中山 竹美 林 千穂
長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College (ISSN:02861178)
vol.56, pp.83-89, 2001-12

The effects of two kinds of raincoat with different materials on physiological parameters and clothing microclimate inside raincoat under simulated rain conditions were studied at ambient temperature of 30℃ and a relative humidity of 80% in five female participants, aged 19.6±0.5yrs. One kind of raincoat was made of nylon with coating and calendar finishing (A) and the other of the fabric laminated with nylon, polyurethane and knitted nylon with moisture permeable properties (B). After they took a rest for 15min, water was sprinkled at the rate of 5mm/h for 20min, followed by 15min recovery. The main results are summarized as follows: (1)Skin temperatures on the chest and back were lower under sprinkling in B than in A. (2) Clothing microclimate absolute humidities on the back were significantly lower in B than in A. (3) Comfort sensation was better in B than in A. The raincoat B made the chest and back skin temperatures and microclimate absolute humidities inside the raincoat lower. The present findings suggest that the raincoat materials are of importance in improving the comfort sensation by reduction of microclimate humidity and trunk skin temperatures.
荒 敬 有馬 学 我部 政明 小池 聖一 季武 嘉也 福永 文夫

嶋津 武
長野県短期大学紀要 (ISSN:02861178)
no.50, pp.33-50, 1995-12

Parasite collection of Dr. Yoshimasa Ozaki has been deposited in the Meguro Parasitological Museum (MPM), Tokyo. Information on the platyhelminth parasites (turbellarians, monogeneans, and digeneans) reported in Dr. Ozaki's publications from 1923 to 1966 is assembled in a host-parasite list. The list includes: (1) for each parasite species, data adopted from corresponding publication(s), namely, the year(s) of publication(s), page number(s), figure number(s), table number(s), location(s), within the host(s), developmental stage(s), main field(s), of study, and locality(ies); (2) the holotype depository, if known; and (3) the MPM Collection Number(s) of the specimen(s) found in the collection. No note is given on taxonomy and nomenclature of host and parasite species. A bibliography, parasite-host index, and Japanese host name index are presented.
嶋津 武
長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College (ISSN:02861178)
vol.50, pp.33-50, 1995-12

Parasite collection of Dr. Yoshimasa Ozaki has been deposited in the Meguro Parasitological Museum (MPM), Tokyo. Information on the platyhelminth parasites (turbellarians, monogeneans, and digeneans) reported in Dr. Ozaki’s publications from 1923 to 1966 is assembled in a host-parasite list. The list includes: (1) for each parasite species, data adopted from corresponding publication(s), namely, the year(s) of publication(s), page number(s), figure number(s), table number(s), location(s), within the host(s), developmental stage(s), main field(s), of study, and locality(ies); (2) the holotype depository, if known; and (3) the MPM Collection Number(s) of the specimen(s) found in the collection. No note is given on taxonomy and nomenclature of host and parasite species. A bibliography, parasite-host index, and Japanese host name index are presented.
小木曽 加奈 金子 昌二
長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College (ISSN:02861178)
vol.69, pp.13-19, 2015-02

Recently, damage to agriculture and forestry businesses due to wild birds and beasts is a serious situation in the mid-mountain areas such as Nagano Prefecture. Every year approximately 20 billion yen of loss occurs in Japan. Management of wild birds and beasts based on scientific data is necessary. Recently, wild animals are being examined as a promising resource for local development. In this study, we compared the smell of venison and beef to consider how venison compared to edible meat. Next, we considered whether the smell was improved by immersing venison in some seasonings. Sensory evaluation of grilled venison and beef resulted in the venison having a strong raw and bloody odor. As a result of smell component analysis, the main cause of the smell was 2,3-butanedione (diacetyl) and hexanal. As a result of having inspected the venison meat immersed in various seasonings, milk was shown to prevent the most smells. As results, we were able to elucidate a part of the cause of the unpleasant odor of the venison and we were able to prevent unpleasant odor of the venison with milk.
中澤 弥子
長野県短期大学紀要 (ISSN:02861178)
no.70, pp.61-74, 2015

発表者は、文化庁の派遣事業で平成26 年度文化庁文化交流使として、ヨーロッパ7 か国(フランス、ドイツ、ポーランド、ハンガリー、イタリア、スロバキア、イギリス)で約2 か月間、日本の食文化を紹介する文化交流活動を行い、ならびに各国の学校給食や食農教育の取組み等について調査した。本研究の目的はヨーロッパ7か国の学校給食についてその特徴をまとめ、日本の学校給食や食育活動に資する資料を得ることである。 見学した学校給食の共通点としては、食堂で食事を行っており、小学校では低学年の次に高学年が食べる等、学齢順に時間帯をずらして食堂を利用していた。また、配膳は、職員が行っていた。学校給食の内容は、各国の食文化や現状を反映していた。
杉山 英子 横山 伸
長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College (ISSN:02861178)
vol.65, pp.19-25, 2010-12

Eating disorders are medical psychiatric and social problem among adolescent girls and young adult women. The severe situation surrounding the eating disorders is recognized in Japan, because the prevalence of the patients is probably increasing, and the onset is getting younger. However, medical resources are limited in the current Japanese health care system. Thus, the effective prevention is also necessary for the eating disorders as well as other life-style diseases. Nutrition education may be contributable to prevent the disordered eating behaviors. In this review, we introduced the prevention trials developed and performed in western countries and Japan to date, and discussed the possibility of nutritional education for contributing to the prevention of the eating disorders.