査 蕾 竹歳 一紀
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.167-187, 2015-07

This paper focuses on community-based power plants in Japan, and analyzes ways of citizen participation and schemes for revitalizing communities with these kinds of energy projects. Community-based power plants (CBPPs) utilize natural energy resources, such as solar, wind and hydro power, which are underused in communities. CBPPs are expected to not only be alternative energy resources but also effective triggers for community revitalization. For these purposes, CBPPs have been spreading in Japan, especially after the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011. Citizens can participate in CBPPs by donating or investing money. Some people are also engaged in management and maintenance of CBPPs. Profits from selling electricity generated by CBPPs are shared by the investors, who are in most cases local residents. For some CBPPs, the profits are paid back as "community money," which can be circulated in these communities. In these ways, CBPPs can generate profits from natural resources and circulate the profits in local communities. In this paper, we investigate three CBPPs, one located in Tsuru City in Yamanashi Prefecture, and the other two in Yasu City and Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture. In Tsuru City, the city government issues public bonds, limiting the holders to city residents. In Yasu City, a kind of "community money" is used to collect money to build the CBPP, and it also contributes to increasing the sales of local shops. In Hikone City, residents who are interested in the CBPP have formed a group to invest in the CBPP. Based on several cases of CBPPs, including those described in our study, we can conclude that a moderate-sized project, proper methods of raising money, and positive support from local government are necessary in order for CBPPs to trigger community revitalization. More importantly, local people themselves should ensure that a proper CBPP scheme is developed in their community through participation and discussion.
前川 和子
桃山学院大学環太平洋圏経営研究 (ISSN:13455214)
no.9, pp.199-212, 2008-03-25

After World War II, GHQ(General Headquarters)decided to open the library school in Japan for democracy. Robert L. Gitler, the president of JLS(Japan Library school), invited four faculties of library science in U.S.A. Frances N. Cheney came to Japan as a specialist of reference service, and taught reference service and librarianship to Japanese students for 18 months. They were influenced by her, and from then spread reference service in Japan.
松浦 玲
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
vol.2, pp.67-88, 1990-08-30

America came to stage of political issue before Holland to involve Japan to new relationship of international treaties. But making good use of vested rights of contnuing trade at Nagasaki under the control of Tokugawa government, Holland intended to make a treaty of commerce, before America. Holland had an advantage because Japan consulted Holland for the establishment of the Japanese Navy. This paper begins with historical research of time when Pels Rijcken started training the Japanese Navy at Nagasaki. Secondly, relating to the above research, it brings into focus that captain Fabius, at the same time, mysteriously acted on the treaties issue. Lastly it states that Kattendijke was the last instructor for the Japanese Navy by a Duch man. He was seriously anxious about a military British treat to Japan and visited Shanghai to obtain information. It shows that Naval War Captain in those days should be a good politician as well. Although Holland did not succed to make a teraty of commerce before America did, it devoted itself to make political efforts to oppose British and American threat to Japan and to educate the Japanese Navy. As a result, Hollandhad peculiar influence to Japanese Naval students such as katsu Kaisyuu.
和栗 珠里
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.45, pp.123-150, 2014-03-28

For the Republic of Venice the16th century was a time of hardships and changes. Above all the so-called Italian Wars and the repeated attacks on her colonies by the Ottoman Empire exhausted La Serenissima politically, militarily, and economically. One of the measures she took in order to break the financial deadlock was auctioning of offices. It was an expedient way out, which has been thought to have corrupted the republican spirit and reinforced the oligarchic tendency in Venice. The most profitable was auctioning the prestigious posts of the Procuratori di San Marco (PSM). Normally their number was fixed at nine (three for each of three sections, namely de Supra, de Citra, and de Ultra). However, during the crucial years after the defeat in Agnadello, not only were the PSM posts put on `sale' (they were not really `sold', but who offered a larger loan to the government was likely to be elected), but also the numerical limitation was ignored. In this way, in the single year of1516five men were created PSM without predecessors and brought their patria from10,000 to14,000 ducats each. Such a measure was regarded as jeopardizing the republican tradition of Venice and was abolished as soon as she had accomplished the reconquest of lost territories. But in the course of the century Venice was to face other crises in which this dishonorable method was revived again and again. The problem about the PSM was that, unlike other government offices for nobles (with the one exception of that of Doge), they were lifetime posts. Ordinary or extraordinary, all the PSM remained in office until they died or got elected Doge. As a result, their number could increase cumulatively. Examining all the PSM of the16th century (149men in all) with their predecessors and successors (or without one or both of them) and their length of tenure, we can find out how each post was succeeded to (or was not) and the total number of the PSM in each year. In this way I made the following facts clear : 1) most of the PSM `by money' didn't have predecessors or successors ; 2) in the1520's and1530's the PSM posts were auctioned many times and in the late1530's their total number hit the peak (as many as29PSM at a time) ; 3) between the Battle of Preveza (1538) and the War of Cyprus (1570-73) no PSM post was auctioned and the total number decreased naturally until the original number was regained in the early1560's ; 4) after the War of Cyprus auctioning of the PSM posts was abolished again and the original number was regained by the early1600's. Conclusion : auctioning of government offices was not a permanent institution but an emergency measure and the mechanism of normalization worked constantly ; however, for the PSM, the aftermath of auctioning lingered much longer than with other offices because of the lifetime tenure, permitting wealthy nobles to stay in power.
全 在紋
桃山学院大学環太平洋圏経営研究 (ISSN:13455214)
no.15, pp.73-93, 2014-01

The conclusions reached in this paper can be summarized as follows: (1) In terms of the minuteness or roughness of accounting standards, it may be said that the vector of a rules-based approach in U.S. and Japanese accounting standards lengthens towards modern disciplinary systems, when we take into consideration the relative numerousness (forced character) of rules and the domestic narrowness in the number of companies they apply to. On the other hand, it may be said that the vector of a principlesbased approach in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) lengthens towards contemporary systems through the promotion of environmental awareness, when we take into consideration the relative fewness (arbitrary character) of rules and the international broadness in the number of companies they apply to. (2) We cannot approve of both the supporting and opposing arguments for the International Accounting Standards (IFRS). According to a convincing opposing argument, the asset and liability view (IFRS, FAS) is considered unsound because it is only suitable for financial industry. The revenue and expense view (Japanese Accounting Standards) is considered sound because it is suitable for manufacturing industry. In our opinion, both views are accounting discourses which are competitive in the vortex of the ?struggle for power?. A strong (sound) one wins in common-sense terms, but ?the strong one doesn?t win, the one that wins is strong (sound)? in the struggle for power. (3) On the other hand, our objection to the supporting arguments is as follows: The philosophy of the International Accounting Standards (IFRS) originates from neoliberalism, leads to a widening of the gap between rich and poor and social uneasiness. Speaking on the significance of the International Accounting Standards (IFRS), the assumption that the introduction of IFRS is inevitable is unconsciously induced, not only in strong firms (the very few large multinational companies), but also in weak firms (medium- and small-sized businesses which make up an overwhelming majority). In it, we find the shadow of Foucault?s power theory in contemporary accounting practice. (4) IFRS was forcibly adopted in Korea from 2011. There is a difference between the ordinary Japanese language in the old Korean society under the Empire of Japan and the language of business (accounting) in present-day Korean society. But the two languages belong to the same category as unified languages. As an aside, it should be noted that the ordinary Japanese language under the Empire of Japan was a heteronomous (violent) unified language in the Classical Age. On the other hand, IFRS in present-day Korean society is an autonomous (neoliberal) unified language in the contemporary age. (5) If accounting is ?the language of business?, money is ?the language of the economy?. Two different money views can be identified, viz., ?money veil theory? and ?money illusion theory?. The former corresponds with the theory of meaning as substance, and the latter corresponds with the theory of meaning as relation. Money illusion is a phenomenon in which the nature of language behind the theory of meaning as relation occasionally appears on the surface. If this is correct, money illusion is more likely to be ?proper perception? than ?illusion?. (6) The achievement of one common language is a dream of humankind, but it is hard for us to expect this dream to be realized. This is because the meaning of words depends on relation, not on substance. The euro is one common currency (one common language) in the economy of Europe. The International Accounting Standards (IFRS) aim to become the one common language of business in the world. When we examine our attitude towards the International Accounting Standards (IFRS), today?s economic crisis in the EU does not seem to be ?someone else's problem? for accountants.
有山 輝雄
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.35, pp.7-25, 2008-07-07

In studying the history of media, it is most important to identify the type of people who read a certain book. However, it is very difficult to do so when only limited reference materials are available. This paper analyzes which type of people read Karl Marx's "Capital " in Yanagawa Town, Fukushima Prefecture (present Date City) in 1928, using materials offered by Abe Kaishundo, a newspaper distributor in the town. The analysis reveal that as many as 16 residents of this small town in the Tohoku region read "Capital ," a rather difficult book for the general public. Those 16 residents were either members of the upper level in the town, or agricultural engineers engaged in silkworm-related business. None of them had ever been involved in any leftist movements. It seems that such people struggled to obtain pointers to overcoming the difficulties Yanagawa-Town residents were facing at that time.
取屋 淳子
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.35, pp.101-122, 2006-12-05

In this study of the globalization of "Miyazaki Anime", I focus on MiyazakiHayao's twin masterpieces "Spirited Away" (『千と千尋の神隠し』; 2001),which achieved astonishing box-office returns of more than 30 billion yen, and"Princess Mononoke" (『もののけ姫』; 1997), which was also a top box-officehit in Japan and became the first of Miyazaki's works to become widely popularoutside Japan. The core of the study is a comparative analysis of how thetwo works, both of which were set in Japan, were received in three differentcultures : Japan, the USA, and Taiwan.Using a comparative-culture viewpoint to investigate the true nature ofwhat is called the "globalization of Miyazaki Anime", the research indicatedthat the reception of the two movies was strongly influenced by cultural traitsin the three cultures examined. Moreover, it was found that the degree andnature of understanding of a work outside its native culture tended to bestrongly affected by things like editing and translation, resulting in images thatsometimes seemed quite different from the original. In other words, "globalization"went hand in hand with "localization", and the degree of understandingof a particular work differed according to how closely it approached local culturalnorms. Although it is natural to feel distant from a work originating inanother culture, if the work can be made to include even a small number ofelements with which local people can empathize even while they find otherelements incongruous, it will help them to understand that work. When theelement they empathize with is the core of the story, the work gains thepower of speaking to those people as strongly as it spoke to the people in theoriginal culture.Japanese people familiar with Miyazaki's works and with Miyazaki's policyof allowing audiences to make their own conclusions about the "meaning" ofa particular movie may regret the changes brought by such things as the additionof extra lines and the culturally-influenced translation introduced byDisney, the distributors of his movies in the USA. On the other hand, whateverwas lost from the original as a result of such changes it can also be arguedthat they resulted in a deeper understanding of the movies outside Japan, andMiyazaki himself seems to have concurred in this view. This is because audiencesof a particular movie originating in a culture that is not their own willinstinctively seek elements that concur with their own cultural understanding.To the degree that they find such elements, even if they continue to experiencesome elements of "strangeness", the movie will be a success, andcan then be said to have been successfully "localized", which is to say"globalized".The study found that, because of historical and geographical factors, the degreeof understanding of and empathy with Miyazaki's movies tended to bestronger in Taiwan than in the USA, particularly in the case of "SpiritedAway". For Japanese audiences, Miyazaki's movies have a timeless qualitythat resulted in their becoming such monster hits. Although, commerciallyspeaking they did not have the same success outside Japan, receipt of theAcademy Award for animation together with the high critical acclaim themovie enjoyed in both cultures (as well as in the rest of the world) indicatesthat Miyazaki's movies successfully navigated the process of "globalization" /"localization", and became movies that could be enjoyed on the world stage.
赤瀬 雅子
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.6, pp.45-66, 1994-01-30

Dans la litterature japonaise moderne, beaucoup d'ecrivains evoquent les voyages en bateaux. En effet, au Japon, des que l'on veut de rendre voyager a l'etranger, on doit prendre le bateau ou bien l'avion. De 1886 a 1945, mis a part quelques exceptions, on prenait le bateau pour aller en Chine, en Europe ou en Amerique. Ainsi la situations des marins connut un essor assez improtant dans le monde. Pendant le traversee, marins ou passagers occoupent leur temps d'une maniere tout a fait different que lorsqu'ils sont a terre. Sur le bateau, les heures coulent tres vite ou lentement comme sur une autre planete. Aussi, les sentiments des marins et la psychologie des voyageurs en mer contrastent-ils avec ceux des gens qui vivent a terre. KANAGAKI Robun (1829-1894), NAGAI Kafu (1879-1959), MAEDAGAWA Koichiro (1888-1957), KISHIDA Kunio (1890-1954), appartiennent a differentes ecoles, a differentes generations, mais connaissent profondement la particularite du voyge en bateau ou du travail en bateau. Ces quatre ecrivains avaient tout a fait conscience de cela. Au travers leurs oeuvres, on apercoit l'exaltation de la vie nomade.
松永 俊男
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 (ISSN:0286973X)
vol.37, pp.81-95, 2001-03-01

小田 亮
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
vol.1, pp.37-66, 1990-03-01

This paper aims to explain a correlation between the social division of ritual services on "purification" and the social connotations of "pollution", a form of ritual states of danger. In chapter I, we see the cases of performers of purification among three African societies; the Kaguru, the Nuer, and the Bambara. Among the Kaguru, 'joking partners' (watani), presons who stand reciprocal' joking relationship' with one another, conduct the ritual services to purify the pollution of death, incest, crime or witchcraft. Watani have "strangerness" and aren't regarded as pariha. Among the Nuer, the 'leopardskin chief or priest' conducts purification rituals. They are "strangers" in the communities where they live. Unlike watani leopardskin priests are specializing in purification, but, like watani, have strangerness. The Bambara society consists of three categories of people; freemen (horon), artisans (nyamakala) and slaves (djon). Among the Bambara, nyamakala, who conduct ritual srevices of purification for horon, are a kind of pariha. They are travelling "market people", and "strangers" to communities of freemen. In short, all these executors of ritual purificatuion among three societies above have "strangerness", but only Bambara nyamakala are held in contempt and, in some sense, awe others. That is, all "strangers" who execute purifying rituals are not regarded as awesome, nor as pariha. Then, what makes certain executors to be pariha and awesome? To answer this question, we must know three "ideal types" of "exchange"; market exchange, reciprocity, and redistribution, and know chieftainship from kingship. The discrimination of the types of "exchange" furnishes the ideal types of social domains; "liminal domain" or "the space of muen" where market exchange takes place, "the space of giri" where the rule of reciprocity dominates, and "domestic domain" or "the space of on". And the ritual danger of pollution can spead and affect within the domestic domain or the space of redistribution in which the pollusion arose. Persons or objects in "liminal domains" are free from the danger. This is why the executors of purification have "strangerness". Kingship, which produces the total redistribution system including liminal domains in the kingdom, stands in a dilemma. Because, only to the king, who stands on the top of the total redistribution system, "liminal domains" turn out to be "domestic domains", and the body of the king can be affected by all the pollution which every community in the kingdom throw into the liminal domains. It is "scapegoat mechanism" that can solve the kingship dilemma. The scapegoat that are connected with the king and live in the liminal domains are burdened with purification for the king. They appear as pariha in the total redistribution system, because they are alienated by the connection with the kingship from each community of which the kingdom consists.
小西 加保留

日下 隆平
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.245-276, 2015-03-23

The Victorian-era Scottish poet James Thomson (1834-1882), who wrote under the pseudonym "B.V.", is best known for his long poem The City of Dreadful Night. Although the poem had the power to attract readers, it was full of pessimistic and uncanny elements. When the first half of the poem was published in the National Reformer in 1874, such dominant literary figures as William Michael Rossetti and George Eliot expressed their admiration, but the remainder of the poem failed to appear because of its being "so alien from common thought and feeling" (Thomson). The evaluation of a poet might be said to depend on how much space is devoted to his/ her poems by The Oxford Book of English Verse. While Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch selected only four of Thomson's short poems for the 1900 edition, in 1972 Helen Gardner chose to include every line of "Proem", along with parts of "Section 1" of The City of Dreadful Night. Such editorial decisions indicate that the poem had come to be esteemed much more highly than before. T. S. Eliot played an important role in this change of evaluation. This paper deals primarily with the echoes of Thomson's work in The Waste Land and "Rhapsody on a Windy Night." Eliot read Thomson's poems during his formative years between the ages of 16 and 20, along with the works of another Scottish poet, John Davidson. Thomson drew parallels between Dante's Inferno and The City of Dreadful Night by quoting the inscription over the gate of Dante's Hell as the poem's Epigraph. In addition, the city as image which Thomson used in the poem inspired Eliot to write both The Waste Land and "Rhapsody on a Windy Night." In part 1, the changing evaluation of The City of Dreadful Night is discussed, followed by the Epigraph and "Proem" (part 2), the image of the City in "Section 1" (part 3), and the synopsis of The City of Dreadful Night (part 4), and Surreal City and Unreal City (part 5).
片平 幸
vol.42, no.1, pp.125-142, 2016-07-22

This essay examines how Puccini's Madame Butterfly has been perceived in Japan since the early 20th century. Composer Giacomo Puccini (1858_1924) wrote the opera Madame Butterfly, which premiered in Italy in 1904. The story is about a tragic love between 15-year-old Japanese girl Cio-Cio-san and American naval officer B. F. Pinkerton. The setting is in Nagasaki in the early Meiji period. This story derives from the Western imagination of the 19th century, when great interest emerged in the West toward Japan due in part to international exhibitions of the time and the influence of Japonisme in Europe. Consequently, the Japanese people and customs represented in Madame Butterfly were exotic if not awkward based on a Western fantasy of the 19th century. Madame Butterfly is an opera production of the early 20th century, and eventually very popular, performed on stage all through the 20th century. This means, then, that there were newly directed or interpreted versions of it. Nevertheless, "Japan" in Madame Butterfly has been often represented in a peculiar manner for today's audiences in Japan. So how have Japanese people reacted to the representation of Japan in Madame Butterfly ? The aim of this essay is to investigate how Madame Butterfly has been perceived in Japan. Through this, I will analyze Japanese newspaper articles from the 1910s and onward. In addition, I will argue how Madame Butterfly can be an effective material to study the issue of representation as well as cross-cultural understanding. I also report how Madame Butterfly can be explored in lectures based on my educational practice.