田中 信三 窪田 清己 田辺 正博
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.35, no.4, pp.287-292, 1984-08-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

Living canine larynx was blown through the trachea with both arytenoid cartilages fixed in the median position. The sound pressure level and fundamental frequency of the voice were measured under various flow rates and subglottal pressures, with and without electric stimulation of the thyroarytenoid muscles. From this experiment, the role of the thyroarytenoid muscles in voice regulation was found to be as follows:1) When the glottis is sufficiently closed, contraction of the thyroarytenoid muscles does not affect the relationship between aerodynamic power (flow rate times pressure) and the sound pressure level, in spite of increased glottal resistance (pressure divided by flow rate).2) When the glottis is sufficiently closed, contraction of the thyroarytenoid muscles decreases the fundamental frequency in relatively large aerodynamic powers.
平出 文久 井上 鉄三 都川 紀正 椿 康喜代 沢田 政道 田中 英一
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.31, no.3, pp.246-252, 1980

Cryosurgery is gaining more and more importance as a therapeutic modality within the field of head and neck surgery.<br>Cryosurgery was performed in two patients with hemangioma arising from the entrance of the esophagus.<br>Case 1: A 41-year-old woman was referred for the diagnosis of hemangioma in the entrance of the esophagus which had been present for approximately five years. The patient felt slight pain on deglutition and sometimes noticed hemoptysis. The lesion was treated with cryoapplication of -60°C on its surface through the direct laryngoscope under general anesthesia. Cryoapplications were repeated by overlapping frozen areas during treatment. The duration of the individual freezing cycles ranged from one and half to three minutes. Over a period of 3 weeks the patient received 2 cryosurgical treatments. Postoperative healing was uneventful. After 3 weeks following 2nd cryosurgery the lesion disappeared without leaving a remarkable scar. No recurrence was noted after one-year follow-up.<br>Case 2: A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with a history of foreign body sensation in the throat. Endoscopic examination revealed a dark, blue swelling in the entrance of the esophagus, suggesting a hemangioma. The lesion was frozen in three applications of -60°C each time. The frozen region was overlapped to compass the entire tumor. After thawing the frozen areas began to swell. In 24 hours it was almost twice of its original size. Then the necrotic tissue was well demarcated from vital tissue and on the seventh postoperative day the brownish lump exfoliated and showed a persistent smaller tumor. Total regression of the hemangioma and overgrowth of normal mucosa followed with a satisfactory functional result. No further growth was observed after six-month follow-up.<br>The general treatment of the hemangioma in the larynx, hypopharynx and esophagus was briefly discussed.
赤澤 仁司 小川 真 曺 弘規 細川 清人 中原 晋 堀井 新 猪原 秀典
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.65, no.4, pp.322-329, 2014

北原 哲 斉藤 成司
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.24, no.6, pp.293-296, 1973

Otolaryngologists have recently had a chance meeting with patients suffering from foreign body problems due to ingestion of plastic goods, for examples, plastic imitation lipsticks and doll bottle caps or the like which would normally be put in or near the mouth.<BR>Of current note here are light, slippery, plastic, imtation bullets which are physically easy to ingest.<BR>Three patients, aged 5, 7 and 8 with ingested plastic bullets were successfully treated with endoscopic procedure in our clinic during January of 1973.<BR>Diagnosis of ingesting those foreign bodies in the bronchus was easily obtained thanks not only to radiographic examination in conjunction with careful physical examination but also to very clear history of aspiration.<BR>Extraction of the plastic bullet, however, was not so easy because clear detection of the ingested bullet under ventilation bronchoscope was difficult due to its pinkish color, and because the bronchus was easily and completely obstructed by the bullet due to its funnel-like shape.<BR>In this paper, our successful cases were reported and discussed mainly from the viewpoint of some devices or ideas how to find endoscopically such a plastic, pinkish and funnel-like shaped bullet.
斎藤 望
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.34, no.2, pp.110-115, 1983

The song ontogeny of birds is classified into 2 types. One kind of bird must learn the species-specific pattern of its song, the other need not learn but inherit the proper pattern. The former type of bird, for instance the canary has complicated vocal organ, the syrinx and the latter has a primitive syrinx. The peripheral and brain innervation patterns are also different between the two types of syrinx.<BR>One cerebral vocalization center of the canary, either the n. robustus archistriatalis (RA) or the hyperstriatum ventrale, pars caudale (HVc), has a specific role in performance of the song and elicits a specific pattern of unit spike discharge. The neurons of the centers responsible for voluntary vocalization also respond to sound stimulation at the same time: the HVc responds to white noise, and the RA responds to clicks, pure tones and FM sounds. An interconnecting organization between the vocal and auditory, or motor and sensory systems, in the cerebrum is speculated to be a means of connecting the RA and thalamic organization of the auditory area.
佐藤 克郎 川名 正博 山本 裕 佐藤 雄一郎 花澤 秀行 高橋 姿
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.53, no.6, pp.465-471, 2002

木村 美和子 萩澤 美帆 中嶋 正人 二藤 隆春 田山 二朗
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.56, no.6, pp.484-488, 2005-12-10
3 3 6

ガス壊疽はガス産生を伴う壊疽性の軟部組織感染症であり, クロストリジウム属に起因するものと非クロストリジウム属に起因するものとに大別される。従来, 頭頸部領域には稀とされてきたが, 最近報告例が増加し, 強い病原性を呈する可能性があり非常に注意を要する。今回われわれは齲歯が原因と予想される頸部から縦隔まで進展した非クロストリジウム属に起因する頸部ガス壊疽の症例を経験した。本症例は皮下に握雪感を伴い, ガス産生菌によって引き起こされた, 急速に進行する軟部組織の壊死性感染症であり, ガス壊疽と診断した。造影CTにて両側頸部, 縦隔に著明なガス像と膿瘍形成を認め, 術前の病変の進展範囲の判定に有用であった。受診同日に局所麻酔下に気管切開を施行し, 気道確保後, 全身麻酔下に頸部膿瘍切開排膿術, デブリードメント, 縦隔ドレナージを施行し, 術後も呼吸器科と連携して約2週間十分に抗菌薬投与し, 救命しえた。ガス壊疽は症状の進行が非常に急速であり, 炎症の波及の範囲を適切に判断した迅速なドレナージと抗菌薬投与が重要であると考えた。
中村 一博 一色 信彦 讃岐 徹治 三上 慎司
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.58, no.3, pp.310-319, 2007-06-10
10 15

Gender Identity Disorder (GID)は性同一性障害といわれ,生物学的性別と心理社会的性別が解離している病態である。<br>今回われわれはmale to femaleのGID (MTF/GID)症例に対し,話声位(SFF)の基本周波数を上昇させる目的でPitch Elevation Surgeryを施行した。その成績について報告する。<br>症例は1999~2006年に当院を受診し手術を施行したMTF/GIDの32例である。32例に対し甲状軟骨形成術4型(4型)を施行した。そのうち24例には喉頭隆起切除術を併せて施行した。<br>32例全例のSFFは上昇した。術前の平均SFFの基本周波数は133.8 Hz,術後は平均237.8 Hzであった。局所麻酔にて手術を施行しているため,全例ともに術中に患者の納得のいく基本周波数に調節することができ満足が得られた。<br>4型はMTF/GID症例におけるPitch Elevation Surgeryとして有用であると思われた。
山本 一博 松岡 明裕 稲木 勝英 古川 浩三
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.45, no.5, pp.409-415, 1994

A patient with multiple injuries in the pharynx and esophagus caused by a dog bite was discussed. Examination showed two perforations in the digestive organs: One was located at the left pyriform sinus and the other in the wall of the cervical esophagus. The sternocleidmastoid muscle, anterior cervical muscle, internal jugular vein and sympathetic nerve trunk were also invaded by the trauma.<br>If an injury to the esophagus is suspected it is usually necessary that diagnosis and treatment be done as quickly as possible. In this case, a esophagial injury was diagnosed at an early stage, because saburras were found in the avulsed wound to the cervical skin. There is usually a high possibility of multiple wounds and more serious subcutaneous damage compared to size of a lesion on the surface of the skin in dog bite injuries, and it is indispensable to understand all existinn wounds before beginning surgical treatment.
中村 一博 吉田 知之 鈴木 伸弘 竹之内 剛 岡本 伊作 渡嘉敷 亮二 鈴木 衞
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.57, no.3, pp.298-306, 2006-06-10
5 2

咽頭食道異物は外来診療において遭遇することの比較的多い疾患である。通常は経口的,経内視鏡的に摘出可能であるが,異物の種類によっては頸部外切開が必要となることもある。今回われわれは外切開による摘出を必要とした下咽頭頸部食道異物の3例を経験したので報告する。<br> 症例1と2は義歯の紛失が主訴であった。CTと単純X線にて下咽頭頸部食道に義歯を認めた。同日,全身麻酔下頸部外切開にて摘出した。<br> 症例3は食事中の突然の顔面頸部腫脹を主訴に当院救命救急部を受診した。初診時のCTにて頸部皮下気腫,縦隔気腫,下咽頭頸部食道異物を認めていたが救命的処置を優先し,第11病日に当科を受診した。同日緊急切開排膿術,異物摘出術を施行した。多量の膿汁と頸部食道粘膜壊死を認め,食道外に蟹の殻が存在していた。第78病日に敗血症で死亡した。<br> 下咽頭頸部食道粘膜は薄く鋭利な物質で容易に穿孔する。誤飲した異物についての詳細な問診が重要である。有鉤義歯の鉤が陥入している場合,無理に抜こうとすると消化管穿孔の原因となる。症例3は皮下気腫から縦隔膿瘍,敗血症となり不幸な転帰をたどった。迅速な診断が重要である。<br> 下咽頭食道異物症例では診断の遅れが致命的になることもある。詳細な問診,迅速な診断,適切な処置が重要である。
岩田 重信 三嶋 由充子 西村 忠郎 川勝 健司 石神 寛通 佐藤 達明 斉藤 路子 宮沢 亨司 馬場 駿吉 高木 一平 加藤 洋治 堀部 昌代 野々山 勉 木村 哲郎 松浦 由美子 浅井 美洋
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.47, no.6, pp.510-525, 1996-12-10
31 15

434 cases (216 males and 218 females) of esophagus and 182 cases (118 males and 64 females) of broncho-tracheal foreign bodies gathered from the ENT departments of 7 universities located in the Tokai area of Japan were statistically analyzed during past 10 years. As esophageal foreign bodies, PTP (35.1%) ranked first, followed by coins (24.0%), peaces of meat (10.9%), and fish bones (10.0%). In regard to broncho-tracheal foreign bodies, 75.1% of all cases were under 3-year-olds patients. Transluscent foreign bodies were found in 86.3% of all cases. The foreign bodies were beans in 68.1% of all cases, followed by artifical teeth in 11.5%. The foreign bodies were lodged in the right bronchas with the same frequency as in the left. In this study, PTP foreign bodies have occurred most often in the esophagus recently, and the discussed the prevention of PTP foreign bodies in this paper.
池田 陽一 久保田 彰 古川 まどか 佃 守
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.53, no.3, pp.264-270, 2002-06-10
