杉本 俊多 ラスマー マルセロ フレイレ
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.683, pp.257-263, 2013-01-30 (Released:2013-05-30)

Concerning the thought of Erich Mendelsohn around the time when Einstein Tower, the masterpiece of Expressionism, was designed, the records of lectures and the personal letters etc. were analyzed in comparison to the visionary architectural sketches, and the theoretical base for the formation with curved surface was examined. As a result, it is clarified that there was a structure of synthesis based upon the dualism, namely, the pursuit of the monolithic unification by means of curved surface and the pursuit of the technological rationalism under the influence of the works by H. van de Velde and W. Gropius.
ラスマー マルセロ フレイレ 畠 正和 杉本 俊多
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.683, pp.265-272, 2013-01-30 (Released:2013-05-30)
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This paper has examined the sketches by Erich Mendelsohn for the Einstein Tower, classified them by formal features and performed the formal analysis of them. It has clarified various features from the analysis of the podium the expression of the continuation to the ground, from that of the tower the contrast between verticality and horizontality, and from that of the main body the rhythmic expression of masses and the delicate expression of lighted surface. And also characteristic aspects of his design method concerning symmetry, two-point perspective, effect of light on curved surface and linear expression were discussed.
野村 俊一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.580, pp.189-196, 2004-06-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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The purpose of this paper is clarify the scale and feature of Zuisenji temple in the medieval ages. A summary will be given as foUows : 1. Zuisenji temple which Muso Soseki established was a small-scale life space centering on hojo. This life space is similar with the environment where it is located in the back part of Gosan of south Sung or Kamakura of the same age. 2. If based that kyochi of zen sect temple concentrated in the circumference of hojo in future.'Zuisenji temple is positioned as a forerunner of the environment which suited composing gatha. 3. When Gido Shushin became "juji", the scale of Zuisenji temple was expanded aiming at "jissatu" for expansion of denomination. Consequently, the scale near the so-called composition of "sichido garan" was realized. 4. Each descent of the scale and social background of Zuisenji temple corresponded mostly.
川西 利昌 魚 再善 永田 宜久 高塚 革
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.525, pp.21-26, 1999-11-30 (Released:2017-02-03)

The increase of ultraviolet radiation caused by the destruction of the ozone layer produces various health problems related to human bodies such as skin cancer and cataract. Along with the increase in outside activities, the number of people who work in exteriors is also increasing. The ultraviolet reflectance and transmittance of the building material are one of the important factors of ultraviolet radiation in and out of building. In this research, the ultraviolet spectral reflectance of many kinds of building material is measured, and their relationships with visible ray reflectance are discussed in different wavelength bands. Also, the relationships with the lightness, roughness, and chromaticity, which are surface characteristics, are discussed. From the measurement results, the ultraviolet reflectances on Wood are about Visible 55-68%, UV-A 7-12%, and UV-B 4-5%. Wall Tiles are about Visible 18-40%, UV-A 8-20%, and UV-B 7-8%. Concrete is about Visible 37%, UV-A 28%, and UV-B 19%. The ultraviolet reflectance can be estimated by visible reflectance. As material lightness becomes higher, ultraviolet reflectance also becomes higher.
小泉 正太郎 三国 政勝
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.312, pp.123-132, 1982
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この研究は, ここでの目的にそって, 近代的思潮を背景として住居における個性化が進む中で, 近隣関係などを通じてどのような集性としての居住現象が生じているかを明らかにし, この漁業地区における住生活の実態の中にこれからの方向性をさぐり, 不備への対応などの解析を行なったものである。住居内における個性化の動向としては, 行為の機能分化のみによる個室化ではなく, 家族関係的な面をもちながら, 近隣関係としての接客性をも含めた住行為の集約の中に得られることを知る。ここでは間取りや住居規模などについて, それぞれの類型を介しての解析を行なった。このような近隣関係をもつ中において, ともすれば閉鎖的になりがちな漁業地区ではそれぞれの個性を伸ばすための空間形成の必要なことが窺われ, 前にみた部落集会所の解析や日常の余暇的施設への無関心の事情から更にこの面の深い追求が必要とされる。また, 過密居住のこの地において, 住居が個別に更新されていくとき, その歪ともみられる面を, 近隣空間の共同利用や新築, 増改築にあたっての, それぞれの室構成の相互理解によって克服している。地縁性といい, 共同体というも, このような施設の在り方を媒介として成立するものであることを, この漁業地区においても指摘することができる。
平山 育男
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.791, pp.140-149, 2022-01-30 (Released:2022-01-01)

This article considered the export of nails from the middle of the Meiji era to the prewar period. The following points have been clarified. In the middle of the Meiji era, Japan had already exported nails. The breakdown was the export of Japanese nails, the re-export of nail iron and Western nails, which were the raw materials for Japanese nails.After 1921, the export of domestic western nails could be confirmed, and after 1932, the export volume of domestic western nails increased sharply and the re-export of western nails stopped.
岡田 和正 田辺 健雄 鈴木 一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.515, pp.283-290, 1999

Mercantilists formed a close league with free traders by sucking them up to new "Gentleman" class, and ruled England in the interests of the commerce and the Empire. Transformation of the architectural taste was continuously and finely graded as the English social order was. Snobs of free traders, who were looking for an adventurous advance into new worlds, inherited the idea of Palladianism and shared so called "Gentleman Culture". They mix the Palladian and the Gothick taste to make Palladian Gothiek. Rococo was agreeable for free traders who had strong bent for going to the expense of acquiring "surveyable" wealth". Decorated Gothic reminds snobs of a pleasant success story, namely promotion to be "Gentleman" class, of Middle Ages merchants. They mixed the freedom and universality of Rococo, and Englishness of Decorated Gothic to make Rococo Gothick. Then, Palladian / Rococo Gothick became a status symbol for newly born gentlemen of free traders.
平山 育男
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.734, pp.1021-1027, 2017 (Released:2017-04-30)

This article clarified the actual situation of the wood supply and the use of American timber in the building of the house at the central area of Hashimoto city, in the early period of the Showa era. The total level described to "Deiri-bo" that is the memo of money comings and goings made on the occasion of the construction of the Ueda's center house is 5418.44 yen, I calculated a total value with 5426.97 yen, and the error of 8.53 yen confirmed. The American timber delivered to the Ueda's house were floor beams of the second-floor, the long large object mainly on hut materials, the segai-zukuri of front, a board of the ceilings. The unit price of the American timber delivered to the Ueda's house was 1.5 yen / cube shaku, and the material volume was a 443.9 cube shaku. In the construction of Ueda's center house, there was supply of the wood from two places of local Hashimoto; in addition, they purchased the board which had difficulty in acquisition at Hashimoto from Sakai. The material volume of the American timber delivered to the Ueda's house was 46% of the whole, and the ratio for the wood purchase total sum was 44%. In this way, the use of the American timber advanced by the construction of the Ueda's center house at 1934 still more. The characteristic that big materials size was cheap, and it was got from, the American timber was used a lot for a beam in particular. In addition, I confirmed that the American timber were used in the highlight of the design including the building front of degeta and udegi.