樊 怡舟 中尾 走 西谷 元 村澤 昌崇
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.2, pp.69-77, 2021 (Released:2022-04-27)

In the research area of evaluating the effectiveness of study abroad programs, adopting counterfactual frameworks such as DID, PSM or IV has been considered a valid analytical approach. Previous findings drawn based on these conventional frameworks suggest that even short-term study abroad programs have a significant effect on the improvement of TOEIC scores. However, these studies are often designed to estimate the effects with students’ prior TOEIC scores, and only controlling departmental or school affiliations, while confounding factors, particularly students’ competency such as learning attitudes as well as learning motivations, remain uncontrolled. This study attempts to extract students’ competency from high-dimensional data with a large volume of missing values in student’s test score sheets, using the Alternating Least Squares (ALS) method. Injecting the extracted competency in the subsequent regression analysis en ables us to accurately estimate the causality between the study abroad experience and the observed outcomes. Our analysis result reveals that, unlike findings from earlier studies, once students’ competency is properly controlled, the estimated effect of the study abroad programs becomes negligible with no significance. Therefore, the finding suggests that the causal effect claimed by the previous studies might be due to a bias engendered by students’ self-selection. The result also indicates that datasets readily accessible at any university, such as student test score sheets, could effectively be used for project evaluations within an institution, notably because the confounding factors are properly controlled as suggested by the current study.
村澤 昌崇 椿 美智子 松繁 寿和 清水 裕士 筒井 淳也 林 岳彦 宮田 弘一 中尾 走 樊 怡舟

中尾 走
高等教育研究 (ISSN:24342343)
vol.25, pp.217-236, 2022-08-10 (Released:2023-12-23)

本稿の目的は,性別専攻分離がどのような要因によって変化してきたのかを明らかにすることである.性別専攻分離とは,性別によって選択する専攻分野に差異があることを言う.日本を含む先進国では,性別専攻分離が小さくなっているため,専攻分野内の男女の偏りも小さくなっているという解釈がなされてきた.けれども,実際には性別専攻分離の変化は,専攻分野内の男女差だけでなく,様々な要因によって変化することが知られている.専攻分野内の男女差が小さくなっておらず,その他の要因によって性別専攻分離が小さくなっている場合,女性の選択する専攻分野が多様になっているという解釈は誤解となる. そこで,本研究では,性別専攻分離の変化を5つの要因に分解し,どのような要因によって性別専攻分離が変化しているのかを明らかにした.分析の結果,2つの結論が得られた.1つ目が,専攻分野内の男女の偏りは実際に小さくなっており,性別専攻分離を小さくする効果があった一方,各専攻分野のサイズの変化によって,性別専攻分離が大きくなっており,2つの効果が相反する影響を与えていた.2つ目が,専攻分野ごとの寄与を明らかにした結果,それぞれの専攻分野で異なる寄与を与えており,時点によっても影響の方向や大きさが異なることが分かった.
宮田 弘一 中尾 走
一般社団法人 大学教育学会
大学教育学会誌 (ISSN:13442449)
vol.44, no.1, pp.130-139, 2022 (Released:2023-06-23)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the “Sports Club Myth” that sports club members hold an advantage in obtaining employment and in the workplace. It is thought that the following things are acquired by sports club members through their club activities: (1) they have experience devoting themselves to something in which they can talk about in job interviews; (2) they have the basic skills that are necessary for success in a company; and (3) they are able to adjust to working life more quickly after joining a company. Despite this, however, findings by the university sports association (UNIVAS), which has offered career support for sports club members since its establishment in 2019 indicates that those involved at UNIVAS are not optimistic about career support for these students.   Therefore, using a nationwide university survey, this research will focus on whether or not sports club members hold an advantage in getting job offers over non- sports-club. Our research will calculate the Propensity Scores of sports and non-sports club students and will match those with similar Propensity Scores. The Average Treatment effect on the Treated was the measure used on the question, “Would the student who belongs to a sports club have been able to obtain a job offer if he or she did not belong to the club?” Our findings suggest that students participating in sports clubs were about 20 points more likely to obtain job offers than non-sports students.
村澤 昌崇 中尾 走 松宮 慎治 MURASAWA Masataka NAKAO Ran MATSUMIYA Shinji
名古屋高等教育研究 (ISSN:13482459)
no.19, pp.153-169, 2019-03

本稿は、大学の生産性の影響要因について、昨今関心が高まっているガバナンスを中心に検討した。その際本稿での方法論上の特徴は、「ゼロのインフレ」への対応である。本稿で扱う大学の生産性指標は、国際誌へ掲載された論文数を用いているが、特定の学問領域では外国語での発表の文化が無く、この生産性指標が「ゼロ」であるケースが多発する。この分布の偏りに適切に対応するべく、本稿ではZero-Inflated modelとHurdle modelを応用した。分析の結果、学長と教授会への権限の集中度が生産性に及ぼす影響が不透明であること、むしろ大学の歴史・規模・威信といった外形的な特徴の影響が鮮明であることが明らかとなった。この結果から、権限を一定のところに集中すれば大学がうまくいく、というような単純な"物語"は、現段階では通用しているとは言い難く、大学の実情を無視したトップダウンや、トップダウンを誤解したマイクロマネジメントで辣腕を奮っても、大学が機能するかどうかは疑わしいことが推察された。先行研究の成果も併せて考察すれば、本来ガバナンスとは、良好な環境や構成員から支持されるリーダーが生まれるような大学組織へと導くことに本質があり、権限の集散はそのような環境を作るためにこそ用いられるべきであり、大学に変化をもたらしうる数多ある要因の一つに過ぎない点についても指摘した。In this paper, we examined the factors that influence university productivity, focusing on governance. We examined the university administrative response to zero inflation by looking at the productivity index of the universities covered in this paper. In order to cope with distribution bias, the authors used a zero-inflated model and the Hurdle model, and these analyses showed that the concentration of authority being vested in the president and faculty has had an uncertain influence on productivity. Furthermore, the study showed that external characteristics such as the history, scale, and prestige have a strong influence on the productivity of university departments. From this result, it is clear that saying a university does well based on the concentration of authority is overly simplistic and not likely to be established. It is doubtful whether universities can work successfully in a top-down or a micro-managed atmosphere. Considering the results of previous research together with the current study's findings, it can be said that university governance is essentially a way to create a good environment and establish a leader who will be supported by students, faculty, and staff. In conclusion, university governance is only one of many factors that can bring about needed changes within a university.