, 以下の結果を得た.1) 仙腸関節の前方の上部では, 第5腰神経前枝の支配が主であると思われた.2) 仙腸関節の前方の下部では, 第2仙骨神経前枝, または仙骨神経叢の支配が主であると思われた.3) 仙腸関節の後方の上部では, 第5腰神経後枝の外側枝が主に支配していると思われた.4) 仙腸関節の後方の下部では, 仙骨神経後枝の外側枝によって形成される神経叢の支配が主であると思われた.5) 関節面に入り込んでいる神経の枝の直径は部位により明らかな差はなく, 0.292mmから0.997mmまでであった.6) 鍍銀染色標本によると, 関節周囲の靱帯内, 関節包には, 0.2μmから2.5μmまでの太さの神経線維, 5種類の形態を示す神経終末が存在した.
鈴木 康友 齋藤 友香 近藤 幸尋
日本医科大学医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13498975)
vol.6, no.3, pp.130-134, 2010 (Released:2010-06-28)

The lower urinary tract symptoms in elderly men are composed of from voiding symptoms and storage symptoms. The representative disease with voiding symptoms is benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the representative syndrome with storage symptoms is overactive bladder and nocturia. Diagnosis by asking questions that use International Prostate Symptom Score and the overactive bladder symptom score is important. The first-line drugs for the treatment of the lower urinary tract symptoms are α1-blockers. Behavior therapy and anticholinergic drugs are also useful for treating storage symptoms.
鈴木 達也 野呂瀬 準 須田(二見) 章子 鈴木 一成 関水 憲一 大内 基司 猪狩 吉雅 渡邊 健太郎 中野 博司 大庭 建三
日本医科大学医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13498975)
vol.6, no.3, pp.135-139, 2010 (Released:2010-06-28)

In recent years, elderly patients with dementia have been increasing in Japan. It is currently estimated that behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) occur in approximately 80% of the elderly patients with dementia. As BPSD occur more frequently in elderly patients with dementia, the caregivers burden increases. Although non-pharmacological interventions can reduce BPSD in patients with dementia, antipsychotic medications have been used to treat severe BPSD. Physicians should be particularly careful in the use of antipsychotic medications in the elderly, which have been associated with dangerous adverse effects. Donepesil not only improves the cognitive dysfunction of Alzheimer disease patients, but may also relieve BPSD in these patients. Moreover, the effects on BPSD of yokukan-san, Kampo medicine, have been reported in elderly patients with dementia. A multicenter randomized crossover study, which we participated in, confirmed that yokukan-san is effective in the treatment of BPSD and that no rebound related deterioration occur after withdrawal of yokukan-san. The effects of yokukan-san on BPSD have been reported to influence gamma-amino-n-butyric acid and serotonin receptors.
中嶋 榮太郎
日本医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00480444)
vol.4, no.3, pp.425-435, 1933

The vast majority of the patient who are suffering disease of the mouth, sets almost entirely based upon en route by caries teeth. And 90% of the civilized peoples are owing to tremendous suffering by caries teeth, and the patients of teeth, the patients of disease of the gingiva have dependable popularity service to acceptance medical treatment by the Dentist, however, as actual results, it is happend in many cases by monopolized medical treatment of the patients by the Doctors, surgeon, and other specify of the doctors as ear-nose-throat, in excuse with heavier and more substancial disease of the mouth.<BR>As to the demonstration of the oral hygiene, in the other hand, the vast majority of peoples have almost absolutely nothing by their cleans thoroughly-as to lack of knowledge of the Oral Hygiene.<BR>And for the advertisment and the propaganda "Oral Hygiene" in our country, as a long while habits, simply rely upon by the dentist. However, as to actively a profit opportunity for diagnosis and medical treatment of disease of the mouth are so extensive comment as too selfish against the universal keen dentists. They drop in with a hollow sound. Let's run it the best in copperative business contact maintained profit opportunities regarding "Oral Hygiene" both of the Doctor and the Dentists.<BR>As to the question of main points of view regarding the Oral Hygiene, at the present time, no matter where you have not any grow caries teeth, because caries teeth grow are based upon as the principal resources of disease of the mouth. As a preventive measures of caries teeth it is necessary that a perfect sanitary and changing condition rudiment as matter of fact, strictly select up the proper tooth brush which will be used at usual day, that is the reason why -extremely different an injury of teeth and for development drain and moreover as economy of the time. If you are used the proper tooth brush there is no spoil at all development drain and development cavity and rudiment of teeth, in the mean time cleans thoroughly, for which purpose just exactly the same formula likewise the same shape of teeth, not only that, to needful services a certain harder of the tooth brush, almost needful services 2m.m. a space between each bundle of tooth brush hairs.<BR>Very recently I have found the proper (?) tooth brush in rapid cleaning teeth, economy of operation and cleanliness so called "Cleaner-Tooth-Brush". I have strongly recommend to all users the world over-actively pushing universal popularity for "Oral Hygiene" and new and greater opportunities to select up the proper tooth brush as a preventive measures of Caries Teeth and Disease of the Mouth in your behalf and of your soldiers. (4/X 1932)
猪鹿倉 恭子
日本医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00480444)
vol.56, no.6, pp.535-544, 1989-12-15 (Released:2009-07-10)
1 1

To investigate the prognostic factors, 30 cases of hypertensive primary thalamic hemorrhages with a poor or fatal outcome were studied. The age of the patients ranged from 42 to 84 years (mean: 64.4). Their level of consciousness, ocular deviations and pupillary abnormalities were analyzed in relation to the estimated volume and the extension of the hematomas.The level of consciousness was classified according to neurological grading (NG) of Kanaya et al. Twelve cases (40.0%) were above NG 4a. In high-aged patients, NG 1 or 2 often indicated a poor prognosis. A downward deviation or gasing nose (also known as 'thalamic eyes') was found in 13 cases (43.3%). Pupillary abnormalities were seen in 26 cases, and bilateral miosis (14 cases) indicated a poor prognosis. The extension of the hematoma consisted of 'downward' (type D), 'lateral' (type L) and 'upward' (type U), and combinations there of. Types U and D were thought to portend a poor prognosis.The following factors were thought to indicate a poor prognosis: (1) uncontrollable high blood pressure, (2) upward extension of the hematoma associated with large ventricular cast, (3) downward ocular deviation, bilateral miosis and downward extension of the hematoma (the first two were considered as indication of the hypothalamus and the midbrain being affected), (4) advanced age.
金涌 佳雅
日本医科大学医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13498975)
vol.14, no.3, pp.100-112, 2018

<p><i>Koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> (solitary death) refers to cases of death in which the deceased was living in a one-person household. In Japan, <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> cases have received significant attention as a major social problem because the aging population has led to an increase in single-person households. However, because the definition of <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> is unclear and carrying out a national level survey of households where the occupant has died is difficult, the actual situation surrounding <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> has not been elucidated. As <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> is legally treated as an unnatural death, statistics on <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> have been reported in many areas (Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe) under the medical examiner system. Of these areas, statistics from the Tokyo ward area have revealed the most information and show that the proportion of unnatural deaths involving <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> has been increasing year after year, with 36% of cases being <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> in 2016. Each year showed that <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> was higher in men than women. Although the deceased were predominantly male in cases of middle-aged <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i>, both sexes are affected more evenly in single-elderly cases. However, the overall incidence was higher in men when the numbers of middle aged and elderly people are tallied against the higher numbers of elderly women. In men, the characteristic cause of death is chronic alcoholic liver injury with other cases mostly being categorized as unknown due to postmortem damage. Even within the densely populated Tokyo ward area, spatial clustering was detected with regard to the incidence of <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> per ward. There are many points that are consistent between reports of <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> in the Tokyo ward area and other areas. However, it is not easy to compare results among different regions due to the unclear definition of <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> and insufficient bias exclusion. <i>Koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> cases are expected to increase in Japan in the future. Future efforts should focus on finding the deceased as soon as possible after death, or even pursuing the possibility of preventing <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i> in cases when an individual living in a one-person household suddenly collapses at home. In addition, to reduce the effect of loneliness and social isolation among those living in single-person households to improve health outcomes, it is important that medicine and public health efforts address the problem of <i>koritsu</i>-<i>shi</i>.</p>
浅野 伍朗 石原島 繁彦
日本医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00480444)
vol.51, no.2, pp.156-162, 1984-04-15 (Released:2009-07-10)
永井 進
日本医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00480444)
vol.53, no.4, pp.332-344, 1986-08-15 (Released:2009-12-04)

One hundred and eighty gestational sac (GS) measurements by ultrasound echography were performed on 132 healthy pregnant women with an accurate gestational age of between five and twelve weeks. Their prenatal courses were uneventful and they delivered of babies appropriate for dates at term. The GS longest diameter in longitudinal section (LGS), the GS longest diameter making perpendicularity to LGS in the same section (VGS) and the GS longest horizontal diameter in transversal section (TGS) were measured in cm. GS maximum diameter, two directi-onal GS diameters (LGS·TGS, LGS·VGS, TGS·VGS) and three directional GS diameters (LGS·TGS ·VGS) were assessed by computer analysis for correlation with gestational age and for comparison.1) Good correlation was obtained between GS maximum diameter and gestational age, with a correlation coefficient of 0.926105 and a standard error of 0.624265.2) The geometric or arithmetric means of LGS and TGS correlated most with gestational age in two directional GS diameters. The aritbmetric means of LGS and TGS correlated with gestational age better than the geometric means, with a correlation coefficient of 0.936251 and a standard error of 0.594649.3) The arithmetric means of three directional GS diameters correlated with gestational age better than the geometric means, with a correlation coefficient of 0.947145 and a standard error of 0.542982.4) The above results indicated that the measurements of the arithmetric means of three directional GS diameters exceedingly reduces errors in estimating gestational age.5) A convertible table to estimate gestational age on GS maximum diameters, arithmetric means of LGS and TGS, and of three directional GS diameters was made.