Dr. James Harry Morris (@JHMorris89)


201 0 0 0 OA 百面相

RT @NDLJP_en: Comic faces by #KobayashiKiyochika, #ukiyoe painter. Faces in various situations such as yawning, getting something in your e…
RT @NDLJP_en: This humorous book from the Edo period shows you how to write a letter to the Thunder God! https://t.co/44L2qpGrNl https://t.…
@woodsidesusan2 Of course, now it’s a Bunkazai there is little scope for debate. Im sure I have a list of publications on this on my computer, as well as some PDF’s, but all I can find at the moment is Izumi’s piece: https://t.co/cPb08D4j7n
@nosword @JasonPackman @japantimes For primary sources, I think something might be included in the first volume of パリ外国宣教会年次報告: Missions Etrangeres de Paris Compte Rendu (https://t.co/e1pRhZoLSG) though I can't well remember.
#Aum #Shinrikyō has also been subject to #surveillance by residents near their facilities. This sort of communal surveillance too was practiced during the Edo period against #Kirishitan and other groups at the command of the authorities. #cameraday2019 https://t.co/nUcHvCz6sV

2 0 0 0 OA 采覧異言

@shuma1115 新井白石の采覧異言とかはすごく読みづらいけどね。漢字だけではなくて、単語も内容も難しいと僕が思った。 上巻: https://t.co/E3onxB33SX
@shuma1115 有名かどうかよく分からないけど、結構珍しいみたい。と言っても、国立国会図書館のサイトでデジタルバージョンを読めるよ!下のリンクを見てくださいね。 https://t.co/6MrHJaf5dM 漢字は別に大丈夫だけど、僕にとって明治時代に書かれたキリスト教やイスラムに関する本の方が読みやすいね。


Happy New Year! How did you spend the New Year holiday? This picture depicts how people celebrated the new year in the Edo period, in which people wear gorgeous kimonos and dance in the room. This traditional art is called manzai. #ndldigital https://t.co/ugXUuPW09c https://t.co/lpoeMuIC4A

6 0 0 0 OA 官報

@JHMorris89 @powderbum75 In a sense the example from the 官報 is a little unfair maybe ... for the 官報 of the following day (https://t.co/V288aShlvi) actually corrected 井 into ヰ. ^^ In any case, the important thing here is that 井 continued to be used as a katakana well into the 20th century. 4/ https://t.co/TptpSN6dLE

11 0 0 0 OA 官報

@JHMorris89 @powderbum75 It is, but at the same time the most common katakana for "(w)i" throughout the centuries actually looked the same as 井. Here's e.g. the portion from the 官報 in 1900, when the standard set of hiragana and katakana was decided on: "wV" = ワ井ウヱヲ (https://t.co/LzXmUaVs0r). 1/ https://t.co/rncR5sm1qR
New publication alert: the diary of the Marukichi merchant house, covering the turbulent years from 1783-1844. A really invaluable (and freely available) source for the economic and social history of Tokugawa Japan. https://t.co/54jiv61b4I https://t.co/iA60pj5Bl9
Kitao Masayoshi's 北尾政美 depiction of the Edo [Tokyo] bookstore Kanseidō Izumiya Ichibee 甘泉堂和泉屋市兵衛. 『東海道名所圖會』6(寛政9/1797). https://t.co/7nqnuj6yb9 https://t.co/YRtuQnKPJG
“Tokaidochu hizakurige,” a comic novel by Jippensha Ikku, features Yajirobei and Kitahachi, a hilarious pair of commoners travelling from Edo to Kyoto on the Tokaido. Ikku drew illustrations for this excerpt of the novel. #ndldigital https://t.co/F9IBIONcMA https://t.co/Z8cldLPJkm
Here are 304 photos taken in Japan by Robert V. Mosier immediately following the end of WWII, which are available in the NDL Digital Collections. Get a glimpse of what postwar Japan looked like in full color. #ndldigital https://t.co/moOQ4pvixa https://t.co/lCtWwBKglE
How terrifying! A woman’s voice is counting dishes—one, two, three, four…. This is a well-known ghost story in Japan. Read this article to get the full story. #ndldigital https://t.co/NH3ZMYOeyd https://t.co/cbzAzdvGGS

18 0 0 0 OA 汽車ヅクシ

Picture book about steam trains published 1927. You can see a bento seller who sells #ekiben (train lunch) at platforms, which used to be a common scene but is now becoming rare. #ndldigital https://t.co/cLRObdYYyf https://t.co/b5Xg2Ox4G2
This #sugoroku is from the late Edo period, when culinary culture reached full maturity. If you have a chance to visit Japan someday, try a variety of Japanese dishes! #ndldigital https://t.co/6dL0kU0kOQ https://t.co/V71tEY9Wld

59 0 0 0 OA 千蟲譜 3巻

Manuscript of Senchu-fu (lit. Thousand insects picture book). The original work was written up by Kurimoto Tanshu, and manuscripts were made one after another. Some of the creatures listed in the book are not classified as insects today. https://t.co/UTsFJZLYeI https://t.co/t9NJxxS3EB

7 0 0 0 OA 大塔物語

To hop on the recent hype train of "triplograms", here are some of them as seen in the wild!

63 0 0 0 OA 内外野菜圖

Looks delicious! A variety of #vegetables from a picture book published by a Japanese government-operated nursery company in the late 19th century. Find more at #ndldigital https://t.co/wnOIsMTnmh https://t.co/RkfleR86TW

65 0 0 0 OA 日本名筆全集

・きみがてにまかするあきのかぜなれ/ばなびかぬくさもあらじとぞおもふ〔中務〕 (支美可天尓末可須留安支能可世奈礼/者那比可奴久左毛安良之止所於毛不) 《粘葉本和漢朗詠集》(夏・扇) 出典:https://t.co/QX7SGlpDBN https://t.co/BnBDzWTYu4

201 0 0 0 OA 百面相

Comic faces by #KobayashiKiyochika, #ukiyoe painter. Faces in various situations such as yawning, getting something in your eyes, feeling sad, and an angry face when scolding someone vs an insubordinate face after being scolded. Find more at #ndldigital https://t.co/8QL9deLHXB https://t.co/fVrJ5g4pH7

37 0 0 0 OA 船橋菓子の雛形

#Wagashi, Japanese confectionery, is used as gifts for weddings, ceremonies, farewells or souvenirs. These were drawn to show sample designs to customers in the 1880s. #ndldigital https://t.co/Zj9hRo1PDZ https://t.co/IuxZBNh0uz
新しい論文:「漢訳アビダルマにおける宇宙論と『宿曜経』」。仏教と占星術に興味がある方、ご覧ください。(New paper in Japanese, English version is forthcoming.) https://t.co/MYvkEh09RX https://t.co/yvRDlKWnhc

18 0 0 0 OA 東京名所帖

See the sights of Tokyo in the 1880s, including Asakusa, Ginza, and Shinbashi. #InoueYasuji (1864-1889) was a printmaker famous for landscape painting. He was also known by another name, #Tankei. #ndldigital. https://t.co/bN6DdN7Eg2 https://t.co/UZbmlCEn28

2 0 0 0 OA 平の建舞

Establishing peace 平? < 平の建舞 (I sense a pun ...?): https://t.co/F1RGQB3hiU https://t.co/5xKOi8P60O
This series of #nishikie depicts how people in the Edo period survived the heat of summer by using wisdom and wit. Here you can even see the prototype of a rotary fan. #ukiyoe #ndldigital https://t.co/SfauX3SUZ6 https://t.co/vE5BwQA4MD
This book from the Edo period includes illustrations of men and women in colorful costumes. But when you turn the page, you'll find that they are actually kitsune (foxes) and tanuki (raccoon dogs) disguised as humans. #ndldigital https://t.co/moOQ4pvixa https://t.co/D72c3MCZG5

37 0 0 0 OA 船橋菓子の雛形

#Wagashi, Japanese confectionery, is used as gifts for weddings, ceremonies, farewells or souvenirs. These were drawn to show sample designs to customers in the 1880s. #ndldigital https://t.co/Zj9hRo1PDZ https://t.co/6IE8JPLADW

34 0 0 0 OA (表紙)

A series of #yokai paintings by #ukiyoe artist #TsukiokaYoshitoshi, who had a lifelong passion for yokai paintings. You can see his masterpieces created in his last years at #ndldigital https://t.co/9rEClMW854 https://t.co/153cz2K8MT

63 0 0 0 OA 内外野菜圖

Looks delicious! A variety of #vegetables from a picture book published by a Japanese government-operated nursery company in the late 19th century. Find more at #ndldigital https://t.co/wnOIsMTnmh https://t.co/3ZxxljJlp0
Look at Japanese children in the late Meiji era. 48 stories of children's everyday lives. Stories by Iwaya Sazanami, a pioneer of juvenile literature in Japan. Published in 1912. #iwayasazanami #ndldigital https://t.co/V7V5wPmlXq https://t.co/9c5wI0xFmL
There were many #sugoroku (Japanese board games) created during the Edo period that featured social customs. Read this article: Sugoroku Board Games from the Edo Period (Part 3. Social Customs). #ndldigital https://t.co/6dL0kU0kOQ https://t.co/3PWxEvKKEx
In 1863, the Kaisei-jo was established in Edo as a Shogunate government facility for Western studies. This book was a French vocabulary collection of 1,490 words published by the Kaisei-jo. #FrenchLanguageDay #ndldigital https://t.co/5qwNZAJLZ4 https://t.co/kGtgNuusmx
The first Japanese translation of Origin of Species is available on NDL Digital Collections https://t.co/GTEa2GcYQE #ndldigital https://t.co/4ybfDaGhnL
This humorous book from the Edo period shows you how to write a letter to the Thunder God! https://t.co/44L2qpGrNl https://t.co/ELP9p9Gk0x

17 0 0 0 OA ニャンコちゃん

A short story about cute kittens. They were scolded in the end, but what mischief did they do? See their story at the NDL Digital Collections. #ChildrensBook #ndldigital https://t.co/onQBerqlic https://t.co/gCrPynxOyG

21 0 0 0 OA 貴女裁縫之図

Have you sewed something recently? Hari Kuyo is a ceremony peculiar to Japan where people give thanks to their old or broken sewing needles. #HariKuyo https://t.co/CN8nMc9AaH https://t.co/7gPmEbX8uP
Have you ever eaten #Washoku, traditional Japanese cuisine? #Hiroshige depicted #ukiyoe of delicious seafood which is essential for Washoku! #ndldigital https://t.co/2xwkGwTBQH https://t.co/gDYkrQIprN
Super helpful English caption: "The Seion oyobi Daku-on" || [ザ・]清音及濁音 < 1914 四國對照 南洋語自在 @ https://t.co/vMtpzVxJLS (w/thx to @Laichar1!) https://t.co/mYzRaQCTh5
This caricature depicts a doctor in the midst of an influenza epidemic in 1919. https://t.co/WcIZB1LtIq https://t.co/B3ZC3rQY88

25 0 0 0 OA はなしの絵本

These old #ChildrensBooks with lovely illustrations are available at NDL Digital collections. Find your favorite ones and have a good time reading with your family! #ndldigital https://t.co/bFEHMLUDkt https://t.co/t6SKeW9XKf
The one in the upper left corner is especially mice! pics below < Yoshida Mitsuyoshi's 吉田光由 Shinpen Jinkōki 新編塵劫記, 1671 ed. @ https://t.co/Prht4h2wit (image 55) & 1689 ed. @ https://t.co/5e9yBi0sb9 https://t.co/k2BcLK8610 https://t.co/izjrfPV4XP
This caricature depicts a doctor in the midst of an influenza epidemic in 1919. https://t.co/WcIZB1LtIq https://t.co/90xdd1Pb97
Not exactly what you might expect: a scrap book of business cards from the Edo period: https://t.co/0svnMXavK3 #ndldigital https://t.co/MVHCcawCSd
Struggles of an astronomer in creating Japan's first indigenous calendar in the 17c: https://t.co/7scozuMofG #ndldigital https://t.co/z0PsT0oDlU
Isn't it funny to see how "foreigners" at that time regarded Japan? #ndldigital https://t.co/5bvJ21TImv https://t.co/ItkdMt4fdK
MEOW! These are illustrations from "I am a Cat," the debut novel of Natsume Soseki https://t.co/J2kC49n9UE #ndldigital https://t.co/fEAagaDolz
Tofu, edamame, soy sauce - these Japanese favorites are all made from the same plant! https://t.co/aoraVP0tWu #ndldigital https://t.co/QItCDhrS3v
Who do you think of when you hear the phrase "a manly man?" Learn about the concept of masculinity over the past two hundred years in Japan. #ndldigital https://t.co/xhYA9h9HRx https://t.co/UJ8BuNvPwJ
by prof. Toyoshima "On the Manila copy [copies?] of the Spiritual xugiǒ" (cf. https://t.co/MtYUjx0TQ8), which however I haven't seen yet. Ordered a copy of it just a few minutes ago. But for now I'd guess the volume survived the war after all. Wouldn't be the only ... 6/

16 0 0 0 OA 耽奇漫録 20巻

@NDLJP_en Finally, the most interesting items, namely a few related to Korean. Here's the first: a short text in Korean followed by its translation into Japanese @ https://t.co/PRHXUqrWUA -- What the text is about? Well, about drinking and having fun! What else could it be. 11/ https://t.co/zwFdx6K1iC
The months of the year are hidden in the picture. Can you find them? The answer is here: https://t.co/D5gVXdt5og #ndldigital https://t.co/IeklsAk9pq
@rogzilla71 For those interested, the guidebook this comes from is scanned in its entirety at the National Diet Library of Japan: https://t.co/595d3uI5nx
A Japanese diplomatic mission in the late 19c. visited a beer brewery in the UK: https://t.co/IYt7JVZTMV #ndldigital https://t.co/V5flEoVbRu
The months of the year are hidden in the picture. Can you find them? The answer is here: https://t.co/D5gVXdbuwI #ndldigital https://t.co/xnjHpAcfBA
Some 1914 issues of 中学週報 / The Middle School Weekly, in English w/explanations in Japanese and J>E translation exercises for the use of students. See here for an article (in J) on the editor and Tokyo-based publisher behind this journal: https://t.co/6FqZSIFpyL https://t.co/D6y5QiVcOa

4 0 0 0 OA 和漢名数 : 2巻

See e.g. this NDL scan here for the relevant portion of Wakan meisū: https://t.co/M4OrIYgq2E -- The same book is also the source for the kana etymographies given in the Korean manual, incl. 草 as the supposed character underlying サ. (As I said above: サ was a little tricky.) 12/ https://t.co/Bj9DpgXyZF
As a follow-up to https://t.co/Vjxvpq7Owa on distinctive kana for e vs. ye, here are some more katakana only few of you will ever have seen before: wi, wu, we. From the (in yotsugana 四つ仮名-contexts) well-known Kenshuku ryōko-shū 蜆縮涼鼓集 (1695) @ https://t.co/ckTvWEe6zU 1/ https://t.co/YmY7i9zCga https://t.co/v84LWAQ9nt
Namazu-e in the Edo period, depicting Ebisu and explaining how catfish cause earthquakes https://t.co/3x05hPcB8W #ndldigital https://t.co/L7qoYsZYQe

5 0 0 0 OA バタヒヤ新聞

5) 日耳曼 (< English German) glossed as Doitsu ドイツ < Dutch Duits(land) @ https://t.co/liVc5Z1ELU (A nice example, btw, of how what were originally 2+ phonograms may act en bloc as a single morphogram!) 5/ https://t.co/CkIBIlD4WN

5 0 0 0 OA バタヒヤ新聞

Some random things of interest from the 1862 バタヒヤ新聞 @ https://t.co/tTx8UraWzm 1) 茄菲, glossed as koffī (kohhī?) コツヒー < Dutch koffiee @ https://t.co/LLLAhvcauJ Now you also know what coffee & Garfield the cat have in common: they've both been transcribed as 茄菲. 1/ https://t.co/apYXMHohVf

5 0 0 0 OA バタヒヤ新聞

Some random things of interest from the 1862 バタヒヤ新聞 @ https://t.co/tTx8UraWzm 1) 茄菲, glossed as koffī (kohhī?) コツヒー < Dutch koffiee @ https://t.co/LLLAhvcauJ Now you also know what coffee & Garfield the cat have in common: they've both been transcribed as 茄菲. 1/ https://t.co/apYXMHohVf
How would you greet royals on the street? Find out the answer from 700 years ago: https://t.co/Y1IALsPO2k #ndldigital https://t.co/hKxWBgSIJh
People of Edo enjoyed a virtual backstage tour at a kabuki theater by playing a board game: https://t.co/VukvttxTB1 #ndldigital https://t.co/twiwAqCxWg

5 0 0 0 OA 日本仇討物語

歌舞伎の演目で「敵討天下茶屋聚」いうのがあって関ヶ原の戦いの頃に宇喜多家臣の長船紀伊守と林玄蕃が争ったことが原因で起こった「天下茶屋の仇討」をモデルにした演目で、これの児童書に何故か突然明石掃部が出てくる(笑) 日本仇討物語 https://t.co/q9tKHQIxmZ https://t.co/LZm4R7SkiP
People of Edo enjoyed a virtual backstage tour at a kabuki theater by playing a board game: https://t.co/VukvttxTB1 #ndldigital https://t.co/id1FumATPt

20 0 0 0 OA 口絵

【基幹研究プロジェクト】 #日本関係欧文史料の世界 を更新しました 《図版紹介》にティチング『日本風俗図説』(1819)を追加しました。当時の婚礼や儀式の様子が色彩豊かに描かれています。 図:https://t.co/KMm2xBkfhD 解説:https://t.co/ZSK8G4wXSu https://t.co/fppiy3cZVL

