高橋 健夫 岡沢 祥訓 中井 隆司 芳本 真
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.3, pp.193-208, 1991-12-01

The purposes of this study were to make clear the structure of teacher behaviors in physical education class and to examine the effect of those behaviors on the student evaluation to physical education class. The subjects were the 66 physical education classes instructed by 27 teachers in elementary schools. The teacher behaviors in those classes were observed by the systematic observation instrumentation, that was modified with ALT-PE-TB and ORRPETB observation to physical education class. Main findings were as follows. Major teacher behaviors in physical education class were "management", "instruction","monitoring", and "interaction". Though Siedentop) reported 3 behaviors excluding interaction as major behaviors, we could recognize that interaction behavior took the same rating as other behaviors. 2) There was no big difference among behaviors between skilled teachers and general teachers. 3) Some specific behaviors of teacher had significant relationship with student evaluation to physical education class. Especially, the amount of time spent for manegement and instruction (lecture) had a significant negative relationship with student evaluntion. On the other hand, interaction (question, acceptance, positive and corrective feedback for skill learning) had a significant positive relationship with it. 4) Supposed that monitoring would have effect on the learning activities, we could not find a clear relationship because of the limitation with the instrumentation. 5) These results suggest that the indirect teaching style has more effect than the direct one at least in order to increase the student attitude to physical education class.
三沢 光男
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.19, no.4, pp.217-227, 1974-12-25

陸上競技の記録向上の一因に, 施設・用器具の開発が考えられ, 日本で刊行された文献を資料に, 技術史的な視点から研究を進め, 次の結果を得た. 施設のうちトラックの(1)形と大きさは, 大正中期に2心円から単心円, 300メートルから400メートルへと変わってきた. (2)直走路および曲走路の長さと幅は, 明治後期にも現行に近かった. (3)構造ではシンダー・アンツーカーに代わって, 昭和43年にタータン・トラックが登場した. 用器具の例として(1)ハードルでは昭和20年代前半に金属製で, しかも逆T字型からL字型となった. (2)棒高跳では昭和初年代前半に木箱がおかれ, 同30年代後半にグラスファイバー・ポールが出現した. このように施設・用器具の開発は, 雨・風など自然の悪条件による影響の軽減と競技者が試技しやすいことを目標に絶えまなく行なわれ, 大正中期から昭和初期(1920年代)にかけ, 発達の1つのピークがあったといえよう.
布目 寛幸
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.491-500, 2008-12

Recently, "Nijiku" sports motion theory has been proposed and is being widely disseminated for many types of sports events including association football (soccer). It appears that this theory has some scientific basis for improving performance in sports. However, as the theory did not follow the necessary procedures, to date, its scientific validity has never been examined. This paper was designed to precisely examine the scientific validity of the "Nijiku" sports motion theory in relation to soccer from the viewpoint of science philosophy and biomechanics. Falsifiability is an important concept in science. However, only a few objective data-the ground reaction force of the supporting leg during soccer kicking and the peculiar motion referred to as "unfasten knee" motion-were demonstrated in the related literature with incorrect interpretation, and there were no falsifiable data to prove the existence of "Nijiku" during sports actions. Thus, it has been considered that the "Nijiku" sports motion theory runs contrary to the principle of science. Moreover, there are many misleading descriptions, particularly with regard to the effect of gravity. As a result, it can be considered that the "Nijiku" sports motion theory is classified as a "pseudoscience" labeled inaccurately or misleadingly portrayed as science. Scientific counterarguments to stimulate debate on these matters by the proponent and/or supporters are expected.
岡田 一男
no.28, 1977-10-12