中村 優花 岡崎 甚幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.754, pp.2441-2451, 2018-12

&nbsp;This study is to analyze the types of spatial composition within Buddhist shrines. The focus was on the spatial composition, the plan forms and the arrangement of worship objects (stupas and Buddhist statues). This research is based on 55 documented Buddhist temples in Central Asia. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types based on spatial compositions. The meanings of spatial composition also have been discussed by conjecturing how worship acts were performed in shrine architectures. For the purpose of this study, Central Asia is defined as: northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Xinjiang Uyghur (Fig. 1).<br>&nbsp;The plan forms were divided into the following types: single chamber, two-celled chamber which has main chamber and ante-chamber (having wing walls and without wing walls type), and the corridor type (a main chamber enclosed by a single wall/ two-celled chamber enclosed by a single wall) (Fig. 2). According to the classification of plan forms, the arrangement of worship objects was classified as I, II, III, and IV. The spatial compositions were analyzed based on the schemas. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types as the follows (Fig. 3):<br>&nbsp;I. Worshippers face worship object inside or outside the chamber: Worshippers do not enter inside, and face to the worship object directly; Worshippers enter inside directly without wing walls, judging from its large scale; Worshippers enter inside through wing walls, judging from its large scale and the spatial composition.<br>&nbsp;II. Shrine with axiality: the worship object is located at the further end of the shrine (in some cases, center of the shrine). There is the symbolic direction to the worship object. Worshippers face the worship object.<br>&nbsp;III. Shrine with circumambulatory: the worship object is housed in the center of the main chamber. Accordingly, pradak?i?a (Buddhist devotional practice) is performed.<br>&nbsp;IV. Shrine with centrality: the worship objects are placed on three sides or four sides of the main chamber. The plan forms of shrines are centralized plan such as a square and a cruciform.<br>&nbsp;Axiality is a common characteristic in many shrine architectures. Axiality is necessarily component in the case of the two-celled chamber type shrines. In addition, it became clear that there is the shrine architecture includes some characteristics of spatial composition: axiality + circumambulatory, and axiality + circumambulatory + centrality.<br>&nbsp;Over a long period of time, circumambulatory design was adopted for wide areas because it indicated the circumambulation ritual from left to right of the worship object. On the other hand, there were few examples of shrine architectures with centrality. It has been conjectured that centrality was a determinate factor judging from the aspect of geographical distribution. Based on the analysis, the meaning of the spatial compositions was considered. The conclusions are as follows:<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with axiality means that the Buddhist world continues forward.<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with circumambulatory were held for service of the cosmological Buddha.<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with centrality had worshippers enclosed by the Buddhist world.<br>&nbsp;It could be considered that &ldquo;circumambulatory&rdquo; and &ldquo;centrality&rdquo; is contrasting characteristics of spatial composition and suggests a change of meaning in the shrine architecture.
加藤 耕一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.611, pp.203-209, 2007-01-30 (Released:2017-02-25)

Designing the Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve (BSG), H. Labrouste was inspired by the 13th century gothic architecture which was then renovated into the library of Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM). This paper reveals that the unique slender cast-iron columns of the BSG were influenced by the gothic columns of the CNAM. Right after the BSG, L.-A. Boileau also built the iron church copying the columns of the same gothic architecture. Therefore, it could be concluded that there was an influence of the gothic architecture on the birth of the "architecture" in iron, especially on its cast-iron columns.
石原 健司 小松 幸夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.769, pp.679-688, 2020-03

<p> In this study, we analyzed the transition of building stock in the Tokyo wards and visualized the results. The data we used are the GIS databases created by Tokyo Metropolis, which correspond to six time points every five years from 1991 to 2016, and the analysis proceeded as follows.</p><p> 1) Data screening: In order to analyze the GIS data across the years, data screening is needed. We unified the definitions of attribute data and excluded data with missing values and outliers. In addition, since it was confirmed that some divided polygons were contained in the data, then we combined them into the ordinary forms.</p><p> 2) Basic statistics: During the 25 years, the gross floor area has increased by 60% against the 8% increase in the number of buildings, and the average size of the buildings has increased by 48%. However, as for the median, the increase is only 14%. The other quantiles did not change significantly compared to the average value. This may be resulted from the hugeness of some new buildings and indicates that the unevenness of building scale distribution in urban has increased year by year. Also, looking at this from the view of use, the commercial buildings have a strong trend to be large scale, as well as the offices and the apartment houses, while the average gross floor area of detached houses is almost constant. Also, the distribution of gross floor area of detached houses is found out to be converging on around 138 square meters (that is calculated from polygon data and is different from the exact floor area). The changing trends of building size were different depending on the building use.</p><p> 3) Comprehension of building state changes: In order to comprehend the change of the state of a building, the GIS data of 2010 and 2016 were spatially overlapped and the identification of buildings were implemented, then we extracted the buildings seemed to be not same as before. As the result of overlapping, the change patterns of building state were classified into six types, as "Rebuilding", "New Construction", "Demolition", "Integration", "Division", and "Other". Comparing the change of building size by patterns, there was a remarkable trend of enlargement in "Integration" and miniaturization in "Division". "Integration" shows higher proportion than other patterns in the commercial buildings, the offices and the apartment houses. On the other hand, most of the "Division" was occurred in the detached houses. It is considered that these results are related to the transition of the total floor area of each building use.</p><p> Looking at the geographical distribution density of building change patterns using kernel density estimation, the "Demolition" and the "Integration" had high density mainly in the downtown area, and the "Division" was distributed mainly in the residential area. In addition, the "New Construction" occurred at the outer edge. The huge buildings are thought to appear caused by the "Demolition" and the "Integration" around the center area of the city. In addition, it is also suggested that the living environments are changing as "Divisions" are actively carried out in old residence towns.</p>
古川 容子 佐野 友紀 土屋 伸一 藤井 皓介 佐藤 泰 畠山 雄豪 長谷見 雄二
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.728, pp.845-853, 2016 (Released:2016-10-30)

Recently, enrollments in nursery schools have become higher and higher. This is largely due to the social progress of women, with the increasing number of working mothers. Additionally, the number of three-generation households is decreasing. Nursery schools are traditionally low-rise structures, with a playground, but deregulation of the law now allows for the placement of nursery schools in middle floors of high-rise buildings. In Japan, the ages of nursery school students are generally from infancy to five-years old, which means that they can't evacuate the premises by themselves during a fire, so we must research ways to evacuate them safely. And the scheme of planning safe evacuations from buildings has not been sufficiently researched, so we have investigated the practice of fire drills and have interviewed teachers and students of nursery schools. The following is what we have learned: (1)Characteristics of evacuation ;drills of nursery schools: Students evacuate in class groups, lead by their teachers, who provide the indications. Time is needed for evacuation preparation (setting up strollers, gathering infants and preparing to carry them out, and giving instructions regarding exiting, etc., ) and before starting evacuation, and time for confirming the numbers of students, and waiting time is needed when they are evacuating, so these times must be considered in the calculation of evacuation time. (2)The characteristics of evacuation abilities of nursery school students : Infants (up to one-year old), and students who can't easily walk by themselves must be carried by a nurse or other adults, which makes evacuation movements and management after evacuation more manageable. Two-year-old students are able to walk alright on their own but cannot sufficiently grasp the situation. It's difficult to follow the teachers' instructions, so a lot of assistances are need. Children aged three and over can, of course, walk even better, and can grasp the severity of a fire. But they tend to walk more slowly as they feel frightened in cases when they are at earlier age, or they have to take an escape route that they are not familiar with. In order to shorten evacuation time, older students should evacuate first, as they can walk faster than younger students, thus their escape time won't be hindered by slower evacuees. (3)Notes of buildings that include a nursery school: Regarding the situation of using stairways for evacuation, there are many points of concern regarding the safety of children. Because there are many dangerous points related to stairways, such as the fact that stairways often arouse fear in younger students during emergency evacuation, and as a result they walk more slowly. Consequently, older students try to pass the younger, slower students. Especially in cases when a nursery school is on a middle floor of a multi-use building, there is a possibility that confusion is caused among the evacuating children who walk slowly, along with their teachers, as evacuating people from other facilities mix with people evacuating from the nursery school. Thus, having a dedicated set of stairs for children is better. In addition, nursery schools that are in existing buildings that were not designed to accommodate nursery schools, have higher handles and the height of steps rise. (4)Decreasing evacuation route length: Due to the fact that nursery school students' bodies and minds are not fully developed, their circumstances during a fire are more severe than those for adults. Thus, nursery schools should be on lower floors of buildings or should have their own buildings. Also the distance from the rooms to the temporary evacuation place should be as short as possible
矢島 拓弥 後藤 春彦 山崎 義人 遊佐 敏彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.670, pp.2387-2394, 2011-12-30 (Released:2012-03-02)
3 1

The past improvements of bicycle roads had put central emphasis on linear components, such as running bicycle lanes parallel to roadways. However, the past research on this topic show the growing needs of further improvement of planar components, including other roads. This study defines“detour activities”as side-trips that provide wider range of routes within a plane, and by questionnaire targeting bicycle tourists, the followings have been clarified: 1) the actual behavior of bicycle tourism, 2) spatial characteristics that induce detour activities. Given the above, this paper discusses improvements of bicycle roads that will promote“detour activities”.
向口 武志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.534, pp.147-154, 2000-08-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
1 1

This paper analyzes the "Master Plan of Open Space in Nagoya" which was aimed to establish a green belt in 1940, through its relationship with the geography and the city planning. The plan attempted to preserve the landscape of riversides and hills on the outskirts of Nagoya City and to create center cores on a network of recreation areas connected by hiking courses. Since all of the open spaces were covered with the "Master Plan of Scenic Zone in Nagoya" in 1942, they proved to be conceived as the scattered fragments of a green belt continuously surrounding Nagoya City.
中野 茂夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.590, pp.221-228, 2005-04-30 (Released:2017-02-11)
1 1

The purpose of this study Is to consider the influence of heavy industries progress on a spatial transformation in a modern city. The case of this study is Hitachi, Ltd. and Hitachi city. Industrial foundation was essential for the sake of heavy industries development. At first, Kuhara mining company treated industrial foundation. However Hitachi, Ltd. treated that after it became indepandent of Kuhara mining company. Hitachi, Ltd. became a huge company during World War II. That company tidied up a loop road. It caused the spatial transformation of Hitachi City.
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.418, pp.463-466, 1921-08
西尾 健一郎 向井 登志広
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.729, pp.1025-1034, 2016 (Released:2016-11-30)

Time-of-use (TOU) rates are one of the electricity rates designed to encourage consumers to shift their electricity usage from peak hours when the grid electricity demand increases to off-peak hours. Compared with other demand response rates such as critical peak pricing, TOU rates are considered to be more modest and acceptable. To evaluate the impact of TOU rates in Japan, the Japanese government conducted a pilot study that analyzed the amount of electricity saved during peak hours in the summer by using metering data; however, little is known about the impact of TOU rates on the awareness and behaviors of electricity consumers. In order to analyze actual behavior changes, we conducted a web-based questionnaire survey of 4,000 households, including those who use and do not use TOU-type tariffs. In practice, there is a non-negligible difference in characteristics such as building and household attributes between TOU users and non-TOU users because of the nature of TOU, for example, TOU users live in relatively larger and newer houses, and the number of households is more than that of non-TOU users. Therefore, we use a statistical method, called propensity score inverse probability weighting (IPW) estimation. This method is categorized as a type of quasi-experiment, which is used when it is difficult to conduct randomized controlled trials. An IPW estimation creates a quasi-homogeneity of covariates, namely, types and ownerships of houses, construction years, floor spaces, satisfaction of insulation property, availability of space-heating by air-conditioners, number of households, and regions. The result shows that more than 60% of the households using TOU are aware of some kind of changes triggered by the differences in the electricity unit price between daytime and nighttime. Typical changes are shift of usage hours from daytime to nighttime, and end use with high awareness rate as a whole with regard to air-conditioners, dishwashers, rice cookers, washing machines, etc. In particular, almost half of the households with dishwashers and washing machines with drying functions are conscious of shift in usage hours. Moreover, a comparison of bihourly weekday usage rates reveals the statistically significant differences in the usage patterns of air-conditioners, clothes dryers, dishwashers, rice cookers, and home bakery machines. These changes are positively accepted by TOU users, as compared with the impressions gained from non-TOU users. Meanwhile, there are appliances whose usage is less likely to be shifted, such as TV. The possibility of behavior changes varies depending on characteristics of the way of use and the functionality, such as timer control. Moreover, the benefits and limitations of the method are discussed. Although it is difficult to elaborate the amount of electricity saved from the data used in this study, a properly managed statistical tool could provide alternative opportunities to understand the mechanism of behavioral changes by using data obtained from the real world.
加島 鈴乃 小野 尋子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.731, pp.115-122, 2017 (Released:2017-01-30)
1 1

Generally knows, Okinawa was extensively damaged from WW2. The air raid on Naha City 10th Oct. 1944 and ground battles destroyed Naha central area witheringly. After the war, there was few building to live. Okinawan people who came back from rural area and military draft needed to build their house. But at that time, GHQ and Ryukyu government had governed Okinawa until 1972. Okinawan local government could not use many of reconstruction projects and systems of Japan Central government. And worse more, not a small land of Okinawa including central area was grabbed up by USA military. So, some of people who could not return to their own residential lots had to move and rebuild their house another area, in most cases, next area or close area. The high densely Mawashi district has built-up in above way. Mawashi district located the next area of the traditional central area where had not returned until 1952 (ref., Fig. 2), and so, there was rapidly crowded by returning people. But before the war Mawashi district was just a farming village where were not enough social infrastructures with narrow roads and poor road structure. It should be improved or developed before urbanized, but at that time Okinawa belonged to USA, there were not some appropriate development systems and projects. This study aimed to identify the period of each districts build-up, and then analyze the relationship between each districts character with road patterns and each districts period. In view of the change of the Okinawan political system after WW II and built-up background, there are 4 aspects, as like 1)prewar traditional settlement, 2) forced settlement, 3)sprawl district without planning guideline, and 4) development permission district(ref., Fig. 7). The research methods are 4, research the historical document to identify the pre-war settlement district, tracing the road position specification of Naha city to distinguish roads and areaways, listed up the development dates from official development permission ledger after 1974 to define planning districts and sprawl area and field survey of each district to find the typical problems of the district. The problematic road networks are found 5 patterns in this area by the field survey. These are a) small crowded building district without jointing roads, b) small crowded building district jointing dead-end road of article 42 -2, Japan Building Act, c) small crowded building district jointing not well network roads of article 42 -2, Japan Building Act, d) small crowded building district jointing well-formed roads of article 42 -2, Japan Building Act, and e) development permission accepting district with not well network road to main roads(ref., Table 2). As results, these a)-e) patterns are mixed in each 1)-4) periods also, but 3) is the most serious condition in problematic road networks, decrepit buildings, and prevention of disaster. Considering the physical condition data of districts, 2) is assumed to have a singular aspect.