國中 均 西山 和孝 清水 幸夫 都木 恭一郎 川口 淳一郎 上杉 邦憲
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 (ISSN:13446460)
vol.52, no.602, pp.129-134, 2004 (Released:2004-05-20)
5 6

The microwave discharge ion engine generates plasmas of the main ion source as well as the neutralizer using 4GHz microwave without discharge electrodes and hollow cathodes, so that long life and durability against oxygen and air are expected. MUSES-C “HAYABUSA” spacecraft installing four microwave discharge ion engines was launched into deep space by M-V rocket on May 9, 2003. After vacuum exposure and several runs of baking for reduction of residual gas the ion engine system established the continuous acceleration of the spacecraft toward an asteroid. The Doppler shift measurement of the communication microwave revealed the performance of ion engines, which is 8mN thrust force for a single unit with 3,200sec specific impulse at 23mN/kW thrust power ratio. At the beginning of December 2003 the accumulated operational time exceeded 7,000 hours and units.
日沼 千尋 荒木 尚 種市 尋宙 西山 和孝
脳死・脳蘇生 (ISSN:1348429X)
vol.34, no.2, pp.82-90, 2022 (Released:2022-08-26)

西山 和孝
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
宇宙技術 (ISSN:13473832)
vol.4, pp.21-27, 2005 (Released:2005-11-19)

A completely new solar electric propulsion concept, the Air Breathing Ion Engine (ABIE), has been proposed for spacecraft drag makeup at very low altitudes, ranging from 150 to 200 km. ABIE scoops up neutral atoms and molecules traveling at an orbital velocity of approximately 8 km/s, ionizes them by means of an electron cyclotron resonance plasma source that is efficient in a wide range of low gas pressures, and accelerates the ionized air particles electrostatically to exhaust velocities larger than 100 km/s. The key technology of this thruster is the design of a propellant inlet which allows the incoming flow to enter the discharge chamber, yet it prevents the thermalized gas from escaping upstream. In this system, an air-breathing-type neutralizer may also be employed, in which case the need to carry on-board xenon propellant is eliminated and results in gains in payload mass if the mission duration is longer than 2 years. This technology should give researchers access to a part of the atmosphere that is currently very difficult to measure and is thus called the "ignorosphere." Promising applications other than aeronomy include science missions involving accurate gravity and magnetic field mapping, and high-resolution Earth surveillance.
林 寛 碓井 美由紀 中山 宜典 清水 幸夫 西山 和孝 國中 均
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 (ISSN:13446460)
vol.55, no.647, pp.604-611, 2007 (Released:2007-12-27)

An ion engine with 10,000sec-class high specific impulse is expected as primary propulsion for interplanetary space mission with extremely high delta-V, and needs high voltage for ion acceleration over 10kV. The microwave discharge ion source without solid electrodes can supply sophisticated technologies and simple composition on electrical isolation for such a high voltage. New electro-static grid made of carbon-carbon composite material was fabricated based on the numerical simulation of “igx” code. The “μ10HIsp” ion engine combining the ECR ion source, microwave discharge neutralizer, DC blocks, propellant isolators, carbon-carbon composite grid and so on generated successfully a plasma beam with 10,000sec specific impulse using 15kV acceleration voltage.
村田 希吉 大友 康裕 久志本 成樹 齋藤 大蔵 金子 直之 武田 宗和 白石 淳 遠藤 彰 早川 峰司 萩原 章嘉 佐々木 淳一 小倉 裕司 松岡 哲也 植嶋 利文 森村 尚登 石倉 宏恭 加藤 宏 横田 裕行 坂本 照夫 田中 裕 工藤 大介 金村 剛宗 渋沢 崇行 萩原 靖 古郡 慎太郎 仲村 佳彦 前川 邦彦 真山 剛 矢口 有乃 金 史英 高須 修 西山 和孝
一般社団法人 日本外傷学会
日本外傷学会雑誌 (ISSN:13406264)
vol.30, no.3, pp.341-347, 2016-07-20 (Released:2016-07-20)

【目的】重症外傷患者における病院前輸液と生命予後, 大量輸血および凝固異常との関連について明らかにする. 【対象と方法】Japanese Observational Study of Coagulation and Thrombolysis in Early Trauma (J–OCTET) で後方視的に収集したISS≧16の外傷796例について, 28日死亡, 大量輸血 (24時間Red Cell Concentrate : RCC10単位以上), 外傷性血液凝固障害 (Trauma–Associated Coagulopathy : TAC : PT–INR≥1.2と定義) の3つを評価項目として, 病院前輸液施行の有無の影響を検討するために多変量解析を行なった. さらに年齢 (65歳以上/未満), 性別, 重症頭部外傷合併の有無, 止血介入 (手術またはIVR) の有無により層別化解析した. 【結果】病院前輸液施行85例, 非施行711例であり, 両群間における年齢, 性別, 28日死亡, 大量輸血, 止血介入に有意差を認めなかった. 病院前輸液群ではISSが高く (中央値25 vs. 22, p=0.001), TACが高率であった (29.4% vs. 13.9%, p<0.001). 病院前輸液は28日死亡, 大量輸血の独立した規定因子ではなかった. TACの有無を従属変数とし, 年齢・性別・病院前輸液の有無・ISSを独立変数とするロジスティック回帰分析では, 病院前輸液 (オッズ比 (OR) 2.107, 95%CI 1.21–3.68, p=0.009) とISS (1点増加によるOR 1.08, 95%CI 1.06–1.10, p<0.001) は年齢とともに独立したリスク因子であった. 層別解析では, 65歳未満 (OR 3.24, 95%CI 1.60–6.55), 頭部外傷合併 (OR 3.04, 95%CI 1.44–6.42), 止血介入例 (OR 3.99, 95%CI 1.40–11.4) において, 病院前輸液は独立したTACのリスク因子であった. 【結語】ISS≧16の外傷患者に対する病院前輸液は, 28日死亡および大量輸血との関連は明らかではないが, TAC発症の独立したリスク因子である. 特に65歳未満, 頭部外傷合併, 止血介入を要する症例に対する病院前輸液は, TAC発症のリスクとなる可能性がある.
國中 均 西山 和孝 清水 幸夫 都木 恭一郎 川口 淳一郎 上杉 邦憲
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (ISSN:13446460)
vol.52, no.602, pp.129-134, 2004-03-05
4 6

The microwave discharge ion engine generates plasmas of the main ion source as well as the neutralizer using 4GHz microwave without discharge electrodes and hollow cathodes, so that long life and durability against oxygen and air are expected. MUSES-C "HAYABUSA" spacecraft installing four microwave discharge ion engines was launched into deep space by M-V rocket on May 9, 2003. After vacuum exposure and several runs of baking for reduction of residual gas the ion engine system established the continuous acceleration of the spacecraft toward an asteroid. The Doppler shift measurement of the communication microwave revealed the performance of ion engines, which is 8mN thrust force for a single unit with 3,200sec specific impulse at 23mN/kW thrust power ratio. At the beginning of December 2003 the accumulated operational time exceeded 7,000 hours and units.