鏡味 洋史
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.12, no.23, pp.487-490, 2006
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The Meiji Sanriku Tsunami Earthquake of 1896 caused severe damage to the costal area of Northeastern Japan. Especially in Miyagi, Iwate and Amomori Prefectures more than 20 thousands were killed by this tsunami and detailed reports on this disasters were documented. However, the damage in Hokkaido is not recorded in details. In this paper a literature survey was carried out though unknown documents and newspaper articles. Detailed damage by settlements listed. Totally 6 persons were killed at 3 settlements and 25 houses were washed out by this tsunami.
野崎 淳夫 清澤 裕美 吉澤 晋
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.69, no.576, pp.37-42, 2004-02-28 (Released:2017-01-27)
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In recent years, air cleaners are often used because of increasing interest in room air quality. However, there is currently no unified method for determining the removal effectiveness of air-cleaners. Here, we report the results of experiments on five type of domestic air cleaner units in a experimental room, using ETS(Environmental Tobacco Smoke). This study was carried out to determine the removal effectiveness of air cleaners on suspended particulate matter evaluated employing an index of equivalent clean air rates(ECAR). The results showed that the removal rates of suspended particulate matter were 59.1〜125.7(m^3/h) for 0.3μm particles, and 115.5〜188.7(m^3/h) for 0.5μm particles respectively with fan-filter units. The rates were much lower for the electro-static collector type unit without fan : 3.9(m^3/h) for 0.3μm particles, and 14.8(m^3/h) for 0.5μm particles respectively
文 欣 潔 赤林 伸一 坂口 淳 有波 裕貴
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.740, pp.873-882, 2017 (Released:2017-10-30)
1 2

INTRODUCTION As the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of heat pump devices varies significantly according to the heating and cooling load and ambient temperature, when selecting a suitable device, it is very important to consider the thermal performance of the house and the local weather conditions. It is common to select a home-use air conditioners according to the room floorage in Japan. The heating and cooling load value per unit floorage from 1964 has not been revised, and is still used in the case of the present air-conditioner selection (maximum heating load per floorage: 275 W/m2). However, this is not the best method for highly insulated houses and leads to problems for energy conservation. In this study, we developed a calorie meter to carry out temperature adjustment, and used it in analysis of the relationships among COP, heating and cooling load and outside air temperature. COP Matrix is constructed by a database of the measurement results. Furthermore, heat load calculation was performed using the insulation efficiency and the local condition of detached housing as analysis variables. As a result of the heat load calculation, Annual Performance Factor (APF) in actual environmental conditions is computed through correlation with the created COP Matrix. The APF calculated from experiment results is compared with the catalogue APF in order to clarify the characteristics of home-use air-conditioners considering the local conditions and heat load conditions. RESEARCH METHODS The indoor chamber of the calorie meter is 3 m wide, 3 m deep, and 2.7 m high. The outdoor chamber is 2 m wide, 2 m deep, and 2 m high. One temperature and humidity sensor and one thermistor anemometer are installed in the inlet of the inside air conditioner unit. Two temperature-and-humidity sensors are installed in the outlet of the inside air conditioner unit. One temperature-and-humidity sensors are installed in the inlet of the outside air conditioner unit, the temperature at this point is the outside temperature. Furthermore, in order to examine experimental accuracy, two thermocouples are separately installed in the inlet and three thermocouples are separately installed in the outlet of the inside air conditioner unit. A COP matrix is created from the relationship of COP, heating and cooling load and outside air temperature. In order to consider the change of APF calculated from experiment results, analysis was performed by changing the insulation efficiency according to the Standard Model issued by the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ). We used the meteorological data of the AIJ extended AMeDAS meteorological data. Analysis was performed by heat load simulation software TRNSYS. COP was calculated by collation with the computed COP matrix. RESULTS The COP of cooling is lower when output is relatively low. The COP of heating is higher when the outdoor air temperature is relatively high. And there is a tendency for COP to rise as the flow rate of the inside unit increases. COP matrix in automatic flow rate is similar to COP matrix in relatively small flow rate. Although the APF of an air conditioner in the catalogue is 5.6, which computed from COP matrix in case1-1 (Tokyo) is 2.9, which is about 0.5 times rather than catalogue value. The year cumulative power consumption in the catalogue is about 2,000 kWh, which computed from COP by the COP matrix in case1-1 (Tokyo) is about 3,200kWh, which is about 1.6 times rather than catalogue value. The APF of heating and cooling become lower when insulation efficiency is relatively high. Because the heating load and cooling load is reduced, the frequency of the ON-OFF operation which COP is relatively low is increased.
藤井 容子
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.22, no.50, pp.249-252, 2016

Ogi-island in the Seto Inland Sea has a unique landscape with stone retaining walls and alleys. With depopulation and aging, the quantity of open spaces increased. As the stone wall degrades, the landscape heritage is threatened. We clarified the characteristics of the landscape by its facade and alley configuration. The study finds that the stone wall has a high heritage and aesthetic value, but is threatened by modern repairs. Three alley types were identified namely, V Alley, U Alley and L Alley.
村田 敬一 初田 亨
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.531, pp.259-264, 2000-05-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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This research studies the changes of the hot spring inn through the architecture of Shima hot spring Sekizenkan of Gunma Pref. As a result, the following became with obvious. (1)Honkan is the hot spring inn of the Gunma Pref. most ancient times where the construction period traces back until 1800. (2)Besides the era comes down^the architecture of Sekizenkan changed with yugoya → yuyado → ryokan. (3)A hot spring inn is reacting with the movement of the society and.be changing with the era.
平山 洋介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.760, pp.1433-1442, 2019 (Released:2019-06-30)

This paper explores the role played by housing inheritance in stratifying people’s housing situations. In Japan, as in many other mature home-owning societies, the distribution of existing housing wealth over generations within families progressively acts as a novel mechanism in widening inequalities. The aging of the population leads to an inevitable increase in property inheritance, resulting in the differentiation of housing and asset conditions among offspring generations. Many inheritors on lower incomes live in inherited housing, while those on higher incomes tend to rent out inherited properties. Meanwhile, a number of residential properties that are located in rural areas and that are inherited by urban households remain vacant with almost no marketability. The paper stresses the importance of housing inheritance as a new key driver for reshaping the contour and structure of housing stratification. In Japan, the second-hand housing market has remained underdeveloped, reflecting the construction-oriented housing policy system. Therefore, the market is not expected to play a significant role in the redistribution of existing housing. Meanwhile, families have been positioned as one of the keystones of Japan's housing approach. Consequently, the family system, rather than the housing market, plays a particularly definitive role in structuring mechanisms for redistributing housing wealth. In this context, increasing inheritance will become more important in determining housing circumstances surrounding offspring generations. Thus, Japan's ultra-aged and property-based society will likely undergo increasing disparities between affluently propertied families that further accumulate housing assets over generations, modest families that have a tendency towards the dissipation of their housing assets accumulated in the past, and perpetually renting families that are increasingly being excluded from mainstream society. This suggests limitations imposed on the family-oriented system of distributing housing wealth in terms of expanding inequalities.
小柏 典華
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.773, pp.1547-1555, 2020

<p> This study seeks to examine, through the analysis of historical materials, the reconstruction process of the SHIGA-IN temple built during the Meiji period, after being burned down in 1877. This study used historical materials from the Eizanbunko Library.</p><p> </p><p> The paper is organized as follows:</p><p> 1. "A restoration figure" that sheds light on the precincts' composition in the Meiji-period, modern era.</p><p> 2. It was followed by the temple's functions and precincts' composition in Edo-period, early modern era.</p><p> 3. According to the outline of the reconstruction process, "Nikai-syoin" was relocated from SEIKAN-IN temple, "Oku-noma" from GOKURAKUBO temple, "Omote-noma" from HOUMAN-IN temple, "Daidokoro" from KEISOKU-IN temple, and "Butsuden" from ZIGENDO temple.</p><p> 4. All of the historical buildings are arranged skillfully, especially considering the fact that the difference of altitude in the precincts is marked by "Ishigaki, " that is, stone high wall. The others include change of direction and three-dimensional arrangement of the historical buildings in a small precinct.</p><p> 5. The historical buildings in the Meiji-period still exist.</p><p> 6. A new function for the utilization of the minimum remodeling process was added.</p>
小野 邦彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.551, pp.297-304, 2002-01-30 (Released:2017-02-04)

Historical documents on the East Javanese period and beyond reveal the idea of a group of Hinduistic cosmic deities guarding particular astral quarters. These concepts of "directional deities" are embodied in the Sivaistic candis of the Central and East Javanese periods and houseyards in Bali. The genesis of the Hinduistic world guardians of ancient Java is now considered as follows: two different forms of the God Siva, guarding the East and the West, were added to the group of three deities that comprised Siva (center), Visnu (North), and Brahma (South). The resulting group of five deities was then further developed into a group of nine when four other forms of Siva, each of them in charge of one intermediate direction, were added. The group of nine deities thus represented the guardians of the center and the eight directions; later, this concept developed into the Balinese nawa-sanga svstem.
片野 博
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.486, pp.89-98, 1996-08-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

In this paper, the author defined the actual conditions on architectural standards which involves the popularization of building construction. The architectural standards consisted of three national standards, which were Japanese Engineering Standards (JES), it's war time temporary version and Japanese Standards. The results of research are as follows; the number of architectural standards was less than elctricity, machinary, steel and chemical division. The conditon of the dicided architectural standarads on each year was relatively flat comparing with another, although the start was early. It is characteristic that architectural standards had the field of design and performance in the period of the temporary version of JES.
花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.672, pp.247-256, 2012-02-29 (Released:2012-03-07)
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This paper illustrates the status of the ownership and the occupancy by foreigners at the summer retreat areas in pre-war period Karuizawa. The study endeavours to investigate House Directory, Karuizawa Summer Residents' Association Handbook 1930. About eighty percent of the foreign poeple who have owned and occupied villas in Karuizawa are the missions and delegates to the annual meeting of the Federation of Christian Missions, which had been held from 1894. This intensity of missionaries also atracted secular foreigners and the upper class Japanese. Most of the foreigners have lived aggregatedly in the original residential area such as Atago, Sakuranosawa and Kamanosawa which have been developed until the end of Meiji Era, although the vast areas around them had been developped by the Japanese people lately. We find that the foreigners' dominant inter-personal environment is characteristic of the core area.
伊藤 俊介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.549, pp.145-152, 2001-11-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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Activities and space-use in today's Danish folkeskoler are reported following a brief review of the history of architectural planning offolkeskoler. On-site observations of learning situations in classrooms and common room locals were conducted in four schools of different plan types. Analyses of space use patterns, studying combinations between contents of activities and spatial settings, showed that there was much individual or group differentiated work which mostly took place in normal class teaching settings in contrast with Japanese open-schools where often any type of individual or group work takes place in non-classroom settings. The patterns suggest that space was used according to practical needs of the task in the Danish cases rather than the size of instructional groups as is often the case in Japanese schools. The paper is concluded by a discussion on spatiality, cultural patterns in relations with space, as a factor for the difference in space-use.
矢部 恒彦 北原 理雄 徳山 郁芳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.472, pp.111-122, 1995-06-30 (Released:2017-01-27)
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Every Japanese elementary school has an original school song, and its words have typical forms that show us the educational idea and the local landscape. The aim of this study is to pick out local landscape images ,of the elements ,from the words. As the first step, we sampled the nouns (noun phrases) which concretely shows things as landscape elements from school songs in 98 cities. Next we divided them into 12 categories, and we calculated appearance rates of the categories. Using the appearance rates, we classified 98 cities into 10 groups. Next we picked up typical city of each group, and drew its image map. As a result ,we made it clear that each image map present local landscape clearly.
成 浩源 川井 操 J. R. ヒメネス・ベルデホ 布野 修司 広田 直行
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.773, pp.1397-1405, 2020 (Released:2020-07-30)

In this research, authors will clarify the transformation process and the present condition of the historical block of Beijing Outer Castle as a series of researches on urban fabric. The objective of this article is to evaluate living environment of Xuanxibei district, focusing on the space formation of da-za-yuan based on field studies. Xuanxibei district is designated for ‘Cordination Area of Historic Landscape’, but also for ‘Peng-hu-qu, Area’ to be improved. The district still maintains the traditional house type called si-he-yuan, but most of them is occupied by several families. The major points which this article clarifies are the following. 1. There are many historical cultural heritages in Beijing Outer Castle where five “Historical Cultural Reserve Areas” and three “Historical Appearance Cooperative Areas” are designated. On the other hand, most of large-scale traditional courtyard house sìhéyuàn were occupided by many families and “Peng-hu-qu” which is consisted of many ‘peng-hu-fang’(small dwelling unit) was formed. Targeted study area Xuanxibei is a district designated both as a “Historical Cultural Reserve Areas” and a “Peng-hu-qu”’, and is a district that requires immediate living environment improvement. 2. In Xuanxibei district, the street network is not as neat as the inner castle at the stage of Qianlong Jingcheng Quantu(1750)and there are many vacant lands. Since the end of the 18th century, halls and the sìhéyuàn were gradually built, forming a curved street network. As of 1955, the entire district was almost completely built, and the same street network as the present was established. The street is divided into 3 levels. a street where stalls and stalls selling vegetables and fruits come and go, a street for residents to pass through, and a street leading to each dwelling house. 3. As shown in Fig. 5. The whole area is densely populated, and many of the daily activities like the public trash cans, public toilets and private storage etc. are carried out in the streets and community facilities. It is necessary to consider improvement of the living environment besides clearance type redevelopment. 4. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, many people flow into Xuanxibei district. As of 1955, the form of sìhéyuàn was maintained, but it gradually became a "large miscellaneous house" in which several families coexist. "Peng-hu-fang" has been rapidly increasing since the early 1960s. When moving in, it is a one-room residence or two-room residence, and then a kitchen, bathroom, warehouse, etc. are added between the courtyard and the adjacent house. 5. The district government and developers are promoting a redevelopment project, but have not progressed as planned. The forced evictions of the residents and the demolition of their homes were the main causes of the people's backlash. In addition, the number of 2287 units requested to move make it difficult to form a consensus.  It would be unrealistic to inflate all the residents and redevelop the entire district, as it would be costly to compensate. Due to the building restrictions, the volume can not be increased, and there is little benefit for developers. In order to revitalize the district, a new method of improving the living environment at the on-site may be necessary. Further investigation is needed as to what will happen to Xuanxibei district.
丸山 奈巳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.772, pp.1275-1285, 2020 (Released:2020-06-30)

The Sarugaku, similar to the Noh performance, was popular among the ordinary people. As a result of personal love of the Third Shogun Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, gained the position of the entertainment to the nobility. From the age of six Shogun Yoshinori Ashikaga, the Noh stage was become to build temporarily in the Government Office and the Daimyo's mansions to entertain the important guests for the political uses. At last the Noh stage was permanently established as one of the architectural elements constituting the Edo Castle Honmaru Great Hall where the most important ritual of the Edo shogunate would be held. This paper is trying to elucidate the reason why the Noh stage was built in the ceremonial space of the government agency and the circumstances leading up to its formation. This paper sturdy about the 6th Shogun Yoshinori Ashikaga period. Yoshinori Ashikaga was chosen as the 6th Muromachi Shogun when he was 36 years old who loved the Kanze's Sarugaku. Immediately Yoshinori moved to Sanjobomon-dono, built a Noh stage in the southern courtyard in front of the Shinden. He held Sarugaku performances intended to make opportunities to gather political dignities, and to confirm the feudal relationships with the guests. Yoshinori not only loved Sarugaku, used the event of Sarugaku politically. And he used the Noh for one of the public events of Shogunate with Kanze as the Sarugaku-Tayu. In 1431, Yoshinori moved to Muromachi-dono, and until 1441 he held the Sarugaku for various reasons as follows. New Year's comfort for Mrs. as Annual events of the shogunate Entertainment for a special guest of the Shogunate An event to make opportunities to gather political dignities Comfort to vassal Kanjin-Sarugaku A victory celebration Entertainment for Shogun in the Residences of Daimyo. Entertainment for Shogun by the temples Entertainment in the Ex-Emperor palace. For these needs, Kanze had been employed to perform for such events. And the government had become to held the Sarugaku for official use. The Noh stage had get place in the courtyard of Government agency, Imperial Palace, The Temples and the Residences of Daimyo. And the architectural style of Noh stage had been formed and the manners to enforce the events gradually. But the style of Noh stage was still temporary construction.
小野 芳朗 興津 洋佑
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.667, pp.1735-1743, 2011-09-30 (Released:2012-01-13)

The relationships between planning and performance of road construction in Okayama city are discussed from a viewpoint of the leading systems of city planning. In City Planning with the Act in 1919, the Local Committee of City Planning had the right of permission of the planning. However, the planners of the road construction were the technocrats belonging to the Okayama City Bureau and Okayama Prefecture. And the fundamental issues were decided in the City Assembly without National subsidy. Roads around the city area were constructed independently with the City Planning. The purpose of the City Planning in Okayama city that become “Industrial City” was not performed conclusively.
上山 肇 若山 治憲 北原 理雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.462, pp.127-135, 1994-08-30 (Released:2017-09-20)

This is a study about the utilization actual condition and estimation of Shinsui Parks in the 23 wards of Tokyo, we want to know the influences that Shinsui Parks exercise around it. We examined about the present state of the Shinsui Parks in the 23 wards. In the parks, we chose five parks (KOMATSUGAWA-SAKAIGAWA,HURUKAWA,SHIN-AGASHIMAGAWA,YOKOJUKKENGAWA,OTONASHI). And we examined how many people used the parks in a day during in summar and how they used it. The findings are following: 1.Well used Shinsui Parks are those which provide their users the direct access to the water. 2.Shinsui Parks with water accsess are frequently used by families,but Shinsui Parks without water access are mostly used by passers. 3.Many people stay at home in ample spaces along Shinsui Parks. 4.Shinsui Parks with convenient transportation access have large utility areas.
井上 充夫
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.60, pp.581-584, 1958
