牟田 聡子 八藤後 猛
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.742, pp.3051-3060, 2017 (Released:2017-12-30)
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Past studies, including “Ken Yokoi: Fundamental Investigation of Evaluating Method of Safety in Building During Childcare” (2011), and “Mai Kanto: A fundamental study on living environment preparation for the life difficulty of a pregnant woman” (2004), have reported regarding accidents that occur during pregnancy and the difficulty in performing activities of daily living (ADL) but have not examined the causes of accidents. We first identified the types of accidents that occur during pregnancy and then examined the difficulties in performing ADL. Furthermore, to identify physical changes in pregnant women, we examined abdominal circumference (AC) and body weight. We also evaluated the relationship between physical changes and domestic accidents, as well as ADL, to clarify where accidents occur inside and outside of the home and how accidents can be attributed to physical changes. The survey included 490 women aged 20-44 years who were at 12 to 39 weeks' gestation. The women were categorized in seven groups at 4-week increments of pregnancy, with 70 women per group. Accidents experienced within 1 month of the survey date were considered. The main survey items were subject attributes (age, week of pregnancy, body weight, and AC). Thirty items were regarding difficulty in performing ADL (21 items for ADL performed at home and 9 for ADL performed outside of the home) and 50 items were regarding accidents (37 items for accidents occurring at home and 13 for those occurring out-side of the home). Our survey results revealed the following five findings. 1. The relationship among body weight changes, difficulty in performing ADL, and accidents experienced Women who gained more weight compared with their pre-pregnancy weight experienced a higher number of accidents or events predictive of accidents. However, no relationship was observed between difficulty in performing ADL and accidents experienced. 2. The relationship among AC change, difficulty in performing ADL, and accidents experienced As AC increased with the duration of pregnancy, the difficulty in performing ADL increased. However, although the rates of accidents and events predictive of accidents were high when AC was 80-89 cm (20-32 weeks' gestation), the rate of accident somewhat decreased as AC further increased. 3. Accident correlations For pregnant women who experienced accidents while “open and close the entrance door,” and “ascending/descending the front step,” as well as events predictive of accidents, other accidents could be predicted based on the details of such experiences owing to a marked correlation found with other accidents within the home. 4. Correlations with accidents according to changes in body weight and AC Again, women who gained more weight during pregnancy compared with their pre-pregnancy weight experienced a higher number of accidents or events predictive of accidents. As AC increased from 70-79 cm to 80-89 cm with the progression of pregnancy, the number of accidents increased, showing a strong correlation. However, as AC increased from 80-89 cm to 90- cm, the number of accidents decreased. 5. Locations of accidents according to changes in body weight and AC Accidents that tend to occur as AC increases include “<Collide> Kitchen: Cook” and “<Collide> Outside: Walk in a crowd.” Therefore, accidents commonly occur in places where the abdomen is more likely to bump into objects. Furthermore, the fact that a large number of women experienced events predictive of accidents indicates that accidents tend to occur when performing ADL while standing, such as “<Trip and fall down/Fall on the rear> Bathroom: Wash hair and body (while standing).”
牟田 聡子 八藤後 猛
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.769, pp.473-483, 2020 (Released:2020-03-30)

The authors previously reported results of a survey aimed at learning the background and causes of accidents or near accidents experienced by pregnant women. They found that accidents or near accidents among pregnant women were likely to occur from the 20th through 32th weeks of pregnancy or when there was substantial weight gain. This study investigated further details about environments at time of accidents or near accidents occurred based on the findings reported in the previous paper. We conducted a survey about pregnant women’s change in the body and their awareness of physiological changes due to pregnancy to determine reasons for accidents or near accidents. And the purpose was to explore cause of accidents or near accidents. First, Body Mass Index (BMI) was analyzed to assess the pregnant women’s pre-pregnant habitus. The results (N = 116) found that 72.4% of the women had normal body weights (BMI between 18.5 and 25.0) and 22.8% of the women had low body weights (lean type) (BMI less than 18.5). Then, the relationships between pre-pregnant habitus and post-pregnant body weight and abdominal circumference (AC) were investigated by pregnant period. We found that no significant relationship was found between weight gain, weight loss, or AC with the habitus. It was found that pregnant women tended to become aware of physiological changes as their pregnancies progressed, particularly in the lower part of the abdomen, and the extent of that awareness increased as the pregnancy progressed. Next, we learned the specific locations of accidents or near accidents in the house. We found that the extent of awareness of physiological changes was related as the cause of the events. The pregnant women who experienced accidents or near accidents tended to believe that these events had occurred because they lacked awareness of their physiological changes. The most frequent type of accident or near accident in the pregnant women’s houses was a fall down, which comprised 55.9% (N = 127) of all the accidents or near accidents. Falls most frequently occurred while descending stairs (26.0%, N = 127). In addition, the physical damage caused by falls was greater than the extent of damage caused by other types of accidents. The living room was the second most common place that accidents occurred (17.3%, N = 127). We assumed the living room was a frequent place where accidents or near accidents occurred because it often is used for multiple purposes, such as a child's playroom, the family’s common leisure place, and an indoor laundry area. In sum, pregnant women's accidents or near accidents were related to their physiological changes, particularly their habitus change and the rate of change. Regarding this finding, the period from the 6th to the 7th month of pregnancy was previously found to be the period when the habitus most significantly changed compared to pre-pregnancy (data from a retrospective study). When we examined the relationship between that finding and the numbers of accidents or near accidents in our study, a similar tendency was observed. In other words, the pregnant women were likely to experience accidents or near accidents between the 6th and 7th month when they were not fully aware of habitus changes. After the 7th month, the numbers of accidents or near accidents decreased as the women gradually became aware of their physiological changes.
松崎 伸一 久田 嘉章 福島 美光
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.71, no.604, pp.201-208, 2006-06-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
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Using about 28,000 records from over 500 events up to August 2005, we determined an attenuation relation of JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) seismic intensity, which is applicable to near source region. The determined attenuation relation was verified by comparing with data of recent earthquakes: the 2003 Off Tokachi, Off Miyagi and 2004 Chuetsu earthquakes of inter-plate, slab and crustal events respectively. Fairly agreement can be seen in these comparisons at close distance to the source. Iso-seismic intensity area by our relation is well corresponding to results of previous studies.
松島 信一 川瀬 博
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.65, no.534, pp.33-40, 2000-08-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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We simulate strong motions in Kobe during the Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake of 1995 using a multiple asperity source model and a three-dimensional (3-D) basin structure. We derive a relatively simple rupture process, which consists of four asperities, using theoretical synthetics so that it matches the deconvolved bedrock motion at JMA Kobe. A realistic 3-D basin structure is constructed based on the exploration data. A 3-D finite difference method with fourth ordered staggered-grid scheme developed by Graves (1996) is used. The results show that with the combination of a relatively simple four asperity model and a 3-D basin structure, it is possible to reproduce strong ground motions in a wide area quite accurately. Peak velocity distribution is very similar to the JMA intensity distribution. From these results we confirm that we can reproduce strong ground motion in Kobe quite quantitatively by using a relatively simple source model that efficiently generate 1 second velocity pulses, together with a realistic 3-D basin structure.
朴 恵恩
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.640, pp.1379-1385, 2009-06-30 (Released:2010-01-18)

This study aims to examine the future expansion of Adventure Playgrounds operations by clarifying the actual operational situations and change of three Adventure Playgrounds. For this purpose, two sets of field surveys and interviews were conducted in 2004 and 2008. The results showed gradual changes in each of the three Adventure Playgrounds in terms of: 1) the cooperative ties between play leaders participating in the operation and local resident groups; 2) operational expenses, the number of play leaders available at the site, and the roles of play leaders due to changes in the size of the site; and 3) operational expenses and public relations activities due to changes in the consignment structure. These changes can be understood in terms of the facilitation of the Adventure Playgrounds' operations, the formation of a community among the local residents participating in the operation, and the development of regional activities.
酒井 要 大島 秀明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.752, pp.1909-1918, 2018 (Released:2018-10-30)

The renewal maintenance of the public facilities becomes the important problem of the Japanese local government. The maintenance of the public facilities by the compound type is one of the one solving this problem. Therefore, it is expected that plans to maintain a library in complex public facilities increase. This study is intended to grasp the condition of the plan to install a library in complex public facilities. This article examines the influence that complex public facility gives to the use of the library after having grasped it about the facilities situation of the library. The procedures of the analysis are as follows: 1. Grasp the situation of the library from a collection of books scale, an exclusive possession area in a setting form, the establishment year. 2. Grasp the situation of an established library from municipality type and agriculture area classification. 3. Grasp the situation of a library installed in the complex facilities from a kind, the installed number of public facilities, a combination pattern. 4. Examine the influence of facilities installed in complex facilities on users' use by libraries. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1. The facilities condition of the library to install in the compound complex becomes severer than the construction in the independent building. It was revealed that limitation about the floor space was particularly big 2. It was revealed that it was more effective than municipality type to use the agriculture area classification as an analysis item. 3. The meeting place, multipurpose hall, government building, lifelong education facilities, culture facilities were typical examples of public facilities installed in the complex facilities. The numerical value that was the highest in a setting ratio of the public facilities was 53%, but the high numerical value of a frequent setting ratio was around 30%. 4. It was revealed that the number of the library visitors increased by installing it in the compound complex. However, in the public facilities prepared into the compound comlex facilities, there was the facilites which had no effect which increased the visitor of the library.
秋田 剛 平手 小太郎 安岡 正人
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.68, no.567, pp.79-86, 2003-05-30 (Released:2017-01-27)
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Effects of attention on visual perception are investigated by means of analysis of visual evoked potentials that reflect visual information processing in brain. For the purpose, an experiment is carried out on two experimental conditions. The first condition requires subjects to watch visual stimuli that are presented to them repeatedly, and the second requires them to do auditory tasks while watching visual stimuli. Results of the experiment show that response quantity of visual information processing is diminished when auditory tasks that attract subject's attention to hearing are imposed on them, even if they see visual stimuli using their central vision.
捧 奈緒美
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.646, pp.2685-2691, 2009-12-30 (Released:2010-04-01)
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There are In, Den, Miya, Dai, Tei and Taku in the last word of the aristocracy residential name in Heian Period. On Hyakurensyo, how to use of these is as follows:1. In and Den are used as the residential name of the Emperor and the retired Emperor. Den is used as that name of the women in the Emperor family, also. Miya on record is few. However, that is used as that of the women in the Emperor family and the aristocrats.2. Dai, Tei and Taku are used as the aristocracy residential name. Taku is used as that of people except the Emperor family and the aristocrats, also3. In, Dai and Taku are continually recorded in Hyakurensyo. Den and Tei are recorded in the latter half of that.
人見 優 森 傑
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.611, pp.75-82, 2007-01-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
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This research aims to investigate how visually handicapped persons use their white cane to orient themselves when walking, and analyze their characteristic of behavior related to spatial perception from the viewpoint of ecological psychology. By focusing on 5 totally blind persons, it was found that they have been developing their dexterity for oneself in daily life. Basically, they walks along the physical guide using by slide motions and touch techniques which were instructed in the walking training. However, they have been progressing the combination slide motions with touch techniques as complex skills. The diversity of active touches could be a clue to understand spatial perception of visually handicapped persons, and to consider the effective inventions of the universal design for them.
森下 満 柳田 良造 野口 孝博
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.592, pp.139-145, 2005-06-30

At the West Historic Quarter in Hakodate, the color of the townscape has been keeping a harmony though many western style houses have been used various paint colors and their color has often changed. This study aims to clarify the formation mechanism of this color of the townscape. As a result, we found that many residents have selected the color considering the relationship among of them, their houses and surrounding environment. In the background, there were several characteristics of the western style houses with ornaments, the port city, symbolic historical buildings, etc., in the quarter, where the interaction between paint colors and residents' life has occured. And residents have understood and felt strong attachment for the characteristics through their houses painting.
佐々木 宏幸 山田 理紗 佐々木 駿
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.778, pp.2629-2639, 2020 (Released:2020-12-30)

This study focuses on the Rikaisen, a unique alley typology in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture, based on the perspective that the generation of pedestrian activities by utilizing Rikaisens in downtown Iida is an effective measure for the future creation of a unique downtown full of attractions. The revitalization of downtown Iida is an urgent issue for the city, as a new station for the linear motor train will be opened in the outskirts of Iida in 2027. The purpose of this study is to define possibilities and challenges in utilizing Rikaisens and their surrounding buildings for generating pedestrian activities along Rikaisens, and to explore utilization measures and possible implementation processes. The research on Rikaisens is conducted through review of previous studies and literature, questionnaires to residents focusing on utilizing Rikaisens, interviews with people in charge in public and private sectors, and field surveys of the space along 24 Rikaisens in the downtown. Through these researches, the study reveals the following: Regarding the legal situation, a Rikaisen is not regarded as a road defined in the Building Standards Law, which causes multiple planning restrictions for the utilization of Rikaisens and adjacent properties; Regarding residents’ attitudes toward utilization of Rikaisens, in general, many residents are positive, but some neighbors on Rikaisens have concerns and oppositions due to the original purpose of Rikaisen as a disaster prevention passage and the development process with the provision of private properties; Regarding activities relating to Rikaisens, although the city has begun to take a positive stance on utilization, private organizations are confronting stagnation of utilizations due to economic deterioration as well as legal, social and institutional restrictions; Regarding spatial situations, the space along Rikaisens are diverse with various characteristics and does not hinder daytime walking, but on the other hand, Rikaisens are separated from adjacent lots by building walls and fences and with limited residual space except for parking lots, in addition to having a poor nighttime environment. The study defines possibilities and challenges in utilizing Rikaisens and their surrounding buildings based on these findings. Regarding the possibilities, the study defines 1) positive recognition and evaluation of Rikaisens as well as expectations for downtown revitalization by residents, 2) growing city officials’ momentum of utilizing Rikaisens, 3) day-time environment on Rikaisens suitable for utilization, and 4) presence of vacant buildings and underutilized properties as opportunity sites on Rikaisens. On the other hand, regarding the challenges, the study defines 1) neighbors’ concerns about deterioration of living environment by utilizing Rikaisens, 2) legal interpretation of Rikaisens and form of adjacent lots that restrict the utilization of Rikaisens, 3) limit of utilization of Rikaisens only by private organizations, and 4) lack of spatial integration of Rikaisens and their surrounding properties and shortage of destinations on Rikaisens. Finally, the study concludes possible measures and implementation processes for utilizing Rikaisens as follows: 1) examining possible measures of generating pedestrian activities according to the situation of each Rikaisen 2) revising the legal interpretation of Rikaisen, 3) implementing phased development processes from temporary to permanent utilization and building consensus with residents, and 4) promoting improvements, utilization and operation methods through the collaboration between the public and private sectors.
花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1283-1292, 2012

This paper aims to clarify the social activities by the foreign people of Karuizawa in the summer of 1930. First, we investigate several archival data of the years 1911, 1919, 1930 and 1939 in order to situate the summer retreat area in Karuizawa around the year 1930. Through the investigation of these data, we would be able to find out that, while substantial number of villas owned by forigners have been existed, the ones owned by Japanese have increased rapidly and have started to mixed together. Second, by the analysis on the correspondent articles of the newspaper, The Japan Times, in the summer of 1930, we could understand that their summer activities having been started from a series of Chirstian missionaries meetings and the annual meeting of the Federation of Chiristian Missions, that were followed by the Karuizawa Summer Residents' Accociation tennis tournament, its community concerts, and ended with farewell social gatherings. In addition, all of these activities seems to be well structured in order to entertain both foreign and Japanese occupants.
松井 大輔 窪田 亜矢
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.680, pp.2407-2414, 2012-10-30 (Released:2013-04-25)
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The traditional townscape of Kagurazaka-KAGAI is appraised by citizens and tourists, whereas the structure of this townscape is not yet clarified. This paper clarified following three points.1. Prewar Kagurazaka-KAGAI provided more mysterious townscape for visitors than present condition because there are more complex network of alleys and taller buildings.2. The townscape, which has been rebuilt after the war, underwent big change. But some elements of prewar building design are inherited in KAGAI's buildings. Moreover, many ordinary buildings modeled after KAGAI's buildings in Kagurazaka-KAGAI.3. We need more consideration how to control a design of buildings out of Kagurazaka-KAGAI.
速水 清孝
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.734, pp.1039-1049, 2017 (Released:2017-04-30)

This study is a report on the design and construction process of “Fukushima Prefectural Government Office Building (1954)”. This building was designed by Koichi Sato (1878-1941). It began to construct from 1938 before WWII but completion was in 1954 after WWII and designed by Takekuni Ikeda (1924- ) who belonged to Toshiro Yamashita Architects Firm. Namely, on this building, two architects, who were famous for Japanese modern architectural history, were involved until completion. But information more than that, for example, the details of design before WWII and competition after WWII is not clear. In this study, author tried to find it by the newspaper articles and the document which remains in government office. The results are as follows: 1. This building project was begun earlier than “Shiga Prefectural Government Office Building” project which was the final completion before WWII. Nevertheless, it was not completed by delay of preparation of the construction materials. Author clarified the development process of the design of this building. Koichi Satoh designed five prefectural government office buildings. From the view of Satoh's careers of architectural work, this is the largest scale, the design which reflected all of his method of prefectural government buildings. And in case of “Shiga Prefectural Government Office Building”, he collaborated with Hiroshi Kunieda on the detail design phase. But in case of this, he designed alone. From these points, author showed that this building should be thought the grand sum for him in his prefectural government office building designs. 2. At first this building was designed in Reinforced Concrete Structure. But the construction of this building was cancelled after finishing first floor in 1939. After that, in 1940, this building extended second floor designed by Koichi Satoh by wooden frame structure. This extension is “Fukushima Prefectural Government Office Temporary Building” which no one knows in his architectural works. Author found its' outside appearance. 3. Author clarified, to some extent, the detail of the nomination design competition held in 1952. About this competition, only Takekuni Ikeda, who joined this as a chief designer of Toshiro Yamashita's Architect Firm wrote, but no one knows more than that. Four architects, who were Toshiro Yamashita, Yoshitoki Nishimura, Gumpei Matsuda, and Takeo Satoh, submitted their design for this competition. And Design Committee consisted of three referees, who were Hideto Kishida, Denji Nakamura, and Seiichi Kobayashi, chose Yamashita's design. Author found three designs to four submissions. As a result of comparison, instead of the design like a symbol of the authoritarianism before WWII, referees seek the design like a symbol of the democracy, and they finally chose Yamashita's design.
小野 尋子 清水 肇 池田 孝之 長嶺 創正
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.618, pp.49-56, 2007-08-30 (Released:2017-02-25)

This paper aims to clarify the today's OKINAWAN folksy disciplines, at OROKU district which has been requisition by Army in NAHA City. Research methodologies are interview, document analysis and interpretation of an aerial photograph. The evaluate the appropriateness for case study, first, we draw a comparison between requisitioned settlements and others in folkways. Accordingly, there are really not much difference between two kinds of settlements. Second, we trace requisitioned settlements' history of sacred spots and colonial morphology. Results are followings; 1.Inhabitants has been regarded hilly land as a sacred cow. 2. Settlement's meeting house has been recognized as important facilities. 3. 'Utaki' and other Okinawa's sacred spots has been treasured, but change in shape and quality. 4. The hierarchy between head family and cadet family is decreesing. 5. The south facing street pattern was changed back to back pattern
玄田 悠大 米森 公彦 竹内 雄一 永野 真義 中島 直人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.793, pp.668-679, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-01)

The purpose of this study is to grasp the act of conserving and inheriting modern architecture as a long-term sustainable process from the completion. The research subject is the former Tetsuma Akaboshi House, designed by Antonin Raymond. The viewpoints based on the conservation succession process are following.1. Institutional status such as rights related to the owner The system of rights related to the owner effectively responded to changes in the social situation.2. Daily use by the owner and resident It was effective that the owner and resident lived with the philosophy of supporting the building’s maintenance and inheriting.
塩原 等
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.73, no.631, pp.1641-1648, 2008-09-30 (Released:2009-09-30)
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This paper proposes a series of simple mathematical expressions which govern the ultimate behavior of two-dimensional reinforced concrete beam-column joints based on an observation of a failure crack pattern, and its compatible kinematic field, overlooked by the past researchers. The kinematic model is named nine DOF model in this report and combined with non-linear biaxial constitutive relation of concrete and steel to bear simple algebraic expressions for the ultimate moment capacity and moment at balanced failure, applicable to symmetric interior beam-column joints subjected four symmetric moments transmitted among the four ajacent members. The ultimate moment capacity is defined at which tensile yielding of longitudinal bars passing through the joint in the joint causes the expansion of diagonal cracks in the joint as well as local rotation of concrete panel and local crushing of concrete. The balanced failure of beam-column joint is defined at which tensile yielding of longitudinal bars passing through the joint and crushing of concrete start simultaneously. Simple equations for the upper bound value for the amount of reinforcement precluding the joint failure before yielding of longitudinal reinforcement are also brought.
川崎 寧史 宗本 順三 大影 佳史
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.511, pp.153-159, 1998-09-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The purpose of this paper is to represent realistic color perspective for Japanese landscape using computergraphics. First we investigate the effect of color perspective and the coefficients of its estimation expression from a landscape photograph and clear view distance. Next we divide a landscape into parts from a certain distance and then proceed to create a "Scene" layer by layer. We think about the relation between estimation expression and filter operation and finally render color perspective effect to each "Scene" using filter operation.
籔谷 祐介 椎野 亜紀夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.781, pp.961-970, 2021 (Released:2021-03-30)

1. Background and Purpose In order to manage human resources strategically and effectively for community action groups, the division of labor among members is one of the most important issues, so it is necessary to understand the roles involved.4) Previously, we developed a prototype method to analyze the roles of constituents for group functionality, that is, the role structure.4) In that study,5) we categorized members of eight community action groups into three types according to their roles: (1) Leader, (2) Supporter, and (3) Follower.5) In this study, we improved the prototype of the analysis method of role structure and used it to visualize the role structure of eight groups to verify its usefulness and to clarify the role structure common to all community action groups. The purpose of this study is to build a generalizable role structure model of community action groups.  2. Survey Methods A survey of 106 members belonging to eight community action groups (Table 2) was conducted using a questionnaire modified from a prototype developed in a previous study, in which the role of each member was objectively ascertained. There were 12 survey items for each role (Table 1).  3. Result and Conclusion In order to visualize the role structure of the members of each community action group, a correspondence analysis was conducted using the results of the survey on the roles of the members of each group, and a scatter diagram was constructed to show the role structure of each group (Figs. 2–9). As a result, it was possible to evaluate the role structure of all groups on two axes, “Leadership–Support” and “Action–Thinking.” which showed the usefulness of the analysis method. Furthermore, a comparison with the results of previous studies4) confirmed the improvement of the cumulative contribution of the two axes, and thus the improvement of the analysis method. In addition, when evaluated on the “Leadership–Support” axis, the roles were ranked (1) Leader, (2) Supporter, and (3) Follower in order of “Leadership.” This is one of the characteristics of the role structure of community action groups. When evaluated on the “Action–Thinking” axis, each type of role was seen to complement the others, and this world vary, depending on the characteristics of the members of each group. Based on the above results, a model of the role structure of community action groups was developed (Fig. 12). Understanding role structures with this model will be helpful in appropriately managing human resources by identifying the characteristics of each member.