馬場 駿吉 高坂 知節 稲村 直樹 佐藤 三吉 鈴木 茂 遠藤 里見 石戸谷 雅子 小野寺 亮 山田 公彦 大久 俊和 荒井 英爾 鈴木 雅明 大山 健二 粟田口 敏一 戸川 清 岡本 美孝 松崎 全成 寺田 修久 喜多村 健 石田 孝 馬場 廣太郎 島田 均 森 朗子 池田 聖 金子 敏郎 今野 昭義 山越 隆行 石井 哲夫 窪田 市世 鍋島 みどり 田口 喜一郎 石山 哲也 中野 雄一 中村 英生 五十嵐 文雄 古川 仭 作本 真 山下 公一 久保田 修 宇佐神 篤 伊藤 博隆 鈴木 元彦 間宮 紳一郎 横田 明 加藤 薫 大屋 靖彦 河合 〓 岩田 重信 横山 尚樹 井畑 克朗 瀧本 勲 稲福 繁 坂倉 康夫 鵜飼 幸太郎 雨皿 亮 山田 弘之 坂倉 健二 平田 圭甫 伊藤 由紀子 村上 泰 竹中 洋 山下 敏夫 久保 伸夫 中井 義明 大橋 淑宏 阪本 浩一 村田 清高 平沢 昌子 原田 康夫 森 直樹 白根 誠 多田 渉 小林 優子 竹林 脩文 河野 嘉彦 夜陣 紘治 平田 思 宮脇 修二 津田 哲也 山下 隆司 二階堂 真史 柿 音高 永澤 容 増田 游 後藤 昭一 西岡 慶子 折田 洋造 東川 康彦 武 浩太郎 進 武幹 前山 忠嗣 百田 統洋 堤 昭一郎 茂木 五郎 川内 秀之 松下 太 吉村 弘之 高田 順子 石川 哮 定永 恭明 大山 勝 松崎 勉 坂本 邦彦 廣田 常治 内薗 明裕 鯵坂 孝二 中島 光好
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.3, pp.389-405, 1995-03-01
13 16

The efficacy and safety of Kampo preparation Sho-seiryu-to were studied in a joint double-blind trial in comparison with a placebo. The study was carried out on 220 patients with perennial nasal allergy at 61 hospitals. Granules in a dose of 3 g were administered 3 times daily for 2 weeks. Moderate to high improvement was recorded in 44.6% of the treated patients and in 18.1% of those receiving placebo. The difference is significant (p <0.001). Side effects were noted in 6.5% of the treated patients and in 6.4% of the controls (not a significant deference). The side effects were mild and had no influence on the daily life of the patients.
平野 実 進 武幹 吉田 義一 三橋 重信 吉田 哲二 大久保 洋
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.31, no.4, pp.285-290, 1980-08-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
8 3

Dynamic disorders of swallowing are caused by lesions of the neuro-muscular system that participates in swallowing. Aspiration resulting from such disorders can be classified into four types. This classification is helpful for selecting surgical treatments for aspiration as well as for difficulty in swallowing.Type I. In this type, aspiration occurs when the larynx is elevated and closed during swallowing. It results from incomplete laryngeal closure. Mediofixation of the paretic vocal fold, suture of the bilateral ventricular folds, and/or fixation of the larynx in a high position yields good laryngeal closure. Cricopharyngeal myotomy leads bolus easily into the esophagus.Type II. Aspiration takes place when the larynx descends and opens at the end of the second stage of swallowing. This type of aspiration results from a weak propelling force and/or a strong resistance at the entrance of the esophagus. The weak propelling force is attributed to an incompetent velopharyngeal closure, disturbances of tongue movement and/or a weak pharyngeal peristalsis. Pharyngeal flap operation, infrahyoid myotomy and/or reinforcement of the pharyngeal wall is the choice of treatment. In order to reduce the resistance at the entrance of the esophagus, cricopharyngeal myotomy and a fixation of the larynx in an antero-superior position are effective.Type III. Aspiration occurs in both phases of laryngeal rising and falling.Type IV. This type is observed in those patients who are unable to execute the movements of the second stage of swallowing. The inability of the second stage movements seems to be caused by one of the following two: a severe paralysis of the swallowing muscles and strong inhibitory stimuli to the swallowing center of the medulla oblongata. The latter is observed in those patients who would have a very severe aspiration if their swallowing center allowed them to execute swallowing. In this type, the bolus is transported from the mouth to the pharynx by the gravity and weak tongue movements. The larynx closes in reflex but does not present such rising and falling as are executed in normal second stage. When the larynx opens, the bolus staying in the pharynx enters the airway.
川副 みちる 前山 忠嗣 和田 繁 進 武幹
喉頭 (ISSN:09156127)
vol.1, no.2, pp.93-95, 1989-12-01 (Released:2012-09-24)
1 1

Noradrenergic nerve fibers contribute to the sympathetic control of blood flow and glandsecretion. Distribution of noradrenergic nerve fibers in and around canine vocal folds was investigated by means of the fluorescence method. In addition, the spatial relationship of noradrenergic nerve fibers to the blood vessels and glands was determined with the use of the peroxidase anti-peroxidase method. Noradrenergic nerve fibers were found around arteries and arterioles whose diameter was 15μm or greater. No noradrenergic fibers, however, were observed around capillaries and veins. In the laryngeal glands, noradrenergic nerve fibers were observed adjacent to the arteries which entered the glands and near the basement membrane of acinous cells. The results suggest that noradrenergic nerve fibers regulate the blood flow in the arteries and arterioles and gland secretion in the larynx.
平野 実 大久保 洋 吉田 哲二 江崎 修市 吉田 義一 進 武幹
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.32, no.5, pp.365-372, 1981-10-10 (Released:2010-10-20)
6 3

“Cricopharyngeal achalasia” appears to be defined as a failure of the cricopharyngeal muscle to relax or as its premature contraction during the pharyngeal stage of deglutition. Our electromyographic, radiographic and histological investigations led to the conclusion that there are NO such conditions. In the conditions where “cricopharyngeal achalasia” has been thought to exist in association with other neuromuscular diseases, the cricopharyngeal muscle does relax in normal timing. However, since the propelling force is lessened because of weakness of the lingual and/or pharyngeal muscles, bolus does not enter the esophagus during the cricopharyngeal relaxation. Therefore, it is not the cricopharyngeal muscle but the tongue and/or pharyngeal muscles that is responsible for dysphagia. In the conditions where “cricopharyngeal achalasia” appears to be the only problem, again the cricopharyngeal muscle does relax. This was confirmed electromyographically in 5 patients. Results of a histological study suggest that the genesis of dysphagia in these conditions is a decrease in expansibility of the cricopharyngeal muscle resulting from a myopathy. We propose that these conditions should be called “idiopathic cricopharyngeal myopathy.”
前山 忠嗣 前原 法文 進 武幹
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.39, no.4, pp.581-588, 1993-07-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

慢性副鼻腔炎患者20例に「オースギ小青竜湯エキスG」を投与し, その有効性および安全性について検討し, 次のような結果を得た.1) 有効率 (やや有効以上) は短期 (3~6カ月) 投与群では75%, 長期 (7~12カ月) 投与群では92%であり, 全体としては85%であつた.2) 他覚所見より自覚症状の改善率の方が高かつた. とくに鼻閉, 鼻汁, 後鼻漏の改善率が優れていた. 嗅覚障害に対してはあまり効果がなかつた.3) 副作用は認められなかつた.4) 本剤は副鼻腔炎の治療に有用であると考える.
前山 忠嗣 前原 法文 進 武幹
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.39, no.4, pp.581-588, 1993

慢性副鼻腔炎患者20例に「オースギ小青竜湯エキスG」を投与し, その有効性および安全性について検討し, 次のような結果を得た.<BR>1) 有効率 (やや有効以上) は短期 (3~6カ月) 投与群では75%, 長期 (7~12カ月) 投与群では92%であり, 全体としては85%であつた.<BR>2) 他覚所見より自覚症状の改善率の方が高かつた. とくに鼻閉, 鼻汁, 後鼻漏の改善率が優れていた. 嗅覚障害に対してはあまり効果がなかつた.<BR>3) 副作用は認められなかつた.<BR>4) 本剤は副鼻腔炎の治療に有用であると考える.
高木 誠治 津田 邦良 松山 篤二 澤津橋 基広 大谷 信二 進 武幹
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.50, no.5, pp.565-568, 1999-10-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
11 4

A statistical study was made of foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi of 34 patients (male:female=23:11) hospitalized at our clinic between 1982 and 1998. Nineteen patients were under 3 years of age. Fifteen cases (44%) had aspirated peanuts. The chief complaints were coughing, wheezing and fever. In radiological diagnoses, emphysema and atelectasis were found in some cases. MRI should be performed when the possibility of a foreign body is not completely excluded, even though it is not apparently suggested by an interview, physical examination, or chest X-ray.Foreign bodies were found under direct bronchoscopy in the trachea of 5 patients, in the right bronchus in 17 patients and in the left bronchus in 12 patients. These were all removed by means of a ventilation bronchoscope under general anesthesia without any complications.
奥田 稔 高坂 知節 三宅 浩郷 原田 康夫 石川 哮 犬山 征夫 間口 四郎 新川 秀一 池野 敬一 松原 篤 稲村 直樹 中林 成一郎 後藤 了 小野寺 亮 遠藤 里見 亀井 民雄 室井 昌彦 馬場 廣太郎 島田 均 舩坂 宗太郎 大橋 伸也 鄭 正舟 小澤 実佳 八木 聰明 大久保 公裕 後藤 穣 服部 康夫 上野 則之 柏戸 泉 大塚 博邦 山口 潤 佃 守 池間 陽子 坂井 真 新川 敦 小林 良弘 佐藤 むつみ 山崎 充代 藤井 一省 福里 博 寺田 多恵 小川 裕 加賀 達美 渡辺 行雄 中川 肇 島 岳彦 齋藤 等 森 繁人 村上 嘉彦 久松 建一 岩田 重信 井畑 克朗 坂倉 康夫 鵜飼 幸太郎 竹内 万彦 増田 佐和子 村上 泰 竹中 洋 松永 喬 上田 隆志 天津 睦郎 石田 春彦 生駒 尚秋 鈴木 健男 涌谷 忠雄 宮國 泰明 夜陣 紘治 森 直樹 田頭 宣治 宮脇 浩紀 青木 正則 小林 優子 高橋 正紘 沖中 芳彦 遠藤 史郎 池田 卓生 関谷 透 奥園 達也 進 武幹 前山 忠嗣 恒冨 今日子 増山 敬祐 浅井 栄敏 土生 健二郎 中崎 孝志 吹上 忠祐 角田 憲昭 渡辺 隆 野口 聡 隈上 秀伯 吉見 龍一郎 茂木 五郎 鈴木 正志 大橋 和史
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.42, no.5, pp.633-658, 1996-09-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

通年性アレルギー性鼻炎患者211例を対象に, KW-467910mg/日 (KW群) の有効性, 安全性および有用性をoxatomide 60mg/日 (OX群) を対照薬として多施設二重盲検群間比較試験により検討した.最終全般改善度の「改善」以上は, KW群61-6%, OX群57.6%で, 両群間に有意差は認められなかつたが, 同等性の検証を行った結果, KW群はOX群と比較して同等ないしそれ以上と考えられた. 概括安全度の「安全性に問題なし」と評価された症例は, KW群68.0%, OX群61.4%で, 両群間に有意差は認められなかった. 主な副作用症状は両群とも眠気であった. 有用度の「有用」以上は, KW群54.9%, OX群50.5%であり両群間に有意差はなかったが, KW群の方がやや有用率が高かった.以上の成績より, KW-4679は通年性アレルギー性鼻炎に対して, 臨床的に有用性の高い薬剤であると考えられた.
進 武幹 梅崎 俊郎
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.5, pp.553-559, 1995-05-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
2 3

In general, esophagography with a VTR system, electromyography and measurement of the pressure of the digestive tract are used for evaluation of the swallowing function. In previous reports a time lag in movement of the bolus was pointed out in many patients with dysphagia. However, a standardized time reference for this lag was not clarified in most cases.A new concept evaluating dysphagia is introduced in this study to clarify the pathophysiology of swallowing disorders. The movement of the bolus is referred to as a phase, and the time progress of the patterned output from the medullary swallowing center is referred to as a stage. It can, therefore, be considered that dysphagia occurs when the time lag between the phase and stage exceeds the physiologically permissible limits.The standard point of the phase and stage were determined separately from an analysis of the esophagogram with a VTR system in normal volunteers, and the time lag between the two points was measured in patients with dysphagia. We devised a new instrument to evaluate the swallowing function, which can record simultaneously the pressure of the oral cavity and pharynx and the air flow rate. These methods were useful for detecting the delay of the initiation of pharyngeal swallowing which is observed in patients with dysphagia caused by lesions of the corticobulbar tract.
進 武幹 福山 つや子
口腔・咽頭科 (ISSN:09175105)
vol.5, no.2, pp.37-41, 1993-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

The cause of Behcet's disease is still unknown. In this paper, we describe the features of Behcet's disease as reported by the Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1987. Behcet's disease is characterized by oral and genital ulcers and ocular inflammation. At least two of these main symptoms are required to establish the diagnosis. Behcet's disease is further classified as having mucocutaneous, arthritic, digestive, vascular and neurologic abnormalities.Behcet's disease must be differentiated from benign mucous membrane pemphigus, pemphigoid and erythema multiforme. The ulcers in recurrent aphthous stomatitis are quite similar in appearance. These diseases can be ruled out with pathological and immunological techniques.