佐藤 達夫
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.50, no.2, pp.227-234, 1999-04-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

In function-preserving operations of the esophagus and lung, it is crucial to have a precise knowledge of the mediastinal and deep cervical lymphatics and their relationships to surrounding structures. The lymphatics of the mediastinum and neck, which are associated with the esophagus and run along the trachea, were dissected in detail in several anatomical specimens. The actual photographs taken during the dissection are included for a more complete understanding of the intricate topographical relationships. Although there are numerous transverse connections, the mediastinal lymphatics can be roughly divided into two major ascending pathways: the right and the left. Each pathway can then be subdivided into a superficial pathway along the major blood vessels and a deep pathway along the trachea and esophagus. Various deep right ascending pathways are shown to illustrate the problem of the differing levels at which lymph vesseles leave the paratracheal nodes to reach the right venous angle. Further, the brachiocephalic node group is discussed as the critical intermediary nodes between the superficial and deep pathways. Numerous deep left pathways are also dissected from the left tracheobronchial nodes. Some lymphatics ascend along the left recurrent nerve to finally reach the left venous angle, while some pathways traverse to the right side. Still other pathways directly connect to the thoracic duct.
伊藤 裕之
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.40, no.4, pp.357-360, 1989
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This report is concerned with diet for dysphagic patients. Oral intake of foods was very important as rehabilitation training for dysphagia. However, some foods which are difficult to swallow for patients might cause air way obstruction and pneumonia. Therefore the choice of suitable diet was essential for the rehabilitation of dysphagia. Though adequate foods for dysphagic patients were slightly different, case by case. They are generally wet, easy to masticate and favorite of the patients. On the contrary, unsuitable diet, is dry and spicy. The foods containing too much water and unfavorite ones of the patients are not adequate for dysphagic patients. A program of diet for dysphagic patients were proposed and tried on a patient of dysphagia. Oral feeding was begun with soft and wet foods such as pudding, yoghurt and "chawan-mushi" as the first step and baby foods were chosen in the next step. In the third step, well-boiled soft vegetables or "toufu" (bean curd) were added to foods of the second step. In the forth step, gruel were added to the previous step. The foods should be chosen according to the improvement of the dysphagia. The diet program for dysphagic patients should be established.
諏訪 大八郎 西野 暢彦 松浦 めぐみ 神谷 欣志 松本 圭五 馬場 恵 田中 達郎 今野 弘之 中村 達 馬塲 正三 青木 克憲
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.49, no.4, pp.378-385, 1998-08-10 (Released:2010-10-20)
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Esophageal perforation is a serious acute disease. In this paper, a case of esophageal perforation by a fish-bone with severe mediastinitis and a cervical abscess is reported.For a 50-year-old male, the diagnosis was made 15 days after he had swallowed a fish-bone, because the symptoms were slight before severe chest pain began. Two esophageal perforations (19-21 cm and 24-31 cm from his initial tooth line) were confirmed by endoscopy. Moreover, mediastinitis and a huge cervical abscess were recognized perioperatively. Most of his esophagus was resected due to the two long perforations, and mediastinal drainage, cervical esophagostomy and gastrostomy were also performed. After the operation, the patient suffered from a severe pyothorax, but he fortunately recovered. 10 months later, an esophageal reconstraction by gastric tube was done. Since fish-bones sometimes cause esophageal perforations and severe complications are often seen, strict follow-up is needed for patients who accidentally swallow them.
宮下 弘 鈴木 一元 峯田 周幸 野末 道彦
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.41, no.4, pp.304-309, 1990-08-10 (Released:2010-10-20)

We reported a case of invasive laryngeal carcinoma arising in preexisting big laryngeal papillomatosis.A-59-year-old man complained of increasing hoarseness and dyspnea before tracheotomy. We noticed huge tumor in the larynx. Pathological diagnosis was papilloma at the first examination. Because of recurrence of the tumor, frequent management by dioxide laser surgery was required to maintain an adequate airway every 2-month. At the fourth time biopsy, the histological diagnosis was epidermoid carcinoma. Papilloma virus was also found in carcinoma. For radical treatment, total laryngectomy was done, and his clinical course is very good for two years after surgery.Some discussions were made concerning the classification, etiology, transformation into carcinoma and treatment of papilloma.
木村 裕毅 竹山 豊 横山 隆 福井 理雄 伊東 明彦 磯野 道夫 細井 裕司 村田 清高
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.47, no.4, pp.391-397, 1996-08-10 (Released:2010-10-20)
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Two cases of fish-bone foreign body were reported. Case 1 was a 75-year-old female who suffered from cervical pains after eating bonito. No foreign bodies were found by indirect laryngoscopical nor esophagoscopical examination. The foreign body was found embedded in the posterior wall of the pharyx on X-ray and CT scan. Case 2 was a 77-year-old female who had pains after eating bonito. Neither indirect laryngoscopical nor esophagoscopical examination revealed any foreign bodies in the pharyngoesophageal space. X-ray and CT scan revealed an extra-esophageal foreign body with a surrounding periesophageal abscess and cervical subcutaneous emphysema. By an extra cervical incision, the foreign body was found penetrating the esophagus and reaching carotid artery. These two cases suggest the importance of conducting X-rays and CT scans even if no foreign bodies are found under laryngo-esophagoscopical examination.
森 敏裕 丘村 煕
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.35, no.3, pp.241-249, 1984-06-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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The measurement of swallowing pressure is one of the methods to analyze the swallowing mechanism, but it has not been utilized clinically yet. The purposes of this paper are to clarify practical problems of the measurement of swallowing pressure through a survey of literature and to evaluate a posssibility of utilizing it for clinical use. It was considered that an intraluminal miniature pressure transducer was more accurate in measuring swallowing pressure than an infused water-filled catheter. The measurement of swallowing pressure can be an useful diagnostic method for investigating swallowing mechanism at the pharyngeal and cervical esophageal regions, especially in combination with cine-fluorography.
古川 政樹 湯山 誠一郎 金子 まどか 古川 滋 柊 光一 久保田 彰 大石 公直 澤木 修二 猪狩 秀則
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.39, no.1, pp.29-39, 1988-02-10 (Released:2010-06-11)
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The vocal cord paralysis may be caused by the occult type malignancies. The tumor occupies along the route of the vagus nerve or recurrent laryngeal nerve. To detect such a malignant tumor, it is advocated that the diagnosis should be performed with various kind of figures, such as X-ray picture, CT and ultrasonography. Consequently 13 cases were diagnosed to the malignant tumors among 31 vocal cord paralysis cases. They were thyroid cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer and others. CT and ultrasonography were very useful for the evaluation of the mass lesions in the head and neck area. Additionally, the fine needle aspiration biopsy under the ultrasonographic imaging was available to diagnose whether the mass lesions were benign or malignant. Consequently 13 cases were diagnosed to the malignant tumors among 31 vocal cord paralysis cases. They were thyroid cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer and others.CT and ultrasonography were very useful for the evaluation of the mass lesions in the head and neck area. Additionally, the fine needle aspiration biopsy under the ultrasonographic imaging was available to diagnose whether the mass lesions were benign or malignant.
高木 誠治 津田 邦良 松山 篤二 澤津橋 基広 大谷 信二 進 武幹
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.50, no.5, pp.565-568, 1999-10-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
11 4

A statistical study was made of foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi of 34 patients (male:female=23:11) hospitalized at our clinic between 1982 and 1998. Nineteen patients were under 3 years of age. Fifteen cases (44%) had aspirated peanuts. The chief complaints were coughing, wheezing and fever. In radiological diagnoses, emphysema and atelectasis were found in some cases. MRI should be performed when the possibility of a foreign body is not completely excluded, even though it is not apparently suggested by an interview, physical examination, or chest X-ray.Foreign bodies were found under direct bronchoscopy in the trachea of 5 patients, in the right bronchus in 17 patients and in the left bronchus in 12 patients. These were all removed by means of a ventilation bronchoscope under general anesthesia without any complications.
高橋 英介 萩原 勁 野口 正之 松島 康 小高 達朗 輿石 晴也 中村 治彦 米山 一男 小中 千守 加藤 治文
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.44, no.3, pp.195-199, 1993-06-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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One case of tracheal diverticulum and eleven cases of bronchial diverticula were detected in 4127 subjects examined by fiberscopic bronchoscopy. The tracheal diverticulum was located in the right posterior portion of the trachea, and the bronchial diverticula were located in the right truncus intermedius (5 cases), the right basal bronchus (5 cases) and the right middle lobe bronchus (1 case). From our studies and reviewing the previous reports in Japan, we came to the conclusion that the frequent site of the tracheal diverticulum was at the right posterolateral portion and that of the bronchus was at the truncus intermedius. There was redness of the mucosa and vascular engorgement in 2 of the 12 cases of tracheobronchial diverticula. In most cases, diverticula were clinically silent, however in some cases, they tended to lead to the foci of inflammation. Therefore in case of the recurrent pulmonary inflammation, bronchofiberscopic examinations are highly recommended to rule out the tracheal or bronchial diverticula.

1 0 0 0 OA 嚥下性肺炎

菅間 康夫
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.46, no.5, pp.375-379, 1995-10-10 (Released:2010-10-20)

Aspiration pneumonia is caused by materials inhaled into the lower respiratory tract, such as gastric juice or food particles. In adults, most of the patients have a swallowing disturbance such as bulbar palsy or a consciousness disturbance as well as a reduced cough reflex.Acute aspiration pneumonia caused by gastric juice is sometimes referred to as the“Mendelson syndrome”, which is a chemical injury to the broncho-alveolar epithelium and vascular endothelium. Food particles from the oral cavity or stomach, which are usually contaminated with resident bacteria from the oral cavity or pharynx, subsequently cause bacterial infections and sometimes even lung abscesses. One kind of chronic aspiration pneumonia which is similar to diffuse pan-bronchiolitis (DPB), is called diffuse aspiration bronchiolitis (DAB), is due to continuous small amount of aspiration.It is important to diagnose aspiration pneumonia immediately and to start its treatment at an early stage.
太田 久彦
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.38, no.4, pp.374-384, 1987-08-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

Cold environment may alter cardiopulmonary function. The alteration of pulmonary blood flow (QC), respiratory water loss (VH2O), convective heat loss (CHL) and respiratory heat loss (RHL) were studied with subjects exposed to cold environment (5°C) and to thermoneutral environment. QC varied according to posture (supine, sitting and standing) and there was no significant difference between cold and thermoneutral temperature at the same posture. Apparently cold exposure of short duration had no effect on QC At the same temperature, QC was larger in the supine position than in the other positions.Before, during and after stepwise exercise in normal subjects, there was no significant difference in QC between cold and thermoneutral temperature.CHL increased significantly during stepwise exercise in the cold environment in compared with those at the thermoneutral temperature, however, VH2O and RHL also increased no significant degree. At both temperatures, VH2O, CHL and RHL increased during exercise in compared with those before exercise. RHL was elevated according to the increment of ventilation, and this elevation was more marked in the cold environment.
児嶋 久剛
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.45, no.5, pp.360-364, 1994-10-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
1 2

The literature on laryngeal function in the speech of aged persons is reviewed. Two major techniques have been used for the study of utterances in aged persons; one uses isolated voice sounds and the other conventional running speech for analysis.The former technique reveals aging-related changes in the vocal cords and in respiratory function. The voice of aged persons is characterized by hoarseness. That of males is also characterized by an increase in fundamental frequency, and that of females is characterized by a decrease. These changes are caused by an atrophy of the vocal folds in aged males and by an edematous change in aged females. However, this is only on among various aspects characteristic of the speech in aged persons.Other changes includes changes in the articulatory system and its movements. Aging affects the mobility of the tongue, pharyngeal wall and soft palate. In the production of a plosive, for example, aging leads to low intrapharyngeal pressure and poor glottal opening. As a result, the speech of aged person tends to be less clear.A combined study of isolated voice sounds and running speech is indispensable for the study of laryngeal function in aged persons.
岡本 健
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.45, no.2, pp.87-89, 1994-04-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

Recently, in terms of its medical content, bronchoesophagology as a lawful medical title has been hardly understood by patients. Although the future progress of bronchoesophagology as a science is indispensable and promising, the main question is whether it can maintain its identity as a clinical field. It seems to be more appropriate that bronchoesophagology remain the title of subspecialty of a medical field than a title of a clinical field.
福田 宏之 斎藤 成司 都築 達 牟田 弘 高山 悦代 藤岡 正 鈴木 理文 北原 哲 磯貝 豊 粉川 信行 市川 忠 牧野 克巳
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.35, no.2, pp.101-106, 1984-04-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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Nobody can deny that lubrication is one of the factors which influences the phonatory function of the larynx. However, no notable studies on the mechanism of lubrication have ever been carried out. This study is an effort to clarify how the larynx is lubricated.In the present study, it is revealed that the secretory fluid from the tracheal and subglottic spaces passes instantly through the glottis at the moment of the onset of phonation. Thus, the initiation of the lubrication is accomplished. The fluid from the subglottis is then mixed with the supraglottic fluid which comes mainly from the ventricular gland. A lubricant column is bilaterally made by the mixed fluid on the upper surface of the vocal folds. This lubricant column is rotating perpendicularilly to the free edge of the folds. The lubricant column may lubricate the folds which vibrate during phonation. At the end of phonation, the column decomposes and mostly flows backward to the subglottis. By this flow, the glottis is lubricated again.In this paper, the results mentioned above were discussed and analyzed from the viewpoint of phonodynamics.
三枝 英人 小野 卓哉 林 明聡 豊田 雅基 新美 成二 八木 聰明
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.48, no.4, pp.297-302, 1997-08-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

The treatments for patients with severe dysphagia and misdeglutition are very difficult. Some cases must have total laryngectomy or tracheo-esophageal separation to control their severe misdeglutition and prevent serious respiratory distress. However, in such cases, the phonatory function has to be sacrificed, resulting in a poor quality of life.In order to overcome this conflict between deglutition and phonation, we have developed an “artificial pharynx.” The artificial pharynx consists of a soft balloon and a plastic tube. The soft balloon is attached to a tube with an inlet hole. The whole assembly can be inserted through the patient's nose. The tip of the tube remains in the stomach and the balloon is inflated at the level of the pharynx to seal the airway. Our patient could breathe through a tracheal stoma which was created prior to using the artificial pharynx. The bolus was introduced through the inlet hole into the tube and moved down to the stomach by gravity. When the balloon was deflated, the patient could breathe and phonate with a speech valve of the cannula.We treated a patient using an artificial pharynx. He was a 62 years old male diagnosed as having terminal myotonic dystrophy and suffering from severe dysphagia. Because of his poor general condition, any surgical intervention for dysphagia and misdeglutition could not be performed without a tracheotomy. But, since he yearned to take some drinks and to preserve his phonatory function, the artificial pharynx was utilized with some success.
古賀 慶次郎 川城 信子 荒木 昭夫 越永 重四郎
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.42, no.4, pp.323-329, 1991-08-10 (Released:2010-10-20)

During the period between 1971 and 1980, the postmortem examinations of 14 infants and young children, ranged from 9 months to 4 years of ages, averaged 1-year-7 month old, who died of foreign bodies in the airway were performed in the Tokyo Metropolitan Examiners Office. The clinical progress of these children was reviewed, and summarized as follows.1. The foreign bodies in these cases were several kinds of foods such as beans in 5 cases, orange or its skin in 2, other foods in 3 and a candy in one case.2. Among these, two chidren were eating foods while they were playing or running around, and 3children aspirated foreign bodies into the airway accidentally during vomiting or unknown cause and while changing their dipers.3. These accidents have tought us that it is very important to feed or give foods to children while they are quiet.4. Ten children have died at the day of accident, and 3 children have been transferred from clinic to clinic and died in several days after the accident. Every phisician who happens to see children presenting with wheezing or respiratory distress should be aware of foreign body in the airway.5. In 13 cases, foreign bodies were found in the trachea. The case of foreign body in the trachea usually shows a normal chest X-ray and this makes the precise diagnosis much more difficult than cases with a foreign body in the bronchus. The fiberscopic or bronchoscopic examinations are mandatory for making the exact diagnosis.
福山 智子 湯田 厚司 山田 弘之 原田 輝彦 坂倉 康夫
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.45, no.6, pp.462-466, 1994-12-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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We report a case of esophageal perforation caused by a piece of glass in a 34-year-old woman suffering from sudden severe pharyngeal pain. We found a foreign body lodged at the esophageal wall 4cm below from the first esophageal constriction upon X-ray and flexible fiberscopic examination. The foreign body was removed using a rigid esophagoscope 39 hours after swallowing. The foreign body was an equilateral triangular piece of glass whose side was 30mm. Immediately after the foreign body was removed, we found an esophageal perforation, subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum. The perforation was closed using an external approach. The patient showed improvement after the operation.
佐藤 靖雄 森田 守 高橋 広臣 蔵内 祥博 黄川田 光夫
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.16, no.4, pp.160-167,en1, 1965 (Released:2010-10-20)

Two cases of carcinoma of the larynx, which were found in teenagers, were reported: a fourteen year-old girl supralottic type, squamous cell carcinoma, Stage III (T2N1M0) and a seventeen year-old girl (glottic Type, carcinoma in situ, Stage I (T1N0)). The former was treated with irradiation followed by surgery, and in the latter, radiation only. The vocal cords were saved in both cases. No recurrance of tumor is seen for one and half year in the former case and six months in the latter after treatment. The followings are discussed: how to combine radiation therapy and surgical treatment, concerning skin incisions of partial resection, regional application of anti-cancerous drugs, and the functions of speech and swallowing after surgery.
佐藤 公則 川口 壽郎 松岡 秀隆
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.41, no.4, pp.292-299, 1990-08-10 (Released:2010-10-20)
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Four patients with esophageal or hypopharyngeal perforation caused by endoscopy treated from 1981 through 1989 at Kurume University Hospital, are reviewed.1) All the patients were adult, two were male and two were female.2) The cause was by flexible fiberscopy in two patients with hypopharyngeal perforation, by rigid esophagoscopy in two patients with esophageal perforation. The lesion of hypopharyngeal perforation was left piriform sinus and that of esophagus was entrance of cervical esophagus.3) All the patients were treated surgically. Primary suture of the peforation was done in one case.4) All the patients were cured.5) The most useful examination was a lateral view of the cervical X-ray.6) From our experience, the following treatment is recommended. Operation should be done as soon as possible, and primary suture of the perforation would be done if possible. The operative wound should be opened, and oral administration of foods would be started if possible. And the operative wound could be successively closed if there were no problems.
柵木 美紀 仁木 博文 田中 康夫
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.46, no.4, pp.314-317, 1995-08-10 (Released:2010-10-20)
1 1

A rare case of throat burn caused by the accidental inhalation of the flame of a toy firework was reported. A 13-year-old boy omplained of a sore throat with difficulty in swallowing and moderate hoarseness after meeting with the accident. A firework scaffold fell suddenly after ignition, and part of its flame entered the mouth of this boy who was standing 20m distant.When he visited our clinic, an indirect laryngoscopy showed that the epiglottis and the bilateral arytenoid regions were hyperemic and edematously swollen. He was under medical treatment of hydrocortisone sodium succinate and antibiotics. It was concluded that this throat burn was a thermal injury caused by the inhalation of a flame, probably of a paper casing. Two years observation revealed no cicatrical contracture.