Housam Darwisheh
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.4, pp.54-60, 2017 (Released:2019-11-12)

今日の中東諸国において、エジプト、シリア、イラク、リビア、イエメン、アフガニスタン等、統治体制の困難を抱えている国々は地域的な暴力主義の温床となり、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、マドリッド、ジャカルタ、ニューデリー、パリ、ブリュッセルなどを標的にした国際テロリズムの震源となってきた。これらの背景には社会的な極度の不平等・貧困の問題があるのであり、単に安全保障上の観点のみの対応策では体制の権威主義化を助長することで社会の矛盾を拡大させ、過激主義の拡大に資するだけである。アラブ世界の諸国家はかつては過激な「アラブ民族主義」の主張で国民の支持を得てきたが、それらの一部は莫大な石油収入に頼ることで国民との正常な関係の構築に失敗し、少数の支配者層による権力の独占に終始してきた。その結果として現在中東地域の若年層は、世界でも最も自らの社会経済から疎外され、抑圧された状況に置かれている。エジプト・イラクなどの各国では伝統的な農業生産の基盤が長期的に破壊され、食料の多くを輸入に頼るに至っている。域内の各国はこうした現状に対処するどころか全くの機能不全に陥っているのである。さらに2010年末以降の短い「アラブの春」によって覚醒した若者の一部は、その後の政治状況の暗転のなかで「イスラーム国」などに流入し、アフマド・ダッラーウィーのように悲劇的な最期を迎えた例もある。これまで米国の対中東政策は成功してきたとは言い難く、むしろ新たな紛争の火種となる社会の分裂と対立を助長することに終始してきた。その最終的な帰結ともいえる「イスラーム国」の問題を乗り越えるためには、軍事的な対抗手段に訴えるのではなく、経済成長と分配の平等、国民に開かれた民主的統治システムなど、まさに「アラブの春」で希求された理想の実現を図っていく以外にはあり得ない。(文責・鈴木 均)
福田 安志
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.4, pp.61-71, 2017 (Released:2019-11-12)

The rapid decline in Saudi Arabia’s oil revenue has forced its economy into depression. While the government maintained its expenditure at a high level in 2014 and 2015 to prevent a decline, the economy gradually ran into depression. The government issued a treasury bond to domestic banks in July 2015 to finance its deficit and prevent a rapid decrease in the foreign reserves of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA, the central bank). The government continued its issuance.The government realised that the oil prices would not recover to their earlier high levels of more than $100 per barrel. Therefore, towards the end of 2015, it took certain steps to reform its financial structure, cutting its energy subsidies and trying to increase its revenue. During the same time, Mohammad bin Salman, the deputy crown prince, started conceiving fundamental financial and economic reforms. On April 25, he announced ‘Vision 2030’. On May 7, he restructured the ministries and reshuffled the cabinet, creating a super ministry, i.e. the Ministry of Energy, Industry, and Mineral Resources. The super ministry with a non-royal minister will be the key ministry to implement the reforms.The vision expressed an idea of reforms. The details of reforms were not announced in the vision. The Saudi Arabian government had tried to reform its economy and financial structure in some decades. However, it never obtained the desired results, which shows the difficulties encountered in implementing reforms. The idea of reforms showed in ‘Vision 2030’ seems to have several difficulties to implement.On June 6, the Saudi Arabian cabinet approved the National Transformation Program (NTP) 2020, a detailed plan for the next five years, pertaining to the overall ‘Vision 2030’. Notably, NTP has made no mention of the IPO of Saudi Aramco. Obtaining a good result within five years seems difficult. Nevertheless, the implementation of NTP may contribute towards strengthening the power of the deputy crown prince.
Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.5, pp.49-56, 2018 (Released:2019-03-15)

Ghoncheh Tazmini
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.5, pp.57-71, 2018 (Released:2019-03-15)

2017年5月の第12回イラン大統領選挙で再選を果たしたロウハーニー大統領は、アフマディネジャード大統領を挟んでハータミー大統領(1997年-2005年)の時代からの内政・外交上の改革政策を継承しつつ、政治手法としては従来と異なった新たなアプローチを取っている。それは①共和主義、②経済発展、③経済的公正、④政治的自由の4つの公準をめぐるイラン近代史の100年間の試行錯誤の帰結として捉えることが可能である。共和主義との関係でいえば、ロウハーニーはハータミーと同様に改革派的な立場ではあるがハータミー程に急進的ではない。経済発展については1980-90年代のラフサンジャーニーの時代に特に追及され、ロウハーニーもこれを重視している。経済的公正はアフマディネジャードがとりわけ強調した公準である。政治的自由は特に対外関係において1950年代のモサッデク首相の時代と1979年の革命期に前面にでた政治原則である。我々はこれらの政治的な原則を、「イラン主義」と「イスラーム主義」の2つの軸のあいだのどこかに位置づけて考察することができる。ロウハーニーの政治的な立場について要言すれば、彼はこうした公準のいずれかに傾斜することなく、イラン社会の政治的・文化的および政治経済的な変容の帰結としての「下からの改革要求」に注意深く配慮した「中庸」の選択を重ねてきていると結論づけられる。総じて現在のイランでは伝統的な社会的・文化的価値体系と近代的な価値体系とのあいだでイランなりの共存の形を模索する過程が続けられている。それはロウハーニー政権下においても変わることなく、社会生活のあらゆる局面で公的空間と私的空間における女性の行動規範の問題をはじめ様々な新たな問題が提起され、議論と再検討が進行中であるといい得るのである。(文責・鈴木 均)
Housam Darwisheh
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.5, pp.72-93, 2018 (Released:2019-03-15)

土屋 一樹
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.5, pp.94-108, 2018 (Released:2019-03-15)

Although Egypt has seen improved political stability and public order under the Sisi administration, the economy remains stagnant. The average economic growth rate during the first three years of Sisi’s presidency was 4.5 percent. More recently, Egyptians have suffered the highest inflation rates in decades due to the devaluation of the currency in November 2016. Will the bold economic reforms of 2016 lead to sustained economic growth for Egypt? This article argues the probability of reduced long-term economic growth prospects under the Sisi regime’s governance and economic policies.The Sisi administration has pursued a policy of social stability by restoring authoritarianism. The government has restricted citizens’ freedom of assembly, association, and expression through newly legislated undemocratic laws. As for the economic policy, its three main pillars include stabilizing the macro-economy, upgrading the social security program, and implementing ambitious infrastructure projects. While these policies are based on the standard market economy model, the military is now playing a critical role in economic activity more than ever before. That is, the Sisi regime has tried to control economic as well as political activities in an autocratic manner. Excessive military intervention in economic activity deters fair market competition, and, hence, innovation. As a result, Egypt cannot be expected to achieve sustained economic growth under the Sisi regime.
福田 安志
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.5, pp.109-120, 2018 (Released:2019-03-15)

The number of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq had been reduced greatly under Barak Obama’s rebalancing strategy in Asia. During the same period, the number of U.S. soldiers in GCC states has been also reduced. There had been 35,953 U.S. soldiers in GCC states in 2011. This number was reduced to 16,311 in 2016, less than half of what it had been in 2011. The main reason for the drop was the reduction in the number of U.S. soldiers on U.S. military bases in GCC states who engaged and supported U.S. operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. While the number of U.S. soldiers was reduced, the U.S. maintained its military capability to ensure security for the GCC states, even strengthening its military power on U.S. bases in the UAE and Bahrain.Washington has strong interests in fighting terrorism in the Middle East: providing security for Israel, and securing a stable supply of crude oil to the United States and other Western countries. As the U.S. military presence in the Gulf region has contributed greatly to securing those interests, Washington intends to maintain its military presence in the Gulf region.Russia interfered in Syria in September 2015. However, Russia does not have military interests in the Gulf region, but economic interests such as arms sales and oil concessions. Russian influence without a military presence in the Gulf region is thereby limited.
齋藤 純
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.5, pp.121-133, 2018 (Released:2019-03-15)

This study aims to investigate the effect of introducing the value-added tax (VAT), which is expected to be implemented in January 2018, on the economy and government finance of the UAE in the future. For this purpose, we use previous studies on the introduction of VAT in the developing countries as a reference. Analysing the experience of the developing countries in which VAT was already phased in will be beneficial to anticipate the future of the UAE economy after the new tax introduction. At the same time, characteristics such as the dependence of government finance on oil revenue, the fiscal structure which consists of seven emirates and the federal government, and Abu Dhabi’s grip on the other emirates, will make the impact more complicated.As a result of consideration, we first conclude that even if new taxes such as VAT are introduced in the UAE, tax revenue share is expected to be low in the UAE fiscal structure; thus, a significant increase in tax revenue will not be immediately expected. Second, if government revenues increase due to the new tax introduction, government expenditure may be easily expanded. Third, the introduction of VAT can cause inflation in the UAE, unless the government provides tax exemption for basic necessities. Finally, the introduction of new taxes will help to allocate a budget to the education and social welfare sectors in the less developed northern Emirates to eliminate regional income inequalities.
Ali Ferdowsi
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.3, pp.33-48, 2016 (Released:2019-12-03)

清水 学
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.3, pp.49-73, 2016 (Released:2019-12-03)

The active initiative taken by Russian President Vladamir Putin by bombarding the antigovernment forces in Syria at the end of September 2015 startled the world by its precalculated boldness. Russian intervention has radically changed the dynamic of the war by empowering the Syrian government of Bashar Assad, and has resulted in a ceasefire agreement which starts on 27th February 2016, led by Russia and the US. No one can predict at present the next stage of conflicts in Syria or whether it will result in a positive solution to the tragic wars there. However, there is no denying the fact that Russia has played an important role in the development of the game. This paper analyzes the motivations of Putin in intervening in the Syrian crisis and the factors which have enabled Russia to play an enlarged role in the Middle East, seemingly beyond its objective capabilities. Legacies of international networks built during the Soviet period; shrewd tactics in making use of the inconsistency and vacillation of US policies, particularly towards the Middle East; its historical experience of interaction with the Muslim cultures, including domestic ones; its geopolitical perception of world politics, and the export of energy resources and military weapons as tools of diplomacy are some of the factors which explain Russian behavior. At the same time, the personal leadership and accumulated experience of President Putin in formulating Russian diplomacy and in manipulating different issues in a combined policy should be taken into account. His initiative in Syria succeeded to some extent in turning world attention away from the Ukrainian issue, aimed at changing the present sanctions imposed by the West. Another phenomenon to be noted in the international arena is the newly developed mutual interaction between Russia and the Arab countries in the Gulf. Frequent visits to Russia by autocratic leaders, including kings, emirsand princes do not always reflect a shared common interest between Russia and the Arab leaders. On the contrary, in spite of sharp and fundamental differences in their attitude toward the issues related to Syria, Iran and Yemen, the Arab leaders find it necessary to communicate with Russia and to know Russia’s expected strategies and intentions towards the Middle East, apart from its oil and gas policies. The Iran deal on the nuclear issue in July 2015 may have been a factor behind the phenomena.
ケイワン アブドリ
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.3, pp.74-95, 2016 (Released:2019-12-03)

It is a well-known and well-studied fact that after the 1979 revolution, Iran’s economy went through a process of fundamental change and as a result a totally different economic system was established. Among the most remarkable changes was the emergence of so-called para-statal organizations, which were supervised by some institution within the state, while not being controlled by the government. Because of their politically strong position, they enjoy many privileges such as tax exemption or easy access to credit.Although deeply regarded as one of the most striking features of the post-revolution economic system, published studies about para-statal entities have been very limited so far. In this paper, I will focus on one of the biggest para-statal organizations, Mostaz`afan (Oppressed) Foundation. I will attempt to examine the historical and political background behind the formation and transformation of this conglomerate, its system of corporate governance, and its economic scale and scope over the past 35 years. Para-statal conglomerates together with state owned companies are going to be the two most important pillars of Iran’s economy in the foreseeable future. Understanding their history will not only help us learn about the current economic system of Iran, but also give us some insight into the future of the economy, too.
岩坂 将充
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.3, pp.96-109, 2016 (Released:2019-12-03)

In Turkey, the political system in which Recep Tayyip Erdoğan plays the most important role – the “Erdoğan regime” – has been in place since November 2002. After Erdoğan’s party, the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP), won the general elections and he became the prime minster, they were successful in maintaining the single-party administration over ten years. Even since becoming the president and devolving the premiership to Ahmet Davutoğlu in August 2014, Erdoğan has been at the center of the Turkish parliamentary system.However, in the Turkish general elections in June 2015, the AKP failed to get a majority of parliamentary seats for the first time, and the Erdoğan regime seemed to be faced with a crisis. The regime was able to regain the single-party administration in the early general elections in November 2015 by carrying out significant political change after their first electoral defeat. In this sense, for Turkey and the Erdoğan regime, the year 2015 was not only the year of the election, but also of political change.This paper analyzes these two general elections in 2015 and the changes of the political tendencies of the Erdoğan regime which have been observed since the general elections in June 2015 in particular. It also focuses on the changes in the strategies and the relationships among Turkish political actors including President Erdoğan, the AKP government, and the other major political parties.
齋藤 純
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.3, pp.110-123, 2016 (Released:2019-12-03)

This paper investigates the changes in economic relations between Iran and the UAE, which historically has continued maintaining close economic intercourse with Iran in the Gulf Area, examining the prospects for change in their relationships in the future. By focusing on their trade relations and workers’ remittances among the GCC and Iran, this paper discusses changes in their economic linkages. The result of the analysis shows that the economic linkages with the UAE were closer with Iran than other GCC countries during the period 2000 - 2014.