岡本 浩一 杉森 伸吉

三上 章
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
vol.28, pp.1-32, 2011-03

This article purports to clarify how the platonism of Whichcote acts upon hisunderstanding of Christ.His platonism is not so much something like an intellectual system built uponPlatonic philosophers in the past, as an attitude of respect towards the Platonic spiritwhich has been transmitted in the history. This will include an inquisitiveness toincessantly seek after truth, a cautiousness to refrain from a harried judgement, aviewpoint to look up to the invisibles beyond the visible, an esteem to reason in man,and a reverence to the truly divine. Therefore the platonism of Whichcote is a typeor a tendency of thinking rather than a philosophical system. It might be called a Platonismin the broad sense.In his exposition of biblical texts, the Bible is the ultimate authority. However,when some biblical passages or theological concepts seem to allow multiple interpretations,he does not hesitate to endeavor to inquire an essential meaning which willaccord with reason. Herein is working his platonism in the broad sense.Such a tendency of his thinking shows itself in his understanding of Christ interms of `Christ in us' and `deification'. This means that the Christ who had been shutaway from man by Puritan Calvinism was recovered as `Christ in us' into the innerpart of man. That Christ partook of human nature is not the matter outside of, andfar away from man. It happens in man, enables man to partake of the divine natureof Christ, and opens up the possibility of man's deification in the sense of becomingGod-like.The same tendency of Whichcote's thinking is particularly reflected in his viewof the mutuality of God and man in the work of reconciliation. It goes without sayingthat `reconciliation' occupies a crucial place in the Christian soteriology, and is the32ground and basis of salvation for man. However, it had been made by Puritan Calvinismthe matter of the absolute despotism belonging to God. There was no room for aparticipation in it on the part of man who had been branded as totally depraved. Reconciliationwas exclusively given up to the will and desire of God. Against this kindof determinism which would deliver man up to anxiety and resignation Whichcotethrew an objection. True, man's depravity may be irrevocably grave, but, at least, ina tiny portion where man, by the grace of God, recognizes his sin, repents and comesback to God, there might be a room for a cooperation with God in reconciliation. Thereconciliation in this sense will save man, and the saved man, in turn, will be drivento do good works in response to the love of God revealed in Christ. The proof of thisis the existence of reason in man. Even though reason is fatally weakened by sin, andappears to be on the brink of dying away, it is never put out, as far as it is the gift ofGod to man. This was the conviction of Whichcote.The people of England was in a deadly need of salvation. But that salvation hadbeen suffered a pedantic devision by Puritan Calvinism into regeneration, conversion,adoption, calling, sanctification, justification, reconciliation, redemption, salvation,and glorification. Such a detailed theological distinction will not be able to save thecommon people who was illiterate due to poverty. It is Whichcote who united the dividedsalvation and recovered its original state, which is nothing but Christ Himself.This Christ is the one in us. Also, the crucified Christ is not the one outside us, but theone within us. This Christ is the one felt and understood as a principle of life in us.Thus comprehended, Christ will inevitably reform us from within and cannotbut drive us to do good works. In distinction from the Christ of Puritan Calvinismwho was cast far away from man to a remote place, the Christ of Whichcote is presentin a closest proximity to human existence. This is a sort of new and bright imageof Christ in an old and dark age. Herein is seen a token of the working of Whichcote'splatonism.
Sippel Patricia
東洋英和大学院紀要 (ISSN:13497715)
vol.3, pp.23-41, 2007-03-15

高橋 基治
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
vol.28, pp.33-56, 2011-03

It has widely been believed that when it comes to learning a new language as asecond/foreign language,"the younger the better"is the rule that applies. On the otherhand, recent studies have demonstrated that although younger learners may have anadvantage in mastering native-like pronunciation, adults might actually learn second/foreign languages more easily and quickly than younger learners in such areas asvocabulary acquisition and syntax.The claim that an authentic pronunciation of a second/foreign language isunattainable after a certain age has been supported by certain kinds of evidence.However, at the same time, it is also true that there are, in actuality, some individualswho have acquired a native-like accent even after the so-called "critical period."With this conflicting evidence in mind, in this paper, I will discuss theprobability of obtaining native-like phonological performance by reviewing the existingempirical and theoretical literature on Second Language Acquisition, especially thatwhich focuses on the Critical Period Hypothesis and foreign accent. In addition, I willconsider the viability of direct phonological instruction as a subject in school basedon the information and insights gained through this review of key studies in the field.
中林 隆明
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
vol.22, pp.77-95, 2005-03

Educational policies in modern Japan, especially in the early Meiji period, were led by Tanaka Fujimaro, Deputy Minister of Education. At the first time, France was the model of education policies in Japan. Its example was Gakusei (national educational system) enforcement (Imperial Ordinance). In those days, Tanaka participated in the Iwakura Mission, led by Iwakura Envoy Extraordinary and Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the United States and European countries, as commissioner of Education Department. He eagerly conducted educational research in both continents with his staff during 1872-73. And again, he traveled to the United States to take part in the Exposition Fair in Philadelphia, in commemoration of American Centennal Foundation year in 1876. At both times he was impressed with American flexible educational systems, including libraries, small school districts and social institutions, and a variety of state initiatives. In 1879, he enacted the Imperial Educational Ordinance based on the principle of independence for local communities in elementary schools and educational institutions. As a result, his policy was denied by the government of the day, and he was transferred to another post (Minister of Justice).
島 創平
東洋英和大学院紀要 (ISSN:13497715)
vol.1, pp.43-51, 2005-04-01

In the scene of Paul's trial before the members of Sanhedrin, Paul called out, "Brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees."(Acts of the Apostles 23:6). Some scholars comment on this statement as Paul's tactics. But J. Jervell says that this statement is not tactics but "Zeugnis". That is, Luke, the author of Acts, depicts Paul as a "Pharisaic Christian". So after his conversion, Paul remained faithful to the Jewish law and he had the hope in the resurrection of the dead. On the other hand, in his own letter, Paul looks on his former life as a Pharisee as "rubbish" (The Letter to the Philippians 3:8). But E. P. Sanders says that Paul did not have one single theology regarding the law. In The Letter to the Romans Paul regards the law as Sin (chapter 6). But on the other hand, for the most part he agrees with the behavior which the law requires. His own views of proper behavior, both 'ethical' and 'cultic'. were Jewish to the core. Paul the Apostle shared many of the characteristics of Paul the Pharisee. Thus, early Christianity and Judaism of those days did not always oppose each other. The relationship between them should be re-examined more carefully.
飽戸 弘
東洋英和大学院紀要 (ISSN:13497715)
vol.1, pp.13-23, 2005-04-01

The author tries to discuss and analyze the impact and influence that mass media reporting had on the decision - making processes of people's voting behavior in the United States presidential election in 2004, primarily through the use of polling data. First, I would like to describe the various events prepared and produced by both the Democratic and Republican Parties and their campaigners and the electorates' responses to them, at the time of the primary elections in each state, at the time of the national conventions of both parties, and at the time of the three successive TV debates, focusing on the impact of these media events and their media coverage. Second, I will discuss the election results and the reporting of popular votes in November. It is said that there were considerable discrepancies between the predictions over the election tumouts by mass media and the actual tumouts. I will try to discuss some reasons of these gaps. In concluding these discussions, we can analyze the enormous impact of media on the decision - making processes of the electorate. Furthermore, through this analysis, we will be able to propose some revisions and reforms of the present system of the U.S. Presidential Election, following the discussion of a previous study on presidential election on 2000 <cf. Akuto, 2002>.
山元 恵理子
東洋英和大学院紀要 (ISSN:13497715)
no.4, pp.67-80, 2008

Japan and Russia are in dispute over the Northern Territories (Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan, and the Habomai Shoto) in the Chishima Archipelago held by Russia since 1945. Although this issue will be solved by the governments of both Japan and Russia, there has also been since 1992 a system of so-called "Interchange without Passports / Visas", or unofficial diplomacy by citizens of Japan and Russia in the Northern Territories. This system has been crowned with great success, especially after the Hokkaido Tohooki Earthquake occurred in 1994. The first group to deliver necessities of life to Russians in Shikotan was not the Russian government, but the group of Japanese former residents. Since that time, the Russian residents have changed their sentiment and now say that they may be able to live a life together there. We can say that this "Interchange without Passports / Visas" has helped to improve their mental infrastructure. This thesis is not only makes use of the academic analysis of the former research, but it is also based on original interviews of former residents, diplomats, Russian residents, and Japanese teachers. Moreover, it reflects the author's own inspection, conducted through participation in the "Interchange without Passports / Visas" in 2005 and 2006.
赤枝 紅子
研究紀要 (ISSN:02879123)
vol.30, pp.55-66, 1991
小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa journal of the humanities and social sciences (ISSN:09157794)
no.31, pp.29-46, 2013

As Internet use has proliferated worldwide, maladaptive patterns or negative impacts of Internet use, so-called Internet addiction, have been increasingly reported. This study critically reviewed literature and discussed some problems regarding the study of Internet addiction. Development of Internet addiction research and criticism of this subjectindicates that the research to date on Internet addiction 1) has no heoretical background, 2) lacks valid measurement, 3) may have resented misleading causal relationships, 4) has restricted research with a psychiatric paradigm, and 5) has been debated on the presumption that the Internet has brought negative consequences. IfInternet addiction truly exists, researchers must respond to these problems.
重宗 弘子
東洋英和大学院紀要 (ISSN:13497715)
vol.5, pp.107-119, 2009-03-15

Although Black Americans had long served in the racially segregated United States Army prior to World WarII, there were no Black pilots in the Army Air Force (AAF) or its immediate predecessor, the Air Corps. TheAAF resisted previous efforts to enlist Black airmen with the claim that there were no Black pilots in theUnited States. Previous efforts to enlist Black airmen were met with the claim within the War Departmentand the AAF in general that Black Americans lacked the aptitude to be military pilots. It was not until thepassage of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 that the AAF, along with other military services,was required to enlist Black males in proportion to their percentage (about 10 percent) of the total population.According to Charles Dryden, Tuskegee Airmen were individuals who were involved in the so-calledTuskegee Experiment by the U.S. War Department to train Black Americans to fly and to maintain airplanesin flying condition, from 1941 to 1946, including persons stationed or employed at Tuskegee Army Air Fieldand / or Moton Field, in various roles and statures: flying officers, nonflying officers, nurses, aviation cadets,noncommissioned officers, enlisted men and women, and civilians. However, according to LeRoy Gillead, theperiod definition is not from 1941 to 1946, but from 1939 to 1949. It was in 1939 that Black Americans werepromoted in aviation through Public Law 18 and the Civil Pilot Training Act. Further, 1949 was the year inwhich many Tuskegee Airmen left Lockborne Air Force Base and were transferred to white Air Force Base.Black Soldiers in World War II had to fight against enemies overseas and discrimination within the UnitedStates. In 1939, there were 1359 white officers in the Army, but only 5 Black officers. Three were chaplainsand the other two were Benjamin Davis, Sr. and Benjamin Davis, Jr. Almost 1000 Black Americans finishedPilot Training. 450 Black Pilots and many Black Ground Supports went overseas in combat roles. TheTuskegee Airmen who remained in the United States fought against discrimination in incidents such as theFreeman Field Incident. The Tuskegee Airmen fought for the advancement of the status of Black Americans20 years before the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
足立 恭則
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.30, pp.83-92, 2013-03

At many educational institutions study abroad applicants must undergo a screening process before being accepted into the program. The process typically involves the review of the application documents and an interview which assess the applicant's suitability or readiness for study abroad. In particular, great importance is often placed on the interview. This interview, however, is not always perfect in making an accurateand fair evaluation of the applicants because of the potential problems in the interview's format and the evaluation criteria as well as the biases interviewers frequent fall prey to.In this article, we will analyze the problems found in the typical interviewing process and discuss what can be done to improve it so we can make a fair and more accurate assessment of the applicants.
深井 智朗

春木 育美
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
vol.28, pp.93-106, 2011-03

The currency crisis in 1997 transformed foreign worker policies in South Korea.The government adopted a wide range of measures in order to escape from theunprecedented depression. The implementation of "the employment permit systemfor foreign workers" in 2004 and "the visiting employment system" in 2007 dramaticallychanged its stance on foreign worker policies in South Korea. Even though strictregulations were imposed on unskilled foreign workers, it was relaxed by opening theway for full-time positions with certain limitations. The considerable change in whichKorea legitimately accepted unskilled foreign workers, not as trainees, occurred dueto the severe deficiency of workers in small businesses, rapid decline in birthrate, andaging of society. Thus, there was an increasing concern for further labor shortage inthe future.
小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa journal of the humanities and social sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.34, pp.89-106, 2017-03

Media literacy is a wide-ranging and multi-dimensional concept that has developed differently in many countries. But the most crucial and common skill that is shared among facilitators is critical viewing of media contents. This study theoretically attempts to develop a Media Literacy Scale as a measurement of critical viewing skill.The scale consists of six key elements of media literacy: a) the media message is constructed; b) the media constructs social realities; c) the media message has commercial implications; d) the media message has embedded ideology; e) each medium has a unique mode; and f) people experience the same message differently.Items of the scale were carefully selected through a preliminary study and a pre- and post- survey was also conducted in a media literacy class to validate the scale. The average score significantly improved in the post-survey despite the degree of student attitude toward the class. Future studies need to refine the scale and apply it to various empirical research.
長谷川 かおり
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa journal of the humanities and social sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.34, pp.69-88, 2017-03

We consider the various causes for the resignation of female employees from the labor markets in Japan. We estimate employment probabilities in two female groups: university graduates and the under-senior high school graduates in all age groups. The results show that two factors are important in both groups, the number of young children and age. For women in their thirties and forties, the probability of employment is considerably higher in the under-senior graduates group than among university graduates.To determine an explanation for this, we compare the productivities of household production and market wage rate of females. By estimating the parametersof the production function where the inputs consist of family time and market goods, we suggest new microeconomic estimates of productivity in household production. The result shows that productivity in household production is higher among nonregular employees than regular employees.