富山 博
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.215, pp.77-83,98, 1974

Since eight century, the majority of Syoso were granaries for rice. The standard of Syoso designed the capacity more than some unite, so put in order about every 1000 Koku, We found the tendency that scale of Syoso were expaunding with the times. By the dimension of Syoso, which we can see by the ancient documents, I got the average, (length, width, highth, area, volumn, the ratio of length to width, the ratio of highth to width) and separated the structure such as Maruki-kura, Ko-kura, Ita-kura, Oku. So I looked for the differance of the structure. Next I wanted to analyze the rerations between the structures and the roof-materials.
奥矢 恵 大場 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.746, pp.745-754, 2018 (Released:2018-04-30)
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From ancient times, mountains have been worshiped in Japan. Mt. Fuji is archetypal, and the stone huts that served its pilgrims can be regarded as the original form of current mountain huts. Nowadays, since Mt. Fuji is a World Cultural Heritage site, its huts are required to be historically based. Although some historical materials describe the stone huts that existed during the Edo era, the changes stone huts underwent during the era of great transition from worship-ascent to alpinism remain unclear. To investigate these changes, we examined historical materials, held interviews, and conducted field surveys on the Yoshida trail, from where great numbers of pilgrims who belonged to Fuji-ko societies made worship-ascent. At the start of the Meiji era, although Fuji-ko was reorganized after the separation of Shinto and Buddhism, stone hut owners, who had recorded the location and scale of each hut since the late Edo era, were still permitted to manage them under the Yamanashi prefectural governor. Since the middle of the Meiji era, railway lines to the foot of Mt. Fuji were gradually connected. By increasing the number of climbers, and even pilgrims, Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures issued regulations for individuals living on the mountain to ensure the safety of climbers and improve sanitation. Chiyozaburo Takeda, the Yamanashi prefectural governor, then decided to repair the trail and renovate some facilities, especially at the eighth station, to make Mt. Fuji an international tourist site. In Meiji 40th (1907), one stone hut was renovated into a post office, a police box, and a first aid station, and the other two into lodgings. A model lodging designed by government engineers, the Fujisan Hotel, was then built. It had a completely different appearance from stone huts (structure, lighting and ventilating facilities, two berths, etc.). With cooperation between the government and some local citizens, the Fujisan Hotel was realized as modern architecture. Some oshi and locally influential people responded to Takeda by founding a stock company to manage the huts at the eighth station. The former had quickly changed their shukubo to ryokans, and the latter had built a fortune in business from the Edo era. As a model, Takeda had expected other stone huts to develop independently, but this did not go as planned. By the end of the Taisho era, the stone hut sites where trails met at the fifth, sixth, and the eighth stations were expanded. Although the size of these huts may also had changed, many seem to have retained their forms from the late Edo era. On the other hand, at the seventh station, where no trails met, only one-third of the stone huts expanded their sites, in particular, the one hut had changed the facade with no cinders stacked around the wall, i.e. more open. These changes were managed by the owners of the stock company. In addition, around the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake in Taisho 12th (1923), a mountain hut and a post office were built at the eighth station, and a king post was introduced by the owner of the Fujisan Hotel. Through the Taisho era, these changes were led by those concerned with the stock company at the eighth station. During the Edo era, oshi and their servants, hyakusho, owned and managed the stone huts. During the Meiji and Taisho eras, people had different positions and ideas compared with past owners; in other words, extrinsic motivation changed the old customs and opened the door to modernization. In this way, the equalities among the stone huts maintained by oshi and hyakusho during the Edo era might have been lost.
奥矢 恵 大場 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.767, pp.131-140, 2020 (Released:2020-01-30)

Mountains have been worshiped in Japan since ancient times. Similar to Mt. Fuji, Mt. Ontake has been a site of worship ascents since the Edo era. We previously examined the style of mountain huts on Mt. Fuji during the Edo era, and in the present study, we have expanded our scope to Mt. Ontake. We conducted field surveys on the Kurosawa and Otaki trails on Mt. Ontake and found a common architectural characteristic, the so-called “central path style” floor plan (or “Nakadori style”), in which the trail passes through the mountain huts. A previous study reported that this floor plan is similar to that of somagoya (loggers’ huts) in this area. Therefore, we examined historical materials and investigated the establishment and transformation of this “central path style” floor plan and the relationship between mountain huts for worship ascents and forestry. Many mountain maps drawn in the Edo or Meiji era have legends showing mountain huts on as opposed to beside trails, suggesting that the “central path style” floor plan might date back to the late Edo era. Mountain huts were first donated as guardian huts around holy places, places for religious training, and shelters against the harsh mountain environment. They were then expanded to serve as teahouses or lodgings. In addition, many of the mountain huts on the Otaki trail had the “central path style” floor plan since the Meiji era. Since the Edo era, residents of Kurosawa and especially Otaki village in Kiso valley earned their living by felling trees. The loggers’ huts in Kiso had a “central path style” floor plan and was called “Nakagoya”. Both trails had a mountain hut for worship ascents called “Nakagoya.” It seems that the “central path style” floor plan we discovered on field surveys was inherited from somagoya, based on the livelihood of the residents. On the other hand, we found another, lost architectural characteristic from old documents called the “double hut style” floor plan (or “Ryogoya style”). At Tanohara on the Otaki trail, two huts were found opposite each other on the trail from the Edo to the Meiji era. However, by the Taisho era, the space between the huts was covered and changed into an interior, i.e., the “central path style” floor plan. We found a similar religious building with a “double hut style” floor plan on the Yoshida trail on Mt. Fuji. Since the Edo era, both the Tanohara Ryogoya on Mt. Ontake and the haiden (front shrine) of Fuji Omuro Sengen Jinja on Mt. Fuji were used as komorido, where ascenders, especially women, would chant, practice abstinence, and sleep. Thus, it seems that the “double hut style” floor plan was universally established for mountain worship. Mt. Ontake is an object of worship for believers and provides a living for local villagers. The mountain huts that have supported worship ascents since the Edo era have architectural characteristics related to mountain worship and livelihoods. Both the “Ryogoya” and “Nakadori” styles have a strong connection with huts and trails, and this is a special characteristic of the mountain huts on Mt. Ontake. After the volcanic eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014, some mountain huts on Kurosawa and Otaki trails were closed, demolished or reconstructed. We hope the results of our research help preserve traditions of the mountain huts on Mt. Ontake.
梅干野 成央 土本 俊和 小森 裕介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.659, pp.211-220, 2011-01-30 (Released:2011-03-07)
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This paper traces some links of the development process of mountain huts through the example of the mountain huts scattered along Weston's trail on Mt. Yari in the Japan Alps. By the analysis of the mountain huts and the land on which they were built, the development process of the mountain huts was classified into four types. And the mountain huts were built by using the sites and the huts of the occupants (i.e. woodsmen and huntsmen, etc.) and by taking advantage of their knowledge and expertise of both the sites and huts.
モハンマド ウマール アジジ 安藤 徹哉
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.771, pp.1131-1139, 2020

<p> Traditional houses in Kabul city were built using local materials such as sun-dried bricks, timber, and mud. However, with the progression of modernization, local materials have been replaced by industrial materials even in the Asheqan wa Arefan area, one of the oldest parts of Kabul. This study therefore firstly classifies all houses in the study area into traditional, mixed and modern, and examines how they are distributed in the area. Secondly, plan types of traditional houses are analyzed, and five types of courtyard houses and one type of house without courtyard are identified. A case study of three traditional courtyard houses has been conducted for a comprehensive investigation.</p>
山田 義智 上原 義己 崎原 康平 浦野 真次
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.85, no.771, pp.663-672, 2020

<p> Concrete flow analysis is important, because it is possible to visualize how high fluidity concrete flows in the concrete placing form and in the gap between reinforcing bars.</p><p> In this study, MPS (Moving Particle Semi-implicit) method was used as a concrete flow analysis method. First, the flow of Bingham fluid between parallel plates was analyzed, and the validity of the analysis method was verified. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed method was confirmed by comparing the results of slump flow analysis and test results. The research results of Kokado et al.<sup>3)</sup> were used for the rheological constants (yield value, plastic viscosity) of concrete used for slump flow analysis.</p><p> The results obtained in this study can be summarized as follows.</p><p> The flow of Bingham fluid between parallel plates was reproduced using the proposed MPS analysis. As the result, when the particle size was 20 mm, it was different from the theoretical value, and when the particle size was 10 mm, 5 mm, 2.5 mm, it agreed with the theoretical value.</p><p> The flow of Bingham fluid between parallel plates was reproduced by changing the value of the stress growth index m of the regularized Bingham model with m = 1 and 10,100. As a result, the theoretical value agreed well with the MPS analysis result in the fast range of flow velocity. In the range of slow flow, the MPS analysis results at the stress growth index m = 1 were faster than the theoretical solutions at the center of the parallel plate. Therefore, in order to represent the Bingham fluid, it is necessary to increase the value of the stress growth index m. In this study, the stress growth index m was set to 100 and used for MPS analysis.</p><p> The slump flow test was reproduced by MPS analysis using a regularized Bingham model with a particle size of 5 mm and a stress growth index of m = 100, assuming that the high fluidity concrete was a Bingham fluid. As the result, it was well reproduced in the range of slump flow value of about 500 mm, however, it tended to flow in the experimental result as the slump flow value increased from 600 mm to 700 mm.</p><p> When the slump flow value is less than 600 mm, the spread curve of the flow can be reproduced within the range of the rheological constant within the 95% upper and lower limit prediction interval. However, at the slump flow value of 700 mm, the experimental value flows more than the analytical result using the yield value of 95% lower limit. According to the results of the finite difference analysis in the literature (4), at a slump flow value of over 600 mm, the measured value tends to flow more than the analytical result. Therefore, if the slump flow value exceeds 600 mm, the yield value by the lifting sphere viscometer test may have been evaluated higher. Furthermore, high fluidity concrete with a slump flow value exceeding 600 mm may exhibit non-Bingham properties in the low shear rate region.</p>
斉藤 英俊
大会学術講演梗概集. 計画系
no.47, pp.1315-1316, 1972-10
猪股 圭佑 岡崎 甚幸 柳沢 和彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.670, pp.2477-2485, 2011-12-30 (Released:2012-03-02)

The present paper aims to analyze the types of the mountains painted in the Christian paintings of the Chora Church, focusing on their relationships to persons, and clarify the significance of these types. In our analysis, we made explanatory drawings and pattern diagrams of each painting. Explanatory drawings were made to divide each painting into scenes. Pattern diagrams were made to find out the relationships among persons and mountains. Three types of mountains were identified: 1) Mountains Next to Persons, 2) Mountains Surrounding Persons, and 3) Mountains Next to Persons and Surrounding Other Persons. The significance of these types was also clarified.
羅 羽哲 阿部 浩和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.677, pp.1633-1642, 2012-07-30 (Released:2012-07-31)

There were many historical buildings and Urban Traditional Houses in the downtown of Daegu where had been established in the old castle district in 1737. Recently, more Urban Traditional Houses have been disappearing by the progress of urbanization and modern life style in Daegu. This paper will examine the current condition of the Urban Traditional Houses including converted one, and it will identify the habitants' perception for conservation or development of the houses and townscape in the old castle district of Daegu. The results are as follows. 1) The number of family member in 75% of the houses is three and below. And the age of 67% householder is sixty years old or more in this area. 2) Some remaining Korean houses in Jingorumok Area are split type of houses which were large Urban Traditional Houses constructed before 1920. 3) Regarding the rooms and equipments of Urban Traditional Houses, the level of satisfaction of almost inhabitants living there is very low. In contrast, regarding the townscape, the level of satisfaction of almost habitants living or working there is relatively high. 4) Many habitants living in the Urban Traditional House are adverse to the conservation of this area. However, Many shop owners using the Urban Traditional House are agree with the conservation of this area.
諏訪 好英
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.76, no.663, pp.501-508, 2011-05-30 (Released:2011-11-15)

In the Internet data centers (iDCs), a large amount of heat generated by server machines should be removed efficiently from the server rooms so that the room temperature can be controlled at a suitable level to keep these machines in good working condition. In this study, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was carried out for various air-conditioning systems, and the ventilation and air-conditioning performance were compared. As the result, systems with both supply and return openings on the ceiling showed the best performance. This system exhibited much better performance than any other conventional systems. In addition, it was flexible with regard to the arrangement of server racks, and it performed well even in case of large heat generation.
小野 悠 尾﨑 信 片岡 由香 羽鳥 剛史 羽藤 英二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.167-177, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)

The Urban Design Centers (UDCs) in Japan are practical urban design platforms for public–private–academic collaboration with three characteristics: space planning by collaboration, initiatives of experts, and a hub facility open to all people. This paper explores possibilities and challenges for UDCs in built-up areas in major provincial cities, through the UDC Matsuyama (UDCM) case-study. UDCM was established in 2014 to revitalize Matsuyama City center. Interviews of people involved in UDCM, literature surveys, and participant observations were performed. Investigations showed the following achievements and problems of UDCM. (1) Space planning by collaboration ·The double-tiered systems - a governing organization as a collaboration hub and an executing organization - enables experts to engage and collaborate in various field activities. Money management by the university counteracts the funders' influence. ·To create an appealing urban space, UDCM participates in urban renewal projects in a variety of ways. Shortly after its establishment, UDCM participated in the conventional project planning process, using connections with local government. Once UDCM's performance became known, private enterprises and local organizations directly contacted UDCM for consultation and project support. (2) Initiatives of experts ·It was necessary for UDCM to formulate a vision for the city to share with many stakeholders and to position its role. However, during start-up, UDCM relinquished this formulating vision for two reasons: it was difficult for a new vision to be consistent with existing plans if positioned within the planning framework of local government; and, if positioned as UDCM's own, it risked being unsupported because UDCM initially had no performance record. Following better understanding of UDCM's role and effect, discussions restarted in the third year toward producing a vision for the city. ·UDCM achieves a balance between specialized and local knowledge, and between practical and research power, using experts in many fields including academics with specialized knowledge and skills, retired local government employees with broad human resources and local knowledge, and private experts with rich field experience. ·Human resource development is critical in provincial cities experiencing a continuing drain of young people to large cities. UDCM enhances the community's power through a variety of programs. (3) Hub facility open to all ·Establishing rules for use and operation of the facility through lively and engaging discussions with residents, within the pilot program framsework, enabled organized operation of the facility in the city center where many stakeholders are present. ·The hub facility is used in different ways according to citizens' needs: a place to rest for people with little interest in urban design; and, for people with an active interest, to provide relevant information for beginners and to hold events and participate in human resource development. The UDCM case-study demonstrated three important points in adopting UDCs in built-up areas in major provincial cities, which have complex relationship among numerous stakeholders. ·Produce a visible result by flexibly participating in public and private urban renewal projects in a variety of ways under the organizational structure by public–private–academic collaboration. ·Formulate a vision for the city to share with many stakeholders, and move into action to realize it, in cooperation with citizens and experts in many fields inside and outside the city. ·Establish rules for use and operation of the hub facility through discussions with neighbors.
林 英昭 中川 武 レ・ヴィン・アン
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.643, pp.2107-2114, 2009-09-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

The identification method for the components of the traditional wooden architecture in the Central Vietnam is characterized by the 'Gian-Chái/Dam-Quyet' method that is based on its structure style of column and slanting beam 'Kèo'. Firstly, the joint of column and slanting beam has to fix on the ground before detail making of the slanting beam. Secondly their total view on the architecture consists of the one set of the longitude section and the parts of it. This identification method has been suited to their carpentry process and shows their carpentry production idea that the architectural space is composed by several pairs of the column and slanting beam. Because this method is based on the architecture style and carpentry process, it can be said quite natural or primitive one. On the other hand, the applicability of this method is not as wide as the method in the Middle Age of Japan.
no.331, pp.388-391, 1914-07
倉斗 綾子 上野 淳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.540, pp.111-118, 2001-02-28 (Released:2017-02-04)
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This study aims at considering about planning of primary schools through the investigation works that observed the actual conditions of pupils' activities were undertaken at Utase Primary School since 4 years ago when it established. This paper reported the feature of the way to use spaces and the actual conditions of pupils' grouping (; they were analyzed from the viewpoint of furniture arrangements and pupils' activities). This work revealed as follows:, 1) In Utase, there were some various spaces in learning spaces. It is different from learning spaces as before that were composed by only 'class spaces' and 'open spaces'. 2) The various spaces were composed in the spaces of each grade, but it has been changing continually by increasing the number of pupils and classes. Finally, it showed the relations between learning activities, the various spaces and the groups of activities.
金 ヒョン兌 田辺 新一 岡田 厚太郎
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.75, no.654, pp.713-720, 2010-08-30 (Released:2010-10-08)
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Phthalates are used as plasticizers and flame retardants in building materials and phthalates emitted in indoor environment tend to adhere to house dust. According to Wensing, infants take dust 10times as adults, so an investigation on the concentration of phthalates in house dust is important. This study examined the concentration of phthalate in house dust in Japan and Korea. Specially, Korea house much used polyvinyl flooring as floor product and also used floor heating system during the winter. As a result, the amount of the collected dust per square meter in Japan house was more than the one in Korea house. In addition, the amount of house dust in Japan was more than the one in Korea house, even in under dust 63μm. And the concentration of DEHP in the houses investigated in Korea was higher than 50 percentile in Germany and some Korea houses were higher than 95 percentile in Germany. Japan houses investigated had lower concentration of DEHP in house dust than 95 percentile in Germany, and some house in Japan were lower than 50 percentile in Germany.
麓 和善 鈴木 光雄 河田 克博 内藤 昌
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.490, pp.155-162, 1996-12-30

Design about the eaves is a very important factor to construct exterior on Japanese traditional architecture. In the Edo and Meiji era, many Japanese architectural books were written. But eaves camber design method was not written until Banshouke Kayaoisori Mitugousinri which was written by Tousai Kiko in 1864. After that, 12 books were written. We universalize these methods by functional equations, and attempt to make practicable by CAD. We examine the rate of application for architectural monuments by computer analyzing, and propose Formula of Eaves Camber for CAD as best formula.
坂口 淳 赤林 伸一 鍛冶 紘子 都丸 恵理
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.74, no.635, pp.39-45, 2009-01-30 (Released:2009-11-02)

This paper described the distribution of contaminants (fine particle and bad smell from tobacco smoking) in the restaurant where the smoking seat and the non-smoking seat are arranged in the same space. The results are as follows; (1)When the smoking seats are in close formation near the exhaust outlet, the fine particle concentration from tobacco smoking is the lowest. (2) It is very difficult to reduce bat smell intensity to the comfortable level, where smoking seats and non-smoking seats are arranged in the same space.