山下 良平 石下 諒 新井 健
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.42, no.4, pp.977-989, 2012 (Released:2013-05-28)
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Local railway management is facing severe problems in Japan. Especially in rural areas, the number of rail users has decreased since the 1970s not only because of depopulation but also because of rapid motorization. Therefore, many local railway companies have decided to abolish lines that are unprofitable under such difficult conditions. However, although public investment by a municipality is considered indispensable for supporting local railways, research is lacking on the non-market value of local railways as an authority of public investment. It is therefore necessary to clarify certain social situations in relation to the conditions caused with-without and before-after political actions based on a basic policy evaluation. However, this analysis is difficult because local railways as common social capital are highly probable to possess both market and non-market values.In this study, we examined the Hitachi Railway System, which was abolished six years ago, and considered the influence of this abolition on factors such as residents' means of transportation, lifestyles and outlooks. To understand these issues, we conducted a questionnaire survey by mail for a part of residents living near the railroads in rural areas in November 2010. The main items in the questionnaire were concerned with 1) individual attributes of respondents, 2) frequency of travel before the abolition of the railway, 3) possible and actual alternate means of transportation, 4) possible and actual increase or decrease in the frequency of outings, 5) possible and actual increase or decrease in compensation for travel, 6) possible and actual perception of the impact of abolition of the railway on the region, and 7) views for and against abolishing the railway before and after its occurrence. The collection rate was 39 percent.The results of this study were as follows. First, residents with a driver's license and who used the Hitachi Railway had relatively accurate views about the social situations that resulted from abolishing the railway. For example, their views on the frequency of people's outings and compensation for travel were more accurate than persons who did not possess a driver's license or who did not use the railway. Second, there were gaps in transportation convenience with the introduction of substitute or regular buses, and resident views of punctuality. Approximately 10 percent of the respondents that assumed they would use buses as an alternate means of transportation now use a family car or taxi. Third, the abolition of the railway had impacts on the lifestyles of residents regardless of their previous methods of transportation or use of the railway. This suggests that local railways function as a local symbol. On the basis of these results, a discussion that is not confused by fragmentary information or value judgments is needed to determine whether to continue or abolish a railway.JEL Classification: R11
斎藤 雄一
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.41, no.2, pp.493-503, 2011 (Released:2011-11-30)

This paper examines consensus-building at Kawagoe city in Saitama prefecture and reviews the adoption of Machidukuri-kihan by Kura-no-kai, a non-profit organization. Kura is a traditional Japanese building that is mainly used for storage. There are many Kuras in Ichiban-gai, the main street of Kawagoe. The Kura-no-kai is comprised of the storeowners of Ichiban-gai. Machidukuri-kihan is the town-building rule based on Pattern-language which was developed by C.Alexander, and he was influenced by the ideas of the linguist N.Chomsky. The book by C.Alexander is very popular in the field of town-building.The preservation of a historical district is very difficult because the right of possession and property is complicated. This study considers the role of Machidukuri-kihan. Previous studies on this issue were published by Dr. Okazaki and Dr. Harashina. Characteristics of and hinderance factors for consensus-building include repulsion for legal restrictions, improvements made to the amenities and campaigns against laying power lines underground. Machidukuri-kihan has been adopted as a design code for the Ichiban-gai and has proven to be a good code.JEL Classification: R5, R28, R58
光多 長温 後藤 和雄 宍戸 駿太郎
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.42, no.2, pp.271-285, 2012 (Released:2013-02-09)

Land prices in Japan changed almost in tandem with the economic growth rate until circa 1970. However, since 1970 these prices have changed with various economic factors other than the economic growth rate. Residential land prices surged in every region until 1985, but decreased until 1990. Only prices in the Tokyo and Kinki areas rose further. From 1995 and onward, after the burst of the bubble economy, residential land prices dropped sharply, especially in the Tokyo and Kinki areas, but the rate of decline became smaller in 2005. Commercial land prices, on the contrary, rose until 1990 in all regions, then dropped sharply until 1995 with the residential land prices. Declines were especially significant in the Tokyo and Kinki areas, where the land prices had surged sharply. Since then the rates of decline have became smaller in every region, and the prices turned upward in the Tokyo and Tokai areas in 2010.These land price changes are caused by various economic factors. This paper analyzes how well economic factors can explain the changes. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to analyze the relationships between the rates of quinquennial residential and commercial land price changes and economic factors. As a result of trial and error, we employed the following 16 economic factors; population, rate of population aging, rate of secondary industries, rate of tertiary industries, unemployment rate, per capita prefectural income, financial capability index, per capita budget allocation from the central and local governments for public works projects, labor productivity, per capita annual retail sales, academic qualification index, capital expenditures, housing starts, product shipment value, consumption expenditures, outstanding loans and discounts. With these analyses, we obtained determination coefficients of 0.69-0.95, with residential land coefficients of 0.80-0.93 and commercial land coefficients of 0.69-0.95 after the degrees of freedom were adjusted. Based on these results we analyzed the relationships between economic conditions and partial correlation coefficients for each period and found the partial correlation coefficients responding to economic conditions in each period affect changes in land prices. Factors affecting land price changes are complex so it is difficult to explain every aspect by these analyses that are also affected by non-economic factors. This paper contributes to the analyses of factors causing changes in land prices of Japan, rather than give a full explanation of land price changes based on economic factors.JEL Classification: R00, R1
孫 林 武藤 慎一 徳永 澄憲 沖山 充
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.36, no.1, pp.113-131, 2006 (Released:2007-06-05)

The Chinese government is examining to introduce some environmental and energy policies like as the fuel tax, mileage regulation or tax reduction to low-emission vehicles, to the situation that the load rests upon environmental energy by the rapid growth of automobile market in Chinese. In this paper, we evaluated the environmental or economic impacts generated by introducing such environmental and energy policies by applying the dynamic computable general (DCGE) equilibrium model.From the results of numerical simulation, we obtained the some implications that the setting of high fuel tax level was necessary to regulate fuel consumption more effectively, mileage regulation was most effective policy to fuel reduction and the tax reduction like as Green tax or subsidy policy was necessity to change the type of car to low-emission vehicles.JEL classification: H23, Q51, Q58
矢部 光保
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.39, no.3, pp.567-583, 2009

Revealed preference method is used in policy decision making and many payment vehicles are applied for the evaluation of non-market goods. Especially, the hypothetical new tax is often used and this payment vehicle means a decrease of consumer's disposal income. However, because a policy is enforced by the existing revenue instead of the new tax, we have to decide the desirable cost to be prepared from the existing revenue for the new enterprise without changing disposal income. Therefore, evaluation of relative value between a new and an existing enterprise is necessary. Additionally, a change in public funding from existing revenues does not directly decrease a consumer's disposal income, so the consumer may not be able to evaluate the new enterprise because they do not feel the burden of the expense.<br> This study focuses on bio-ethanol and estimates the appropriate subsidy for domestic production. First, the contingent valuation method was used to estimate additional willingness to pay for domestic bio-fuel with an increased price for gasoline by a decrease of disposal income. Next, to find the relative value of a disposal income and a reallocated tax, the relative value of and gasoline price and subsidies for domestic production of bio-ethanol were estimated by choice modeling and the subsidy for domestic production of bio-ethanol calculated based on these results.<br> Results were as follows: First, the willingness to pay for domestic production of bio-ethanol by the decrease of disposal income was estimated as 3 yen per liter using a contingent valuation survey in Fukuoka Prefecture. Next, the relative value of the disposal income as a increase of gasoline price and the reallocated tax for domestic production was estimated as 0.708 by choice modeling and the subsidy for bio-ethanol production was evaluated as 4.24 yen/liter(=3 yen/liter&divide;0.708). Also, the marginal ratio of substitute between the subsidy for road construction paid by gasoline tax and the subsidy for domestic production of bio-ethanol was estimated and we found that a consumer's utility increases with public funding for bio-ethanol from existing gasoline tax. A tax revenue of 1 yen per liter is equivalent to a revenue of 6 million yen per year, so a considerable subsidy would be accepted if the nation has the same propensity as Fukuoka residents.<br><br>JEL Classification: Q18, Q25 and Q53
辻 京子
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.45, no.1, pp.61-71, 2015

Active discussions have taken place in Japan since the 1980s over the diversification and personalization of families and their members. The obviousness of the nuclear family as a form and modern family ideology now appears to have lost relevance. Current child abuse prevention measures regard families with no father as a defect and single-mother families as being at risk of child abuse. <br>This study examined whether public institutions have a tendency to determine single mothers as child abusers, using data on abuse cases handled by a child consultation center. Based on the results of looking at the relationships between family types and the severity of abuse as well as the number of notifications of abuse, it was found that people were more likely to notify a child consultation center of the possibility of abuse for single-mother families than two-parent families with fathers and mothers and tended to report the level of severity at the single-mother families as being "at risk of abuse" and the type of abuse as neglect. Interviews with six single mothers judged as abusers suggested the possibility that public services provided by public institutions were a burden on them. Single mothers judged as abusers are placed on the watch list of public institutions. According to the interviews, these single mothers felt that rejection of public services made the surveillance stronger and that they were rejected from the regional community. These single mothers were frustrated with the regional community. However, they neither tried to fight against the community nor become assimilated into it, in an apparent attempt to maintain a stable life. <br>JEL Classification: Z19
辻 京子
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.45, no.1, pp.61-71, 2015 (Released:2016-01-06)

Active discussions have taken place in Japan since the 1980s over the diversification and personalization of families and their members. The obviousness of the nuclear family as a form and modern family ideology now appears to have lost relevance. Current child abuse prevention measures regard families with no father as a defect and single-mother families as being at risk of child abuse. This study examined whether public institutions have a tendency to determine single mothers as child abusers, using data on abuse cases handled by a child consultation center. Based on the results of looking at the relationships between family types and the severity of abuse as well as the number of notifications of abuse, it was found that people were more likely to notify a child consultation center of the possibility of abuse for single-mother families than two-parent families with fathers and mothers and tended to report the level of severity at the single-mother families as being “at risk of abuse” and the type of abuse as neglect. Interviews with six single mothers judged as abusers suggested the possibility that public services provided by public institutions were a burden on them. Single mothers judged as abusers are placed on the watch list of public institutions. According to the interviews, these single mothers felt that rejection of public services made the surveillance stronger and that they were rejected from the regional community. These single mothers were frustrated with the regional community. However, they neither tried to fight against the community nor become assimilated into it, in an apparent attempt to maintain a stable life. JEL Classification: Z19
山下 良平 井戸 茉名美
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.46, no.2, pp.151-164, 2016 (Released:2016-11-19)
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In Japan, serious news that foreign companies have purchased watershed-protected forests has become widely known as a social issue. Consequently, many prefectures are now hurriedly designing Water Source Area Conservation Regulations (WSACR) in response to many concerned foresters who demand legal measures, not because of actual overexploitation but because of the potential risks. These WSACRs require all new owners to submit a plan for buying and using forested areas before completion of a land sale to supplement the revised forest act, which imposes a duty ex post facto to apply for a sale. In fact, no detailed report yet exists regarding the policymaking process of WSACR and situations for WSACR applications.Based on the experiences in Hokkaido with regard to the acquisition of water sources by foreign companies (specifically in the towns of Niseko and Kutchan), the current study seeks to examine the validity of the processes involved in the formulation of WSACR, as well as related to operational challenges for the circum-Hakusan region (comprising the prefectures of Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama, and Gifu), which yet has no experience with such acquisitions. To approach this problem, data has been gathered through interviews with forest policy officials at the prefectural and municipal levels, with characteristics and procedures relating to WSACR then summarized in detail.Analysis revealed the following points. First, currently, there are no cases for the acquisition of forests in the circum-Hakusan region by foreign companies, and the role of WSACR is defined to be for fact-finding rather than licensing. Accordingly, plans by overseas companies attempting to acquire forests will not be rejected without reason. Second, while criticisms of excessive procedures and regulations have been previously raised in the implementation of conservation regulations, there are currently many who express the converse desire to further strengthen penalties. The reason for this is the desire to eliminate the anxiety that foreign companies will rampantly exploit Japan’s forests. Third, while forest land registries have for the most part yet to be fully clarified, there is a limit to what can be accomplished in this regard at the municipal level.A lesson for the future is to ensure that public opinion about a foreign company buying forested area does not become unnecessarily complicated because of the absence of credible information. It is impossible to regulate overexploitation of forests under the Water Source Area Conservation Regulations, which has been instituted for local governance. If local foresters desire harsher regulations, developing national laws will be the appropriate approach to fulfill their needs.JEL Classifications:Q18, Q23, Q58
山下 良平
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.48, no.1, pp.117-131, 2018 (Released:2018-11-16)
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This paper focuses on the problems of foreign company acquisition of forests in the water source areas (WSAs) of Japan. We conducted a verification of the hypothesis “Will clarification of land registers and awakening interest in the promotion of collaboration between government and forestry workers lead to the maintenance of stable WSAs ?” Specifically, individual interest in the hypothetical policy scenario for clarification of land registers and strengthening of the connection between government and forestry workers was used as a proxy for the willingness to pay (WTP) policy implementation costs. Moreover, this standard was evaluated through a comparison among regions, taking forest acquisition as the basis. Land ownership of the many forest lands in Japan, including WSAs, is unclear, and the reality is that the work of ascertaining this requires the understanding and cooperation of not only prefectures but also municipalities and local forestry workers. Based on this, we constructed two scenarios. The first scenario was the implementation of “a policy to clarify the unclear forest ownership structure for the conservation of WSAs.” The second scenario consisted of the incorporation of the concept of co-management in forest management and implementation of “a policy related to business development to promote collaboration between government and local forestry workers.” These two scenarios were not meant to function as direct prevention of forest acquisition but rather as a contribution to sound maintenance and management of forest areas extending from the WSAs to mountains near villages. Further, as a form of resident participation in the management of WSAs, we measured and compared the WTP for the costs required for implementing the policy. Data collection was conducted from 2016 to 2017 through internet research. The number of samples of residents in regions with a history of forest acquisition was 1,513, and in regions with no such history, the number was 2,209. The WTP was estimated using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), with initial costs of 300 (yen/year per household), 1,000 (yen/year per household), 3,000 (yen/year or household), and 10,000 (yen/year or household). A comparison of the WTP amounts for the two scenarios showed that the WTP of residents of regions with a history of forest acquisition for scenario one was 876 yen, and for regions with no history, the WTP was 776 yen. Similarly, the WTP amounts for residents of regions with a history of forest acquisition for scenario two was 1,851 yen, and for regions with no history, WTP was 1,371 yen. With respect to factors that influenced the WTP, the influence of regional differences was partial and differences in the recognition of individuals had a stronger influence on the WTP than a comparison of regional differences and differences in the recognition of individuals. This study suggests that the estimated WTP is extremely beneficial for the system design of forest policies implemented at the national level or the municipal level.JEL Classification:Q10, Q15, R52
金崎 雅之 細江 守紀
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.33, no.1, pp.283-293, 2002

In this paper, we analyze whether it can decrease the inefficiency of policy making by voting, which it was seen in Lizzeri and Persico (2001), by the central government and about the problem of allocation of political authority between the local and central government which can choose local public goods provision policy or redistribution policy of income. In Lizzeri and Persico (2001), the candidate who promises the provision of local public goods is not always chosen by voters even though the value of local public goods is high. This is inefficient in the view of social welfare.<br>However, in case this local public goods has spillover effect and the central government has the information about desirable public goods for this region sufficiently, it is desirable to give the political authority to the central government in the view of social welfare. As the value of public goods increase, the domain it is desirable to give the political authority to the central government expands in Winner-take all-system.<br>Conversely, in proportional-system, this domain is getting narrow with increasing of the value of one.
李 友炯 細江 守紀
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.30, no.3, pp.1-12, 1999

Urban or metropolitan area which results from the concentration of population is due to the existence of economies of scale or agglomeration. At the same time, however, with urban concentration, urban area expands to the outside of the city. Such expansion of urban area generates inner city decay and suburban sprawl. Faced with such problems, many countries have adopted urban growth control policies.<br>Greenbelt is one of the growth control measures. It was established by England first, many countries (e. g. Korea and some regions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand) adopt the policy now. The main purpose of greenbelt is not only to control the urban expansion but also to preserve the natural environment.<br>In this paper, we introduced the congestion externality in the closed city model and examined the optimal size of greenbelt when it is a pure public good. In addition, we investigated the social effect of greenbelt. The results are as follows. The condition of optimal size of greenbelt satisfies Samuelson condition. The size that maximizes the total profit of landowners is socially optimal. Finally, the stronger the preference for greenbelt, the larger the size of greenbelt; the stronger the preference of private good or lot size, the smaller the size of greenbelt; the higher the household income, the larger the size of greenbelt; the higher the transport cost, the smaller the size of greenbelt.
境 和彦 細江 守紀
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.35, no.2, pp.339-353, 2005

A lot of accidents that cause environmental pollution have happened in recent years, then the public concern with compensation problems for environmental damage has been growing greatly. To solve these problems, many laws and conventions (rules) have been established until now. However, these rules would not be enough to cover all of compensation problems. Because there are various types of firms that cause accident, but these rules are not designed dependent on firm's type. So these rules should be improved hereafter. Therefore, to solve the problem as stated above, we consider an economic activity that involves transportation of environmentally hazardous materials like oil, and then we assume that there are one firm that needs to transport materials and two types of transporters : One is good transporter, and the other is vicious. Under these circumstances we discuss the problem that whether extended liability is effective or not. Namely, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of extended liability rule (liability sharing rule) and rule that adopted in the real world (insurance and fund) and to compare the two rules.<br>JEL classification : K13, K32, Q53
細江 守紀 福山 博文
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.37, no.4, pp.1011-1030, 2007

In this paper we consider the design of environmental policies for illegal waste disposal problems using a model that consists of the firm and administration. The first feature of this paper introduces the penalty for evasive action by a firm that illegally disposes wastes. The second clarifies the influence information disclosures exert on policy design by comparison analysis of the disclosure of information on the monitoring budget (information disclosure strategy) and no disclosure (information closed-door strategy).<br> The main conclusions of this paper are as follows. The first conclusion of this paper is different from Becker (1968) that insists that it is necessary to raise the penalty level to the upper bound. That is, we showed that the penalty level should not be increased to the upper bound because the larger penalty level promotes evasion of the penalty. The second conclusion is that the monitoring budget under the information disclosure strategy is larger than under the information closed-door strategy. Also we showed that the penalty level under the information disclosure strategy is smaller than under the information closed-door strategy.<br><br>JEL Classification: Q28, Q29
中村 光毅 薮田 雅弘
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.35, no.3, pp.525-541, 2005 (Released:2007-06-01)
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Recently, the environmental situation in many of developing countries has deteriorated. These countries have confronted with overcrowding population, environmental degradation and poverty. In this report, we shall concentrate our attention on the environment of common pool resources (CPRs), which are characterized by non-excludability and rivalness. Some environmental issues of CPRs are mainly due to externality of CPRs. We shall prove that the environmental and population-related problem should be solved from these aspects.In this paper, we first study several factors which affect the scale of population. Next, we shall set a hypothesis concerning the familism (the family system), which affects the size of family and the scale of population significantly. Moreover, we also hypothesize the existence of an optimum family size and an optimum population determined by an optimum family size. Then we study the issues both by theoretical approach and empirical analysis. Finally, we prove some conclusions about the population size to be consistent with environmental preservation.JEL classification : Q50, Q56
江口 潜
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.49, no.1, pp.95-111, 2019 (Released:2019-10-26)

A region or town usually consists of mutually distinctive, heterogeneous areas or districts, such as “uptown” and “downtown,” or “East” and “West” of a river. In addition, it is common for local public goods/services for residents of such a region to be produced in a facility, like an incinerator, that is constructed in one of these distinctive areas within the region. Although local pubic goods/services produced at the facility are consumed equally by all residents of the region, some of these production costs, especially environmental costs, such as a noisy environment around the facility, are owed solely by the residents of the area in which the facility is sited but none are owed by those living in other areas. For this reason, when a government plans to construct a facility that produces local public goods/services in a region, a controversy often arises among residents about which area of the region the facility should be sited in. Residents usually agree on the necessity for a facility but oppose the siting of the facility in the area in which they reside, which makes the siting decision difficult. This type of difficulty in the siting decision of a public facility is called the “not in my back yard” (NIMBY) problem. Examples of public facilities generating the NIMBY problem include airports, public schools, and places to dispose of household trash within a community, thus, every region or town inevitably faces this problem. Therefore, it is an important task for researchers in regional sicence/urban economics to investigate this problem. In this study, we apply a duopoly model with vertical product differentiation of Motta (1993, Journal of Industrial Economics) to a region that has two heterogeneous residential areas, such as uptown and downtown, which constitute the residential market (i.e., rental housing market). In addition, we investigate how the residents of each area having heterogenous preferences for the environment of the residential area constitute their opinions when a NIMBY facility that inevitably worthens the environment of the sited area is going to be built in either of the two areas. The main results obtained are as follows. First, the opinions of the residents for the question of which area a NIMBY facility to be built are heterogeneous in both residential areas. Second, under some usual conditions, more than half of the residents of each area oppose the facility to be sited within the area they live in. These results suggest that a siting of a NIMBY facility brings among related areas a game-theoretic situation in which there is no Nash equilibrium solution in pure strategy, highlighting the difficulty of resolving NIMBY problems.JEL Classifications:D72, R53
枝川 明敬
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.46, no.4, pp.355-370, 2016

<p>The reconstruction of local communities, including how to deal with problems of depopulation, has always been a major political issue in Japan. In order to tackle this issue, the government embarked on a "regional revitalization" project. The "Grand Design of National Spatial Development towards 2050," the core of Japan's national planning efforts, and the cultural strategy "Plan for the Revival of an Energetic Japan through Culture and Art" make it necessary to "foster an attachment toward the local community and make the best of the lifestyle and culture of the community, which are supported by tradition and creativity." Amid globalization in various areas and for regional revitalization and reconstruction, regional cultural activities can improve the creativity and energy of local communities and such regional cultural activities can become the source of regional revitalization.</p><p> I have studied folk cultural properties that have taken root in local communities almost every year since 2010, and previously discussed the situations of their conservation and extinction. During this process, I examined spontaneous development, in which folk cultural assets lead to regional identity and industrial and cultural resources unique to each region lead to citizen-driven development of local communities. This research is an extension of these surveys, and involves a nationwide sampling survey of high quality amateur and professional activities that have been subsidized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and arts/culture development funds, carried out in 2014. The 190 amateur activities and 216 professional activities were compared in relation to migration and financial situations of local governments. As a result, I revealed that local governments that face depopulation or financial difficulties promote cultural activities more avidly. In 23 prefectures, which account for two thirds of the prefectures with a population of approximately 3 million, local cultural activities were initiated by the prefectural government. However, the national government's new subsidy through the "Communities, Sages & Jobs" policy, started from fiscal year 2016 to revitalize local communities, is expected to be ill-fitting for the actual conditions of the communities and not become a subsidy for cultural activities, because subsidies are small and include evaluation taxes that are unsuitable for cultural activities.</p><p>JEL Classification:H54, R51, R53, Z11</p>
Cechella Cristiano Silva Joaquim Ramos Dentinho Tomaz Ponce
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.39, no.1, pp.41-52, 2009

In recent decades, the world economy has undergone major changes, particularly with regard to trade and foreign direct investment. In view of this evolution, we need to review some basic assumptions of international economics. According to models based on the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson seminal contribution, trade and foreign direct investment are taken as substitutes. Nevertheless this is not consensual. The purpose of this paper is thus to examine the links between trade and foreign direct investment through a gravitational model in the context of the present-day world economy. In the model, the explanatory variables of trade are the physical distances between countries, as proxy to transaction costs, their incomes, dummies for each country and standardized indicators of foreign investment attractiveness. The parameters to be estimated are the distance attrition, the coefficients associated with the foreign investment, and the dummies' coefficients, which can be seen as extra costs or benefits attributable to each country that are not explicit in the physical distance. Taking into account our findings, which favor the argument of substitutability, we draw some conclusions about the relationship between trade and foreign direct investment, with the aim of contributing to the ongoing theoretical debate.<br><br>JEL Classification: F13, R10
目良 浩一
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.12, pp.275-277, 1982-11-30 (Released:2008-10-23)
東本 靖史 岸 邦宏 劉 志鋼 佐藤 馨一
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.36, no.3, pp.575-587, 2006

Conventional traffic policies including TDM have attempted to switch commuters' transportation mode from the motorcar to public transportation mainly focusing on their outgoing trips. However, when commuters choose transportation modes for accessing the destinations, they consider not only the traffic service hours for their outgoing trips but also conditions for the return trips. The departure time of the final transport service and the number of bus services for evening hours are supposed to specially influence them to determine the transportation mode for their return trips. Suppose a case that although a person really wants to go to his office by bus, he cannot help commuting by car because the departure time of the last bus service for his return trip is too early for him.<br>To promote TDM policies to minimize motorcar traffic, transport planning considering commuters' convenience in their homeward trips is necessary.<br>The number of public bus users is being decreased year by year due to motorization development, which has seriously aggravated public bus earnings, meanwhile improvement of the level of public transport service is being demanded. Further the regulation of supply-demand adjustment of public bus services in Japan was abolished in 2002, and it realized free entry to bus service business and bus operators' discretional abolishment of bus lines.<br>The residents have been concerned if the bus deregulation might result in deterioration of the service quality level, specifically in discontinuance of unprofitable lines and a decrease in the no. of bus services. However, bus service businesses should be managed considering not only profitability but local needs as well.<br>Factors that are predominantly influential on users' evaluations on bus service quality are the service schedule, no. of services, and operation routes. Efficient bus service operation planning that takes into consideration local needs for these factors is indispensable toward the future.<br>This study focused on commuters' return trips whose details have not been fully identified, and through commuter's attitude surveys investigated co-relations between bus service availability improvement for commuters' return trips and their selection of transportation modes. Further, this study analyzed users' evaluations on bus service quality by the improved window method that applies DEA to identify efficiency values of the bus services by district and bus operation schedule for return trips.<br><br>JFL classification: C0, H0