熊谷 学而 川原 繁人
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.155, pp.65-99, 2019 (Released:2019-10-02)

本研究では,ポケモンの名付けにおける新たな音象徴的イメージを検証した2つの実験を報告する。実験1では,進化後のポケモンの名前として,開口度の大きい母音[a]が,開口度の小さい母音[i, u]よりもふさわしいことが明らかになった。また,有声阻害音の数の効果を検証した結果,進化後のポケモンの名前として,有声阻害音が2つ含まれる名前は,それが1つしか含まれていない名前よりふさわしいこともわかった。実験2では,母音と有声阻害音の優先性や相乗効果の検証も行った。その結果,ブーバ・キキ効果と同様に,母音の効果より,子音の効果のほうが強く現れること,そして,母音と有声阻害音の組み合わせは,どちらか一方を含む場合よりも,進化後のポケモンの名前として判断されやすいことが明らかになった。さらに,本研究では,実験2で得られた母音と有声阻害音の音象徴的効果について,制約理論である最大エントロピーモデル(Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) Grammar)の枠組みでの分析も提供し,音象徴を生成言語理論の視点から捉える。
井上 史雄
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1986, no.89, pp.68-101, 1986-03-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

An attempt at an areal division by means of grammatical characteristics of dialects of Japan is presented here. The data is part of a preliminary report of a national linguistic survey of grammatical forms, which was codified into a form available for computation.The data was adapted to a multi-variate analysis called Hayashi's “Quantificational Theory Type Three” which is similar to “ 1'analyse des correspondences” developed in France.Ryukyu dialects spoken in Okinawan islands were first characterized as quite different from the other dialects. The Hachijo dialect was next differentiated from the dialects of Mainland Japan. Dialects of Mainland Japan were then divided into two main groups of the western and eastern Japan. Dialects of Kyushu island were characterized as a little different from those of other western dialects. The most impressive result may be that the dividing line between the western and eastern dialects of the Mainland was situated between Gifu and Nagano prefectures, which coincides with many geographical and cultural boundaries.The result shows that the application of multi-variate analysis to dialectal data is fruitful and significant. The division of dialectal areas should be attempted by considering as much data as is available. The dividing method which makes use of a limited number of bundles of isoglosses may sometimes be misleading.
Tetsuya Kunihiro
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.Supplement.2, pp.99-114, 2022 (Released:2022-06-20)

This paper examines the cognitive basis of linguistic expressions. It is shown that our ability to construe the same situation in different ways (cognitive aspect) is reflected in language use. Particular focus is given to the tendency of Japanese to focus on the point at which an event occurred (point-like cognition) compared to the tendency of English to focus on the continuing resultant state of an event (line-like cognition). Our cognitive abilities of extrapolation and complementation, perceiving something as a remnant of the results of a previous event (e.g., perceiving a shape as a square with a missing corner), are shown to be reflected in a diverse range of linguistic expressions including motion verbs used in the sense of ‘extent’. Finally, it is shown that metaphorical cognition is at work behind our linguistic expression of abstract objects. Metaphorical expres- sions related to the mind and emotions are shown to differ between Japanese and English.

14 0 0 0 OA 認知と言語表現

国広 哲弥
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1985, no.88, pp.1-19, 1985-12-25 (Released:2010-11-26)
服部 四郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1975, no.68, pp.1-14, 1975-12-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

In the history of linguistics, several revolutionary developments in method have occurred, e. g. comparative grammar versus philology, synchronical linguistics versus historical linguistics, phonology versus phonetics, generative transformational grammar versus structural linguistics, etc. It is a peculiar feature of linguistics, however, that the new does not completely invalidate the old, and in the course of time the old and the new turn out to be comlementary.[The presidential inaugural lecture given at the 70 th general meeting of the Society held on 14 June 1975.]
定延 利之 田窪 行則
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1995, no.108, pp.74-93, 1995-11-30 (Released:2007-10-23)

This paper attempts to construct a dynamic model of dialogic discourse. We posit a cognitive interface between language and knowledge-base. This interface contains pointers or indices which control the access path to the knowledge-base and the temporary memorybase set up for each dialogue session. Utterances in a dialogue can be seen as instructions for operations on this interface:registering, searching, copying, and inferring, etc. We examine the nature of these operations by analyzing Japanese interjections such as "eeto" and "ano(o)". The mental processes which those interjections reflect can be well described using the data-base and the working buffer. "Eeto" reflects that the speaker is securing the working space in the buffer, whereas "ano(o)" reflects that the speaker is extracting linguistic information from the data-base.
田川 憲二郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2005, no.128, pp.73-111, 2005-12-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

This paper claims that the English to-infinitives base-generated in the complement position of VP represent a type of syntactic (grammatical) aspect.The argument is partly motivated by a historical parallel: the fact that both to-infinitives and progressive participles have developed from prepositional phrases with spatial meanings.The semantics of the to-infinitive are analyzed along with those of the perfective and progressive constructions. It is argued that a verb that takes a to-infinitive as its complement describes an event or state with implicit relevance to the infinitive event or state, while the perfective participle has similar relevance to the matrix tense. The referential nature of verb-following to-infinitives and that of perfective participles are thus temporally symmetrical, suggesting that such to-infinitives form part of the syntactic aspect system of English. The ‘future- oriented’ use of toinfinitives is shown to be the syntactic representation of ‘prospective aspect’, discussed in Comrie (1976) and others.Following and modifying Felser (1999), Lasnik (2000), and others, it is assumed here that a typical English sentence has the structure [IP [NegP[ VP [AspP [VP]]]]], with infinitival to, progressive -ing, and perfective -en each checking their syntactic aspect feature in the head of AspP. The negation marker not, which normally precedes to, is assumed to occur either in the head of NegP or as an adjunct to AspP.

11 0 0 0 OA 主語について

松本 克己
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1991, no.100, pp.1-41, 1991-12-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

The notion of ‘subject’ as a grammatical category first appeared in Western Europe about the 12th to 13th century by the name of ‘suppositum’ and was theoretically elaborated on by the Medieval grammarians called ‘modistae’. Before that, however, it was quite unknown, surprising indeed, in any grammatical tradition of the world ; neither Apollonios, nor Priscianus, nor Panini, nor Arab grammarians knew such a category. The present lecture aims to elucidate the reason why the notion of subject did appear in Medieval Europe but not in other parts of the world, and the linguistic motivations for its appearance in Europe or its absence elsewhere. I shall discuss, especially, the theory of karaka of Panini, who completely dispenses with syntactic relations such as subject and object, the Stoic theory of kategorema, which foreshadows the later subject-predicate notion, the theory of mubtada'/khabar (=Topic/Comment) and of ‘amil/ma ’ mul (=regens/rectum) of the Arab grammarians after the 8th century, and finally the theory of suppositum/appositum (=subject/predicate) and principium/terminus (=the relation of ‘subject of ’/ ‘object of’) of the European modista. The appearance of subject in the West European grammar, it will be pointed out, was linguistically conditioned by the development of the strict SVO word-order combined with the characteristic morphological attrition, especially the loss of nominal cases and of verbal person markings, which seems to have been brought about by the creole-like processes resulting from the bi- or multilingual situations among the Germanic and Romance speaking peoples in close contact during the Medieval age. This can most typically be seen in the case of Middle English. Thus, thesubject as a syntactic category is really a historical product in a quite limited linguistic area which comprises those languages once called SAE (= “Standard Average European ”) by B. L. Whorf. They share a typologically unique feature known as “dummy subject” and thus manifesting themseleves as so-called “non-pro-drop” languages. In short, the subject of SAE has resulted from the coalescence of three quite different linguistic functions into a purely syntactic category, namely, 1) the discourse topic, which was the very starting point of the Medieval notion of suppositum, 2) the morphological case-marking (i. e. nominative vs. accusative), and 3) the semantic agent (or rather the “primary role”) of a verb. Usually, these functions are separately grammaticalized in other languages, e. g. as mubtada' and fail in Arabic, as wa and ga in Japanese, as “focus” and case in Philippine languages, as word-order, case and verbal endings in Old Indo-European languages. The subject, in conclusion, cannot be part of the theory of syntax as a universal category. It is quite a complex and heterogeneous concept in its origin, and manifests as surface syntactic phenomena only in a very limited number of -languages. Therefore, any syntactic theory based exclusively on the observations of such languages needs to be thoroughly reexamined, if it claims to be universal in any sense. Rather, we must reappraise the old grammatical traditions radically different from that of West European or “Aristotelo-Cartesian” school in order to found a theory of “Universal Grammar” in the true sense. (This is a revised version of the Presidential Lecture given at the 102nd General Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan held at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, June 6th, 1991).
下地 理則
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.154, pp.85-121, 2018 (Released:2019-06-04)

本稿の目的は,琉球諸語における焦点助詞(du, ga)による焦点標示の方言差(バリエーション)を記述するとともに,そのバリエーションに関して,可能なパターンを記述でき,不可能なパターンを予測できるモデルを提示することである。扱った方言は15方言であり,北琉球語から喜界島方言(佐手久,小野津),奄美大島方言(瀬戸内,湯湾),徳之島方言(伊仙),沖永良部島方言(国頭),沖縄本島方言(与那原)の7方言,南琉球語から宮古方言(伊良部島長浜,宮古島保良,多良間島),八重山方言(石垣島真栄里,黒島,鳩間島,西表島船浮),与那国方言の8方言である。本稿では,焦点タイプ(WH焦点vs. WH応答焦点vs.対比焦点)と焦点ドメイン(項焦点vs.述語焦点)の2つの変数で方言差を記述し,琉球諸語の焦点標示に関して,通方言的に以下の2つの階層を提案する。(1)焦点タイプの階層:対比 > WH応答 > WH(2)焦点ドメインの階層:項 > 述語琉球諸語の焦点標示に関して,この焦点階層(Focus-Marking Hierarchies)を用いることで,「階層のある地点で焦点標示が可能なら,その左側でも焦点標示可能である」と一般化できることを論じる。

10 0 0 0 OA Korean Vowels

Hiroyuki Umeda
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.Supplement.2, pp.25-41, 2022 (Released:2022-06-20)

In the Seoul dialect of Korean, the pronunciation of vowels differs depending on the age of speakers. In general, the vowel system of speakers over sixty years of age consists of the nine vowels /i, e, ɛ, a, ɔ, o, u, ɨ, ə/, all of which demonstrate a quantitative opposition in the word-initial syllable. In contrast, younger people have a simpler vowel system which consists of seven vowels, /i, e, a, o, u, ɨ, ʌ/, with no word-initial quantitative opposition. In order to clarify the processes of vowel change responsible for the variation observed in the Seoul dialect, I investigated the vowels of eighteen informants native to the mid-town area of Seoul. Dividing the informants into seven groups, the following vowel changes can be argued to have occurred. In basic vocabulary items the vowel [əː] in groups [1] and [2] changed phonemically into [ɨː] in groups [3] and [4], but in literary words, [əː] was borrowed from older people’s pronunciation. The vowel [ɔː] appeared in the vowel system of group [5] due to the influence of the written language, as well as due to analogical changes in conjugating forms. In group [6], [ɨː] and [əː] merged into [ɔː] due to increasing influence of the written language as well as analogical changes in conjugating forms. In group [7], long vowels shortened, and accordingly, [ɔː] changed into [ʌ], with loss of lip- rounding. With respect to the front vowels [e] and [ɛ], group [1] and [2] show a clear distinction in initial syllables and in non-initial syllables after a morpheme boundary, while most informants of the other groups show an unstable distinc- tion even in initial syllables. In summary, the vowel changes occurred very gradually in each age group due to the linguistic influence of elderly groups as well as interference from the written language and analogical change. This is why the different vowel systems can exist synchronically within the same speech community.
松本 曜
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1991, no.99, pp.82-106, 1991-03-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

The semantic structures and system of Japanese numeral classifiers are examined, using the framework of prototype semantics (Coleman & Kay 1981, Fillmore 1982). The analysis is based in part on the results of experimental studies of the acceptability of classifier use for various objects. It is observed that many classifiers, including-wa, -hon, -dai and-ken, form a complex prototype structure, defined not only by necessary conditions for appropriate use, but also by “prototype conditions”, which do not have to be satisfied but, if satisfied, makes its referent a representative or prototypical member of the category.It is also claimed that there is a priority order in the choice of classifiers when more than one classifier is potentially usable. It is pointed out that a more informative classifier in general restricts the use of a less informative classifier and that this is due to a pragmatic principle of informativeness (Grice 1975).The findings also suggest that classifiers as a whole do not form a neatly structured taxonomy as formerly suggested (e. g. Sanches 1977). Rather, they constitute a loose system, each classifier having its own peculiarities that reflect the nature of its referents, suggesting the inadequacy of a strong form of structural semantics (Fillmore 1983).
早田 輝洋
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2000, no.118, pp.5-27, 2000-12-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

黒田 成幸
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1967, no.50, pp.85-99, 1967-01-20 (Released:2010-11-26)

The phonetic forms of the so-called soku-on (choked sound) and hatu-on (syllabic nasal) are accounted for in generative phonology by means of the introduction of three phonological rules, progressive assimilation, nasalization, and regressive assimilation, ordered in this way. It is shown that Chomsky's argument which denies the theoretical status of the phoneme in generative phonology is equally applicable to the soku-on and hatu-on; that is, there is no level of representation on which either the soku-on or hatu-on is represented by one and the same segment. However, if we assume that the soku-on and the hatu-on are, respectively, the segment “plus consonantal, minus nasal”, and the segment “plus consonantal, plus nasal”, the other features being unspecified, then the representation using the soku-on and hatu-on (say, of a word), is shown to be an inverse representation on the levels of each of the three phonological rules introduced above.(A representation is by definition inverse on the level of a rule R, if the application to it of R and the rules that follow R yields the correct phonetic representation.) The regressive assimilation rule is characterized among these three rules by the fact that on this level the inverse representation is minimal and nondistinct from the generative representation on the same level. A speculation on the perceptual mechanism is added which assigns special significance to this level. It is assumed that in perception during the analysisby-synthesis procedure the input phonetic signal is temporarily stored in the representation which contains the segments corresponding to the traditional notion of soku-on and hatuon, namely the minimal inverse representation on the level of regressive assimilation; it is then compared with the generative representation on the same level to see whether the two representations are distinct or not.

9 0 0 0 OA 韓国語の母音

梅田 博之
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1994, no.106, pp.1-22, 1994-11-30 (Released:2007-10-23)

In the Seoul dialect, the pronunciation of vowels is different according to the age of speakers, and so the vowel system is also different. Generally speaking, speakers over sixty years of age pronounce the vowel e in two ways;one is [*] and the other is [*:].The former [*] corresponds to the Middle Korean vowel e in a low or high accent and the latter [*:] to e in a low-high accent.These two vowels appear almost complementary to each other, i.e. [*] appears as a short vowel and [*] appears as a long vowel in most cases.In spite of that, I think that each of these two vowels falls to a different phoneme for the following reasons: (1)each vowel of the Seoul dialect, except [*] and [*], has an opposition of quantity in the word-initial syllable, but the sound value of a long vowel is not different from the correspnding short vowel, (2) usually, [*] appears as a long vowel and [*] as a short vowel, but there are a few examples where [*] appears as a short vowel and we can also find a few examples where [*] appears as a long vowel.Therefore I consider [*] and [*] correspond to different phonemes.Consequently, there are nine vowel phonemes, /i, e, e, a, a, o, u, i, a/;and each vowel has the opposition of quantity in the word-initial syllable in older people's pronunciation.The vowel system of speakers over sixty years of age is shown as [2] of table 1.In contrast to older speakers, younger people have a very simple vowel system which consists of seven vowels, /i, e, a, o, u, i, A/. Thus we find the very interesting situation that speakers of the Seoul dialect have different vowel systems depending on their age group.This is the result of diachronic changes that have occurred over the last few decades.I investigated eighteen informants who were native to the mid-town area of Seoul in 1988 and 1989 to clarify how vowels changed according to the age of speakers.The types of vowel systems shown at table 1 were found in the investigation.The vowel changes according to the speakers'age groups can be pictured as shown at the table 5.[*:] of groups [1] and [2] phonemically changed into [i:] in groups [3] and [4] for basic words which they learned orally in their childhood, but in literary words they borrowed [*:] from the older people's pronunciation.[*:] was brought into the pronunciation of group [5] by the influence of the written language, i.e.spelling pronunciation, as language education began to follow a regulated curriculum from primary school, and additionally due to the analogical change in the verb conjugation which first occurs in this group. In group [6], [i:] and [*:] joins [*:] due to the increasing influence of the written language and in addition by the analogical change in verb conjugation.In group [7], long vowels lose length and accordingly [*:] changes into [A], losing lip-rounding.With respect to the front vowel opposition, group [1] and [2] have a clear distinction in initial syllables, but in non-initial syllables it hasalready disappeared as a rule except in morpheme-boundary position. Roughly speaking, most informants of groups that follow group [3] show unstable distinction even in initial syllables.Considering the above-mentioned vowel change, it can be summarized that the change goes on very gradually in each age group because it occurs under the linguistic influence of elderly groups to restrain from the change and also being receded by interference of the written language and analogical change.Thus we see the reason why the different vowel systems can exist synchronically in the same speech community.
熊谷 学而 川原 繁人
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.155, pp.65-99, 2019

<p>本研究では,ポケモンの名付けにおける新たな音象徴的イメージを検証した2つの実験を報告する。実験1では,進化後のポケモンの名前として,開口度の大きい母音[a]が,開口度の小さい母音[i, u]よりもふさわしいことが明らかになった。また,有声阻害音の数の効果を検証した結果,進化後のポケモンの名前として,有声阻害音が2つ含まれる名前は,それが1つしか含まれていない名前よりふさわしいこともわかった。実験2では,母音と有声阻害音の優先性や相乗効果の検証も行った。その結果,ブーバ・キキ効果と同様に,母音の効果より,子音の効果のほうが強く現れること,そして,母音と有声阻害音の組み合わせは,どちらか一方を含む場合よりも,進化後のポケモンの名前として判断されやすいことが明らかになった。さらに,本研究では,実験2で得られた母音と有声阻害音の音象徴的効果について,制約理論である最大エントロピーモデル(Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) Grammar)の枠組みでの分析も提供し,音象徴を生成言語理論の視点から捉える。</p>
井上 和子
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1983, no.84, pp.17-44, 1983-11-15 (Released:2010-11-26)
吉田 和彦
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.164, pp.67-91, 2023 (Released:2023-08-19)

肥爪 周二
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.164, pp.1-16, 2023 (Released:2023-08-19)

平安時代,平仮名・片仮名による日本語表記が定着した後,そのシステムでは表現できない要素(撥音・促音のような新音韻や,外来語音)を,どのように組み込もうとしたか,特に「書き分けない」という選択をした事例に着目して考察した。 清濁を書き分けないことについては,「にごり」が持っているプロソディ的な性質と結びつける解釈が行われてきた。本稿では,促音・量的撥音便の撥音が零表記であったのも,音長というプロソディの範疇の性質を持つためと考え,さらに,守護国界主陀羅尼経長保頃点の,開拗音・合拗音全般を直音表記する方式も,「拗」の要素をプロソディ的に把握したものであった可能性を指摘した。つまり「書き分けない」要素は,いずれもプロソディに類する性質を帯びたものであって,たとえ外来音・新音韻など,既存の仮名の外側にある要素であっても,プロソディ的な把握に馴染まないものは,表記を工夫して書き分けることを志向すると推定した。
西垣内 泰介
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.150, pp.137-171, 2016 (Released:2016-11-17)

この論文では,日本語の「指定文」および「カキ料理構文」と呼ばれている構文について,特定の構造を持つ名詞句を中核として,その構造と派生を示す。本論文の分析では「中核名詞句」は2つの項をとり,外項が主要部名詞の意味範囲を限定(delimit)し,内項がその意味内容を「過不足なく指定する」(exhaustively specify)という関係を持つ。「中核名詞句」の内項が焦点化されることで「指定文」が,その指定部を占める外項が主題化されることで「カキ料理構文」が派生される。焦点化された要素が変項を含む構成素の意味を「過不足なく指定する」という関係が「指定文」の根幹をなすものだが,これは疑問文とその答えの間に求められる関係に由来するものである。「中核名詞句」の内部での項のc統御関係が,対応する「指定文」に「連結性」によって反映され,「自分」の逆行束縛と見える現象などが説明されるる。「XをYに…する」という付帯状況を表す副詞節も「中核名詞句」から派生する分析を提案している。