三宅 仁 藤正 巌 井街 宏 西坂 剛 大道 久 岩井 矩成 河野 明正 渥美 和彦
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.7, no.1, pp.145-148, 1978-01-15 (Released:2011-10-07)

According to our total artificial heart experiment, the long survival can be achieved by maintainig of cardiac output in normal rate, which is 80 to 100ml/kg.When an experimental animal is made exercise, its cardiac output should be increase. The amount of increased cardiac output is seemed to relate venous pressure, peripheral resistance or partial O2 pressure of blood. The relation between load of exercise and such physiological data, as CVP, TPR and O2 consumption, were analysed quantitatively in this report.The results were; 1) By CVP, the cardiac output of artificial goat during exercise could not be determined. 2) TPR has some relation to the cardiac output but we need more precise study. 3) O2 consumtion is seem to be most useful information to control total artificial heart.
青山 慎 山岸 隼 三宅 仁
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.Supplement, pp.S393-S395, 2015 (Released:2016-06-18)

The stress is classified roughly into the distress and the eustress. The method for distress reduction is to receive counseling. However more convenient stress evaluation system is needed. We focused on onomatopoeias. Relevance of them and stress was investigated. The first purpose of this study was to develop of simple evaluation system using onomatopoeias. The second was to evaluate the system and usefulness of onomatopoeias. Ten male subjects were participated in the experiment using the system for two weeks. After that, they answered the system evaluation test of 34 items in 5-stages. As the result, the average was 3.94. Therefore, the system evaluated as a high rate. However, the average of one evaluation item, "This system leads to distress reduction", was 2.8. This means that the system could not reduce subjects' distress. Thus, the system needs a more clear feedback that those users are in the distress state.
中瀬 裕之 田村 健太郎 玉置 亮 竹島 靖浩 乾 登史孝 三宅 仁 堀内 薫 榊 寿右
静脈学 (ISSN:09157395)
vol.18, no.3, pp.157-161, 2007 (Released:2022-07-09)

当科における術後脳静脈梗塞の症例から,術後脳静脈梗塞の臨床的特徴を検討し,合併症(術後静脈梗塞)を回避するために注意すべきことについて述べる.脳外科手術中の脳静脈損傷により術後静脈梗塞を起こした自験例8症例(全手術中の0.3%),男性3例,女性5例(平均58.1歳)を対象とした.二次性静脈血栓の進展により緩徐に症状が発現してくる群(n=5)と急激に脳静脈灌流障害を起こしてくる群(n=3)の2群に分類できた.症状の発現が旱いものほど重篤な症状がみられた.外科的療法を要したものが2例,保存的に対処できたものが6例である.予後は良好が6例,軽度障害を残したものが2例であった.術後脳静脈梗塞を少なくするためには,(1)術前に静脈解剖を考慮し,重要な静脈を避けた手術アプローチの選択,(2)静脈を損傷しない手術法の工夫, (3)脳静脈損傷時の対処や術後管理など,できるかぎり静脈を温存し合併症を早期に予測し予防する努力が必要である.
三宅 仁 宮本 義行 瀬 和頼 藤本 輝雄
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.13, no.3, pp.1243-1246, 1984-06-15 (Released:2011-10-07)

沖浦 達幸 西村 浩治 西向 弘明 三宅 仁
DNA多型 = DNA polymorphism
vol.13, pp.274-277, 2005-05-30
小島 輝明 高本 俊一 森岡 賢次 山本 晋平 綿貫 雅也 長谷川 光彦 三宅 仁 塩野谷 明
Society of Biomechanisms
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.16, pp.231-241, 2002

It is effective to determine running pace in advance, based on individual ability, in order to demonstrate the highest performance in long-distance running. The evaluation indices for a long-distance runner are maximum oxygen uptake, lactate threshold (LT), and ventilatory threshold (VT). These, however, are mostly used stastistically, so results may differ from real ability in a personal equation.<BR>The purposes of this study were to construct an energy-metabolism model and to optimize the running pace of long-distance running using a genetic algorithm (GA). The energy-metabolism model constructed in the study was composed of an anaerobic energy feeder structure, an aerobic energy feeder structure, and the section to be run. These elements were expressed as differential equations and restricted inequality formulas. The running speed for each subject, calculated from the best time for 300 meters, the amount of oxygen uptake, and running speed at the VT in each subject were used as parameters for the energy-metabolism model.<BR>VT was measured by a gradually increasing speed exercise using a treadmill because it was difficult to measure during field running. There are many differences between treadmill running and field running, however. In this study, the subject ran continuously on a treadmill with traction to his back using a rubber tube. The running speed for treadmill running was adjusted to that in field running based on heart rate.<BR>The energy-metabolism model had two controlled variables, and running speed could be controlled by these variables. We tried to optimize the energy-metabolism model by determining the two controlled variables using a GA. The spurt start point was also determined during optimization. The GA determined the spurt start point based on the energy-metabolism model.<BR>The running speed in 5000-meter races was optimized as follows: (1) speed ascends immediately after the start of the race, and then descends by a constant degree; (2) speed ascends again at 1000 to 1400 meters before the goal; and (3) almost 1 minute later, running goes to maximum speed then descends again by a constant degree all the way to the goal. This optimization result corresponded closely to the actual racing of the subject, who trained for improved ability in long-distance running.
小島 輝明 高本 後一 森岡 賢次 山本 晋平 綿貫 雅也 長谷川 光彦 三宅 仁 塩野谷 明
vol.16, pp.231-241, 2002-06-25

It is effective to determine running pace in advance, based on individual ability, in order to demonstrate the highest performance in long-distance running. The evaluation indices for a long-distance runner are maximum oxygen uptake, lactate threshold (LT), and ventilatory threshold (VT). These, however, are mostly used stastistically, so results may differ from real ability in a personal equation. The purposes of this study were to construct an energy-metabolism model and to optimize the running pace of long-distance running using a genetic algorithm (GA). The energy-metabolism model constructed in the study was composed of an anaerobic energy feeder structure, an aerobic energy feeder structure, and the section to be run. These elements were expressed as differential equations and restricted inequality formulas. The running speed for each subject, calculated from the best time for 300 meters, the amount of oxygen uptake, and running speed at the VT in each subject were used as parameters for the energy-metabolism model. VT was measured by a gradually increasing speed exercise using a treadmill because it was difficult to measure during field running. There are many differences between treadmill running and field running, however. In this study, the subject ran continuously on a treadmill with traction to his back using a rubber tube. The running speed for treadmill running was adjusted to that in field running based on heart rate. The energy-metabolism model had two controlled variables, and running speed could be controlled by these variables. We tried to optimize the energy-metabolism model by determining the two controlled variables using a GA. The spurt start point was also determined during optimization. The GA determined the spurt start point based on the energy-metabolism model. The running speed in 5000-meter races was optimized as follows: (1) speed ascends immediately after the start of the race, and then descends by a constant degree; (2) speed ascends again at 1000 to 1400 meters before the goal; and (3) almost 1 minute later, running goes to maximum speed then descends again by a constant degree all the way to the goal. This optimization result corresponded closely to the actual racing of the subject, who trained for improved ability in long-distance running.