小林 博行
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.53, no.269, pp.85-98, 2014 (Released:2020-12-09)

The Seki Teisyo (関訂書), a manuscript compiled by Seki Takakazu (関孝和) in 1686, is known to consist of 15 treatises which Seki extracted from an early Qing astronomical and astrological corpus, the Tianwen Dacheng Guankui Jiyao (天文大成管窺輯要). Containing a detailed account of the Shoushi Li (授時暦) as well as a comparative study of Chinese and Islamic calendrical systems, these treatises have drawn the attention not only of Seki but of modern historians. In this paper, I show that 14 of the 15 treatises Seki selected had been composed by a late Ming scholar, Zhou Shuxue (周述学), who discussed issues with Tang Shunzhi (唐順之). Their time predates the era in which the mathematical basis of the Shoushi Li was scrutinized and a new Chinese calendrical system was invented incorporating Western astronomical knowledge. I also mention some earlier works that Tang and Zhou could have consulted. Although Seki never knew the author of the treatises nor their background, his concern centered on themes that seem to have derived from one of those earlier works: the Liyuan (暦源).
古川 安
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.49, no.253, pp.11-21, 2010-03-25

Umeko Tsuda (1864-1929), a pioneering educator for Japanese women and the founder of Tsuda College, was a scientist. As an English teacher at the Peeresses School in Tokyo, the young Tsuda was granted a leave of absence by the government to study "teaching method" at Bryn Mawr College, a women's college near Philadelphia. During her stay in Bryn Mawr (1889-1892), however, she majored not in pedagogy but in biology, despite the fact that the Peeresses School officially banned science education for noble women. Following the vision of the feminist Dean Carrey Thomas, Bryn Mawr College offered full-fledged professional education in science comparable to that of Johns Hopkins University. Bryn Mawr's Biology Department was growing; there, Tsuda took courses from such notable biologists as Edmund B. Wilson, Jacques Loeb, and the future Nobel Laureate Thomas H. Morgan. In her third year, under Morgan, she carried out experimental research on the development of the frog's egg, which was published in a British scientific journal as their joint paper two years later. Tsuda was considered one of the best students in the department, and Bryn Mawr offered her opportunities for further study. However, after much consideration, she chose to return to Japan. Although Tsuda gave up a possibly great career as a biologist in American academe, she knew that it was almost impossible for a woman to pursue a scientific career in Meiji Japan and wanted to develop her dream of establishing an English school for women. Her experience of "forbidden" scientific study at Bryn Mawr seems to have given her great confidence in realizing her feminist ideal of enlightening Japanese women at the women's school she founded in 1900, the forerunner of Tsuda College.
河村 豊
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.43, no.229, pp.48-50, 2004-03-25
永野 宏 佐納 康治
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.36, no.203, pp.162-168, 1997-09-29
矢島 祐利
科学史研究 第(0xF9C2)期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.15, no.119, pp.p113-121, 1976-09

Die Zeitschrift, Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (no. 94,1974) verkuundigte den Tod von Dr. A. Maier, einer hervorlagenden Gelehrtin aus Deutschland, die in Rom lebte und dort starb. Ihr weitbekanntes, funfbandiges Hauptwerk, "Studien zur Naturphilosophie der Spatscholastik" (Rom, 1940-1958) besteht and folgenden Banden: I. Die Vorlaufer des Galileis im 14. Jahrhundert, (1940; 2. Aufl. 1949); II. Zwei Grundprobleme der scholastischen Naturphilosophie (1950; 2Aufl. 1951); III. An der Grenze von Scholastik, und Naturwissenschaft (1951; 2. Aufl. 1952); IV. Metaphysische Hintergrunde der Spatscholastischen Naturphilosophie (1955) und V. Zwischen Philosophie und Mechanik (1958). Es ist ein grossztigiges und wunderbares Werk, das insgesamt 1800 Seiten hat, kostete mir 3 Jahre durchzulesen. Es war Pierre Duhem (1861-1916), der Wissenschaftsgeschichte des spaten Mittelalters eine Reihe bahnbrechender Forschungen beitrug, obgleich er dabei eine etwaige ubertreibung nicht zn umgehen vermochte. Dr. A. Maier untersuchte aufs neue die Originaltexte, Manuskripte sowie Gedruckte, wobei die Sammlung der vatikanischen Bibliothek zu ihrer Verfugung stand. Zu bemerken ist es, dass sie die ubertriebungen Duhems in vielen Punkten berichtigte. Beispielsweise schatzte Duhem Albert von Sachsen als Beforder der Impetustheorie sehr hoch, die aber nach Dr. Maier nur als ein Gemisch von Buridans und Oresmes von Albert dar gestellt wurde. Ist das wirklich so? Es scheint mir noch ein Problem zu sein. Dennoch interessiert uns das Werk Maiers sehr, und zwar vor allem deswegen, weil sie aus originellen Texten Alberts und sonstiger Schriftsteller zahlreiche Zitate darbietet, die une nicht nahe liegen. Leider fehlt es den gesamten Bandern das Namenregister.
矢野 道雄
科学史研究 第(0xF9C2)期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.15, no.118, pp.p93-98, 1976-06

The basis for the study of Indian Astronomy and Calendar was founded by such pioneers in the last century as Colebrooke, Weber, Burgess, and Thibaut. But they found no successors in this field untill recently when Prof. 0. Neugebauer, based on his interpretation of the astronomical cuneiform texts, approached to the Indian materials. More recently Prof. D. Pingree undertook further and more detailed study of Sanskrit astronomical texts with his knowledge of both Sanskrit and the history of classical astronomy. The pourpose of the present essay is to show the Japanese reader the Five Year Cycle of the oldest Indian Calendar or the hotisavedanga, eventually illustrating how the recent works of Neugebauer and Pingree are indispensable in this field of the history of science. The contents of the paper are I. The Text: Comparison of Rk- and Yajur- recensions of the Vedangajyotisa. II. The Five Year Cycle: Pingree's interpretation of 366 sidereal, not civil, days in a year. III. Naksalras: Where do they begin? IV. The length of daylight: Babylonian Origin. V. The first days of the each ayana: How they are obtained. The intercalary month of each 5 ayanas. VI. Conclusion: Inaccuracy of the edic calendar.
佐藤 英二
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.38, no.209, pp.27-35, 1999-03-25