尾上 圭介
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1973, no.63, pp.1-26, 1973-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

The present paper is an attempt to describe and reorganize the usage of Japanese particles wa and ga and to give it a theoretical interpretation.The author maintains that two elements are involved for sentence formation, i. e. Sentence Kernel and Sentence Frame. Wa is one realization of the Sentence Frame and thus completes sentence formation. Ga is only a component of the Sentence Kernel. A Sentence Kernel has the semantic function as a dictum, i. e. the core material of a Sentence. It is shown that the special constraint on the usage of “near-sentences”containing ga but not any Sentence Frame follows from this hypothesis.
柴田 武
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1952, no.21, pp.1-27,68, 1952-03-31 (Released:2010-12-22)

The author considers vowel harmony as principle concerning the system of vowel phonemes, and from this poiht of view, has thought of organizing a system of vowel harmony for each of the Turk languages and comparing these systems with each other.

1 0 0 0 OA ラ行音の獲得

上田 功 ディビス スチュアート
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2001, no.119, pp.111-139, 2001-03-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

山本 謙吾
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1951, no.17-18, pp.71-84,186, 1951-03-20 (Released:2010-11-26)

Among phrases, which are found in the Manchu Written Language, two cases are here studied: Nouns in stein forms and adjectives, each of which is followed by a verb.The writer. collected the examples of this parer only from “Ton gtsi fuka sindaha bergen-i dangse.”
Teruhiro HAYATA
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1980, no.77, pp.59-79, 1980-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)
井桁 貞敏
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1954, no.25, pp.47-51, 1954-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

En russe des alternances qui remontent à l'indo-européen it ne subsiste que des débris. Les alternances provenant de la palatalisation des consonnes conservent leur productivité. On utilise l'alternance du type sg. doktor / pl. doktorá pour caractériser le pluriel. Les alternances o/zéro, e/zéro, provenant du changement des jers sont vivantes: elles facilitent la prononciation difficile du gén. pl. des substantifs, etc.Une langue possède des alternances anciennes et nouvelles. En général elle les laisse progressivement disparaître, mais il n'est pas rare qu' elle utilise une alternance ou pour caractériser un certain élément morphologique, ou pour éviter une prononciation difficile.
吉川 守
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1978, no.73, pp.21-42, 1978-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

移動表現において言語主体と移動主体との間に生じる物理的・心理的方向性は, きわめて一般的な言語的視座と考えられるが, 明確な文法現象として範疇化している言語は比較的少数であると思われる。本稿では, アッカド語に認められるVentiveとバビロニアの文法テクストに見られる文法術語Riatum/Sushurtumを手掛として, 従来未解明のまま残されているシュメール語の動詞接頭辞の一部が, Ventive《来辞法》及びIentive((去辞法))を表示する機能を有することを指摘して見たいと思う。
小林 ミナ
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1993, no.104, pp.128-156, 1993-09-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

The aim of this paper is to reexamine, from the radical pragmatic point of view, the theoretical domains in which the phenomena of the scope, focus and presupposition of questions in Japanese should be described. Although a large number of studies have been conducted on these phenomena, most of them characterize them in syntactic terms.I define the term “interrogative sentence” to refer to a type of sentence, and “question” to refer to a kind of (verbal or non-verbal) action. Given these definitions, my claim is as follows: Interrogative sentences should be described in syntax, and questions in pragmatics.Through examining what this claim entails, we find that, contrary to some prior studies (e.g. Kuno 1983; Takubo 1985), there is no direct evidence to support that the syntactic scope of questions exists, and furthermore, that the facts which these researchers used as evidence for the existence of the syntactic scope can be accounted for by making a clear distinction between “grammaticality” and “acceptability”. It is, therefore, concluded that the syntactic scope of questions does not exist.This approach is superior to the prior approach in the following two respects: First, by not accepting the existence of the scope with respect to questions, two exceptions to the scope restriction, WH-words and MC focus, cease to be exceptions. Secondly, the approach taken here suggests a possibility of describing such pragmatic phenomena as the focus and the presupposition of questions in purely pragmatic terms.
矢野 通生
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1971, no.58, pp.39-48, 1971-01-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

This paper is giving the survey of the Russian phonemic analysis from the point of view of the author's so-called functional phonemic analysis. The author distinguishes the three levels of abstraction in phonology. They are (1) the level of functional sounds, (2) the level of functional phones and (3) the level of functional phonemes.
泉井 久之助
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1962, no.42, pp.1-14, 1962-10-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

Quels sont les problemes à venir de notre science linguistique? Il sembleraitque le structuralisme actuel, quelque approchées des sciences exactes qu'en soientles méthodes, s'arrete aux apparences, c'est à dire, au niveau baissé des études dulangage humain sans en pénétrer les secrets qui sont réellement les «résidus» Parétoniens.Pour eclaircir meme un peu les résidus linguistiques, it nous faudrait renouvelernos efforts presque dans les memes directions que des grammairiensclassiques qui n'étaient pas si inscientifiques qu'on en pense généralement aujourd'hui. Par ses principes memes, les méthodes mathématiques, y appliquées, neseraient pas toujours effectives pour décrire exactement les cheminements subtilsde nos activités linguistiques. Le progres de notre science, s'il y en a vraimentfutur, semble dépendre, sela est naturel, plutot de l'accroissement de la matierenouvelle et l'approfondissement de l'idée que du raffinement de la mandre.
ポッペ クレメンス
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.150, pp.117-135, 2016 (Released:2016-11-17)

三根谷 徹
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1957, no.31, pp.8-21, 1957-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

In recent years, there have appeared new interpretations of the Ancient Chinese from the phonemic point of view, e.g. The Phonemes of Ancient Chinese (Supplement to the JAOS No.16 1953) by Samuel E. MARTIN, “Setsuin no imbo o kaishaku -suru”(in the Okayama Daigaku Hobungakubu Kiyo 3, 1954) by Fumio KUSAKABE, and “Chtigokugo no Shiteki-on'inron”(in the Nihon Cita gokugakkai Kaiho 6, 1954) by Akiyasu TODO One of the most controversial problems is how to solve the isolated final in the rhyme The author assumes this final as *aun just as FORREST reconstructed in his The Chinese Language (London 1948), and pushing this assumption to the whole system of finals, he attempts a tentative solution of the system of finals in the Ancient Chinese (represented by the Ts'ie-Yün) as shown on p.16. The apparent self-consistency of the system, however, does not necessarily mean that the Ts'ie-Yün was compiled basing on one dialect as assumed by B. KARLGREN and CHOU Fakao. The author follows the opinion that the Ts'ie-Yün had the characteristics of the Northern standard language reflecting partially the system of prcedent times and also of another dialects. The different usage of fan-ts'ie in Hsiian-Ying's Yi-ts'ie Ching Yin-yi shows that the system of the Ts'se-Yuuml;n had been followed as a norm at that period.
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1956, no.29, pp.12-40, 1956-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)
服部 四郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1950, no.15, pp.1-26,103, 1950-04-30 (Released:2010-12-22)

The writer of this article classifies linguistic forms as follows _??_ is definition of various forms is as the following:A form which is never uttered separately (by means of pauses) from other. form (s) is a bound form; all others are free forms. A free form which cannot be uttered alone is a clitic; all others are independent forms.It is sometimes difficult, however, to distinguish clitics bound forms, because clitics are. generally, although not always, uttered jointly with other form (s)The author explains first how to identify various fractions of utterances as the same form. Then he proposes three points..s the criteria to determine whether a form-is a clitic or a bound form.I) If the form in question can be co: ined freely with various independent forms, which belong to different classes because their functions and inflections are different, it, is a free form, i. e. a clitic.2) If other word (s) or phrase (s) can be inserted freely. between two forms united semantically, both of them are free forms Accordingly the form in question is-a. clitic.3) If two forms combined can change their order of combination, the two forms are free forms. The phonological structure of a form cannot be utilised as a criterion, because many clitics have similar structtres to those of bound forms. Of course we cannot depend upon the_meaning, too.It must be noticed, however, that clitics have such phonological‘ structures as can be uttered separately from other forms, and they are very ‘regular’ in relation to the words, with which they enter into close combinations. Ehglish ’-s of the possessive case is a bound form, because it has not such a phonological structure as can be uttered alone. The-e of Latin puellae is a bound form, because i t is not regular. Compare puerT, hostis, cornas, diei.
松本 克己
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1998, no.114, pp.1-35, 1998-12-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

Traditionally, the vowel harmony in Eurasia was considered to exist only in the so-called Ural-Altaic languages, as typically manifested in Modern Turkish. It was also regarded as a strong evidence for the genetic relationship of these languages. Recently, however, the vowel harmony has been found in many languages other than Uralic or Altaic, also displaying various types and characters.This paper aims to elucidate the existence of two major types of vowel harmony in the Eurasian languages, namely the Eurasian inland type and the Pacific coastal type. The former is what has been called Ural-Altaic type, which consists typically of eight vowels divived into masculine and feminine - and additionally neutral - series; phonologically, the harmony is based on the position of tongue-body: back vs. front.The latter type, on the other hand, is represented by that of Middle Korean, which consists, according to the writer's interpretation of Hwunmin Cyengum Hayryey, of six vowels divided into two series: Yin (i, u, _??_) and Yang (_??_, o, a) ; the phonological basis of harmony is to be regarded as the position of tongue-root, namely, the advanced tongue root (+ATR) producing the Yin vowels and the retracted tongue root (-ATR) realizing the Yang vowels. This type of vowel harmony is also found so far in Gilyak, in Chukchi-Kamchatkan, and further on the Pacific coast of North America, namely, in Penutian languages - particularly in Nez Perce. It may be considered as one of what the writer proposes circum-Pacific areal features.In addition, the vowel harmony of the Tungus languages proves to belong to this coastal type, so that, the writer suggests, the unity of the Altaic languages based on the their presumed genetic relationship may be quite doubtful.
小倉 肇
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1977, no.71, pp.21-40, 1977-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

In this paper, based upon the internal and external evidences, the author assumes that the Nara Period ko-otsu(甲乙) distinction in /i/ and /e/(イ列・エ列)column syllables was not the one of vowels with which it is usually credited, but the one of initial consonants: palatal versus nonpalatal. Verifying that in the Suiko Period the otsu ki (キ乙)and gi (ギ乙) syllables had a labial glide, the author attempts to interpret the otsu velar syllables as having uvular phonemes / q-, G-/. On the basis of this reconstruction, the author gives the following phonemic changes from the Suiko Period to the Nara Period.
南 不二男
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1966, no.49, pp.11-27, 1966-03-31 (Released:2013-05-23)

The purpose of this study is to analyze morphophonological “realization” processes of morphemes in the subject dialect, and to represent the results by ordered rules.Studied here is the dialect of Kuchinotsucho, Minamitakakigun, Nagasaki Prefecture.Two phases are assumed in the description: morphological phase, and phonological phase. Three units are assumed as constituent elements of the morpheme forms: morphophoneme (keitaionso), morphophone (keitaion), and phoneme (onso).In the morphological phase, morphophones are selceted from morphophonemes depending on morphological conditions. Morphological conditions are those total conditions in which are found the morphemes constituting the environment and the morphemes having the morphophoneme as a constituent element of their forms, and includes the tactical relation between the two morphemes. The following phenomena are treated in this phase: alternation of phonemes, e. g. t-d, s-h, e-u, e-i o-u, etc. and lengthening of vowels, e. g. toru (bird) qoori (dative form).In the phonological phase, phonemes are selected from morphophones depending on phonological conditions (the selection is conditioned by the phonemic system of the subject dialect). Phonological conditions are those total conditions in which are found the morphophones constituting the environment for the morphophone which happens to appear, and the tactical (phonotactic) relation between the two morphophones. The following phenomena are treated in this phase: alternation of phonemes as conditioned by the phonemic system, e. g. t-c, d-z etc.; assimilation of phonemes in the final morae of some words, e. g.-bu+bV→-Q+bV, -bu+mV→-N+mV etc.; dropping of consonants or semi-vowels, C1C2→C1, je, ji→e, i; shortening of long vowels, CVVN→CVN, CVVQ→CVQ etc.Each realization process is represented by a rule. Each rule consits of two parts: conditions, and result. Conditions are comprised of the logical product of the environmental element, tactical relation, and other conditions. e. g.(T1<<M) ∩(T1=1) ∩(M=T1E2) ∩(x1prM) ∩(x1M=II):(T1→d)In general, the application of the rules of the morphological phase has precedent over the rules of the phonological phase.