ミヤモト エジソン 中村 美智子
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2005, no.128, pp.113-129, 2005-12-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

服部 匡
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2004, no.125, pp.83-109, 2004-03-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

This paper discusses the directionality of the scales in which expressions denoting a small quantity, like sukoshi, mare (ni), wazuka (ni) in Japanese, are positioned.When used as predicates, these expressions define a downward or negative scale which is paired with the upward or positive scale defined by their contraries.In contrast, these expressions are positioned in an upward scale when they are used adverbially.These facts can be explained by assuming that decreasing adverbial quantifiers are generally not allowed in Japanese.
泉井 久之助
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1953, no.22-23, pp.41-45,132, 1953-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

II se trouve dans le II° livre du Chouo-yuan (Suo-üan) de Liou-Hiang (environ le commencement de I'ère Chrétienne) une chanson nautonière dite Yuëh encore indéchiffrée qui pourrait, cependant, se lire en cam en se donnant, d'une manière un peu grossière, on le sait, une prononciation chinoise «ancienne»(du 6° siècle) de Karlgren (voir pp.42-43). La chanson, au nombre de trcnte-huit de caractères chinois, se diviserait en huit vers. Le sens général en serait:(Un nautonier Yueh transportant un prince sur le fleuve Yan-tse)«(I) J'adore, oh, un homme quiest un prince.(2) J'adcre, oh, ce grand prince.(3) Je sais, oh, ce grand prince.(4) Prince juste! prince cher!(5) Moi, je suis bien heureux.(6) Je me lui soumets du fond de mon coeur.(mot-à-mot: mon coeur se lui soumet).(7) Tous sont en état prospère.(8)(Moi) seul, je le salue longuement.»Ce déchiffrement, s'il est juste, pourrait être une preuve de l'existence ancienne d'une tribu d'une langue dite du «Sud» dans la région centrale.
青木 正博
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1996, no.110, pp.52-78, 1996-12-20 (Released:2007-10-23)

The subject of intransitive clauses with negated verbs in Russian is marked either by the genitive or nominative, while the object of transitive clauses with negated verbs - either by the genitive or accusative. The purpose of this paper is to discover the factors that determine the case marking on the subject and object, and to clarify the character of case marking pattern in the phenomenon of the genitive of negation.The analysis of the data shows that there are two main factors which determine the case of the subject in negated intransitive clauses. One is the possibility of the subject's activity in affirmative clauses. The other is the intensity of negation that weakens the possibility of the subject's activity. As for negated transitive clauses there are also two main factors which determine the case of the object. One is the transitivity in affirmative clauses. The other is the intensity of negation that weakens the transitivity.In regard to the case marking pattern in the phenomenon of the genitive of negation, the analysis shows that it is characterised by four factors: a) semantic content of the intransitive verb, b) semantic content of the NP (s), c) mood of the clause, and d) semantic content of the transitive verb, which affect the case marking.
服部 四郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1989, no.95, pp.1-31, 1989-03-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

Language, i. e. spoken language, is one aspect of human activity. A human being communicates with others in daily life, and language is one of the media of their communication. However, it is not a thing outside of him, but a phonomenon found in his activity itself.It is a social custom learned after his birth, but his mother influences him not only after the birth, but also possibly when he is still in her womb.A human being can easily become bilingual, trilingual, etc, if he learns the languages probably before his puberty. Adult people, however, find it difficult to learn a foreign language. It is necessary to scientifically confirm when and how his ability of learning his mother tongue solidifies.There are a few people who can exactly recite extremely long poems or historical legends, but everyone does not have such an ability. However, everyone can freely speak his native language.The languages in the world have various structures and systems, but certain circumstances necessitate them to have common features.Utterances can be short, long, or extremely long. One utterance includes one or more sentences, and one sentence includes one or more words. Why has an utterance such a structure?It is impossible to memorize whole sentences uttered by various people, to say nothing of whole utterances, because kinds of sentences are almost infinite and there is no limit of the length of sentences. However, one language has a finite set of words, and everyone can learn before his puberty the basic vocabulary at least with the grammatical rules which combine words into sentences.Words are combinations of a meaning (a concept) with a sound-shape. Children automatically acquire the concepts of the things and events in daily life, and they learn to combine a concept with a sound-shape which is approved by the linguistic community.In order to discriminate several thousand words of one language, the sound-shapes of words necessarily have some definite structure. Therefore, they are combinations of syllables, which consist of one or more consonants plus a vowel or a diphthong (plus one or more consonants).The set of consonants or vowels (and diphthongs) is not a random one, but a systematic one, so that it is easy to memorize them.The sets of consonants and vowels can be systematic on account of the distictive features, which are very easy for a human being to memorize, because they are due to the articulations which are innately possible for him.
宮良 信詳
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2002, no.122, pp.79-113, 2002-09-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

In the present investigation, it is claimed that, in the group of dialects spoken in the central and southern parts of the Okinawan mainisland, there is a position of modality signaled by inflectional forms of verbs. The modality involves the notion of certainty, and occupies its own morphological position in the ordering of Verb Root (+ Aspect [durative]) (+Negative) (+Style [{honorific, polite}]) (+Modal) (+Tense)+Mood. Modal distinctions are made by the morpheme /+yi/ ‘to be certain, ’ conveying information about a past, event directly acquired through observation, and the other /+tee/‘to be less certain, ’conveying information about the preceding event inferred from observation at the time of the utterance. In the case of the absence of such distinctions, information about the past is taken to be through hearsay. As expected, the two modal forms neither co-occur with the first person subject in the declarative sentence nor with the second person subject in the interrogative, because neither the speaker nor the hearer can observe his/her own act. It is shown that the modal form /+yi/ neither co-occurs with the non-past tense nor with the negative, because only the past event can be subjectively observed and the negated event itself cannot be observed. However, it is argued that, if the speaker's act is in his/her dream or in the subjunctive world, it can be the object of direct observation.
服部 四郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1954, no.26-27, pp.29-77, 1954-12-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

The author introduces Morris Swadesh's method of lexical statistics or glotnchronology to the linguistic circle of Japan, applying it to the comparative study of Old Japanese and modern dialects.He discusses its significance as a comparative method of related languages, and points out the following two major advancements. While the comparative method so far concerns the phonology and grammar rather than the vocabulary, Swadesh deals with the latter. Swadesh's method is statistical and accordingly more objective than the usual comparative method.Although it is possible to comment critically on the method at several points, its effectiveness in general should be acknowledged. For instance, there are no“concepts and experiences common to all human groups”(Salish Internal Relationships, 157), because the dispositions of the speakers of different languages are often different even to “the same things”, that is, the “sememes”(as the author calls them) of synonymous words of any two languages are often not identical. Thus, Japanese /me/«eye» denotes the eye which opens and closes rather than the eye-ball, while (Chakhar) Mongol/nüdä/ which is the only word for “eye” denotes the latter rather than the former. Nevertheless we can find words which refer to things and events common to all human groups, and thus we can generally fill Swadesh's questionnaire.
松本 克己
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1984, no.86, pp.5-32, 1984-12-01 (Released:2010-12-22)

This is a revised version of the lecture delivered at the 88th General Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan. The paper deals with theproblem of linguistic reconstruction from the standpoint of linguistictypology and language universals, taking up two examples in the fieldof phonology, namely, the stop system of Proto-Indo-European and thevowel system of Old Japanese.As to the PIE stop system, the distributional and hierarchical relationsamong the phonemes in question cannot be adequately accounted for by their traditional interpretation as voiceless (Tenues), voiced (Mediae) and voiced aspirate (Mediae Aspiratae) respectively. Thus the writerconcludes, in agreement with the recent “Glottalic Theory”, that the traditional Mediae must be re-interpreted as glottalized or ejective stopsand the traditional Mediae Aspiratae as usual voiced stops.As to the Old Japanese vowel system, the writer examines the reconstructionsand interpretations recently proposed by various scholars concernningthe so-called Mannyoo-Gana system and concludes that theproblem of i1/i2f and e1/e2 cannot be fully solved without consideringthe phenomenon as a entire diachronic process, which seems to have begunwith the vocalic distinction accompanied by the non-distinctive consonantaldifference (i. e. palatalized/nonpalatalized) of the syllablesin question and to have ended in their complete merger, while the graphemicdistinction of o1/o2 is not to be interpreted as phonemic oppositionconnected with vowel harmony, such as /o/ and /ö/, but rather asallophonic variation reflected on the foreign writing system. The vowelsystem of Pre-or Proto-Japanese is to be reconstructed, in the writer'sopinion, as the four vowel system with /a/ in medial position whichshifted later to /o/ as a result of the appearance of the new vowel /e/from *a-i and *i-a. And the vowel system of the 8th C., which seemsto have been in quite a transitional and fluid state, can be reconstructedas the five or six (if Ci2 is interpreted as /Ci/) vowel system.
村山 七郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1970, no.57, pp.22-40, 1970-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

Man unterscheidet in der Ainu-Sprache drei Dialekte: Hokkaido (Yezo)-Dialekt, Sakhalin-Dialekt und Dialekt der nördlichen Kurilen-Inseln. Die ersteren zwei sind ziemlich gut erforscht, während der letztgenannte restlos verschwand, ohne gut beschrieben und erforscht zu werden. Der letzte Dialekt wurde zuerst von S. P. KRASCHENINNIKOV, obgleich auf unvollkommne Weise, in seinem Lebenswerk “Beschreibung von dem Lande Kamtschatka”(russisch, Sankt-Petersburg, 1755) beschrieben. Es ist jetzt klar geworden, dass das Material der Ainu-Sprache in diesem Buch auf der Information eines Ainus aus der Schumusch-Insel und eines Ainus aus der Poromuschir-Insel beruht, die vom 19. bis zum 31. Juli 1738 in Bolscheretsk in Kamtschatka verweilten. Er hatVocabularium Latino-Curilice (Manuskript, Leningrad) hinterlassen, das dem Sprachmaterial in seinem Buch zu Grunde liegt. Dieses MS wurde zum erstenmal von dem Verfasser dieser Zeilen in seinem Aufsatz “Ainu in Kamchatka”(Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature, Kyushu University, No.12, Fukuoka 1968) veröffentlicsht. Das Sprachmaterial der Schumusch-Insel, das der polnische Zoologe (später Professor der Krakower Universität) DYBOWSKI während seines Aufenthaltes in Kamtschatka (1879-1883) gesammelt hat, wurde von RADLINSKI (Forscher des Christentums) veröffentlicht. Dieses Material, das ca.1900 Ainu-Wörter enthalt, ist der Wissenschaft wenig bekannt gewesen. R. TORIIs Sprachmaterial der Ainu auf derselben Insel, das er im J. 1899 auf der Insel Schikotan gesammelt hat (ca. 700 Worter) trägt nicht wenig zur Kenntnis des Dialekts der nördlichen Kuril-Inseln.Anhand dieser Materialien kann man sich jetzt ein Bild des letztgenannten Dialekts verschaffen, was man bisher fiir beinah unmöglich gehalten hat.Von diesem Dialekt ist ein Wort, d. h. urir “Kormoran” ins Russische eingedrungen, und zwar in der Form uvil (ypun) . Dieses Wort wurde zuerst in dem erwahnten Buch KRASCHENINNIKOVs (1755) und dann in dem von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Petersburg im J. 1847 herausgegebenen “Wörterbuch der Kirchen-Slawischen und der Russischen Sprache” und weiter in dem beruhmten Wiirterbuch von DAL' aufgenommen. Dieses Wort bietet ein gutes Beispiel für “Ferndissimilation” im Russischen; Man vergleich Februar февралъ (fevral') , altrussisch ver'bludz “Kamel”, tschechisch velbloud “id.” еерблоб (verbl'ud.) Ein Uebersetzungslehnwort findet man in dem Toponym Lopatka (russisch “Schulterblatt”), Das ist die russische Uebersetzung des Ainu-Toponyms tapéra.-tapére “Schulterblatt”. Die Ainu, die das südlichste Gebiet der Halbinsel Kamtschatka vor der Ankunft der Russen am Ende des XVII. Jahrhunderts bewohnten, hatten dem Kap den Namen tapéra gegeben, den S. P. KRASCHENINNIKOV, wahrscheinlich durch seine Kenntnis der lateinischen Sprache beeinflusst, in kapury (lat. scápulae) verwandelte. Kapury ist eine Kontamination von tapéra.-tapére und scapulae.
村田 忠男
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1984, no.85, pp.68-90, 1984-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

Although the claim has been repeated that some version of “sound hierarchy” is indispensable in the field of phonology, no one has so far offered enough data to prove it.I conducted the statistical investigations to support explicitly the order of “Japanese sound hierarchy” using the artificial onomatopoetic words of AB-type. 582 college students who were mainly from Western Japan were asked if they could find a preferred order in“ pira-pura vs. pura-pira, ” for example. Chi-square test was used to certify the significance levels of all the minimally contrastive pairs that were grouped into 87 terms. Then, the results were combined to obtain the following.Vowel Hierarchy: i<u<e<a<oConsonant Hierarchy: glides<liquids<nanals<fricatives<stops<affricatesIn addition, the double-function system was introduced to some exceptional sounds in the consonant hierarchy.
澤田 治美
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1983, no.83, pp.15-40, 1983-02-28 (Released:2010-11-26)

One of the most important theoretical problems of English imperatives is concerned with whether we can postulate the category AUX and the category COMP in them as in declaratives or interrogatives. The solution of the problem leads to a clearer characterization of AUX and COMP in English grammar in general, and to a correct understanding of the categorical status of ‘imperative’ do and don't.In this paper I analyse the structure of English imperatives making a comparison between them and English infinitives or subjunctives present, and argue for the following points:(a) The is no AUX in English imperatives (or in English infinitives and subjunctives present).(b) There is the category IMP, instead of COMP, in English imperatives.(c)‘Imperative’ do and don't are dominated by IMP, not by AUX, and their lexical category is S-Prt (=Sentence Particle).(d) The do and don't are single lexical items with their own semantic content.Furthermore, I argue that the postulation of the category S-Prt helps explain some syntactic properties of why of ‘why (not) sentences’ or let's in English, and those of various sentence-final particles lik na, ka, etc. in Japanese from a typological point of view.
鈴木 孝夫
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1956, no.30, pp.30-45, 1956-09-30 (Released:2010-11-26)

Though numerous references have so far been made to the song of bird, no systematic treatment ever appeared with a view to incorporating it intothe theory of ‘phylogenesis’ of human language.The author stresses, in this article, the significance of this kind of approachin elucidating the structural relationship between human languageand vocal communication in bird. In this connexion, he pays special attentionto the habit of sound learning commonly possessed by man and bird.After presenting a sketchy review of vocal behaviour in Ayes, of whichthree types are to be distinguished, namely, 1) call-note, 2) song par excellenceincluding love and territory song and 3) joy song, he tries to showthe configurational nature of stimuli birds react to in the visual as well asin the auditory field.For example, gallinaceous birds usually react to flying birds of prey bygiving alarm call. Tests using models of flying birds showed that ‘as longas a model had a short-neck, the experimental birds would show alarm.’Further experiments revealed that ‘it is not the shape as such that actedas a sign stimulus, but shape in relation to direction of movement.’ Suchstrict dependence of an innate reaction on a certain set of sign stimulimakes us postulate, in the mind of animals, the Innate Releasing Mechanismwhich is, to use the metaphor of Konrad Lorenz, the appropriate key-hole matched to the shape of a key.When this concept of ‘key’ is applied to the interspecific reactions, theset of essential stimuli above explained is just what we now call a (social) releaser.The author then introduces the idea of ‘reaction chain’ which consistsof ‘a chain of separate reactions each of which is dependent on a specialset of sign stimuli.’ And each of these stands in a special causal relationto the preceding one. Thus the reaction chain can be looked upon as ahighly specialized combination of releasers. Here he points out that sincereleasers used in reaction chain do elicit appropriate responses only whenused in a definite order peculiar to each species of animals, we mightrecognize here a sort of ‘syntax’ existing between these signs (i.e.releasers). In other words, these signs do not behave as signs unless theyare put in a structural order.Descriptions of mating behaviour in bird abound in the so-called ‘rituals’performed by male and female. These precoital rituals, in whichsong also plays an important role, are nothing but the sort of syntacticcombination of signs just referred to.As compared with song proper just analysed, call-note, which seemsabout the only vocal activity most students in this field take into consideration, presents quite a different picture. In the author's opinion, a callnote is a vocal sign used empractically, to use the terminology of KarlBuhler. It is employed, as it were, in the capacity of diakritikon andrequires no specific structural context of its own. On the other hand, closer examination of joy song reveals that vocal behaviour in general is, by its very nature, apt to free itself from strict dependence on the situationalconditions. This tendency observed in bird, together with the capacityto learn diverse sounds, is, the author maintains, perhaps countedupon as one of the prerequisites needed for the emancipation of sign from‘concrete things’.From these considerations, the author concludes that semiotic analysisof bird song discloses striking similarity obtaining between vocal communicationin bird and human language, and thus helps us to open a new perspective in the theory of signs.
峰岸 真琴
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1985, no.88, pp.41-67, 1985-12-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

This paper presents a brief description of Khmer dialects, especially of the phonological and phonetic varieties of some vowels.Transliteration for the modern Khmer orthography is given in section 1. According to its orthography, Khmer consonant letters are divided into two classes, so called ‘voiceless (aghosa)’ and ‘voiced (ghosa)’. On the other hand, each vowel symbol potentially stands for two vowel nuclei, one of which is chosen according to the initial consonant class, and in some cases, to both the initial and the final consonant letters.In section 2 are presented the phonological changes of standard Khmer vowels which are presumed from the orthography. That is, each vowel symbol originally stood for a vowel nucleus; however, the initial ‘voiceless’ and ‘voiced’ contrast exerted an influence on the following vowel nucleus, and later the vowel split into two nuclei (more than two, in some cases, conditioned by the final consonant letters). After that, certain contrasts of initial and final consonants were lost, and finally split vowels obtained the phonological contrast.This assumption, however, is not enough to explain all the phonological phenomena of the Khmer dialects. Section 3 deals with the varieties of modern Khmer dialects. The phonological data were collected by the author mostly in 1984 in Japan, and partly in 1982-3 in Thailand. Maps 2-6 show the phonological and phonetic variations of vowel nuclei. It is discussed that such dialectal variations as are seen in Maps 2-6 are interpreted as follows:All the dialects are derived from the former phonological state assumed from the orthography, because all vowel nuclei can be specified in terms of initial and final consonant letters and vowel symbols. If this is the case, dialectal differences are due to the regional phonological changes to simplify the vowel systems which have been too complex as a result of overwhelming vowel splits.
Željko Bošković(ジェリコ ボシュコヴィッチ)
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.152, pp.31-58, 2017 (Released:2017-12-29)

本論文は,台湾語におけるC 要素のkongについて考察する。Simpson and Wu (2002)に従い,kongがかかわる連続変調が多重スペルアウトを支持することを論じるとともに,kong構文の考察が,多重スペルアウトと連続循環的移動に対する異なるアプローチを区別する根拠となること,具体的には,Phase-Impenetrability Conditionを廃止し,スペルアウトはフェイズに適用され,連続循環的移動はフェイズの上にある句をターゲットにするというBošković(2016a)のアプローチを支持する証拠となることを示す。また,台湾語の連続変調に関する派生的PF効果と,Bresnan(1972)が指摘した英語の第一強勢付与に関する派生的PF効果について統一的な説明を与える。
伊藤 智ゆき
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1999, no.116, pp.97-143, 1999-12-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

This paper aims to clarify the Sino-Korean accentuation in Middle Korean (MK)By “Sino-Korean”, two different classes of material are understood. The first consists of the collections of Chinese characters glossed with Korean (in Hangul script), where the accent of each character is indicated by diacritical dots. The second consists of Chinese loanwords found in the texts in Korean (written entirely in Hangul), where the accent of such words is likewise indicated. The material of the first class is necessarily monosyllabic, while that of the second is often disyllabic. And these two classes show varying accentual notation even for the same character. In this paper the first class is called the SinoKorean Single Character, and the second the Sino-Korean Word.The Chinese characters belonging to the level tone in Ancient Chinese (AC) are marked as the low pitch in MK, and those belonging to the entering tone in AC are marked as the high pitch in MK. On the other hand, those belonging to the rising and departing tones in AC show a split in such a way that most of the characters belonging to the rising and departing tones in AC are marked as the rising pitch in MK (which I call the rising-departing A tone) and the rest of them as the high pitch (which I call the rising-departing B tone). The conditions which determine this split are so far unknown. This paper attempts to show these conditions.The Sino-Korean Word accentuation is the same as that of the Sino-Korean Single Character in the first syllable of a word, but differs in the second syllable in that the rising- departing A tone has the high pitch instead of the rising pitch. The Sino-Korean Words have various types of exceptions to this general tendency, while the Sino-Korean Single Characters are very regular and have few exceptions.In closing, two hypotheses are proposed: First, the Sino-Korean accentuation has the same origin as the Sino-Japanese (Kan-on) accentuation; Second, the regular correspondence between the accent of the Kyeongsang-Do dialect in Modern Korean on the one hand and the AC tones on the other suggest that MK and Modern Kyeongsang-Do dialect has the same origin as far as the Sino-Korean loanwords are concerned, namely they diverged after the Sino-Korean loanwords were introduced.
矢野 雅貴 坂本 勉
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.149, pp.43-59, 2016-03-25 (Released:2016-06-22)

本研究は,事象関連電位を指標として,形態統語的処理と意味的処理がどのように相互作用しているのかを検討した。実験の結果,格違反文(値段をあがる)に対して左前頭部陰性波とP600が観察された。また,格違反は含まないが意味役割が逆転した文(値段があげる)において,同様の左前頭部陰性波とP600が観察された。もしこの左前頭部陰性波が形態統語的な違反効果を反映しているとすれば,この結果は,形態統語的処理と意味的処理が,動詞の呈示開始語400 ms辺りで相互作用していることを示唆している。
坂元 宗和
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1990, no.98, pp.27-45, 1990-12-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

上代日本語のe甲, O甲の来源は, 開口度の増加によるi甲>e甲, U>o甲であり, 母音音節の場合はそれぞれye, woに発展した。上代は短い期間なので, 古い用例が必ずしも古形とは言えず, 改新の先駆である場合がある。従って, i甲~e甲, u~o甲のダブレットの用例の新旧から変化を判定するのではなく, 別の音韻変化を伴う語例を利用した。たとえば, e甲の場合には, フキ甲 (吹き) とフ江 (笛) を結びつける中間形*ブイ, o甲の場合には, シヅ江 (下枝) の前項とシモ (下) に共通祖形*シムを推定すれば, 各一方は自然な音韻変化であるから開口度の増加が結論できる。さらに, ビアトゥス回避の法則がからむ語例と, 同音語を導く枕詞の例を補足し, 傍証とした。通説のa後接説の根拠となった完了の助動詞リは連体形にアリが付いて成立したものではなく, アリの異形態リが付いたものであることを, 他のビアトゥス回避の結果から推測した。従って, i甲+a>e甲, u+a>o甲ではない。
田村 すヾ子
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1971, no.59, pp.1-14, 1971-03-30 (Released:2010-11-26)

The Saru dialect of Ainu has eleven persons as shown in § 1. Two sets of forms are used to express persons: personal pronouns and personal affixes, the latter of which were dealt with in the author's “Personal Affixes in the Saru Dialect of Ainu”(1970).In the present paper, after touching upon the etymology of the personal pronouns in § 2, the author discusses their syntactic functions in §§ 3-5.Personal pronouns are connected with verb phrases as the subject, object or complement, with the belonging form of nouns, position nouns and postpositional adverbs to express the object of relation, and stand before certain fi nal particles. In conclusion, they are not “adverbials, ” which are used “only adverbially” as Mashiho Chiri stated in Ainu Goho Gaisetsu (1936) and “Ainu Goho Kenkyu”(1942); they are in fact a kind of noun.When a personal pronoun is connected with a verb phrase as either subject or object, the belonging form of a noun, position noun or certain post-positional adverbs, the appropriate personal affix is attached to these forms. Contrary to what Professor Chiri stated, personal affixes do not themselves become the subject or object of verbs, or express the object of relation, they merely occur in agreement with the person of the subject, object, or object of relation.Personal pronouns are usually omitted when this is syntactically possible and they are not indispensable semantically and no emphasis is put on them; so that on the surface the person is frequently indicated only by personal affixes.
岸本 秀樹
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.153, pp.5-39, 2018 (Released:2018-12-29)
