李 哲漢 李 恩善 篠原 啓方
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ5 『船の文化からみた東アジア諸国の位相―近世期の琉球を中心とした地域間比較を通じて―』
pp.89-101, 2012-01-31

朝鮮時代の船舶、つまり「韓船」は、伝統的かつ独特の形態を有し、航海の目的に合わせて緻密に設計され、建造された。朝鮮時代の船舶については、朝鮮側の文献史料や日本の絵図、西洋人の記録などによって知ることができる。水中発掘調査も進められているが、いまだ朝鮮時代の船舶は見つかっていない。 朝鮮時代における輸送活動の中心は、川や海を行き来して税穀を運搬する漕運船であった。後期には商業の発達にともなって民間の船舶活動がさかんになり、朝廷では海税の管理のため、船舶の保有状況の把握、船舶区分などを進め、管理体系を整えていった。 一方朝鮮時代には、周辺国の海禁政策や、海難事故・密貿易の防止を理由に、朝鮮通信使以外の国外航行が禁じられていた。そのため外洋への航海技術はさほど発達しなかったものと思われる。
宮嶋 純子
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ1 『東アジアの茶飲文化と茶業』
pp.119-128, 2011-03-31

本稿は,2009年7 月28日(火)から8 月5 日(水)にかけておこなった「沖縄における茶文化調査」に基づく,近現代の沖縄における茶業史と茶文化に関する報告である。近現代の沖縄における茶樹栽培の歴史は,紆余曲折を経ながらも定着と発展がはかられてきた。その努力と工夫は現在に至るまで,形を変えながら受け継がれている。一方,消費という面から見れば,さんぴん茶に代表されるように,沖縄における飲茶の主役は常に中国・台湾・日本という周辺諸地域からの輸入茶であったといえる。このような茶文化の発展と展開と可能にしたのは,沖縄が周囲の情勢に応じて様々な地域から茶を輸入することのできる「周縁」であり,その周縁性が保持され続けてきたからにほかならない。
大槻 暢子 岡本 弘道 宮嶋 純子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.2, pp.289-311, 2009-03-31

This report shows the summary of the field survey on tea culture in Okinawa island conducted as part of the collaborative research by the young members of our institute. In pre-modern age, a series of islands including Okinawa island, so-called Ryukyu Arc, had undergone a historical transition different from the areas of Kagoshima and northward in Japan. In the process of adoption of tea culture, Ryukyu Arc showed its individual development while it is affected by Japan and China as a peripheral area of both sides. The tea culture of Okinawa contains Japanese elements, such as tea ceremony (Chanoyu) culture and Furi-Cha culture remaining as Buku-buku tea, and Chinese elements, such as massive import and consumption of Chinese tea from early modern age to modern age. It is indicated by the historical accumulation, so it can be an attractive subject in considering cultural interaction.
宮嶋 純子
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ1 『東アジアの茶飲文化と茶業』
pp.119-128, 2011-03-31

本稿は,2009年7 月28日(火)から8 月5 日(水)にかけておこなった「沖縄における茶文化調査」に基づく,近現代の沖縄における茶業史と茶文化に関する報告である。近現代の沖縄における茶樹栽培の歴史は,紆余曲折を経ながらも定着と発展がはかられてきた。その努力と工夫は現在に至るまで,形を変えながら受け継がれている。一方,消費という面から見れば,さんぴん茶に代表されるように,沖縄における飲茶の主役は常に中国・台湾・日本という周辺諸地域からの輸入茶であったといえる。このような茶文化の発展と展開と可能にしたのは,沖縄が周囲の情勢に応じて様々な地域から茶を輸入することのできる「周縁」であり,その周縁性が保持され続けてきたからにほかならない。
氷野 善寛
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.3, pp.237-259, 2010-03-31

A Chinese textbook titled the Kuan Hua Chih Nan has been used by many Japanese and Western learners of Chinese since its publication in 1882. The textbook was also translated into various Chinese dialects including Shanghai dialect and Cantonese. Furthermore, the Chinese textbook, originally designed for foreigners, was revised and published in around 1918 as a textbook for Chinese people under different titles. In other words, the Kuan Hua Chih Nan also served as a textbook for Chinese people in the early 1900s to learn Mandarin Chinese or the common speech. This paper focuses on the Kuan Hua Chih Nan as a Chinese textbook published for Chinese people and examines the Kuan Hua Chih Nan and textbooks derived from the Kuan Hua Chih Nan.
井上 充幸
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.3, pp.475-488, 2010-03

After the latter half of the 15th century, the deforestation of mountain became active in the northern frontier of Ming dynasty. Therefore, around the 16th century, Ming government prohibited the deforestation around Great Wall chiefly by military reasons. However, a lot of virgin forests have still extended at the northern foot of Qilian mountains in the upper reaches of Heihe river basin until about the 17th century. Tibetan and Mongolian people lived in this region from ancient times by nomadism, stock raising, hunting or farming. It was chiefly Han people who promoted the development and the use of timber resources. They came from Ganzhou in summer, cut down and carried away the forest woods in order to sell them. After the 18th century, under the rule of Qing dynasty, the full-scale deforestation of the Qilian mountains has begun in the upper reaches of Heihe river basin. Because the area of the forest reduced rapidly and the water-holding capacity of mountain forest decreased, the amount of water necessary for the irrigation agriculture came to be insufficient and the flood came to happen many times in the middle reaches. To deal with such a situation, the officials of Qing government understood the function of the mountain forest enough based on the field survey. They decided to make regulations concerning to the usage and the management of the mountain forest and severely punished the offender, but the effect was not so satisfactory.
末成 道男
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ7 『フエ地域の歴史と文化―周辺集落と外からの視点―』
pp.579-599, 2012-03-01

鄭 英實
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.4, pp.79-95, 2011-03-31

Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725) was an Edo-period Confucian scholar. He was involved with politics as a Confucian scholar during the time of Tokugawa Ienobu, and known for having effected various political reformations. In particular, he sought to establish equal diplomatic relations with Korea and revised the reception of the Korean emissaries. It is necessary to realize that this decision was not made with sufficient negotiation between the two countries, but rather something Hakuseki forcibly established on his own. Naturally, the records of the Korean emissaries contain entries in which Hakuseki is harshly criticized, which in turn reflect the historical background of the Korean intelligentsia’s attitude towards Japan at this time. This research explores the Korean awareness of Hakuseki, its formation, and if it changed over time primarily through Korean documents.
許 海華
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.267-280, 2012-02-01

The end of the Tokugawa bakufu’s control of Nagasaki in 1868 also meant the demise of the Nagasaki Tōtsūji Bureau. As many of the former institution’s translators were skilled linguists and experienced in foreign negotiation, they were appointed topositions the Meiji government. This use of members of a group with practical skills inforeign relations since the Edo period provided the government with an immediateoffensive corps for the New Japan. To pursue an understanding of the changes thatoccurred in institutions such as the Nagasaki Translation Bureau requires investigating its structure during the bakumatsu period. In forming an explanation of the Tōtsūji Bureau, this essay therefore draws upon two sources that illuminate the Nagasaki government offi cials during this time. The structure of the Tōtsūji Bureau during the Genji and Keiō eras, 1864 to 1867 is recreated, and furthermore, the structure of the post-1867 (Keiō 3) reformation through the period immediately after the Meiji Restoration is analysed.