中路 恭平 藤本 淳也 間野 義之 本間 浩輔 齊藤 隆志
no.54, 2003-08-26

林 直亨 宮本 忠吉
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.137-143, 2009

To investigate the effect of resistance training at lower than the recommended frequency (2–3 times a week) on muscular strength, we recruited 103 college students (67 males 61±8 kg, 36 females 51±4 kg, mean±SD) who had never regularly engaged in resistance training. They performed resistance training in a PE class once a week for seven to ten weeks. We measured one repetition maximum (1 RM) for the bench press and arm curl, and the girth of the thigh and upper arm before and after the training. The training included stretching, three sets of ten repetitions on a bench press, half squat lift, arm curl and three types of training chosen by each subject. The weight load was 10 RM, which was progressively increased; when the subject succeeded in lifting a load ten times at the first set, the load was increased in the following week. After the training period 1RM was increased by more than 10% compared with that before training, for either the bench press or the arm curl, in all subjects. The 1 RM for the bench press significantly increased from 46±9 kg to 54±9 kg in males, and from 22±4 kg to 28±5 kg in females, and that for the arm curl also increased significantly. No significant change was found in the girth of the thigh and upper arm. On the other hand, 49 male students who undertook softball in a PE class did not show any significant change in 1 RM after the eight-week control period, compared to that before the period. These results demonstrate that resistance training at a frequency lower than the recommended one increases muscular strength in college students, possibly through adaptations in the nervous system.
田原 淳子
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.38, no.2, pp.87-98, 1993-07-01

The purpose of this study was to analyze the responses of foreign countries on the cancellation of the Games of the XII th Olympiad, Tokyo, 1940, and to clarify the principles underlying the arguments for and against the cancellation. The documents used for this study centered around the correspondence between Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japanese governmental establishments abroad and the stored archives as to the Games of the Diplomatic Record Office of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The findings of this study are summarized as follows : After the outbreak of Janpan-China War in 1937, there were many opinions against the hosting the Games of the XII th Olympiad by the city of Tokyo as well as the participation in it which were expressed mainly by European countries and U.S.A., together with those for expressed by U.S.A. and Brazil. Olympism seemed to be the basic and standard thought for these opinions, and it was interpreted into two ways so that opinions were divided and varied. Some of the experts took the position that Olympism should be the means and occasion for "realizing the peace of the world", and others took it should be "independent from politics". Thus, such a pre-war problem of boycotting as the Games of the XII th Olympiad in Tokyo appears to entail the similar post-war pattern of thoughts and interpretations in repeated boycott cases of the Olympic Games.
加藤 元和
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.16, no.2, pp.61-66, 1971-10-01

この研究では,古代オリュンピア祭典競技の起源を巡る諸問題を取り拳げた.1)歴史的事象としての古代オリュンピア祭典競技は,神話,伝承に於ける神々や英雄たちの競技の世界やホメロスの詩篇オデユツセイアやイリアスに於ける競技の世界の延長として出現したのでなく,それら三者の間には,密接な相互関係があった. 2) ゼウス崇拝とオリュンピア祭典競技との結びつきは,エリス人のゼウス崇拝とピザ人のべロプス崇拝及び両ポリス市民間に於けるオリュンピア祭典競技の主催権を巡る対立・抗争を通して確立されてきたのである. 3) オリュンピア祭典競技の起源は,最もギリシア的国制としてのポリス共同体の存在を前提とせねばならなかったのである.それは,自由,自治,自給自足という共同体の特性が,逆に,民族的統一理念としての汎ギリシア精神の具現体としてのオリュンピア祭典競技を体制化したのである.