打本 弘祐
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.45, no.2, pp.119-147, 2012-03

This is the third part of my project on spiritual care theory. Waldemar Kippes, a Catholic Father from Germany, has developed spiritual care theory in Japan based on his Christian faith. What is spiritual care theory of Kippes? Among his proposed six human dimensions in the theory, Kippes emphasizes that spiritual care providers relate mind, spirit, and soul to their professionally specialized areas of care. To create a better medical care team, it is important for spiritual care providers and healthcare professionals to distinguish the dimensions proposed by Kippes. In addition, in this paper I discuss the relationship among soul, spirit, and mind, and explain the consequences to other dimensions in care work. Kippes theory also offers suggestions for professional development programs. And one great characteristic of the proposed programs for care providers is a requirement of learning philosophy and religion. In this paper, I further elaborated upon definitions of "spiritual care" and "pastoral care" by Kippes. Today the word "Kippes" among spiritual care specialists in Japan is synonymous with spiritual care, pastoral care, and religious care. In Kippes theory, we must pay particular attention to Japanese cultural, religious and historical contexts.
延原 時行
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.50, pp.13-46, 2015-03-23

This lecture on "Amor Mundi and Process Philosophy: Reflections on Whitehead's Adventure or Resurrection Metaphysics" was delivered on October 11, at the 36th Annual Convention of Japan Society for Process Studies, at Momoyama Gakuin University or St. Andrew's University in Osaka. Beginning with a tanka: Hito ikani / hisan naru tomo / urakara zo / Kami tomo ni masu / mireba bishou zo( How miserable / humans might be in their lives / if seen from the back / that God is really with them / smile comes out in their faces), I will pursue the theme" how one can be geared toward love for the world despite miseries in one's life." 1. From the back; 2. God is really with us; 3. Seeing; and 4. Smile coming out, are four conditions for love for the world. In subsequent four sections I will deal with Hannah Arendt's Human Condition which has described a life-long critical dialogue with Martin Heidegger; Katsumi Takizawa's idea of an inseparable, non-identical, and irreversible relationship between God and humans critically re-considered; Whitehead's metaphysics of Adventure or the Resurrection in dialogue with Hans Jonas's Das Prinzip Leben; and John 21 to be re-interpreted from narrative theology into metaphysical theology in terms of the" Resurrection"-motif. What is pivotal is the denial of the Unmoved Mover which is hidden in Heidegger's philosophy of Sein's Geschichite and also in Takizawa's Pure The-anthropology as the source of change lying outside the universe or the world. In the case of Later Heidegger, Being─Language relationship is not mediated by any intermediary actualities and is overshadowed by the act of interpretation of the philosopher, namely, Heidegger. Arendt critiques this fact as the moment leading to Heidegger's companionship with the Nazis due to his uncritical judgment about the world affairs. In Takizawa's case, he thinks that the idea of pure the-anthropology is important in recognizing the God─Expression relation as the basic human "Bestimmung," which does not allow particular-historical elements to come in and decide. Also, Takizawa thinks that the "deep depths" or the Proto-factum Immanuel of the human existence is the sacred limitation beyond which no one can go down deeper. In this sense, the idea of the deep depths has a resemblance with the Aristotelian Unmoved Mover; it is unsurpassable as the firm basis for everything in the world while giving rise to the change of all things. For Whitehead, however, the change or transmutation of the Reality by the Adventure into its Unity of Appearance is pivotal in requiring the real occasions of the advancing world each claiming its due share of attention [AI=Adventures of Ideas=, 295]. We can acknowledge here Augustine's reference to the descending Agape as combined with the ascending Platonic Eros or Charitas (in Augustine's case). If our human life memories can ascend with the salvific help of the Risen Lord in order to be offered into the bosom of Heavenly Father, our resurrection can take place. Whitehead's final metaphysical scope is free to accept this vision in terms of his idea of the "reciprocal relation by virtue of which what is done in the world is transformed into the reality in heaven and the reality in heaven passes back into the world"( PR=Process and the Reality=, 351). In terms of Logos Theology appearing in the beginning of John's Gospel, the "reciprocal relation" is approachable by reason of the combination of the" Logos who was in the beginning"[ John 1 : 1 first line]and the" Logos who was with God [pros ton theon]" [John 1 : 1 second line]: the latter Logos is metaphysically deeper than and is inclusive of the former Logos. Incidentally, Takizawa refers to the idea of the "Logos in the beginning," but not to the "Logos with God," in terms of the Proto-factum Immanuel. Presumably, it is for this reason that Takizawa sticks to the idea of the "deep depths" which negates our deeper approach. However, the truth of the matter is that at the deeper ground of the "deep depths" the "Logos with God" is awaiting us to come down even after we perished. Further, the" Logos with God" flies and ascends paradoxically with those who have passed away by reason of the paradoxical principle: You go down deeper and deeper; and you ascend higher and higher. We know that the "reciprocal relation" is designated by Chardin as the "Center of the Universe" which is actually "Christ" (see Future of Man,esp. The two articles of my Credo: The Universe is centred─Evolutively {Above and Ahead; Christ is its Center{The Christian Phenomenon: Noogenesis=Christogenesis (=Paul)). John 21: 4 describes the "reciprocal relation" between the perishable world and immortal heaven as the fact: "Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus." We must re-interpret and transform the narrative theology of John 21 into the language of a metaphysical theology such as Whitehead's vision of reality:" We perish and are immortal"[ PR, 351, 82]. From this vision of the Adventure or the Resurrection metaphysics I can think of the idea of a university appropriately in my own way. John Henry Newman's idea of the university is overshadowed by the religious sovereignty, which is radically different from Jacques Derrida's idea of the "university without condition." How can we discern the compatibility between the two? Probably we have to ask Whitehead's aims of education to come in to coordinate and say: religious sovereignty is supportable at the level of" romance," whereas in the case of Derrida's motif of the" university's profession without condition" the rhythm of "generalization" might be proper. Then, what about the precision-process? In this regard, we have to re-learn appropriately from the interreligious dialogue (esp. Buddhist- Christian dialogue) which has been flourishing during the 20th and 21st centuries.
竹岡 志朗
vol.58, no.1, pp.63-79, 2016-07-06

A category of product is not objective or a priori existence. In other words, a boundary or members of category is not determined in advance. In researches, there are some approaches to concept of category. To classify concepts, one is static approach, another is dynamic approach. In static approach, a category is regarded as bundles of properties. On the other hand, in dynamic approach, a category is constructed impromptu in decision making. Both of these researches, a concept of category is the point at issue because of this concept is important theme as consumer's decision making in consumer behavior researches. In detail, consumers are affected categories of products as consideration set in decision making processes. In this research,we consider category of concepts in innovation diffusion processes. In innovation diffusion, meanings of product categories transit one after another. This article makes this transition visible with using of text-mining. There are some advantages in using text-mining in this research. First, a text-mining tool allows us to review all terms that describe products and to examine the referential relationship among those terms or the co-occurrence relations among the terms. By abstracting the semantic dimension of all terms, we can avoid the problem of whether the terms used by parties are comprehended by observers in the same way. Second, a text-mining tool is able to identify the commonality of co-occurrence relations among all terms because such a tool allows massive amounts of data to be identified and quantified. Third, a text mining tool can uncover the commonality of co-occurrence relations between more than two terms. Because a greater number of collocated terms imply a narrower interpretation, it is more likely that parties and observers will share technology values. In concrete, we use co-occurrence network analysis. Co-occurrence network is described based on term's co-occurrence relationships. In short, this analysis is a summary of writings (in this article, electric words of mouth which is written at kakaku. com). Then we can describe clusters on co-occurrence networks. We regard this clusters on co-occurrence networks as levels of meaning. Level of meaning affects consumer's cognition and then consumer's decision making processes. Using this approach, a manufacturer can perform and make an incremental innovation ahead of others.
野尻 亘
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.87-140, 2015-03

In this paper, the author reviews the methodological relations between convention theory and economic geography. Storper and Salais (1997) elucidated an international / inter-regional comparison of industrial agglomeration, and qualitatively explained it using "worlds of production" theory following the economics of convention. That is, rather than explaining diverse industrial concentrations in each country and region on the basis of a neoclassical uniform assumption of rational behavior of selfish individuals, they explain industrial regions and development paths from the point of view of non-economic factors such as conventions of participation and identity. In this respect, they differ from Scott (1988), which explains agglomeration from the new institutionalism viewpoint focusing on the reduction of transaction costs. Also, instead of emphasizing the cultural differences between countries and regions, Storper and Salais (1997) present a general framework, thereby enabling further international comparisons. A second point is their focus on variation among product technology, markets, and production methods (labor system). In economic geography, active debates in recent years have led to the introduction of regulation theory, the new industrial division of labor, flexible specialization, and so on, while emphasizing specific types of industries. Convention theory builds on the results of those debates, and considers solutions to issues of product quality and labor uncertainty, thus avoiding uniform, one-sided debates.
名部 圭一
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.1-14, 2018-03

The aim of this paper is to analyze "affective society" in the post-truth age from the perspectiveof social system theory as elaborated by German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. According to thistheory, modern society is a functionally differentiated society to a high degree, where symbolicallygeneralized media of communication such as money, power, truth and love have developedand each functional system observes the other functional systems or its environment throughbinary codes such as true/ false (the system of science), legal / illegal (the legal system), andpayment /non-payment (the economic system).In his later life Luhmann analyzed mass media in terms of social system theory and insistedthat the binary code of the system of mass media is information/non-information, which enablesthe system to select new information from its environment. New information selected in thissystem, however, is severely limited; it must be true. Then, what is the binary code of the systemof the internet? We propose that it is connection/ disconnection. Compared with the system ofmass media, for the system of internet it is more critical how communication is connected to nextcommunication, for disconnection of communication means the death of the system itself. On theother hand, it is less important whether information is true or not than in the system of massmedia. This is why false or fake information is easy to circulate in the system of the internet. Badinformation drives out good―Gresham's Law in the post-truth age.
小野 良子
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.4, pp.5-35, 2016-02-26

This paper is an attempt to re-examine the narrative technique adopted in The Great Gatsby. The first chapter deals with the structure and the authority of the first-person narrative. The second chapter analyzes how Gatsby, introduced as the main character of the book, is portrayed from the narrator's point of view. The narrator assumes the role of the omniscient "I" and endeavors to recollect the smallest details of his encounter with Gatsby ; however, the `authorized' story-telling reveals the psychological depth of the narrator himself and his emotionally biased judgements about Gatsby. The first-person narrative fails to present the clear portrayal of Gatsby, only to create the character in the way the narrator wants to see.
赤瀬 雅子
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.20, pp.29-53, 2000-12-20

When taking a generel survey of the history of modern Japanese literature, we often find some works which discuss the differences between European and Asian culture. Educated people are especially ardent about comparative studies of French and Japanese culture. A prominent literary critic, Miyoko Nakano, stated that though Riichi Yokomitsu's Ryoshu (Loneliness on a Journey) won a favorable reputation, it was a mediocre work. However, she appraised Hisao Juran's Jujigal (Cross Street) as far more outstanding. Juran Hisao, born in 1902 in Hakodate, Hokkaido, grew up in an affluent family. Juran loved freedom so much that he abandoned schoolwork at the age of 15. When he was 20, he became a journalist and started writing plays. In 1920, he went to Tokyo to study French playwriting theory under Takashi Kashida, whose work shows the ubiquitous influence of his own teacher, Jacques Copor. In December 1929, Juran arrived in Paris, after a long journey via the Trans-Siberian Railroad, where he spent three years under the tutelage of Charles Duran. (In fact, his penname, Juran, was taken from Duran). Specific information about his activities during this period is unknown. In 1933, 33-year-old Juran returned to Japan at last. In Jujigai, his masterpiece, Juran describes metropolitan Paris in detail and links two French and Japanese political scandal: the Stavisky Incident in French and the so-called High Treason Incident in Japan. The main character, Takayoshi, and the female protagonist, Yukiko, are taunted by the some fate. In the High Treason Incident, the Japanese government accuses both characters fathers, innocent civilians, of being criminals and tries to put them to death. Twenty years later, while Takayoshi and Yukiko are studying in Paris, they become victims of the Stavisky Incident. They are both killed by the authorities, although neither of them has anything to do with the incident. Throughout this fictional work, Juran describes the hopelessness of politics in French and Japan, recognized especially by people living in the countries capitals. Juran's unique, refined writing is reminiscent of the works of Restif de la Bretonne, Eugene Shue, and Francis Carco. In Jujigai, Juran successfully draws a clear picture of Paris as an abyss.
清水 由文

石田 易司 小柳 敬明 川井 太加子
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.39, no.1, pp.91-137, 2013-08

The population in farming and fishing villages of Japan had started to decline since the 1990s. This paper shows the process that transformed one village leading to marginalization, using the case of Masaki-Jima, a distant island located in Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Masaki-Jima, had developed through its pearl industry, having over 600 residents in the 1950s. As the sea around the island became polluted, the skilled laborers left. This brought the end of the pearl industry in the Bay of Ago along with its tourism industry. As a result, over 80% of the island population is now over 65 years old ; and half of the 100 houses there are vacant. The only youth in the island now are 2 junior high school students, a brother and a sister. Their parents, in their forties at the time of this study, are the next youngest residents. Almost all others are the elderly. In this environment, this study explored 1) the elderly's attitudes toward living using interview methods and 2) the elderly care conditions using survey methods. The reality of the island life makes it impossible for the elderly who need care to remain on Masaki-Jima. The findings 1) suggest that the vast majority of the elderly gave up on the future of the island-the development and recovery of the island by the younger generation. They accept the current whereaboutsnatural disasters, diseases, and uneasiness for the lack of elderly care in the island - and are simply waiting for the day that they are unable to survive on the island. And 2) because of the lack of public elderly care on the island, the results show that many senior citizens take care of themselves. As many of them have already started having difficulty walking, in a few years, we can expect that they will leave the island. Those who have health conditions do not participate in the community meetings and activities any longer. They have infrequent communication with other islanders and rely on their children living off the island. This study clearly suggests that this marginal village will disappear unless we intervene with medical and public elderly care support for the island residents.
蔵田 雅彦
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
vol.1, pp.109-122, 1990-03-01

Todaisha was founded in 1926 by Akashi Junzo as the Japanese section of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. While Todaisha was known to be extremely fundamentalist in its teachings, its pacifist orientation and doctrinal characteristics critical of state authoritarianism made it a victim of state suppression during the period of militarist rule in Japan. Their conscientious objection and criticism of Emperor System were quite in contrast to the compromising attitudes taken by the vast majority of the Japanese Christian Church. The Korean branch of Todaisha, influenced by Akashi, did also take a critical stance vis-a-vis the Japanese colonial government in Korea. Because of their monotheistic faith and eschatological faith they vehemently refused Emperor and Shrine worship which was imposed upon the Koreans as the assimilation policy progressed in the late 1930s and the early 1940s. Their critical faith and court struggle have so far been ignored by the Korean Church historians. This article tries to reveal the significance of the Todaisha group's struggle in Korea under the Japanese colonial rule.
沼田 健哉
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.29, no.2, pp.61-94, 1995-12-20

The purpose of this paper is summarizing and analyzing the relation about mind control and self control. First, I refer to the consideration of cult. Second, I analyze the theory of mind control. Third, I refer to deprogramming and exit counseling. Fourth, I analyze the theory of self control. Fifth, I refer to Aum Shinrikyo case. Lastly, I conclude by saying that both tradition of the Occident and the Orient are indispensablle to study the relation about mind control and self control.
宮本 孝二
vol.48, no.2, pp.1-26, 2015-02-27

Anthony Giddens published Capitalism and Modern Social Theory in 1971 and Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber in 1972 on the base of his studies on Weber's works. This paper, which is a part of my research project Giddens and Sociologists, aims to examine how Giddens used products of his studies on Weber's works in constructing his social theory since 1973. First, introducing his interpretations of Weber's works in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, I depict the entire structure of Weber's social theory. Second, introducing his examination of relationships between Weber's political ideology shown in his political works and social theory shown in academic works, it will be made clear that the strong interest in contradictions brought by economic and political rationalization was consistent in his politics and sociology. Third, I research how Giddens has tackled central problems in social theory by learning much from Weber's social theory and politics.
赤井 敏夫
桃山学院大学人文科学研究 (ISSN:02862700)
vol.20, no.3, pp.49-69, 1985-03-30
望月 和彦
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.56, no.4, pp.73-123, 2015-03

After reopening of stock markets, stock and commodity markets recovered stability temporary in mid-May. But in late May markets began to oscillate again. On 24th May the bankruptcy of Nanajushi Bank shocked markets severely. Mogi-shoten, a big trading company in those days, went bankrupt by failure of speculation on cotton.Nanajushi Bank was an affiliate company of Mogi-shoten and the bank lent about half of its lending to Mogi-shoten. Nanajushi Bank supplied money to silk industry and silk exports as well. Prices of silk threads and silk products fell sharply after the bankruptcy of Nanajushi Bank. Panic expanded to other markets. Many banks faced a run. Rice prices fell down in both future and kind markets because farms inflicted heavy loss by the price fall of cocoon wanted to sell their major product of rice to cover the loss. In money markets the interest rate of overnight lending stayed at lower level, on the other hand discount rate were high and few banks would lend money at that rate. Credits among banks were disappeared. Many trades were made through cash base. Lower interest rates didn't contribute to the recovery of economy. The economy fell into "the trap of liquidity". Businessmen expected the government and BOJ to take measures to the depression after the bankruptcy of Nanajushi Bank. Many newspapers and journals misreported that the government decided to take extra measures to rescue industries. And markets recovered temporally for the misreported news. But the Hara cabinet didn't take extra measures to the financial crisis. Disappointed by the inaction of the government, markets fell down again. In addition the wave of depression came from the US and European economies. The BOJ hesitated to take easy money policy, instead it lend money to an industry which succeeded to organize syndicates to finance from the BOJ. The BOJ provided relief loan at a discretional base which mass media attacked fiercely. A credit squeeze and market closure resulted in systemic risk of financial markets.
有山 輝雄
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = The St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.49, pp.73-106, 2014-03-13

Japan aggressively insisted on entering into the First World War. However, it was not a smooth process; Japan had to continue complicated diplomatic negotiations with the United Kingdom, China and the United States. Furthermore, information distribution systems in those days were undergoing drastic changes around the world, making Japan unable to maintain its policy of secret diplomacy. News from the United Kingdom and the United States was communicated in Japan through a wide variety of mass media, revealing a divergence of opinion between Japan and overseas countries. To camouflage the divergence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan was urged to adopt various aggressive tactics for justifying Japan?s entry into the war. Such strategic justification was an early indication of "propaganda warfare" that intensified worldwide during the First World War.