石井 翔大
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.747, pp.949-955, 2018 (Released:2018-05-30)

This study aims to elucidate Hiroshi Ohe's activities in the Ministry of Education and to consider the architectural view of Ohe before the world war II. Hiroshi Ohe (1913-1989) worked as a technician at the Ministry of Education from 1938 to the beginning of 1941 and was involved in the construction of the Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument and the National History Museum. This study collected and analyzed primary materials such as sketches, drawings, and documents created by Ohe during the Ministry of Education's Technical Time, which have been stored in the Ohe Architecture Atelier (formerly Ohe Hiroshi Architects). The design process of Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument from the first stage to the fourth stage can be considered a process of a gradual reduction in the conceptions of Ohe. It is assumed that the theme of Ohe's sketches in the first stage was to superpose the space containing the monument by creating a plan and sequence in order to gradually join the area on the outside to that on the inside. Therefore, it can be pointed out that Ohe's intention in the later years, which emphasizes the psychological changes in people who experience building, has already been taken into account in the design of the monument. In the later years, Ohe developed criticism against modernist architecture, advocating the principle of “interminglement and coexistence” and arguing about the importance of roofing and decoration. It is assumed that the sketch of Fig. 11 contains the themes of roofing and decoration, deviating from simplicity that is one of the features of modernism architecture. Therefore, this sketch is considered an important material foretelling the construction of Ohe during the later years.
飛ヶ谷 潤一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.588, pp.211-216, 2005-02-28 (Released:2017-02-11)

Firmitas (strength), one of the famous Vitruvian triad, can be imagined as a magnificent building structure, such as the dome of the Pantheon, which is based on the high technologies of the Roman Architecture. It is, however, important to note that the word firmitas is mostly found in his Book II, where architectural materials are explained. This paper intends to examine Vitruvian firmitas from the viewpoint of material "strength" or "durability", and to trace its changes in encyclopedic works of Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, such as Plinius' Natural History and Isidore's Etymology. Isidore substituted constructio for the Vitruvian firmitas, but the word merely meant "consrtuction."
安藤 萬壽男
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.1300, pp.42-43, 1990-06
齋藤 歩
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.750, pp.1599-1609, 2018 (Released:2018-08-30)

This study considers the relationship between architectural records and the Copyright Act of Japan. There are three types of limitations and exceptions to copyright: (i) for the “National Archives of Japan, etc.” and “local archives, etc.”; (ii) for “libraries, etc.”; and (iii) for the consignor. We clarified the following points: (1) materials under the copyright protection period are unusable or unintentionally usable because the limitations and exceptions differ depending on the archives; and (2) it is difficult for the archives to not only use the materials but also accept them because the consignee’s copyright is limited to ensure efficient operations.
小山 雄資 市村 良平 木方 十根
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1479-1488, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-07-27)
1 1

This paper clarifies the foundation process and projects of the Kagoshima City Housing Association (KCHA) from 1945 to 1966. We evaluate the importance of KCHA as a working organ for the housing policy, also the characteristics of their architectural works. A commercial union took the initiative in KCHA's foundation, and the revival through the commercial activation, not only by the housing supply, was the particularity of KCHA's performance. Staff of the architectural section of the Kagoshima City Office involved to the advanced design projects, such as shop-houses, apartments, suburban residential developments with detached houses.
藤田 誠 小泉 章夫 飯島 康男 播 繁 樋口 聡 原田 浩司
学術講演梗概集. C-1, 構造III, 木質構造, 鉄骨構造, 鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート構造 (ISSN:1341447X)
vol.2003, pp.267-268, 2003-09

森 朋子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.706, pp.2671-2678, 2014-12-30 (Released:2015-01-30)
1 4

This paper aims to clarify the spatial composition of a mountain settlement through its formative process in modern times by the scope of the relationship between a water system and a village community in Ainokura, one of world heritage villages in Shirakawa-go and Gokayama. The following three points were clarified. 1. Three types in the relation between a water system and "kumi", the smallest unit in a village community, are classified. Since they reflect on a classification as spatial units in a settlement, the space of a mountain settlement consists of them. 2. While each "kumi" has a dominant family, there is a spatial framework and role in a settlement. 3. The framework of a settlement determines the direction of its expansion and contraction.
中田 幸造 山川 哲雄 JAVADI Pasha NOORI Mohammad Zahid 金田 一男
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.85, no.767, pp.97-104, 2020

<p> A strength–ductility–type seismic retrofit technique for soft first-story reinforced concrete (RC) buildings via addition of wing walls or panel walls was proposed by Yamakawa<sup>4)</sup>. This method is called the thick hybrid wall (THW) technique and is performed by jacketing an RC column and an additional wing wall using channel-shaped steel plates connected together by high-strength steel bars (PC bars). The steel plates and PC bars make steel formworks inside the RC frames during the additional concrete casting. Furthermore, they can serve for shear strengthening and confinement of RC columns after hardening of additional concrete. No longitudinal and transverse reinforcements or anchorage systems are provided in the additional wing wall; therefore, the construction is easy and cost-effective. The previous investigation<sup>6)</sup> of the one-bay one-story RC frame retrofitted by the THW technique verified that both lateral strength and ductility are considerably improved compared to those of the non-retrofitted RC frame. This study aims to propose equations that can be used to estimate the ultimate moment resistance and the minimum wing-wall length of RC columns retrofitted by the THW technique.</p><p> The ultimate moment resistance of the RC column with a wing wall (THW technique) is calculated by considering the whole section as a united section. In the proposed method, the strain distribution of the THW column section is divided into three fields, such as field A, B, and C, based on the location of the neutral axis changes according to the axial force levels. The unified THW column section is asymmetric about the centerline of the square column section; hence, the wall side is considered in compression only. The moment capacity equation is derived by considering the equilibrium of internal tension and compression forces with the external vertical axial load. Assuming the location of the neutral axis depth, a generalized equation is obtained based on the equivalent rectangular stress block parameters for concrete in compression that is adopted by the American Concrete Institution (ACI). Practically, the THW technique is applied in the field A, where all the rebars in the tension and compression sides of the existing RC column yield in tension, and the limit axial force ratio of the field A is represented as <i>η</i><sub>1</sub>.</p><p> The ultimate moment resistance of the THW column section is more accurately calculated by the fiber model method. The stress-strain model of concrete in the fiber model analysis is considered as Monder's model<sup>11)</sup>. In Section 4, the calculated results of the proposed equation, fiber model analysis, and simplified equations<sup>8)</sup> are in good agreement with the previous test results of both-sided (R03WC-P200S)<sup>4)</sup> and one-sided wing-wall (R03WO-S)<sup>5)</sup> specimens retrofitted by the THW technique.</p><p> The equation used to calculate the minimum wing-wall length of the THW technique is proposed in Section 5 based on the limit axial force ratio (<i>η</i><sub>1</sub>) in the field A. The calculated results based on the minimum wing-wall length equation show that the additional wing-wall length ratio <i>β</i> increases with increasing the axial force ratio <i>η</i>. Furthermore, <i>β</i> decreases with increasing the ratio of the compressive strength of concrete <i>κ</i> and depends on the tensile rebar ratio <i>q</i>.</p>
正田 浩三 垣鍔 直
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.77, no.677, pp.615-621, 2012-07-30 (Released:2012-07-31)

In the present study, glossiness and contamination levels measured with the device to detect ATP values on the surfaces touched by washroom user's hands were measured while order levels in the washroom were subjectively evaluated. The results showed that the floor surface became dirty and order was smelled as number of washroom users increased. At the same time, number of bacteria (NB) on the surfaces was also measured. Both ATP value and NB on the doorknob and the water tab increased as number of washroom users increased simultaneously. This relationship was confirmed experimentally on the door knob touched by hands that were contaminated at the same level. The effect of elimination of contamination materials on the doorknob was then tested with dry or wet cleaning materials, e.g., towel and micro cloth etc. As a result, both ATP value and NB decreased more effectively by wet materials than dry ones.
阪田 弘一 柏原 士郎 吉村 英祐 横田 隆司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.541, pp.123-130, 2001-03-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
1 2

This paper aims to clarify the actual state and the spatial characteristics of street performances in Osaka. Some results show as follows. 1. Street performances can be classified under four main contents: play, creation, feat, and dance. 2. A flow of people, the closing time of shops, the brightness, and the distance between other performances have relation to the distribution .of street performances. 3. The shapes of those spaces can be classified into 4 groups: the linear street, the street composed of a variety of elements, the small-scale space on which people can pause, and the monotonous open space. And the spatial preference varies greatly depending on the type of performance.
小代 薫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.695, pp.269-277, 2014-01-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

In this paper, it was clarified that the installation process of public facilities by foreigner's autonomy on the mixed residential area of Japanese and foreigner in Kobe at the beginning of the Meiji era. And, a similar phenomenon was caused in Japanese in Kobe, a place of conventional pleasure of Japanese that they had requested was succeeded to as a modern system of public green facilities of Japan by the Meiji government. It can be said that the foreigner and the Japanese community did the urban development, and the Kobe played a leading role of a modern city in Japan.
重枝 豊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.488, pp.211-220, 1996-10-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

The Kingdom of Champa had been located in the middle and the south region of present Vietnam and enjoyed its glory during 2 to 15 century. This study shows a result of field surveys on the Champa remains. The edifices of Champa were built by masonry construction. Main building material is brick and sandstone is used as the member of reinforcement. This study analyses its construction-technic; Brick works and Corbel structure. Both Brick works and Corbel syructures are able to distinguish into 3 types according to differece technics.
宮地 茉莉 岡崎 健二 落合 知帆
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.737, pp.1871-1880, 2017 (Released:2017-07-30)

Bangladesh is prone to cyclones due to its social and geographical conditions. In recent years, coastal areas of Bangladesh suffered from the serious damages caused by two devastating cyclones; Sidr in 2007 and Aila in 2009. The government and international cooperation agencies have been tackling with mitigating cyclone disasters, mainly through construction of cyclone shelters, which can accommodate 500-2,500 people per shelter in case of cyclones (Paul et al, 2002). As a result of the construction of approximately 4,000 cyclone shelters, the death toll has been drastically decreasing. However, although these cyclone shelters are used as elementary schools in normal time, not enough consideration are given to be used as temporary living quarters during and after cyclones. At this point, there are only some researches mentioned the use of cyclone shelters during cyclones, whereas they did not focus on how the local people used cyclone shelters as temporary living quarters during post-disaster reconstruction. Dealing with these problems, BRAC University constructed a new type of cyclone shelters in the form of houses named ‘mini shelters’ in order not to evacuate to cyclone shelters when cyclones come. The objective of this research is to contribute the government's cyclone mitigation schemes, especially in terms of the proper utilization during cyclones and the construction of cyclone shelters which can be used in all cyclone prone areas. This research was conducted based on the literature reviews and the field surveys. The literature review revealed the damage of cyclone disasters and the mitigation program in Bangladesh. Field surveys were conducted from August to September 2015 in Padmapukur Union and Hatiya Isaland, which were affected by Cyclone Aila in 2009 and Cyclone Komen in 2015 respectively. Questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 70 households in Hatiya Island and 66 households in Padmapukur in order to collect detailed information on the use of cyclone shelters during cyclones and post-cyclone reconstruction and actual issues of cyclone shelters. The research findings show that most of people in Hatiya Island made decisions to evacuate to cyclone shelters immediately after they have received cyclone waning signals, while most of people in Padmapukur Union did not evacuate immediately. Most of the evacuees spent their long-term evacuation period for several days to several months in cyclone shelters even after cyclones. It is proven that the cyclone shelters are used as temporary living quarters during post-cyclone reconstruction, although they were designed as evacuation centers only for a few hours during the inundation. Moreover, most of cyclone shelters are used as elementary schools in normal time hence some rooms such as storage rooms and staff rooms are locked during cyclones due to the poor management which led to the low of consideration of these cyclone shelters to be used as evacuation centers or temporary living quarters. Most of people in Hatiya Island are well-prepared for evacuation. The preparation includes packing dry foods and other daily necessities in advance of every cyclone season. Therefore, they are able to properly manage their long-term evacuation period at cyclone shelters. Another finding shows ‘mini shelters’ might be used not only as evacuation centers but also as livestock stores during cyclones. Local people doubt the safety of ‘mini shelters’ because the second floor is made of wood and the height from the ground level to the second floor is only 3.3m lower than the water level of the biggest cyclone's storm surge. In addition, the cost of construction of ‘mini shelters’ are too expensive to construct as houses. On the other hand, ‘mini shelters’ might be useful in remote coastal areas where limited space for cyclone shelters is.
鳳 英里子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.590, pp.167-172, 2005

The restoration works of Timurid architecture in Samarkand has a long history starting from the period of the Russian colonization. This works dramatically changed the shape of monuments. Soon after Uzbekistan raised as a Presidential Republic, Timurid monument were recognized as a symbol of the country and restoration works were revitalized. In this paper, I focused on the changes of the architecture's shapes by the restoration works, and the various aims of restoration works during Russian colonial period, Soviet period, and after independence. According to detailed research for the restoration process of four main Timurid architectures in Samarkand, the monuments gained the position as historic monuments in the Russian period, and played a propaganda role in the Soviet period. In order to enhance the high quality of historic monuments in the soviet area, researchers made a great effort to study the monuments and realized many extensive restoration works. After the independence, many large-scale restoration works have been undergoing without academic studies and professionals.