安森 亮雄 坂本 一成 寺内 美紀子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.632, pp.2099-2105, 2008-10-30 (Released:2009-10-28)

The aim of this paper is to clarify the forms of assembly of plural station squares in central Tokyo in terms of spatial compositions with surroundings. Initially, combinations of station squares around a station building are analyzed. Secondly, connections between those squares are analyzed through common elements such as passing streets and buildings which can be seen from several squares. Finally, 4 forms of assembly are clarified: unity of similar squares, one-sided integration of squares by building scale, connection of dissimilar squares with common railway tracks in canal bed, and indirect connection of squares with common distant high-rise building.
原田 昌幸 久野 覚 阿部 慎一 田中 秀夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.484, pp.89-95, 1996-06-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
4 3

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the residents' consciousness to new subway service and its effects on residential environment. One residential area in Nagoya, which had new subway service, was selected, and two sampling surveys were conducted on it before and after its construction. The findings were as follows: More than 60% residents wanted new subway service and evaluated that the effects were desirable. However the further from the station there were subjects' houses, the less they wanted the new subway service and the lower they evaluated the effects, the effects on residential environment seemed to be small, but the degree of dissatisfaction for two items concerning car, 'parking on the road' and 'lack of parking lot', diminished.
大月 敏雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.522, pp.123-130, 1999-08-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
4 6

This study forcuses on the transformation of dwelling units in Dojunkwai Daikan-yama Apartment House which was built by the Dojunkwai Foundation in 1927. The aim of this study is to find out changes in fanctions of dwelling units and the way of transformation of all dwelling units. Analisys was taken under 3 ponts of view, "change of people", "multi-unit use" and "change of space use". Findings are as follows; Low rise buildings have a tendency to afford long-term dwelling. Multi-unit dwelling can easily suit each dweller's life cycle. Changes of space use occur according to transformations of neighborhood circumstances.
筬島 大悟 真鍋 沙由未
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.751, pp.1801-1808, 2018-09

&nbsp;Legal protection of tangible cultural property was established in Europe from the mid-19th century to the beginning of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, and in Japan in 1897. Intangible cultural heritage on the other hand, received legal protection in Japan in 1950, making it the earliest establishment of formal legal protection for intangible cultural heritage in the world. Under international law, UNESCO established the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention in 2003, approximately 50 years after the intangible heritage legislation was established in Japan. The Cultural Properties Protection Law was created under the occupation of GHQ, but it has not been proved why such extensive laws, including intangible cultural property, were developed in Japan under occupation.<br>&nbsp;Before WWII, the Imperial Household in Japan played an important role in the protection of intangible cultural properties, for example by granting subsidies to the arts under its patronage, and employing performers of classical arts and rituals. Therefore, in this paper, while focusing on the changes the Imperial Household went through following the end of the war, we analyzed the process of the intangible heritage protection system shifting from the patronage of the Imperial Household before WW II to the legal protection after WW II, following a decision made by the Diet.<br>&nbsp;First, we analyzed the discussion in the Diet concerning Gagaku, which was the responsibility of the Imperial Household before WW II, and therefore treated as public affairs. The problem of the future protection of Gagaku, due to the change in the political position of the Emperor of Japan and the dissolution of Kunaifu (Imperial Household Agency), was raised at two times during the Diet discussion. Although the Ministry of Education recognized the importance of the protection of classical arts, such as Gagaku, the proposed method of protection was not legal protection, but rather promotion or documentation.<br>&nbsp;Regarding intangible cultural heritage that was not treated as public affairs before WW II, the necessity of the protection Nohgaku was also discussed in the Diet. Since Nohgaku has influenced many classic Japanese arts, it was recognized as a &ldquo;dynamic national treasure&rdquo;, as opposed to tangible cultural properties which were recognized as &ldquo;static national treasures&rdquo;, for example architectural and art works. At that time, the idea of tangible and intangible cultural properties being equal, was born. Although the Ministry of Education confirmed the importance of Nohgaku, it only insisted on an individual subsidy system and documentation. After this, voices were raised for the protection of folk cultural heritage as well, such as festival events and local arts, which brought a new perspective on heritage protection, widening the view from classical arts to local arts. But in terms of protection, the Ministry of Education only proposed for the creation of local promotion councils.<br>&nbsp;The creation of the Cultural Property Protection Law was triggered by the fire of Horyu-ji temple kondo mural paintings. In the creation of this Law, legislators considered the protection of intangible cultural properties as being parallel with the protection of tangible cultural properties. The adopted protection methods included subsidies and the requirement to hold performances open to the public, but the designation system was not introduced until later. Therefore, it is necessary to proved the process leading to the introduction of the designation system of Living National Treasure in 1954 and intangible folk-cultural properties in 1974.
澤柳 政太郎
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.289, pp.9-15, 1911-01
周 宏俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.689, pp.1659-1666, 2013

Cases of Borrowed Scenery Garden are collected, and space composition is analyzed, aiming at the explanation to the intrinsic idea. 32 typical gardens are gathered and the relationship between the initiative of Borrowed Scenery and the spatial character of garden's environment is emphasized. 10 gardens are selected which were planned back to the neighboring hillside, and the objective scenery is analyzed. It is concluded that, the initiative of Borrowed Scenery within gardens is planned in relation with the scale of the objective. Finally the intrinsic idea of &ldquo;Syo-cyu-kendai&rdquo;, viewing landscape in large scale through a small space, is summarized.
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.434, pp.355-356, 1922-08
石井 良次 八木澤 壯一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.618, pp.33-40, 2007-08-30 (Released:2017-02-25)

This study aims to clarify the transformation of crematoria and cremators. Below are the findings. 1) The Cremation Society of Great Britain was founded in 1874 and it promoted the cremation movement. consequently, the cremation became common. The cremation rate has remained stagnant at the 70% level since the 1990's. Religious and ethnic cultures may cause this phenomenon. 2) While the basic structure of the cremation institution has not changed, the Chapel of Remembrance was added and the design of crematorium changed. Also, the Book of Remembrance was introduced. 3) The basic structure of cremators has not changed, but the improvement was found in regard to economy, combustion efficiency, and environmental preservation.
no.1031, 1970-12
鈴木 真歩
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.705, pp.2599-2606, 2014-11-30 (Released:2014-11-30)

This paper presents an overview of the development of a series of city-owned publicly-accessible garden squares in nineteenth-century Baltimore. I also examine the successful 1873 campaign to remove the iron railings that enclosed these locations, showing the campaigners introduced the new mode of urban green spaces by claiming moral superiority of absence of such railings. Thus I conclude that the iron railings here were not a reflection of governance, but a cultural existence. I also mention that the city's ownership rather made the discussion on the railings open, beyond the actual users and administrators, and promoted the city-wide change.
富山 博
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.214, pp.69-77,82, 1973

This study is based mainly on the ancient documents (Syosoin Monzyo). The greater parts of Syoso stored the rough rice. The rough rice had two types, ear and grain. So Syoso had two types of structure. In seven century, Japanese government had to stock much rough rice, for the establishment of the nation and the fight against the foreign powers. Since the Yayoi period, rough rice was stocked in ear-type, but it was not suitable for the storage. For the purpose of that, the government wanted to store in grain-type. To store be grain was very good method for the storage, for it kept long and very compact. Some Syoso for the stock of ear-type rice looked like barn, and the others for the grain looked like silo. The function for the storage and the managements, imposed the some conditions on the structure. so it influenced many points on the structure of Syoso.
海野 聡
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.692, pp.2207-2212, 2013

This study aims at the standards of storehouse and the roof structure in ancient Japan. The research method used in this article is detailed study on the research in the field and the reading of repair work reports.<br>Previous studies thought there is no difference in the architectural technology between storehouse and palace buildings. But storehouse remains show many particular technologies and standards. Ergo, it is important to entertain the architectural structure and technology of storehouse through the research of historical architecture.<br>Mainly, this research has three conclusions. 1. There are no standards in column spacing with respect to each. On the other hands, the standards exist in column spacing in sum total. 2. The roof structure of storehouse has ridge direction beam. 3. The technology of &ldquo;Furesumi&rdquo; is determinative, and it is related to bracket complexes.
富山 博
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.216, pp.37-48,65, 1974

Syoso classified the four important structures, Maruki-kura Ko-kura Ita-kura Do-kura in the Kodai Period. Maruki-kura meant log-type storehouse, Ko-kura shaved log-type to the heaxgonal section (Ko-Azekura, Azekura), Ita-kura plank-type used Otoshihame-system, Do-kura clay-type. Oku, Kurashita, Kurashiro, they were applied correspondingly to Syoso. In the Yayoi period, there were the storehouses for rice-ear looked like barn-style, made by the thin timber. Next the Kofun period, the storehouses appeared that made by the big timber and the plank between the posts. The beginning of the Kodai period, Azekura-system came over the sea from the continent. In seven century, the Japanese government requested to make the big granary for rough rice, so Ko-kura (Ko-Azekura) were borned for the granary like the silo. Because Ko-Azegi were firm and made easy like log-style. But by the shortage the big timbers and the limitation of the planning, so Ko-Azekuura were reduced to change the Ita-kura soon, and Ko-Azekura became used to the Treasure. Ita-kura, plank-system, were spreabed, and became the tradion of Wahu (Japanese style). In nine-ten century, the government not intended to much storage the rice. But the fire-proof structure were very important, and there were spread the Tawara (straw bag). So Do-kura made much popular in place of Ita-kura.