松浦 章
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.3, pp.335-357, 2010-03-31

During the Edo period (1603–1868), Japan steadfastly maintained its national seclusion policy. Japan’s constant cultural interaction with foreign countries, therefore, took place mainly in the following ways: direct contacts with China and the Netherlands, centering on trade in Nagasaki; contacts with Korea through the So clan on Tsushima Island; and indirect contacts with China via the Kingdom of Ryukyu under the control of the Satsuma clan. Quantitatively, the largest number of direct contacts were made through trade by Chinese junks, called karafune in the Edo period, sailing to Nagasaki almost every year. Japan imported sugar made in China in large quantities through trade by Chinese junks almost annually. Much of the sugar imported from China was produced in coastal areas, such as Chaozhou in the eastern part of Guangdong Province, Xiamen and Quanzhou in southern Fujian Province, as well as in Taiwan. In the early part of the Edo period, China-made sugar was imported by Chinese junks sailing directly from these production areas to Japan. In the mid- and late-Edo period, however, sugar produced in China was not directly transported to Japan; it was first carried by coastal merchant vessels to Zhapu in Zhejiang Province, where the sugar was loaded onto Chinese junks sailing from Zhapu to Japan, and then transported to Nagasaki. Most of the sugar landing in Nagasaki was transported by domestic routes, mainly by Japanese-style wooden ships to Osaka, and then distributed nationwide. Meanwhile, in the early 18th century after the Kyoho era (1716–1736), cane sugar production was encouraged in Japan, following the instruction of the then shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune( 1684–1751). This enabled Japan to increase its number of sugarproducing districts and amount of sugar production, also improving the quality of the sugar. In an attempt to determine how to establish cultural interaction studies as a field of historical research, this paper reports on sugar imports through Sino-Japan trade and on the expansion of domestic sugar consumption in the Edo period, as a way of considering the issue of cultural interaction from the perspective of physical distribution in East Asia.
西村 昌也
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ6 『周縁と中心の概念で読み解く東アジアの「越・韓・琉」―歴史学・考古学研究からの視座―』
pp.105-141, 2012-03-01

ベトナムの形成史を考える時に、主要民族、キン族が居住した北部平野部において、その南域(タインホア省からハティン省あたり)は、先史時代より非常に興味深い役割を果たしている。 つまり銅鼓に象徴されるドンソン文化の核領域を形成しつつ、中部のサーフィン文化集団による大量銅鼓の移出を実現する。そして、後漢代以降、中国文化を積極的に受け入れた集団と山岳部でドンソン文化伝統を保とうとする二極化がおきる。また、時には、中部のチャンパなどと連合しながら、しばしば中国政権側に起義・反抗を行う。そのなかには、中国側政権にもともと近しい存在で、権力基盤形成を行い、反抗・起義に到った例もある。 独立達成の10世紀から李陳朝期を通じて、ベトナムはチャンパと抗争を繰り広げると同時に、文化的にも経済的にも様々な交流関係を深め、チャンパとの交流はベトナムが独自文化形成を行う上で大きく寄与していたし、チャンパ側も陶磁器生産技術などをベトナム側から導入している。 15世紀以降、タインホア、ゲアンなどの北部南域の人たちは、積極的に中部入植や政権樹立を行い、現在のベトナムに到っている。その地政学的位置から、北部南域の人たちは、中国とチャンパを両端として、ベトナムの政権を真ん中に据えつつ、振り子のように重心を変えながら、巧みに勢力拡大に努めてきたと言える。
中山 創太
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.389-405, 2012-02-01

In the mid-Edo period, the edehon produced by Tachibana Morikuni and Ōoka Shunboku were used in amateur painting education to research the technique of professionals. It is believed that the edehon provided professional illustrators with theopportunity to study the techniques used in conservative Kanō school tradition, classicalpainting, and Chinese painting, to which they would have had little access, andincorporate these techniques into their own works. This essay focuses on ukiyoe, a representative print art of Edo-period massculture, particularly the works of the Utagawa school of the late Edo period, in anattempt to present those pieces that suggest a reliance upon edehon. With this, it ispossible to suggest the diffusion of Kanō school painting techniques through edehon, and in particular, to discover the transmission through ukiyoe prints.
西村 昌也
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ1 『東アジアの茶飲文化と茶業』
pp.75-93, 2011-03-31

中国文化の影響の強いベトナムでは、中国の茶飲習慣受容や茶自体の輸入を古くから行っている。その一方、生茶、竹筒茶、さらには茶とは別種の植物の葉を用いる苦茶などの茶的飲料など独特の茶飲習慣もみられる。東アジア的視点では9 -10世紀頃の越州窯系陶磁器の輸出にともなう茶飲習慣あるいは茶器セットの伝来、17世紀後半から18世紀にかけての煎茶的飲茶習慣の伝来が、ベトナム茶飲史における大きな画期になっていると思われる。また李陳朝以来、仏教(禅宗)との関係も深い。そして、フランス植民地時代には茶業の大規模な拡大があり、それが今日の茶飲慣習の普遍化を促進している。
岡本 弘道
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ6 『周縁と中心の概念で読み解く東アジアの「越・韓・琉」―歴史学・考古学研究からの視座―』
pp.89-98, 2012-03-01

1609年の琉球侵略から1879年の琉球処分に至るまでの「近世琉球」期は、明清両朝への朝貢・冊封関係、そして島津氏およびその上位の徳川幕府に対する従属関係が琉球王国を規定した時期である。そのため、明清両朝の華夷秩序と近世日本の日本型華夷観念との衝突やその中で生じる矛盾を琉球は抱え込まなければならなかった。17世紀末頃までにその枠組みを確立した琉球の外交は、島津氏と幕府に対する対日外交、そして朝貢使節の派遣と冊封使節の迎接に代表される対清外交に大別される。両者は琉球の「二重朝貢」として並列されることもあるが、その位相は全く異なるものであり、琉球の外交に制約を課すとともにその国内体制とも密接に絡み合い、逆に琉球の存在意義を保障する役割を果たしていた。 近世琉球期の外交については、既に重厚な研究蓄積が存在するが、本報告ではそれらの成果に依拠しつつ、その国際的位置づけと外交の枠組みに関するいくつかの問題について検討を加え、その中に見いだせる「主体性」もしくは「自律性」について考えてみたい。
グエン ヴァン・ダン 新江 利彦 西村 昌也
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ7 『フエ地域の歴史と文化―周辺集落と外からの視点―』
pp.481-495, 2012-03-01

中山 創太
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.389-405, 2012-02-01

In the mid-Edo period, the edehon produced by Tachibana Morikuni and Ōoka Shunboku were used in amateur painting education to research the technique of professionals. It is believed that the edehon provided professional illustrators with the opportunity to study the techniques used in conservative Kanō school tradition, classical painting, and Chinese painting, to which they would have had little access, and incorporate these techniques into their own works. This essay focuses on ukiyoe, a representative print art of Edo-period mass culture, particularly the works of the Utagawa school of the late Edo period, in an attempt to present those pieces that suggest a reliance upon edehon. With this, it is possible to suggest the diffusion of Kanō school painting techniques through edehon, and in particular, to discover the transmission through ukiyoe prints.
張 麗山
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.103-113, 2012-02-01

Sarutahiko is well known god from Japanese mythology. An indication of his popularity with the populace can be seen in the more than ten other names the god also has been given. Moto’ori Norinaga discusses Sarutahiko in his Kojikiden and argues for the multiplicity of the god’s personalities. Nevertheless, there are numerous aspects of the god’s origin that remain unclear. Most of the research is in linguistics, anthropology, literature and other fi elds; however, there is very little that examines the god from the larger vantage of East Asia. This essay turns to documents related to the mythology of the Kojiki and the Nihongi and compares this myth with similar myths found throughout East Asia to re-evaluate Sarutahiko’s traits. In particular, the essay focuses on the function of the god through pursuing one of his names, Chimata-no-kami.
小嶋 良一
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ5 『船の文化からみた東アジア諸国の位相―近世期の琉球を中心とした地域間比較を通じて―』
pp.103-121, 2012-01-31

主に江戸初期から幕末にかけての日本の海運や造船にスポットをあて、これまでの研究成果をもとに、それらの特徴について考察する。 江戸初期、朱印船貿易など海外との活発な交易が展開され、洋式船や中国式の船(ジャンク)も建造された。しかし、鎖国政策がとられて後、一般商船は外洋航海の必要が無くなり、それらの形式の船はほとんど建造されなくなった。その結果、内航海運に適した日本独特の(一般に千石船と呼ばれる)弁才船や、様々な川船等が建造されるようになった。これらは、日本の沿岸航路の整備とも相俟って、海運の隆盛をもたらし、江戸期の重要な経済インフラを構成した。特に弁才船は当時を代表する木造船で、千石積み級の船も普及し一度に大量の物資を輸送できた。本論文では弁才船の船体構造や材料についての特徴について述べるとともに、東アジアとの技術上の関連性にも言及する。また、和船にまつわる儀礼や意匠など、その文化的な一面についてもふれる。
池田 智恵
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.4, pp.253-271, 2011-03

From the Sino-Japanese perspective, the mystery novel is an import, and something that arrived from the West. In both countries, with translation, the mystery novel became extremely popular, and in the 1920s, attempts were made at creating indigenous mysteries. Periodicals devoted to mysteries began to be published: in China, Zhentan shijie 偵探世界, Banyue 半月, and Ziluolan 紫羅蘭, and in Japan, Shinseinen 新青年. This paper explores the reception phases of the mystery novel through an examination of the readers' submissions published in these various magazines. In comparing the creative conditions of the two countries, Japan succeeded in developing younger writers through literary awards, while in China, the authors never succeeded in mastering the structure of the mystery novel, and were troubled with the production of this new literary genre. The authors who never conquered the "modern novel" become distinct.
西野 範子
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ1 『東アジアの茶飲文化と茶業』
pp.163-200, 2011-03-31

ベトナムの窯業村で生産された陶磁器が日本に渡り、茶道という文化的脈略の中で使用された。所謂「安南」と呼ばれるそれらのベトナム陶磁器は、日本において今でも大切に伝世されており、近年では、伝世ベトナム茶陶と同類の陶磁器が発掘調査により出土している。 伝世茶陶および出土資料を包括的に分類し、筆者と西村昌也のベトナム陶磁の分類と編年研究(2005)から、生産年代を比定した。その結果、ベトナム産茶陶の生産年代を、 14世紀、15世紀、16世紀前半、16世紀後半(第3 四半期と第4 四半期)、17世紀前期に分期し、各時期に関する茶陶がもたらされた国際交易の背景について明らかにした。また、朱印船貿易時代には、日本からベトナムへの注文生産が行われていたことが確実で、注文生産の仲介役に、和田理左衛門が関わった可能性ついて文献史と考古学的視点から論証した。
田中 梓都美
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.4, pp.467-482, 2011-03-31

In 1639, the Edo bakufu prohibited Portuguese ships from entering Japaneseports and also prohibited any Japanese from travelling overseas. After this, informationin the form of written rumours entered Nagasaki. Naturally, much of this informationconcerned Taiwan; however, as of yet, there is no research that focuses upon the uniquegeography and customs of Taiwan. During the Edo period, the Japanese awareness ofTaiwan was formed by Tei Seikō’s [Zhèng Chénggōng 鄭成功] accounts; however, for thisargument, it is necessary make a distinction between governmental awareness andpopular awareness. This paper attempts to determine the accuracy of information inmaterials compiled by the Edo bakufu and how faithfully they represent the actualcondition of Taiwan. This will then be contrasted with Chinese records. Also, acomparison and investigation of the information on Taiwan contained in Edo-periodpublications and the information on Taiwan in the materials compiled by the Edo bakufuwill provide insights into the formation of the Edo-period populace’s awareness ofTaiwan.
朱 琳
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.4, pp.193-212, 2011-03-31

This essay focuses on Liang Qichao( 1873-1929) and the significance of his role in the use of the word “civilization” 文明, a term that entered China from Japan and reflects Meiji-period modernity and values. Pursuing his cognizance of “civilization” as well as the changes in his understanding of this term, this research is the first in-depth investigation and explanation of Liang’s entire view of “civilization”. The first to be considered is Liang’s theories of environmental determinism and ethnography, both of which reflect Liang’s reception of “civilization” and the influence of Meiji Japan. This is followed with an analysis of Liang’s speech and conduct in the East- West Cultural Debate, something in which he threw himself whole-heartedly after seeing the scars of war during a tour of the West. Finally, this author touches upon his unstable personality and appeal of his opinions
朱 琳
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.115-129, 2012-02-01

This essay focuses on Liang Qichao (1873-1929), an important figure in modern Chinese history, and explores his discussion and views of “revolution”. There are many who point to Kang and Liang as being the “reformation school”, but at the beginning of the 20th century, Liang Qichao experienced internal conflict over “reform” and “revolution”, and faced a watershed in his thinking. I have therefore turned to the concept of “revolution” as a suggestion or hint to analyse the interior and exterior background that led to the changes in Liang’s theory of “revolution” as well as the changes in his ideology in an attempt to portray Liang’s “change” and his “stability”.After providing a basic background for Liang’s activities, I focus on an historical setting for 1902, and open with a discussion of Liang’s political novel Xinzhongguo weilaiji, in which I consider the psychological conflict of “reform” and “revolution” in this work. I trace the changes in his ideology through an interpretation of Liang’s choice of terms for translation of “revolution” – geming [Jp. kakumei] – and the implications of this choice. I end with an analysis of his record of a tour of the United States in 1903 as part of my search to identify the catalyst that lead to the change in his ideology.Given that the Xinhai Revolution occurred one hundred years ago, I believe there is great significance in returning once more to the era in which the term geming, or“revolution”, first appeared.