辻 洋一郎
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.87-101, 2015-01-30

Ascertaining the process of acquiring persuasive abilities can engender the development of effective materials and teaching methods to improve these abilities. This report describes that acquisition process and explains the evaluation of persuasive abilities. We evaluated the ability of first-year students by assigning them an evaluation task three times (stages): to write an e-mail message to a teacher requesting postponement of a report deadline. Results show that, in the first stage, most reported only data which had been shown to them as much as possible, but they tried to include their insistence and requests in the middle stage. They arranged several necessary conditions adequately in the final stage. Their evaluation tests also showed a trend toward adding salutations and polite messages in the final stage. Aside from analysis of characteristics of the high-development group, we also examined how to improve the abilities of the low-development group.
伊藤 潔志
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 (ISSN:0286973X)
no.50, pp.85-112, 2015-03-23

The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the distinctive features of the religious aspects of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical thought. Few people generally regard Wittgenstein as a religious thinker, but research has been carried out on his views on religion and attempts have been made to apply his philosophical thought to theology. Wittgenstein's philosophical thinking is commonly divided into two phases ─ the early phase and the later phase ─ and even as it showed a certain consistency, it also underwent considerable transformation. Accordingly, in the early and later phases of Wittgenstein's philosophy there are both elements that are the same and elements that are markedly different. In this paper I will look at the early phase of Wittgenstein's philosophical thought, picking out certain ideas about religion that run throughout Wittgenstein's philosophy and elucidating the distinctive features of such ideas. Wittgenstein held that language has limits, and that accordingly there are also limits to thought. Further, he held that since language and the world exist with and through one another, the world also has limits. Accordingly, it is impossible to speak anything regarding what exists beyond the limits of language, and impossible to speak anything that lies outside the world. This means that though it is possible to speak of things when they have to do with facts, it is not possible to speak of things when they have to do with values ─ since values lie outside the world. Thus, it is not possible to speak things like religion, faith, revelations, and God (they are `unspeakable'). Nevertheless, Wittgenstein argues, even though it is not possible to` speak' these things, it is still possible to `show' them. According to Kierkegaard, `showing' is a particular state of affairs, and to `show' is a way of indirectly `speaking' something. We might perhaps call this showing a `religion of silence.' Wittgenstein was a philosopher who worked out a religion of silence, a religion that exists on the other side of the limits of language, thought, and the world.
山崎 充彦
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
vol.18, pp.53-68, 1998-09-30

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck erfuhr die politische Krise der Weimarer Zeit als Zeitgenosse. Eben diese Krise tritt in den Vordergrund der sich ihnen stellenden Probleme und Fragen daruber, wie man sich zu Demokratie, Liberalismus und Parlament verhalten solle. Fur Moeller van den Bruck ist die Kritik am Liberalismus und am Parlamentarismus ein Kernbegriff. Dadurch daβ er die Demokratie vom Liberalismus sowie den Parlamentarismus von der Demokratie getrennt hat und dadurch daβ er das Parteiensystem mit dem Parlamentarismus identifiziert hat, macht er sich den Parlamentarismus zur Kritik. Parteien, so begrundet er ihre Parlamentarismuskritik, seien korrupt, sie verzerrten den Wille des Volkes. Thema meiner Abhandlung sind die Betrachtungen Moeller van den Brucks zur Parlamentarismuskritik.
信夫 千佳子
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.4, pp.83-128, 2016-03-22

Mazda Motor Corporation (referred as Mazda below) is an automotive company performing steady production activities with local suppliers in Hiroshima. Recently, Mazda's products and technologies have been highly appreciated, and obtained a number of awards. Although Mazda is not so rich in management resources compared to the leading car manufacturers, it has been performing continuous innovation, and improving product quality. In this paper, after introducing Mazda's company overview and history, production systems, innovation of development and production, some characteristics of the development-production systems are analyzed. Firstly, its development-production systems rigorously pursue economy of integration. The integration among departments by information technology realized company-wide information sharing, and enhanced quality and productivity. Concurrent engineering in collaboration with suppliers also enhanced them. Further, collaboration activities of development and production with other automotive manufacturers had strengthened advantages and reinforced weaknesses of each company. Secondly, Mazda's production system is lean.It has set basic principles to pursue `just-on-time' and `quality assurance in each process'. Additionally, it uses `sequence production system linked to order,' that is, if operators disturbs a sequence of operation, they have to stop the line, discover the problem, and make an improvement. The flexible production systems consisting lines with mixed-item production capability, as well as separate but homogeneous lines, support its lean production. Thirdly, Mazda has a solid foundation to generate new technology. Mazda 787B was the first Japanese car that achieved an overall victory at the 59th 24 heures du Mans endurance race in 1991. Mazda also succeeded in developing the first rotary engine in the world, which evolved to more advanced RENESIS engine in the 2000s, and it was highly praised both within Japan as well as abroad. SKYACTIV TECHNOLOGY evolved from Mazda's base technology broke through the limitation of human and financial resources compared to much bigger competitors by selection and concentration. Fourthly, there is clear uniformity in its brand image. Since the brand message "Zoom-Zoom" and DNA of brand that is expressed as `stylish' `insightful' `spirited', are used for long time and well represent the characteristics of Mazda, they have contributed to establish a clear image of Mazda vehicles. The concept of `Soul of Motion' proposed in 2010 as design theme, is adopted for all the Mazda vehicles equipped SKYACTIV TECHNOLOGY, and strengthened the unification of the design. Although there are still some challenges in development and production systems, it is concluded that Mazda's inter-organizational concurrent collaborations is a successful case for medium-sized automotive manufacturers.
藤田 博文
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.49, no.2, pp.145-176, 2016-02-25

This paper aims to characterize the neoliberal rationality that Michel Foucault(1926-84)posed in his 1979 lectures, Naissance de la biopolitique, at the College de France, through analyzing the transformation of his theory of power in the 1970s. The key concept to grasp this transformation is a "formation of truth". To attain this aim, the following three issues have to be examined using Foucault's logic. First, this paper clarifies that the governmental practices are regulated by a truth(a norm: a "normal price" and an average considered as optimal). This truth which makes a division between the normal and the abnormal is formed by the rational behavior of those who are governed. It was this conception that constituted his new theory of power which he developed in 1978 and 1979 lectures at the College de France. Second, this paper specifies that the truth is formed by the "natural mechanism(the spontaneous mechanism)" which function in the market from the eighteenth century. This mechanism functions as a "laissez-faire". This truth formed by the natural mechanism assures liberal rationality. Finally, this paper specifies that the truth is formed by the "competitive structure" which has an internal logic. This truth assures neoliberal rationality. This structure extends the competitive forms over the "society" (a"government of society"). In other words, neoliberal government produces a"society subject to the dynamic of competition". By examining these points, I would like to demonstrate that the "formation of truth" is the most important concept to grasp the transformation of Foucault's theory of power in the 1970s and to comprehend the neoliberal rationality.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 = St. Andrew's University sociological review (ISSN:02876647)
vol.50, no.1, pp.1-25, 2016-09-30

The works of Erving Goffman(1920-1980)have exerted an extraordinary influence over the development of modern social theory. This paper, the fourth one of my project `Giddens and Sociologists', aims to explore how Anthony Giddens, one of most famous sociologists in the contemporary world, used Goffman's social theory in systematically constructingstructuration theory. The main findings are as follows. First, through interpreting Goffman's works, Giddens found systematic construction in Goffman's social theory. His social theory is constructed on the basic theory of co-presence and interaction. Second, when Giddens wrote Constitution of Society in 1984, he tried to systematize structuration theory by using Goffman's social theory as one of interaction or social process. But as he failed in finding proper place of co-presence in social structure, Giddens could not succeed in systematically constructing structuration theory. Third, in his some works, Giddens took theoretical viewpoints to find proper place of co-presence in social structure. There are five main viewpoints of depicting society as congregation of locales or regions where co-presences develop.
矢根 真二
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.42, no.2, pp.23-40, 2016-12-05

本稿の目的は, 日本の上水道料金の大きな格差という視点から, 道州制レベルへの事業地域範囲の拡大という抜本的な改革の重要性を提起することである。その主要な根拠は, 「市町村原則の罪」と「政治的な価格決定」という2つの仮説的な見方である。すなわち, 地域固有の経済的合理性よりも水道供給責任を各市町村に課す原則を優先させたために, 高費用な零細事業者を作り出したことと, その結果としての費用格差の拡大が原価を賄えない政治的な価格決定を過半の事業者に蔓延させたことである。この2つの見方を経験的に裏付けることによって, 価格格差以上に著しい費用格差のある現状理解が容易になると同時に, この問題解消の難しさも明らかになる。そこで最後に, 平等面でも財政面でもいっそう魅力的に映る道州制レベルで試算された価格表を提示する。
山内 はるひ/栄 セツコ 栄 セツコ
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.41, no.3, pp.1-21, 2016-03-15

The Psychiatric Social Worker Act issued in 1997 was amended in 2011, putting more emphasis on exercises and training sessions in the training course. Training sessions are thought to play an important role in understanding the value of the work of psychiatric social workers (PSWs) and the formation of one's identity as a PSW. However, no study has so far investigated how trainers teach the value of the work of PSWs to trainees. This study clarifies how trainers teach the value of the work of PSWs to trainees and how the trainees acquire the knowledge by conducting semi-structured interviews with trainees and their trainers. We found that trainees experience a process : awareness, verbalization, deepening recognition, self-awareness, recalling knowledge from experience and practice, and value formation. At each stage of the process, the trainers supervise and teach the value of the work of PSWs to the trainees by teaching them to extract abstract values from specific cases and then choose which value to prioritize among contradicting values. The trainees strengthened their learning through a post-learning and field practice after the training. We consider the abilities of regarding their practice objectively, visualizing and verbalizing the value of their work, and maximizing their ability to supervise as prerequisites to being good trainers.
青野 正明
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.37, pp.217-276, 2007-12-10

1936 was a noteworthy year for the shrine policy of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, because a series of statutes intended to reorganize the shrine system were enacted or amended in that year. The author believes that this reorganization, which effectively created a legally-based shrine hierarchy in colonial Koea, was carried out in order to increase the number of shrines and thereby better mobilize Korean people to carry out the Government-General's policies. This paper presents a new approach to both the reasons for and the objectives of the shrine system's reorganization. Specifically, it analyzes the socalled policy of "Spiritual Field Exploitation" (心田開発), which was intended to revamp the Korean people's spiritual life in line with the rural promotion movement being promoted by the Government-General during the early 1930s. The reason for the author's stress on this point is that the decision to reorganize the shrine system was taken in the process of developing the policy of "spiritual field exploitation".
増田 忠信
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.1, pp.97-125, 2014-11-28

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the starting point of Japanese people's morality.Moral standards, which are historically constructed, provide us with a measure of which behavioural patterns are acceptable and which are not.The transition from tsuwamono (soldiers) to bushi (warriors) created a peculiar value standard for Japanese people, leading to the so-called Bushido.Reflecting on the pre-Bushido period in Japan can help to understand themselves better. The framework of this paper is as follows : First, I consider what was regarded as evil in the Heian era by examining Vol. 29 of the Konjaku Monogatari.Second, I investigate the word tsuwamono in the Konjaku Monogatari and Shomonki.The way that this word is employed in those two texts suggests that people in the Heian era regarded Tsuwamono ambivalently, as newcomers. Third, comparing the Konjaku Monogatari Vol.25 with the Shomonki, I examine Taira no Masakado's Rebellion (939-940), which is a typical example of the transition from tsuwamono to bushi.I conclude that tsuwamono, originally related to the common people through land or locality, became a newly-influential power by their ability to pacify rebellions. Their transformation into bushi was the result. In the world of Heian aristocrats, the common people were not held to have the same moral sense that noble-born members of the Imperial Court enjoyed. Accordingly, they would be willing to join a rebellion if the time and circumstances were right. Since the gap between tsuwamono and bushi and the common people in their attitudes to work, rebellion, religion and other matters was so small, it became possible for them to hold a similar moral sense. As a result, from the second half of the Heian era onward Japanese people began to make their moral decisions based on a similar set of attitudes to those found in the tsuwamono no michi and, later, the Way of the Samurai.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.49, no.1, pp.1-26, 2015-09

The works of Emile Durkheim(1858-1917)have exerted an extraordinary influence over the development of modern social theory. This paper, the second one of my project `Giddens and Sociologists', aims to explore how Anthony Giddens, one of most famous sociologists in the contemporary world, grasp the entire structure and possibilities of Durkheim's social theory through studying his works. The main findings are as follows. First, Giddens got reflexivity which is the central concept in his structuration theory through critically studying Durukheim's theory of suicide. Reflexivity is the concept which means an essential quality of human existence as agent and a trait of social structure as condition and outcome of agency. Second, Giddens found that Durkheim's social theory is consistent and systematic by analyzing his main works. Durkheim constructed his social theory by tackling with problems concerning capitalism and nation-state in modernization. Third, Giddens succeeded in breaking through old images of Durkheim and getting clues to the development of Giddens' social theory in possibilities brought up by Durkheim.
松村 昌廣
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.4, pp.155-171, 2016-03-22

With the November 2015 Paris attack, Islamic terrorist threat has increasingly become acute and severe. The major powers, especially Western liberal democracies, seem to have made a decisive shift at last toward hard line policy involving the use of armed force and other coercive law enforcement measures against the terrorists. This shift is overdue given a series of large-scale acts of Islamic terrorism including the September 11 attacks on the U.S., the 2004 Madrid train bombings, and the July 2005 London bombings. Cultural relativism has long hindered liberal democracies from taking timely counter-measures, on the ground that the dominant idea is politically correct in liberal democratic discourse on inviolable human rights and, as its corollary, firm commitment to tolerating societal diversity. The idea retarded swift implementation of anti-terrorist counter-measures, while requiring due respect to the freedom of religion of ordinary moderate Moslem minorities in liberal democracies. To meet Islamic terrorist challenges, this article is intended to eliminate intellectual confusion on the limited political relevance of cultural relativism in liberal democracy, arguing for the central importance of the separation of church and state and secularized political culture that is indispensable to maintaining the separation. The analysis will identify Islamic terrorists, who reject the separation, as a mortal enemy of liberal democracy, against which relentless suppression and oppression is essential.
松村 昌廣
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.2, pp.95-110, 2011-03-28

With President G.W. Bush's strong confidence, Vice President Dick Cheney (2001-2009) exerted dominant influence on the administration's major policy decisions. In conjunction with the litigation of the Government Accounting Office versus Cheney concerning declassification of records of a presidential commission, the National Energy Policy Development, which he chaired, the Office of Vice President claimed that no law and executive directive on declassitication of executive information apply to a vice president; this is on the ground that they do not apply to the legislative branch, and that the vice presidency as Chairman of the Senate is part of the branch. This paper will first analyze the constitutional, statutory and other existing positions and roles of the contemporary U.S. vice presidency, and then examine some major pros and cons of them under separation of powers. Based on the findings, the author will discuss preliminarily about what roles a vice president should play.
深見 純生
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.28, pp.109-127, 2003-06-15
畷 絵里
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.5, pp.57-85, 2016-10-03

In recent years, the teaching method called `active learning' has attracted attention in accordance with the report of the Central Council for Education in 2012, which recommends learner-centered education for the purpose of developing skills of the students. From such a point of view, the drama education is thought to have various benefits. First of all, drama helps improve an integrated ability in language learning. In practicing drama, the student reads the script, memorizes his /her lines, repeats them aloud again and again, listens to others and carries on the conversation considering the context. In this way the student can also build up communicative competence. This is a great advantage of drama education. In addition, since the Meiji era, drama-theatre education has been recommended as an effective method of general education for the formation of character and has been adopted in child education. Brian Way and other researchers argue that the purpose of drama education is "the development of the whole person." In drama activities the student faces various problems. In order to solve the problems, he/ she tries to establish good relationships with others. Through such experiences the student will learn to cooperate and collaborate, acquire leadership, and become a helpful person. Drama education, in which the student has opportunities to behave actively and acquire a variety of skills and competences, accords with the concept of `active learning.' Statistics show that students themselves tend to be reluctant to participate in `active learning' types of classes. However, by maintaining in them high motivation `to make the drama successful,' it will be possible to render them more positive. In this paper I examine the drama activities practiced in Italian language classes at Momoyama Gakuin University to show the effects of drama education.