今井 宏平
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2018, no.194, pp.194_46-194_61, 2018-12-25 (Released:2019-05-16)

This article examines how non-state actors struggle to rule the areas void of sovereignty. The areas void of sovereignty is not a new issue in international politics. There have been many such areas within weak states. Traditionally, the existence of such areas has been a domestic, not an international, matter. However, the recent trend of globalization and its effects have changed the situation. For example, the Islamic State (IS), which emerged along the Iraqi-Syria border, recruited international fighters from all over the world using the internet and social media. As a result, the existence of ungoverned territories became known all over the world. Hence, the struggle to establish control over these areas void of sovereignty is deeply related to the stability of international order. In Iraq and Syria, IS, the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) all sought to control the ungoverned territory. On the one hand, IS attempted to establish a sovereign state based on jihadist ideology. On the other hand, the global community supported the KRG and the PYD to combat IS. The legitimacy of the KRG and PYD in international politics increased during the war on IS. In 1991, at the end of the Gulf War, the KRG established a de facto autonomy in northern Iraq; its formal autonomy was recognized by the Iraqi central government in 2004. For the KRG leadership, the war against IS was looked upon as a rare opportunity to achieve independence. Hence the KRG quickly held the independence referendum on September 25, 2017. However, the neighboring countries (Turkey and Iran), the patron state (the United States), and the parent state (Iraq) all opposed this referendum and the KRG’s independence. After the independence referendum failed, KRG lost the disputed territory in Iraq and its relationships with neighboring countries deteriorated. The PYD is an organization that operates under the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), the umbrella group for managing the mobilization of Kurds across the Middle East. PYD became the leading Kurdish group in Syria because its military unit, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), gained the support of the United States and its allies in the war against IS. However, Turkey views the PYD as part of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), an illegal, armed group in Turkey. Hence, Turkey continues to battle the PYD in northern Syria.As a result, no actor can fully control the areas void of sovereignty in Iraq and Syria. However, exploring the cases of the KRG and PYD shows how maintaining good relations with neighboring states is a condition for the survival of non-state actors.
今井 宏平
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2007, no.150, pp.186-202,L18, 2007-11-28 (Released:2010-09-01)

The aim of this paper is to explore how Turkey contributes to American foreign policy during the Post-Cold War era, especially Middle Eastern dimension.The discussion has three parts. Firstly, this deals with American foreign policy toward the Middle East during Post-Cold War era and demonstrates American failure. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, international order started to change and the United States intensified its hegemonic power. But America failed to manage Iraq War, and Middle East region is becoming disorder and nest of terrorism. Furthermore, Anti-Americanism is spreading rapidly in this region. The United States is coming to reach a deadlock.Secondly, Turkey will be situated “Transmission Middle Power” after Iraq War. Since the word of “Middle Power” is ambiguous, it has to be conceptualized at first. In this paper, “Middle Power” is classified as “Classical Middle Power”, “Functional Middle Power” and “Transmission Middle Power”. Historically, Turkey has been described as “Middle Power”. However, its role and quality of power have been changed by relationship of Great Power and international structure. Now, Turkey pioneers “Transmission Middle Power” by using historical and cultural factors.Thirdly, this focuses on American-Turkish relations. Since both states faced the Soviet threat during the Cold War period, Turkey contributed American containment policy. The end of bipolar system, however, changed their relationships. During the Gulf War, Turkey assisted the United States through economic sanction against Iraq and offered the multinational force to military bases. Turkey acted as “Classical Middle power” in the Cold War era. But after the Gulf War, both countries disagreed with OPC (Operation Provide Comfort) and OPCII in Northern Iraq. In Iraq War, Turkey did not offer to military bases. This was watershed of American-Turkish relations. After this decision, Turkey seeks to contribute to Middle Eastern stability as “Transmission Middle Power”. In particular, the Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) is a good deliberative place among Middle Eastern countries to prevail democracy. Turkey is one of chair countries in Democracy Assistance Dialogue (DAD), which is a component of BMENA..In conclusion, Turkey is “Middle Power” so it has to keep good relationships with the United States to spread its influence toward International politics in the Post-Cold War era. However, the forms of cooperation have changed all the time by international affairs and structure. Now, “Transmission Middle Power” is the best form both America and Turkey.
今井 宏平 岡野 英之 廣瀬 陽子 青山 弘之

高橋 良輔 芝崎 厚士 山崎 望 大庭 弘継 川名 晋史 今井 宏平 伊藤 丈人 佐藤 史郎 中内 政貴

当初の研究計画では最終年度となる平成29年度は、総括的研究を実施した。そのため共同研究の焦点は、”政治的資源としての時間”の位相の解明/時政学の構築に置かれている。研究推進の具体的方法としては、基礎的研究段階で各研究者が提示した研究構想に沿って課題を追究する個別研究と、その研究の進捗状況について報告・討議を行う研究会という二つの側面から実施された。まず平成29年8月24日(木)13:00-18:00 青山学院大学で開催された第5回研究会では、前半で研究アプローチについて検討したうえで、個別の研究状況を報告・討議を行い、時政学研究の成果公開の方法について協議をしている。当日のプログラムは以下の通り。1.前回までの研究会の振り返り&時政学研究のアプローチについての確認、2.個別研究(事例班)からのご報告:大庭先生/今井先生/八木先生(各自20分程度で個別の時政学研究についてご報告いただき、20分程度の議論)、3.時政学研究の成果についての検討、4.共著書刊行の検討、5.今後のスケジュールについて、6.その他。また平成30年1月28日(日)13:00―18:00に青山学院大学で開催された第6回研究会では、個別研究の報告を踏まえて、共著書企画案の共有・執筆者アンケートの共有、研究アプローチの類型化を行っている。当日のプログラムは以下の通り。1.個別研究からのご報告と討論(佐藤先生、伊藤先生 各20分報告+質疑応答)、2.共著書企画案のご説明、3.執筆者アンケ―トの共有、4.共著書構成および研究アプローチの検討、5.その他(今後のスケジュール・研究会開催など)。上記2回の研究会の結果、共同研究の成果を4つの類型に整理したうえで、ミネルヴァ書房からの共著書刊行を目指すことが合意された。
今井 宏平
中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報 (ISSN:13442902)
vol.17, no.2013, pp.59-77, 2014-08-26

The aim of this study is to explore why Turkey and China have improved their relationship since 2009. In particular, this paper examines the participation of Chinese fighters in Turkey's "Anatolian Eagle" exercise held in September and October 2010 and the obtaining of the right to negotiate the order for Turkey's missile defense system by China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp(CPMIEC) in September 2013. For its theoretical framework, this study adopts "soft balancing" and "bandwagoning", which are based on realist ideas. Soft balancing is not a policy that creates alignments against the United States per se. Soft balancing is a more indirect and multidimensional policy like holding highlevel meetings against US, using institutions to control US activities, denying territorial use, using economic strength to tame US policies, and acquiring legitimacy from other countries. According to Wolfers, bandwagoning is a strategy wherein "some weak countries seek safety by getting on the bandwagon of an ascending power". This paper shows that Turkey's approach to China is typicalsoft balancing behaviors against the United States and its allies.