東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.5, pp.115-129, 2012-02

This essay focuses on Liang Qichao (1873-1929), an important figure in modern Chinese history, and explores his discussion and views of "revolution". There are many who point to Kang and Liang as being the "reformation school", but at the beginning of the 20th century, Liang Qichao experienced internal conflict over "reform" and "revolution", and faced a watershed in his thinking. I have therefore turned to the concept of "revolution" as a suggestion or hint to analyse the interior and exterior background that led to the changes in Liang's theory of "revolution" as well as the changes in his ideology in an attempt to portray Liang's "change" and his "stability".After providing a basic background for Liang's activities, I focus on an historical setting for 1902, and open with a discussion of Liang's political novel Xinzhongguo weilaiji, in which I consider the psychological conflict of "reform" and "revolution" in this work. I trace the changes in his ideology through an interpretation of Liang's choice of terms for translation of "revolution" – geming [Jp. kakumei] – and the implications of this choice. I end with an analysis of his record of a tour of the United States in 1903 as part of my search to identify the catalyst that lead to the change in his ideology.Given that the Xinhai Revolution occurred one hundred years ago, I believe there is great significance in returning once more to the era in which the term geming, or"revolution", first appeared.
朱 琳
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.4, pp.193-212, 2011-03

This essay focuses on Liang Qichao( 1873-1929) and the significance of his role in the use of the word "civilization" 文明, a term that entered China from Japan and reflects Meiji-period modernity and values. Pursuing his cognizance of "civilization" as well as the changes in his understanding of this term, this research is the first in-depth investigation and explanation of Liang's entire view of "civilization". The first to be considered is Liang's theories of environmental determinism and ethnography, both of which reflect Liang's reception of "civilization" and the influence of Meiji Japan. This is followed with an analysis of Liang's speech and conduct in the East- West Cultural Debate, something in which he threw himself whole-heartedly after seeing the scars of war during a tour of the West. Finally, this author touches upon his unstable personality and appeal of his opinions
宮嶋 純子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies
vol.5, pp.239-252, 2012-02-01

Of the different translations of the Chang’a Han shiji-jing 長阿含世記経 "The Longer Āgama Sūtra" – the Daloutan-jing 大楼炭経, the Qishi-jing 起世経 and the Qishi yinben-jing 起世因本経, which explain the Buddhist world view – the Qishi-jing and the Qishi yinben-jing were translated during the same dynasty. Despite the remarkable similarities between the two translations, as of yet, they have never been subjected to comparative research. This essay addresses the question as to why two translations were made during the same dynasty and turns to sutra catalogues and the biographies of different monks as primary sources. The first translation was undertaken primarily by Juanaguputa 闍那崛多; however, after losing his standing, he was released from his responsibilities. The next figure to undertake the business of sutra translation in the Sui Dynasty was Dharmagupta 達摩笈多, who undertook a new translation of theQishi yinben-jing. This accounts for the presence of two simultaneous translations ofthe same sutra.
鄒 双双
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.89-101, 2012-02-01

This paper discusses how Qian Daosun, famous for his translation of the Man’yōshū,was described in Japanese materials. Despite Qian Daosun’s contributing greatly to the translation of Japanese literaryworks into Chinese, he is a poorly understood fi gure in China as he was sentenced and sent to jail as a traitor by the Kuomintang government, which discouraged later research.There are, however, materials about Qian in Japan, written by Yoshikawa Kojiro and others, through which it is possible to understand Qian’s public image in Japan and develop some idea of what he was like as an individual. Qian was regarded as a serious teacher and a kind-hearted scholar, taking care of Japanese overseas’ students in Beijing. Some articles depict Qian as experiencing psychological confl ict owing to his ambivalence on the tense relations between China and Japan, and that he showed indomitable courage in protecting Chinese culture from destruction by the Japanese army during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
篠原 啓方
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.359-370, 2012-02-01

The Taesil Gabong Monument is the symbol of the Womb (Umbilical Cord) Belief in Korea (Joseon) and is of immense importance. In this essay, I present a preliminaryconsideration of the monument, which I have actually seen, and pursue a synopsis of afuture research topic.
池田 智恵
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.225-237, 2012-02-01

At the end of the Qing period, there was a boom in the translation of mystery novels; however, the writing of mystery novels by Chinese authors did not become popular until the 1920s. Beginning in the late 1910s, mystery-writing contests were announced in the newspaper readers’ columns, and many of the submissions resemble the earlier translated works all being set in overseas locations. At the same time, Chinesenewspapers were overfl owing with reader submissions, known as “black curtain” articles, that disclosed the darker side of society, that were extremely popular. With the appearance of mystery novels, it was believed that imagination was necessary for the appreciation of the newspaper article as a form of entertainment. In the 1910s, however, the writing of mysteries and “black curtain” articles had yet to fuse, but in analyzing the works of the 1920s, it is possible to discern that they were written based on the imagination used for the “black curtain” articles. From this point, “black curtain” article and mysteries fuse, and mystery novels that problematise China begin to be produced.
末成 道男
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ7 『フエ地域の歴史と文化―周辺集落と外からの視点―』
pp.579-599, 2012-03-01

內田 慶市
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.191-198, 2012-02-01

The influence of Jean Basset's translation of the Bible into Chinese on RobertMorrison's translation of the Bible into Chinese is well known. There are four groups of manuscripts for Basset's translation. This research will present an initial consideration of the formation process of these manuscripts, after which the connection with the Morrison translation shall be explored.
內田 慶市
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.5, pp.191-198, 2012-02

The influence of Jean Basset's translation of the Bible into Chinese on RobertMorrison's translation of the Bible into Chinese is well known. There are four groups of manuscripts for Basset's translation. This research will present an initial consideration of the formation process of these manuscripts, after which the connection with the Morrison translation shall be explored.
石田 智子
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.5, pp.407-423, 2012-02

This thrust of this essay is to consider the changes and the relationship of the various influences in Hōgai's works through a comparison of two works, Kannon with Hibo Kannon, and an analysis of Niōsokki. From an analysis of these works, the newness of Hōgai's later works can be seen in his technical use of ink painting and colour painting. Two other examples unrelated to motif are the uniformity of his brushstrokes and an expressive "smearing". Hōgai's late works reflect a wide range of elements: designs inherited from the early Edo period, the influence of techniques that appeared at the end of the Edo period and early Meiji period, techniques from Western painting, and Fenollosa's theories. The relationship between Hōgai and Fenellosa cannot be reduced to the simplistic statement that "Japanese culture had changed after the acceptance of Western culture". It should, I suggest, be seen as a mutual exchange. Hōgai's late works can only be understood as the product of a cultural exchange of multiple periods, places and people
二階堂 善弘
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.3, pp.41-48, 2010-03-31

In Xiyouji Zaju, written in the early Ming Dynasty, both Hua-guang and Da-quan play active roles on the same stage. In a sense, it is safe to say that Xiyouji Zaju is the only piece of literature in which these two gods appear together. This paper analyzes the characteristics of these two gods by examining how Hua-guang and Da-quan were depicted in Xiyouji Zaju.
二階堂 善弘
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.3, pp.41-48, 2010-03

In Xiyouji Zaju, written in the early Ming Dynasty, both Hua-guang and Da-quan play active roles on the same stage. In a sense, it is safe to say that Xiyouji Zaju is the only piece of literature in which these two gods appear together. This paper analyzes the characteristics of these two gods by examining how Hua-guang and Da-quan were depicted in Xiyouji Zaju.
西村 昌也
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ6 『周縁と中心の概念で読み解く東アジアの「越・韓・琉」―歴史学・考古学研究からの視座―』
pp.105-141, 2012-03-01

ベトナムの形成史を考える時に、主要民族、キン族が居住した北部平野部において、その南域(タインホア省からハティン省あたり)は、先史時代より非常に興味深い役割を果たしている。 つまり銅鼓に象徴されるドンソン文化の核領域を形成しつつ、中部のサーフィン文化集団による大量銅鼓の移出を実現する。そして、後漢代以降、中国文化を積極的に受け入れた集団と山岳部でドンソン文化伝統を保とうとする二極化がおきる。また、時には、中部のチャンパなどと連合しながら、しばしば中国政権側に起義・反抗を行う。そのなかには、中国側政権にもともと近しい存在で、権力基盤形成を行い、反抗・起義に到った例もある。 独立達成の10世紀から李陳朝期を通じて、ベトナムはチャンパと抗争を繰り広げると同時に、文化的にも経済的にも様々な交流関係を深め、チャンパとの交流はベトナムが独自文化形成を行う上で大きく寄与していたし、チャンパ側も陶磁器生産技術などをベトナム側から導入している。 15世紀以降、タインホア、ゲアンなどの北部南域の人たちは、積極的に中部入植や政権樹立を行い、現在のベトナムに到っている。その地政学的位置から、北部南域の人たちは、中国とチャンパを両端として、ベトナムの政権を真ん中に据えつつ、振り子のように重心を変えながら、巧みに勢力拡大に努めてきたと言える。
西村 昌也
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ6 『周縁と中心の概念で読み解く東アジアの「越・韓・琉」―歴史学・考古学研究からの視座―』
pp.105-141, 2012-03-01

ベトナムの形成史を考える時に、主要民族、キン族が居住した北部平野部において、その南域(タインホア省からハティン省あたり)は、先史時代より非常に興味深い役割を果たしている。 つまり銅鼓に象徴されるドンソン文化の核領域を形成しつつ、中部のサーフィン文化集団による大量銅鼓の移出を実現する。そして、後漢代以降、中国文化を積極的に受け入れた集団と山岳部でドンソン文化伝統を保とうとする二極化がおきる。また、時には、中部のチャンパなどと連合しながら、しばしば中国政権側に起義・反抗を行う。そのなかには、中国側政権にもともと近しい存在で、権力基盤形成を行い、反抗・起義に到った例もある。 独立達成の10世紀から李陳朝期を通じて、ベトナムはチャンパと抗争を繰り広げると同時に、文化的にも経済的にも様々な交流関係を深め、チャンパとの交流はベトナムが独自文化形成を行う上で大きく寄与していたし、チャンパ側も陶磁器生産技術などをベトナム側から導入している。 15世紀以降、タインホア、ゲアンなどの北部南域の人たちは、積極的に中部入植や政権樹立を行い、現在のベトナムに到っている。その地政学的位置から、北部南域の人たちは、中国とチャンパを両端として、ベトナムの政権を真ん中に据えつつ、振り子のように重心を変えながら、巧みに勢力拡大に努めてきたと言える。
金 仙煕
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.3, pp.131-142, 2010-03

In Japan, the establishment of the modern science of history that advocates the cause of positivism has played a significant role in increasing interest in Korean history. Chosenshi (Korean History), written by Hayashi Taisuke from a Korean perspective, is one of the earliest studies of its kind, providing a new style of historical description. The book was translated into the Korean language and published by Hyon Chae under the title DongGookSaRyak. However, Chosenshi became a target for harsh criticism from Korean thinkers of that time who advocated nationalism. In the study of Korean history, in which a major challenge was to overcome the historical perspective of colonization after Korea's decolonization, Chosenshi was criticized for being filled with a "historical perspective of colonization," rather than praised as the establishment of a modern history description. In South Korea today, however, Chosenshi has recently drawn renewed attention in discussions regarding "historical description." A look at the history of the acceptance of Chosenshi shows how the book has raised various questions, including arguments about the results of studies on ancient history in South Korea.
金 仙煕
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.3, pp.131-142, 2010-03-31

In Japan, the establishment of the modern science of history that advocates the cause of positivism has played a significant role in increasing interest in Korean history. Chosenshi (Korean History), written by Hayashi Taisuke from a Korean perspective, is one of the earliest studies of its kind, providing a new style of historical description. The book was translated into the Korean language and published by Hyon Chae under the title DongGookSaRyak. However, Chosenshi became a target for harsh criticism from Korean thinkers of that time who advocated nationalism. In the study of Korean history, in which a major challenge was to overcome the historical perspective of colonization after Korea’s decolonization, Chosenshi was criticized for being filled with a “historical perspective of colonization,” rather than praised as the establishment of a modern history description. In South Korea today, however, Chosenshi has recently drawn renewed attention in discussions regarding “historical description.” A look at the history of the acceptance of Chosenshi shows how the book has raised various questions, including arguments about the results of studies on ancient history in South Korea.