渕上 佑樹 神代 圭輔 古田 裕三
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.75, no.655, pp.861-867, 2010-09-30 (Released:2010-10-20)

In this study, to clarify the effect of local production for local consumption of wood on the amount of CO2 emission from production to consumption, the amounts of CO2 emission when the raw wood was deforested, processed, and manufactured to plywood were calculated. It was resulted that 45% of CO2 emission in the entire process and 75% of CO2 emission only in the transportation process were reduced by local production for local consumption of plywood from cedar grown in Kyoto prefecture.
川西 光子 中岡 義介 妻神 卓八
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.597, pp.77-83, 2005-11-30 (Released:2017-02-11)

The inner colony development system in Hokkaido through "Hokkaido Shokuminchi Sentei Hobun" and 'Land Adjustment Plan' at Tokachi-Koku region were analyzed on following 3 aspects. (1) the contents of "Hokkaido Shokuminchi Sentei Hobun" are not only the results of the selection of suitable sites for inner colony but also the inner colony development system, (2) this system consists of 4 strong points on 4 principal roads with view to connecting the interior and the seaside area, and the land adjustment project follows the policy of this system, (3) Obihiro civilized area created as the central strong point of development has the commercial city for public officials.
内田 祥士
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.573, pp.155-161, 2003-11-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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In the Taisho Period, there is the correction of Nikko Tosho-gu Kanei-Zotai term. In this correction the term became 1 year and sevral month from 13 years. This study is to make clear the change of estimation about Tosho-gu through this correction.
伊藤 重剛
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.425, pp.113-122, 1991

1.はじめに前報では古典古代の神域の配置計画について分析し,とくにヘレニズム期およびローマ期の神域が,グリッドを用いて平面が計画されていることを述べた。最初グリッドで基本計画が決定されると,次の段階で様々な微調整が行われ,さらに詳細部が決定されていくと仮定し,現在遺跡に見られる建築遺構について,最終的な寸法がどのような手順を経て決定されたかを実証した。本稿では,このグリッドあるいはそのグリッドの1単位であるモジュールを使用して,神域のみならず単体の建築も設計されたことを示し,また最終寸法が決定されるまでの過程を実証する。2.オリンピアのレオニダイオンレオニダイオンはオリンピック競技の参加選手や役員の宿泊施設として,紀元前4世紀の中頃に建設された。建物各部の寸法を,古代尺の1ftを0.3m前後と考えてこれに換算し,この換算値による各部の比の値ができるだけ簡潔で,できるだけ端数のない寸法となるような1ftの値を探す。分析の結果,中庭列柱の真々距離29.67mを100ftと仮定したイオニア尺に相当する0.2967mが,1ftの値としてもっとも合理的な値と判明した。これをもとにして,設計の手順を次のように推定した。最初にまず,設計の基本モジュールを35ftと決めグリッドを設定した。このグリッドは各部屋の基本寸法とされ,それぞれ6個ずつが正方形をなす形で配置された。そしてこの部屋群の内側と外側それぞれに,奥行き20ftのペリスタイルの列柱廊を廻した。この時点で内側列柱の長さは真々で100ft,外側列柱の長さは同じく250ft,並んだ部屋群は内側140ft外側210ftの大きさとなった。ところが,西側に配列された部屋の前にそれぞれ奥行き20ftの前室が付加され,最終的に東西方向の外側列柱の長さは270ftと変更された。ドリス式の内側列柱は真々100ftの長さで,柱数は各辺12本である。標準柱間は微調整ののち9_<1/16>ft,隅の柱間は9_<3/16>ftと決定された。現在の柱直径と柱間の関係から判断して,本来は集柱式であったと考えられ,その関係を当てはめて柱の直径は最終的に2_<15/16>ftとされた。イオニア式の外側列柱については,基本計画で真々長さ250ftと270ftとされた。また真々柱間は7_<1/2>ftとされていたが,最終的に7_<9/16>ftおよび7_<17/32>ftと微調整された。3.エピダウロスのギムナジオンヘプフナーによると,年代は紀元前3世紀とされている。オリンピアのレオニダイオンと同じ方法で1ftの俑を想定して,設計の手順を推定する。まず最初に,35ftを1モジュールとして,グリッドが設定された。そしてこれによって,東側と西側の外提長さが227_<1/2>ft(6.5モジュール),北側と南側のそれが210ft(6モジュール),東・西部屋幅,南部屋幅が43_<1/8>ft(1.5モジュール),北部屋幅十柱廊幅が42_<1/2>ft(1.25モジュール),中庭列柱廊長さが140ft(4モジュール)と決定された。さらに中庭ペリスタイルの列柱の真々長さが. 100ftの完数の値で決定された。ここまでが,一応第一段階となり,35ftのグリッドを用いて全体の基本的な形が決定された。次に第二段階に入り,部屋の割り付けが決められる。南側の部屋割りは,主室(Y)に建物の東西幅を9等分しその7/9をあて,両側にある3室には1/9をあてている。つまり1:7:1の比で分割している。東側の一連の部屋(Q, R, S, T, U)とそれに対応する部屋(H, I, J, K, L)は基本的に3モジュールの大きさで,それを東側の部屋群では1:8:1に分割し,西側では60ftという完数と43_<3/4>という1.5モジュールに相当する寸法に分割した。北側の部屋群は第一段階の分割をそのまま踏襲した。4.結論以上の考察から,これら二つのペリスタイルの建物が,どちらも1モジュールを35ftとするグリッドプランで,計画されたことが明らかになった。35ftという寸法がどちらにも共通していることから,これはヘレニズム時代の初期から中期にかけての,こうしたレオニダイオンのような宿泊施設やギムナジオンなどの,実用的な建物の部屋の基本単位として,標準的な大きさのひとつだったと考えられる。一旦基本計画が決められると,その後は簡潔な比例を用いたり,完数のftの寸法を用いたりしながら,各部分の寸法を決定し,最後に隅の柱間などの微調整が行われた。
土本 俊和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.500, pp.221-228, 1997-10-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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This paper deals with urban formation of "chou" especially by "Koya-gake" which meant to build rude buildings to meet an immediate need. In Kyoto the rapid urbanization was prompted by the construction of Juraku-dai from 1586 onward. "Koya-gake" formed "Koya-no-chou" close to Juraku-dai. The form could be seen through Daichuh'in archives which recorded the width, but not the depth, of each premise in "Koya-no-chou" of 1587. This showed that "Koya-no-chou" was urbanized only in the land facing on streets. The paper concludes that the construction boom changed only the surface of blocks at the first urban dynamics.
崔 鍾仁 堀田 健治 山崎 憲
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.563, pp.327-333, 2003-01-30 (Released:2017-02-09)

This paper investigates the influence of the ultrasonic waves that are included in the sounds of costal waves on human brain waves, by experimenting using CD recorded wave sounds. The experiment was conducted using a full range pass sound, and low range pass sound which is not including high frequency band width to 26 subjects and was measured amounts of brain wave activity in 4 different type of brain wave frequency, delta, theta, alpha and beta waves respectively. State of activity of brain wave was also expressed on brain wave map. At the same time, using the YG test and Profile of Mood States (POMS), brain reaction by personality and psychological evaluation were also examined. As the result, author obtained that ultrasonic wave affects to human brain with statistically significant.
鈴木 一幸 久田 隆司 佐藤 明憲 大宮 喜文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.83, no.747, pp.415-424, 2018 (Released:2018-05-30)

Glass panes used for fire protection windows has not only flame barrier performance but also parts requiring scattering prevention performance, crime prevention performance and impact resistance in the event of breakage of the glass in some cases, laminated glass is often used . In general, Poly Vinyl Butyral is used as the interlayer. Furthermore, in combination with Low-E glass which has become very popular in recent years, combined double glazing glass which has a radiant heat reduction effect is also used. Fire protection window with tempered fire resistance glass has passed the certification test based on know-how of each manufacturing company so far and has been adopted after various fire certification, but there are not standards for ensuring clear fire prevent performance. Regarding heated glass on fire, the test data was accumulated on the single glass, the insulated glass unit (IGU) and the Low-E IGU based on the fire test, and the thermal stress generated in the glass can be explained by grasping the temperature difference were revealed. However, the temperature properties of the laminated glass composed of the tempered fire resistance glass to be heated are not systematically clarified, and it is necessary to obtain basic knowledge. Therefore, in this study, considering the behavior of laminated glass and laminated IGU made of tempered fire resistance glass which is heated based on the knowledge obtained in the previous report. The fire test condition is shown below. ·These fire tests were performed for Laminated glass and Laminated IGU. ·Tempered fire resistance glass was mainly located on fire side. ·Fire tests were performed along the ISO834 Heat Curve for each specimen. ·The temperature of the glass was measured by thermo couples with a data logger. ·Surface Compression, Edge Cover of Glass, and Emissivity of Low-E glass were treated as parameters for heat stress of glass, ΔT and breakage factor of the glass were checked by fire tests. ·Laminated glass by heating is affected by the interlayer, its behavior is confirmed. Findings are as follows. (1) As the temperature difference between the glass surface and the edge increases, high surface compression stress is required. (2) The temperature difference between the glass surface and the edge increases as edge cover becomes deep, and the glass tends to break more easily. (3) The interlayer of the laminated glass foams and a layer of air is formed, and the temperature of the surface of the unheated side glass tends to be low. When the interlayer foams by heating, a foamed part and an unfoamed part are generated. (4) If Low-E glass is used in laminated IGU, the emissivity of Low-E glass influences the foaming time of the interlayer and the failure behavior of the unheated side glass. (5) Transmission of radiant heat flux of laminated glass and laminated IGU on fire was estimated.
稲坂 晃義 貞広 幸雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.650, pp.889-896, 2010-04-30 (Released:2010-06-14)
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A retail facility is one of an important part of people's daily life. Recently, retail distributions created by a collection of retail facilities change are rapidly effected by fashion, economic trends, urban redevelopments, and so forth. These rapid changes need to be traced and clearly understood to prevent residents and visitors of the city from their inconveniences. This paper proposes a method using circular statistics for analyzing and visualizing direction of retail distribution expansion in urban space. HSV color space is used for result visualization. An empirical study is done with NTT Townpage data of Shibuya ward.
小林 茂雄 村中 美奈子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.73, no.634, pp.1341-1346, 2008-12-30 (Released:2009-10-28)
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In this research, people's sitting postures in various types of eating and drinking spaces were observed, and their characteristics and related factors were analyzed. The principle results are summarized as follows.1. More people tended to bend forward in fast-food restaurants, and more people tended to bend backward in izakaya (Japanese-style bars). Men tended to bend forward more than women in izakaya and restaurants, on the other hand, women tended to bend forward more than men in cafes.2. Younger people tended to bend forward in fast-food restaurants more than older people, and older people tended to bend forward in izakaya more than younger people.3. People in conversation tended to put their elbows on the tables more than people who were not talking, and people who were not eating tended to put their elbows on the tables more than people who were eating.4. People in bright spaces tended to bend forward more than people in dark spaces, and people in noisy spaces tended to put their elbows on the tables more than people in quiet spaces.
笠井 健
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.683, pp.237-246, 2013-01-30 (Released:2013-05-30)

This study, focusing on the urban space of the old Beijing city which is a legacy of the pre-modern period, deals with the development of its modern commercial district and historical evolution of town houses. The results are as follows.The commercial district reflected the social background and urban structure of the pre-modern period, and the evolution of the town houses reflected the land use and site conditions of the commercial district. This evolution could be seen in their facades and spatial compositions. For example, there were Chinese Baroque and Art deco style facades. With regards to spatial composition, multi-storey buildings, atriums, and staircases for each story were used to ensure effective use of the land. By applying these three construction methods, new commercial facilities were also constructed.
垣鍔 直 中村 肇 稲垣 卓造 堀越 哲美
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.528, pp.67-73, 2000-02-28 (Released:2017-02-03)
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Kruithof demonstrated the preferred combination of illuminance levels and color temperatures. However, as Kuller pointed out, a seasonal change and gender difference in such preference may be expected. In order mainly to observe a seasonal change in preference of color temperatures for a given illumination level, four male and female subjects were exposed to four different conditions of color temperatures of 3,000K and 7,500K combined with room temperatures of 22℃ and 30℃ at l, 5001x in summer and winter. In addition, preference of color temperature was tested under the thermally neutral condition in spring and autumn. Physiological variables such as skin temperatures, heart rate, finger blood flow, blood pressure and oral temperature were measured. Themal sensation vote, themal comfort vote, and sensation votes on illuminance and relaxation were reported at 5-min. intervals. As a result, evaluation from psychological and physiological responses indicated that 7,500K was more preferred than 3,000K at 1500lx in spring and summer.
山岸 吉弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.650, pp.909-914, 2010-04-30 (Released:2010-06-14)

Myouo-taro built as chief constructor many temples and shrines in Sagami-koku region in the pre-modern period. He enlarged his sphere of construction making close relationships with its social background. There were some factors for expansion of his construction activities around Mt.Oyama. This paper points out three factors: First, he took many pupils, and they got works for him. Second, the people named "Oshi"(guides) lived in Mt.Oyama had huge network for Oyama-dera temple. Third, the people named "Danka"(supporters) had common information about Mt.Oyama.
中村 恵美 浅見 泰司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.756, pp.437-445, 2019 (Released:2019-02-28)
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In this research, we investigated the food desert in central Tokyo, where economic disparity was progressing by gentrification. Growth of high-income population due to redevelopments induced an increase in luxury supermarkets and a decrease in local grocery stores, which made worsened low-income households access to affordable fresh food. Therefore, we took questionnaire surveys and analyzed on the following 2 aspects. (1) Shopping distance We hypothesized that the low-income households have difficulties shopping due to having to go to distant supermarkets. Generally, it is said to be difficult to access if the shopping distance over 500m. In the study area the average to the store was 319m, so the food access was apparently good. But actually, it was different by area, some area had only luxury supermarkets within 500m, we named “unaffordable food access area”. The low-income households living there went to distant supermarkets by bicycle or bus instead of walking. One-third of them used farther away, over 2km supermarkets. The result of the hypothesis was that the low-income households living in “unaffordable food access area” went shopping to distant stores. Thus, they had difficulties accessing to affordable food. (2) Nutritional risk We hypothesized that the low-income households shopping long distance increase risk of low nutritional value diets. The elderly and low-income households living in “unaffordable food access area” had a 1.76 times higher nutritional risk than the other participants. Multiple regression analysis showed that the cause was not only social networks and personal habits, but also inconvenient shopping circumstances peculiar to urban areas. In addition, traveling long distances to go shopping resulted in a decrease in purchase volume and frequency. The results of this research indicate that the assessment of the proximity of shopping should consider the accessibility by not only the physical distance but also the households income. Furthermore, the results indicate that traveling long distances to go shopping have a negative influence on purchase volume and frequency, so even if bicycles and public transportation can be used in the area, we should evaluate shopping circumstances by considering shopping behavior.
宗 迅 福川 裕一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.675, pp.1103-1112, 2012-05-30 (Released:2012-07-02)

Taking Weipo village (Laojie) near Luoyang, as part of research works exploring how to conserve the traditional houses, in this paper we focus on the changes of uses and their physical influences on the houses. We make clear the detailed process the extended families have become nuclear, the ownerships have been divided and what changes have been added to the original houses. And we find that the traditional order not only have been lost, but the changes also resulted in deterioration of living conditions, moving to new houses, and decline of the center of Laojie nowadays.
瀧澤 重志 河村 廣 谷 明勲
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.506, pp.203-209, 1998-04-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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Cities have grown and changed by intricate urban activities, and complex urban land-use patterns have formed. It is reasonable to suppose that complexity is an essential quality of cities. In this paper, the authors try to generate urban land-use patterns using an expanded cellular automata model. The proposed model is composed of three urban activities (residence, business, commerce) which interact economically. Each cell has three kinds of potentials corresponding to urban activities described with real numbers. These potentials can be considered to indicate populations or building areas. Potentials of each cell change by interactions, and each cell takes one of the following three actions: increase, disappearance, and no action. Using this model, urban land-use patterns can be generated. Comparing illustrated results with real cities, it can be said that this proposed model can simulate complex patterns of cities by relatively simple rules.
羽藤 広輔
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.712, pp.1411-1418, 2015 (Released:2015-07-11)

The aim of Sirai's essay, “The Jomon style”, was not to admire the Jomon culture, but to consider how to grab the inner potential of the object without being misled by its external form. His theory of tradition subsequently developed into the “theory of expansive tradition”. He objected to confining the argument over tradition to Japan and set out to consider the concept from a universal point of view. He gave shape to it and proposed a new concept, the “Eurasian style”.