野尻 亘
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.35, pp.55-76, 2008-07-07

Since the 1980s, the Asian economies have witnessed rapid economic growth, starting with the NIES and followed by the ASEAN nations, China, and India. The three defining characteristics of this economic development are 1) urbanization (concentration of populations in urban areas and the expansion of metropolises) 2) industrialization (the transition from import substitution to export promotion development strategies, and from labor-intensive industries to high-tech electronic industries), and 3) trade development (expanded exports).These high-growth Asian cities are characterized by factors such as the following 1) the rise and fall of historical dynasties (formation of cities on historical city sites), 2) the propagation of religion (formation of cities serving as religious centers), 3) the rise of colonialism (establishment of colonial cities), 4) the influx of immigrants from China (formation of ethnic neighborhood and trading cites).According to urban geographer, Dr. McGee, Asian cities were either sacred cities (religious centers or centers of deified authority), or market cities (trading centers for surrounding villages, bazaar centers, etc. ) prior to industrialization and modernization. This led to their being made into colonial cities once they initiated contact with the west. The colonial cities took on a variety of functions as port cities and centers of trade and political control. In the contemporary period following independence, the original status of sacred city was restored for some of these areas. That is, to ensure the success of national governments utilizing the historical concentration of power in the colonial cities, they became religious centers in a new form of nationalism.The populations of the Asian cities rose dramatically from the 1950s through the 1970s, yet this was not a case of the urban demand for labor absorbing excess rural labor. On the country, due to the spread of the commercial economy to the villages, subsistence farming declined and poverty became rampant in the rural setting. This pressure on the villages was a major reason for accelerated population influxes from rural to urban areas.The influx of labor, which far exceeds the employment capacity of these cities, is known as "excess urbanization" or "urbanization-without-industrialization." The migrants were absorbed in informal sectors related to the cities' various industries, including peddling, outdoor-stands, and so on, and they moved into slums and squatter areas.From the 1980s onward, due to factors such as economic and financial globalization as well as the end of the Cold War, the Asian cities were incorporated into the world system, which lead to even more dramatic leaps in development. Greater influx of foreign capital, industrialization, and capital accumulation led to the further expansion of urban areas and to great changes in the the cityscapes. In the 1990s, "mega-metropolises"began to form, where large cities and surrounding areas comprise huge urban areas of more than ten million people. This period marked the rise of new towns along highways and railways and the development of residential areas for the middle class, which represent more sophisticated use of urban land and the "verticalization" of the city landscape. At the same time, these cities began to see urban sprawl, characterized by a disorderly distribution and coexistence of urban elements such as massive shopping centers, golf courses, foreign-owned plant facilities, etc., alongside densely populated rural suburbs that still maintain the traditional rural environment.Dr. McGee refers to the massive cities that have developed in this way as "mega urban regions" or "extended metropolitan areas. "
松村 昌廣
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.32, no.2, pp.37-51, 1999-01-30

As a part of my research on "The U. S.-Japan Alliance and Military High Technology", this study will focus on the FSX codevelopment projects in the light of a renewed U. S.-Japan armament game. The analysis will highlight on the U. S. dilemma, between competitive interdependence and techno-nationalism, in deciding a policy toward the techno-industrial Japa-nese power, The work will examine the dynamics of technological dovelopment, with focus on why and how the Bush Administration resorted in vain to both economic statecraft and bargaining approaches, while ignoring the prevailing realities of competitive interdependece in international relations. The analysis will also serve to delineate a series of political constraints imposed by the politics of military and dual-use technologies. (This article was a part of work oringinally presented at the Northeast International Studies Association conference in Philadelphia, November 14-16, 1991)
鐘 亜軍
桃山学院大学環太平洋圏経営研究 (ISSN:13455214)
no.7, pp.117-132, 2006-01-20

The U.S. industrial world and government have been in stagnation since the oil crisis II. They recognized Japanese TQC (Total Quality Control), which was born in the first half of 1960s and prevailed among Japanese firms rapidly, one of main factors of good performances during the above period. And they developed it to TQM (Total Quality Management) from strategic viewpoint. The U.S. government founded Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award (MBA) in 1987 in order to promote to prevail it into the U. S. firms as a trump of reclaiming her economy falling into long term stagnation since the early 1980s. The U.S. economy recovered her hegemony in world economy in 1990s. MBA was regarded as one of the main causes of the recovering. When Japanese economy fell into serious structural stagnation from the early 1990s, the industrial people studied it and the results of TQM. Social Economy Productivity Headquarter founded Japanese Managerial Quality Award in1995, and also Japan Science and Engineering Federation also changed the name of TQC to TQM and modified the review criteria of Deming Awards with reference to TQM. And many Japanese firms which began to endeavor managerial innovation aim at receiving either of the above two awards. In this paper the author traces the developing process of modern quality management from Statistical Quality Control through TQC to TQM primarily, and then tries to examine the characteristic of two Japanese version of TQM in comparison with that of the original American.
宮之原 匡子
英米評論 (ISSN:09170200)
vol.14, pp.157-178, 1999-12-20

The wood is said to be a sacred place, where there is something of a solemn and mysterious atmosphere. In this paper I try to consider A Midsummer Night's Dream, focusing on the function of the wood in which young Athenian lovers undergo utter confusion. The young lovers enter the wood, the world of fairies, escaping from Athens, where severe laws and paternal authority govern. There they fall into great confusion because of Puck's mistake. They lose their reason, identity or judgement, act on instinct, and animal-like passions, which were suppressed in Athens, gush out. With the help of fairies they can restore themselves, recovering their identity and reason. By being released from restraints, and acting on instinct in the wood, they widen their mental vision. Shakespeare seems to regard their blind animal passions as necessary energies in the society. In the play these passions, necessary but sometimes very destructive, are put under rational control in the form of marriage, a symbol of order. After great confusion the two couples can end up as well-matched pairs with Duke's blessings, with a promise of new vitality and prosperity in Athens. Shakespeare makes this wood a blissful place by making fairies kind to human beings. In A Midsummer Night's Dream the young lovers come to be blessed after the night of folly, irrationality, madness in the wood, and a vision of concordia discorse is achieved. Though the wood becomes the place of madness or delusion for a period of time, Shakespeare makes it "the place where love finds fruition, where lovers are united or reunited, enemies are reconciled, where a happy conclusion of the story of the plays is worked out," to quote Peter G. Phialas.
木村 二郎
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.43, no.3, pp.5-23, 2002-01

BOJ changed the main operating target for money market operations from the current uncollateralized overnight call rate to the outstanding balance of the current accounts at the Bank of Japan on 19th March in 2001. This change in the main operating target is the first experience in the BOJ history. We will research the minutes of the monetary policy meeting and newspapers, and make clear the issues in the decision making of the policy change. As a result, we got the conclusion that there were some illusions on the quantity theory of money and the hard political pressure from outside of BOJ. So there were no rational reasons in the policy change except political reasons.
高橋 ひとみ/川端 秀仁/衞藤 隆
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.45, pp.89-110, 2014-03-28

Children are given visual acuity tests at school. The purpose of the tests is to facilitate school education. There are two types of visual acuity: far- and near-vision visual acuity. Far-vision visual acuity is required, for example, when reading something written on a whiteboard in a classroom. On the other hand, near-vision visual acuity is needed when reading textbooks, notebooks, or when looking at computer screens. However, only far-vision visual acuity tests are typically included in medical examinations at public schools. We believe that a near-vision visual acuity test is necessary, and so in this paper we analyze some basic data about the relationship between children's near-vision visual acuity and their learning efficiency. For the purposes of the paper, we examined both far-vision and near-vision visual acuity, refraction test, questionnaire survey of children at an elementary school. We found that approximately20% of the children had poor, near-vision visual acuity. In addition,8% of the children had only poor near-vision visual acuity. We further found that children with poor far- and near-vision acuity had more learning difficulties compared with children of normal visual acuity. Among children with learning difficulties, the percentage of children with poor far-vision acuity was the same as that of children with poor near-vision acuity. Children whose far-vision visual acuity is found to be lacking are given remedial treatment. We therefore strongly recommend the addition of near-vision visual acuity tests in public schools so that children found to have near-vision acuity problems can be given treatment too. We have to carry out near-vision visual acuity tests and guarantee all children an opportunity to learn.
江藤 隆之
桃山法学 (ISSN:13481312)
no.16, pp.1-27, 2010-11-30
佐々木 英哲
人間文化研究 (ISSN:21889031)
no.4, pp.93-121, 2016-02-26

In "Mosses from an Old Manse" (1846), Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-64) paradoxically dropped off his mask to blurt, "So far as I am a man of really individual attributes, I veil my face." In making sure of his hidden undissembled intention regarding the author-reader communion, this paper treats "The Minister's Black Veil" (1836), a short fiction written during Hawthorne's apprenticeship to become a professional writer. "The Minister's Black Veil" depicts the unintelligible behavior of the Reverend Hooper, who wears a black veil. Critics are divided over the problem of whether Hooper merits praise or harsh criticism. Existentially aware of the meaning of life, or to use Heidegger's phraseology, Dasein, Hooper warns his parishioners, it seems, of how foolish it is to stay ignorant in plausibly blissful daily activities. If closely inspected, however, Hooper is far from being an Existentialist. He forcefully imposes the same identity as sinners on one and all parishioners, in the name of Puritanism and its dogmatic doctrine, the notion of total depravity. He shows unawares his totalitarian inclination toward essentialism ---- the sort of attitude that Existentialists denounce. Furthermore, he neglects to hold communion with his parishioners and even with God, and thus incarcerates himself in his own solipsistic realm. When we recall the author's above-mentioned confession of "I veil my face," we confront this question: How close is Hawthorne to Hooper the veiled minister? The Deconstructionist Paul de Man points out that, because of its etiological definition of speaking about something other than itself, the deconstruction of the allegory is part of the allegory itself. From this perspective, we can understand that it is impossible for Hooper to allegorically represent the w/Word(s) (of God), the Origin, and the Cause (of Sin) with the use of his black veil, the proxy, symbol, letter, and or language with which he hopes to allegorically convince the congregation of the Puritan notion of total depravity. Aware of how he appears to the eyes of his parishioners, Hooper stops associating with them. He is openly avoided and secretly ridiculed by men and women, young and old. In these adverse circumstances, the degree of their misapprehension over the reason for his veil deepens all the more. In a negative way, Hooper exemplifies the process of what the leading Deconstructionist Jacques Derrida calls "Differance" and attests to Derrida's insistence that allegory deconstructs itself. More than a decade after publishing this story, Hawthorne became a canonical writer by dint of his masterpiece, The Scarlet Letter (1850). But around this time he also suffered severe hardships, most of which sprang from misunderstanding on the part of his contemporaries : he was expelled from the sinecure position at the custom house, targeted in a hate campaign by Charles Upham, and incurred the displeasure of locals through his sarcastic depiction of the locally employed officers at the custom house. Moreover, since the 1980s, Hawthorne's support for Franklin Pierce, the notoriously pro-lavery politician who went on to win the presidency, has induced left-minded critics to undermine the writer's literary reputation. In his apprenticeship to become a professional writer, Hawthorne already depicted his future self in the image of Hooper. Portraying both Hooper's liability to be a victim of misapprehension and his resigned acceptance of this fate, the author predicted the fate that was to befall him later in life and after his death. Through the Reverend Hooper, Hawthorne paradoxically allegorized his own nature of veiled otherness in the form of desacralized allegory/parable, and conveyed the difficulty of how to face the unexposed foreign self.
藤間 繁義
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 (ISSN:0286973X)
vol.14, pp.17-42, 1978-03-25
矢根 眞二
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.37, no.3, pp.151-172, 2012-03-30

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the investment requirements to replace old water pipes, which are the main capital stock within the supply structure of Japanese drinking water suppliers. This is an urgent issue because these updates are overdue. As a result, I have derived four important implications. First, bulk water suppliers' sustainment of their dam-water purification capacity and water suppliers' conservation of ground water are indispensable to maintaining the current supply system. Second, water suppliers need to spend an average of 920 million yen per year for the next half-century in order to maintain the water pipes currently in use. If they add this spending to water rates, the average water rate nearly doubles. Third, the majority of these water suppliers use aged water pipes that have actually exceeded their legal working life. In order to renew these pipes, water rates would need to be 4.5 times as much as they are now. Fourth, although a prompt regulatory reform is desired due to the difficulties faced by small-and-tinysized utilities in trying to solve these problems on their own, political conventions prevent these reforms by delaying them. The fact that these conventions themselves are the root of the problem is a grave issue.
吉弘 憲介
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.67-99, 2016-03-03

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of the tax reform plans that have been discussed during the Obama administration. Although President Obama aimed to restore the vertical equity of the tax system at the start of his administration, he lost the political advantage to carry out fundamental tax reforms when the Democratic Party was defeated at the midterm elections in the fall of 2010, and the actual scale of the tax reforms remained small. However, the discussions over the tax reform plans during this period involved issues related to US federal finances and how tax policies should deal with problems of American society. In this paper I compare the three comprehensive tax reform plans that have been discussed by both the Democratic and Republican parties during the Obama administration and extract the focal point of the tax reform discussions in the United States from the similarities in the plans. As a result, 1) all three plans were modeled on the 1986 tax reforms and aimed to reduce tax rates as well as expand the tax base; and 2) the plans also intended to recover vertical equity by eliminating tax preference for financial income. However, 3) it has become clear that it is difficult to thoroughly discuss such plans in Congress amid polarization of politics in the United States and extremely arduous to pave the way for specific reforms despite the need for fundamental tax reforms.
大島 一二
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.33-48, 2016-03

This article mainly discusses the following issues: 1) Under the inflexible socialism economic system till the end of 1970's, large amount of the surplus labor were produced in rural China. 2) After the reform and opening of the economy by the Chinese government in 1980's, the industrialization in rural China enabled nearly one hundred million rural surplus labor to be employed successfully. 3) Because of the decline in employment in non-agricultural sector in China after 1990, immigrant labor to the cities have been increased. 4) These huge immigrants from the farming area to the cities brought serious impacts to the society. In the farming area, serious shortage of backbone young population caused the "hollowing-out" of rural society and economy and declined the agricultural production as well. This problem will possibly become a large obstacle to the development of agricultural economy. 5) Thus, reconsideration should be necessary about the significance of the development of agricultural economy through promoting the rural manufacturing and service industry.
高田 里惠子
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
vol.10, pp.5-31, 1994-07-30

Kenji Takahashi (1902〜 ) gilt in der auβerwissenschaftlichen Offentlichkeit als ein Exponent der japanischen Germanistik. Seine rege publizistische Tatigkeit, besonders die als Kommentator der nazistischen Literatur, wurde aber in der fachinternen Welt oft kritisiert. Und auch Takahashi selber verstand sich als AuBenseiter seiner Disziplin. Fur Takahashi, der schon als Student personlichen Kontakt mit japanischen liberal gesinnten Literaten hatte, war der Akademismus der Kaiserlichen Universitat fremd. Daβ wahrer Akademismus und offentlichkeitswirksamer Habitus Gegensatze darstellen, ist lediglich ein gelaufiges Schema. Wichtig ist die Tatsache, daβ trotz dieser Gegensatze Takahashi und die Kaiserliche Universitat Tokio bei der Einfuhrung der nazistischen Kultur zusammenwirkten. In dem vorliegenden Aufsatz soll untersucht werden, wie und warum diese seltsame Kollaboration entstehen konnte. In der Nazi-Zeit sahen Takahashi und auch Kinji Kimura (Ordinarius am Germanistischen Seminar der Kaiserlichen Universitat Tokio) die Legitimation der japanischen Germanistik, die sich an der national-volkischen Germanistik des Dritten Reiches orientieren musse, extern begrundet, d. h. als Beitrag zur Bildung des japanischen Nationalismus. Sowohl Takahashis Liberalismus, als auch Kimuras Akademismus waren plotzlich nicht mehr vorhanden. Gerade ein solcher Legitimationsdruck bildet den Kern der Geschichte der japanischen Germanistik, was notwendigerweise in der Nazi-Zeit ans Licht kam. Die Philosophische Fakultat nahm in der Hierarchie der Kaiserlichen Universitat, deren Ziel in der moglichst schnellen Modernisierung Japans bestand, den untersten Platz ein. Gleichzeitig war die Philosophische Fakultat, besonders das Germanistische Seminar, weit entfernt von der zeitgenossischen literarischen Szene. Die moderne Literatur, die mehr oder weniger die einseitige Modernisierung scharf kritisierte, stand im Gegensatz zum Prinzip der Kaiserlichen Universitat. Die Philosophische Fakultat an der Kaiserlichen Universitat wurde also doppelt als Versager stigmatisiert. Hinzuzufugen ist hier, daβ die deutsche Sprache, ganz getrennt von der deutschen Literatur, bei der Verwestlichung des modernen Japan eine besondere Rolle spielen muβte. Deutschlehrer zu sein, hat damals die Zerrissenheit der japanischen Intellektuellen symbolisiert. Der Grund dafur, warum japanische Deutschlehrer (Germanisten) so unkritisch mit den Nationalsozialisten zusammenarbeiteten, kann in der unglucklichen Entstehungsgeschichte der japanischen Germanistk selbst gefunden werden.
小柳 伸顕
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 (ISSN:0286973X)
no.43, pp.225-244, 2007-03-01
竹中 暉雄
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.34, pp.210-131[含 英語文要旨], 2007-12

This paper mainly discusses the following six points.1. In order to understand the political background of Gakusei, we have to recognize not only the opposition of the Ministry of Finance on the grounds of financial difficulties, but also the fact that the issue of Gakusei was in conflict with the contract which was made with Ambassador Iwakura.2. Gakusei was hastily issued to make the political achievements of the cabinet members who remained in Japan.3. The most influential Sangi (cabinet member), Shigenobu Ookuma, did not hesitate in breaking the contract. On the other hand, Kaoru Inoue who was the temporary head of the Ministry of Finance did not make good use of the contract as the best excuse to restrict new projects such as Gakusei. In order to understand their actions, it is necessary to comprehend the formation process of Ambassador Iwakura and the contract itself.4. Ookuma could not play as important role in the process of making the contract as he had intended, and as he mentioned in his retrospective talk.5. Inoue could not make a secret promise with the cabinet leaders about his own overseas travel in the process of making the contract, while the political opponent of Inoue went abroad as one of the attendants of Ambassador Iwakura.6. The breach of contract by the cabinet members who remained in Japan was clouded after all, because Ambassador Iwakura also did not keep the contract, and because it became impossible to blame Ookuma and Ooki who became indispensable ministers as a result of the political change in 1873.